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Everything posted by Zarcata

  1. Thank you for the information. At the moment it still does not help me how to improve the problems at my location in the game. At the beginning it said that the enormous number of elements drags down the performance. In the meantime I have removed almost all machines and elements. No improvement. Another culprit was the enormous change in the ground due to terraforming. But with Demeter the ground is completely freed from this, again no improvement. As a third possibility, my typical Borg structure was blamed in the meantime, but here too, I have meanwhile removed almost 100 cores - no improvement. Especially since with this structure the grid does not indicate any load.
  2. so now we should all go to at least 3 accounts to get enough calibrations to supply economic fields?
  3. I don't know, is there a similar law in France as there is in Germany? Called "unfair competition" here Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10002665
  4. Sometimes I think you knowingly design the game in such a way that fewer and fewer people want to play DualUniverse. It certainly won't attract new players. Really: I just don't understand it. Have you never played yourselves? In the end, is it really just because we players built too much too fast? It all feels like a punishment with Demeter.
  5. Why not just make the MUs completely automated? Set them up, connect them to containers, start them and that's it. If you want to do this "mini-game", please feel free to have it, but as an added bonus, without influencing the MiningUnit.
  6. Again: calculating with such maximum values is and remains wrong, because you cannot guarantee them and they only apply on a field with 60%. If you want this 60%, you need the interaction of 7 fields, whereby only the middle field will have this 60%, the others only 30%. The whole calibration is very luck-dependent and can break any calculation again. Likewise, if you do not always set the calibrations at the right time.
  7. Moons are great, at least if you use Space-Only ships. Who wants to go to the overpopulated planets?
  8. The 230 litres are only if they have max skills and 60% tile bonus and do NOT calibrate via VR. So it's the best you could get if you got everything out through skills and luck. Many streamers show how exactly these 230 litres are not a standard, they all seem to be unable to manage this and usually get values between 98-182 litres. Maybe he'd like to stream a round and prove how real these numbers really are, if it's that easy.
  9. I can only speak from my point of view, I have achieved an enormous amount in the game, mostly for the reason that I just have a lot of free time. so accordingly I have accumulated an ingame wealth, whereby it is mainly industry and a hell of a lot of space cores and steel voxels. Do I feel like losing them? Of course not, but I would understand and participate in a full wipe if it were a full wipe that really let all players start with the same conditions in the game. I would then no longer put so much time into the game until release (especially the grind and astro-mining), but my subscription would still actively continue as an annual subscription and automatically renew, simply because I love this game and want to support it. And now comes the important point: I want honesty from NQ in this regard. And this openness is missing. It doesn't feel honest, like a clear statement. I wish, no matter what it becomes now, that either something is done reasonably or not at all. Because if it's purely about beta player advantages over a new player, anything would be an advantage and grave, whether it's BP, skill points or areas that would be preserved. - "Yes we will fully mop up and agree that it will deliver the best result....." - "No, we definitely don't want to wipe as we want to bring new players into the game with different mechanics (more solar system, connecting gates) so we don't lose the progress of the beta" I as a player would like the second point better of course - why can't we look for solutions together with NQ? Present ideas and NQ will check the implementation and give regular feedback, just as we will give feedback. We are "free employees" here who "work" in a beta. A resource that NQ seems not to take seriously or importantly enough. But in the end it is very important, because we are the ones who will provide the income for NQ when we will only pay subscriptions or use a shop. translate from:
  10. It's totally exciting to fly 60su through space.
  11. You're probably right, I should just sit back and relax for another 1-5 years and then come back for the release to see what the game has become and only then decide whether to get in or not.
  12. I would partially agree with this if we were in an alpha. In an alpha stage, you can drop content, add new content, change the direction of the game and much more, but not in a beta! And that's an important point here, NQ has declared beta status and thus advertised a product and customers have paid for it. From a legal point of view, you can't change everything to suit NQ, because this would give rise to claims for compensation. I am sure NQ knows this very well.
  13. Wait a minute. In the past, you went digging earth out of the ground because you wanted to build something with the material. You could set this time as you wanted, there was no obligation. If you didn't feel like it for 2-3-7-20 days, you simply took a break and your score was paused, so to speak. Nothing was deleted or was in danger in any way, so there were no negative influences to worry about. But now, as soon as I want to keep my territories, I have to pay the taxes. The mining units are not fully automated either, they consume a lot of my time. So you can only use 6 recharges a day to optimise the units and mine the ores on the surface. However, I also have to use this time every day to keep it profitable, because I now have forced costs that I didn't have to deal with before. This means that before I can play the way I want, I have to make sure that I play the way I want in order to maintain my obligations. And no, it is not a goal-oriented solution that we all now travel back to Sanctuary or put the territories on HQ. The MiningUnits also bring me much less ores in the whole runtime than used to be found in the ground. So purely in terms of the time factor, these units are not an improvement! The same applies to these "missions", they are not profitable in terms of time and benefit. Simply digging into the ground to find ore and selling it on the market was faster and always brought more quanta into the pocket. Likewise, you didn't have to fly through the PvP zone, where you could generally lose everything. (It also doesn't help if you equip a mining ship with weapons, it doesn't help against the pirates' metaships, they are only happy about more loot). In the end, Demeter introduced a compulsory content and at the same time enormously slowed down and permanently slowed down one's own progress and the progress of the civilisation. But that is not so much the problem at present, because slow does not necessarily mean bad. What is bad now, however, is the planned wipe for the release. So what is the point of continuing to build, collect materials, set up machine lines... if soon everything will be lost and nothing is safe? Those who have a beta key may not care, but some players will pay for it because it was assumed that there would be no wipe from the beta onwards, unless an extreme technical, unsolvable problem arose that made a wipe the last resort. At the moment there are no such unsolvable problems. The terrain wipe was also unnecessary, because it was not an unsolvable problem, but mostly just a financial problem. Likewise, a release wipe is generally unnecessary because there are many ways to treat old and new players in the game neutrally and equally. But sure, the wipe is easier and cheaper - yet contradictory to promises made at the time and a slap in the face for all players who pay a subscription.
