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Posts posted by Hecticus

  1. 21 minutes ago, Cergorach said:

    Troll a lot?


    It's been maybe 4 hours since uptime blah blah …

    Is this forum good for much else? Armchair game devs shouting in a vacuum, and chronic complainers complaining chronically.. what else is there to do?


    my trolls aren’t daft failures to grasp the situation (usually) but rather tongue in cheek hyperbolic commentary on said situation… there were already 20 people scanning Talemai when I posted.

  2. I usually have a stable connection, but occasionally I will crash and then have repeated immediate crashes. I am able to connect to websites so it looks like I have a good connnection, but if I ping -t google and watch, I’m getting higher than average packet loss. I suspect DU is intolerant of packet loss, and the problem is actually your isp lacking on you.

  3. There lots of ore on the market sure, there are lots of players who don’t do anything with ore but sell it. -They got the memo that it’s worth more than they can make on parts with it.. even with the ore prices where they are -here’s the rub; we’re trying to run a factory. We are getting enough T1, sure, but can’t say the same about T2 at all, and all our money is spent on taxes and schematics. We CAN’T buy that ore that’s in the market. So we slog along and produce what we can (factory is all but stopped atm) and run missions to pay the rent. How is this better than competing against whales in the market? Hell we weren’t even at that point, we’re still filling internal orders.

  4. On 11/29/2022 at 12:30 PM, DerbyDude said:
    But new players can't even get paid or buy useful land to them now.    This game already end game and dying.  And I paid for a year!  T3 ore price has now killed what's left of the market for those that don't own t3 land.  A decent ship going ot run you 100mil and you can't even get a 100 mil in 4-5 months because there is no one buying stuff.  


    1) T3 prices are in the sh*tter.

    2) Depends on your definition of decent I suppose, but a decent ship can be had for more like 10 mil, and you can build your own decent ship for 5 or less.

    3) you can easily get 100mil in 4-5 months running missions with a 2.5 mil (build cost of my personal ship) ship. Agreed you won’t make that selling things, unless you find the right thing to sell..

    I’m not saying everything here is peachy, cause it isn’t. Hyperbolic statements just muddy the waters though.


  5. Well you’re not wrong but. I’m not ready to quit. We are surviving but it’s mostly in donations from mission runners in the org(we don’t demand anything from our members). Shut that off and we’ll have to start shutting down miners, then the factory follows.

    we are actually hoping to pull through this and be able to sell parts, ships, maybe even ore to the market on the other side. It’s not going to happens as long as NQ is standing over the economy with a frying pan in its hand.

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