  14. There is a big difference between saying you won't do a wipe, but by technical necessity you can't rule it out as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted, and planning a wipe or partial wipe and only finding out how much of a loss a player would take who put time and money into a product where the wipe itself was not planned as a fixed component, but only as a nasty surprise if all other measures failed. However, we have already solved problems through a partial wipe, although it was probably not an extreme and unsolvable problem, but purely a financial problem. (Terrain Resett) This partial reset did not have to take place, but was nevertheless sold as if it were absolutely necessary. The same seems to be happening with other wipes. These are not necessary! Neither in the sense of old players, current players, nor new players. There are ways to lure new players into the game with a new solar system at the time of release, without this having a negative impact on the game experience for more advanced players.
  15. This quote comes from a long time ago, in the meantime there have been changes. The last one was already clearer. And yes, resetting the economy logically includes all skills, as skills have enormous economic influence. Similarly, BP would have enormous influence, as many constructs contain millions of values. So only empty BPs would be possible here, if you had to fill them again with materials before you could set them. Empty BP Quanta resett Skill resett sounds like a FullWipe to me.
  16. If magic blueprints were to be offered as a wipe replacement, they would probably be without content. So a player keeps his BP, but has to re-gain the materials like all other players. In this way, what is there now could be preserved without any advantages.
  17. I don't understand why they put these taxes in. Of course they said that it would get rid of many areas and constructs that are no longer used by active players. Accordingly, it is also an austerity measure. (Is NQ really doing so badly financially?) The problem could also have been solved by moving this process to an active subscription. Same result, except that you wouldn't harm very many players by doing this, because you are now imposing a game compulsion and style of play on the players. Where is the motto "Play how you want - be who you want and develop yourself"? I have now tested the MiningUnits for a few days and the mini-game is already annoying! Just running back and forth to the ground ores, just the fact that you first have to level up for many weeks to enable progress. It feels wrong to demand taxes from players just to force them into the game in terms of time. They wanted players to have more freedom and more time to "play" - so why weren't these MiningUnits completely automated? An area restriction on how many areas a player can have in each solar system would have done justice. By the way, their system does not prevent that many players now create many alts to generate more ores. Let's see how long they will enjoy doing this. In principle, it doesn't matter, since they apparently plan to do a wipe at the end of the beta anyway. So why invest time and money now and not just wait for the release? When it's released in 3-5 years, at least you'll see what you're buying. I find it cheeky that inactive players from the beta will now lose everything and have to log in to save it. Some players have reasons why they don't currently play DualUniverse, but would have come back later if there was meaningful content. Telling these players to log in or pay a subscription to log in so you don't lose your areas and buildings shames me. It smacks of NQ currently begging for every subscription and not understanding that this way more subscription players will leave.
  18. The last Q&A brought up the topic of the "wipe" again. I don't understand why this has now become the basis for discussion again. I decided on a 12-month subscription because it was supposed to be a persistent universe for us players and a "wipe" would be used as a last technical resort if there were no other options. In no way was there any equality given from beta players to players who don't come until release. I would not have created my account and my children's if we had known there was going to be an economic wipe. At the time, NQ said that we beta players should already be building a society and civilisation so that players who will come to release will already see content and not arrive in an empty, dead solar system. In short, I no longer enjoy playing something that I'm about to lose and then have to pay for. Would they go to the cinema and pay admission if after the cinema their memory was wiped only to be asked to pay again? We would like to continue playing, so I hope that there will finally be a public and clear information if and in which form a wipe will take place. Currently, many players are moving their buildings to Sanctuary Moon in the hope that they will be safe there because it is (still) tax-exempt. Is it possible to save these many hours of rebuilding because a wipe will destroy everything? Translation from German, I hope everything is translated correctly?
  19. I'm thinking of a scenario in which it was claimed that we, as players, could discover the remains of an ancient culture on alien planets and moons... I'm beginning to think that the beta players could have built up this ancient culture and that there will be a complete wipe at release that builds on this.
  20. If they don't know about laws and reimbursement claims, why do they keep trying to answer me? My questions are directed at NQ, as the post should also be explicitly understood. And yes, I think a lot of players will be interested, because a lot of players are currently inclined to make claims.
  21. Great, I'll pass that tip on. If it's about definitions, then we are definitely in an alpha, legally speaking.
  22. Do I understand correctly that you are telling players who currently have an active subscription and pay real money to play a beta (saying there will be no wipe) that this time and money invested is worth nothing? Can we then talk about refunding the subscriptions?
  23. Since the direction of DualUniverse has changed with Demeter and coming and will no longer offer the content in the form as once pronounced and marketed, what will NQ's position be on claims for returns or replacements for packages or subscriptions already purchased?
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