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Everything posted by RugesV

  1. They are not adding enough features. How many features have they added in the past year? Pretty sure I could count them on one hand, if they were spectacular enough to remember in the first place. They need to start releasing new features. Every month a batch of new features should roll out. I would even go as far as make it so the first thursday of every month you released a new feature. If you put it on a set time like that everyone thats watching on the shadows will check back every first thursday to see if its something new that wants to bring them back to the game. Becasue right now, while you guys are releasing allot of patches. they are all backend patches fixing, bugs, lowering server costs, If I was using this software for my company the patches would look great. However I am not using this software for my company I am a gamer. and while I do like to see bug fixes on the list, or new skins. Not seeing any new things to go play with, or new things to go explore new things to build. Especially when I compare it to other games with smaller teams. that are releasing allot more game content then you guys. Hell there are even people who have released free mods to games that have more content in them then your teams have done in the last year. And I keep hearing you are working on this, you are working on that. And its to the point where I feel you are stringing me along. And until I start seeing actual content put into the game I think I am going to step back a little. I dont know what the problem is on your side. But maybe you need to fire some under performers? Plenty of people out there looking for work. And the best part is they can all do it from home.
  2. Any new planets added should not have safe zones with the exceptions of area's around markets. And any ships parked on this safe zone should be charged an hourly parking tax.
  3. Bots pay 23-25 quanta for T1's. 47-50 for T2's. There is currently only 1 Buy order for a T1 from a player that is higher then the bots (26q for 26584 Bauxite on Lacobus 4). There are allot of buy orders for less then what the bots are willing to pay. And each market starts out with 4? of those bot buy orders in that range. Its not until you get below 20 do player orders really start kicking in. The vast majority of ore that is sold on the market is to bots. And hate them as much as you like. but they are the only way to raise 600,000,000 to get schematics to setup some specific factory lines in a quick enough manner. If anything it is going to help the Sell order market. I mean if the space bot is buying T1's at 100q for L. The org that is controlling the space market can then buy up all the ones at 20-50 quanta, and then haul it to space for a good profit. Space camps and space blockades are a good thing. That means there is a reason to PVP. Unlike the fake Feli blockades, which where players only doing it for an RP reason.
  4. This has nothing to do with player markets. Why would a player set up a market to buy ore higher then the bots are buying it on planets? and why would they set it up in a PVP area? I dont think you understand the concept here. Exactly. Pirates will camp it 24/7. Anti pirates will camp them 24/7. Organizations will have large sell ops with large flotillas all going at the same time to counter pirates. which will in turn bring orgs that hate those orgs for even more space combat. Yea there is a balance problem in there somewhere. Maybe 2 or 3 times planet side value is not enough to be worth the risk. Because if you make it to low no one will use it, you make it to high you can damage the economy. Could even go as far as the price it on a dynamic scale. No one uses it and the price keeps going up each day, or each hour. Eventually its going to get to a price where it becomes worth the risk. And yes space mining and space territories are coming. Those alone are not going to be enough content. Not even space mining, space territories, and space markets are going to be enough. Other things will also need to be added, The space market idea is just a way to break up the current situation. Which is players mine resources and then fly them 40km to the nearest market to sell them. No reason to fly them to another planet. Unless your actually using them for production. And then your only hauling higher tier ores because you can get the lower tier stuff on the planets your hauling in. And the volume is so low and the price is so high on that stuff your just warping it from safe space to safe space. No what this idea is suggesting, is the vast majority of oar that is mined, the vast majority of ore that is sold to bots. Instead of getting hauled 40km without fear of attack. Get hauled to a dangerous place for a greater reward.
  5. These would be market places in PVP space. They would have a small safe zone around them. large enough to allow landing safely, But small enough to not allow a player to get up to speed or warp away from. iE something like 2km safe zone, but a 50km warp disruption field. These locations would have bots that buy ore just like we have now on planets. However the prices at these locations would be higher then what you get on planet. IE Bots might buy T1's at 50 or 75q per unit. This gets more ships flying in space. creating more opportunities for PVP. For those digging you spend less time digging and more time hualing. This allows players to place buy order at above bot prices on planets and haul it to space to make money.
  6. Mega factories will never be stopped by this. Megafactories will have friends pick up the new skills. and if unavail will create more alts to fill in the gap. And if you do a major overhual on the skill system your going to have to allow a respec which will then allow megafactories to be setup just as good as specialized factories. One of the things I can think of that would limit megafactories would be specialized cores. IE a core that gives bonuses to refining. a core that gives bonuses to smelting, a core that gives bonuses to intermediary parts, a core that gives bonuses to space parts, a core that gives bonuses to atmo parts. And even then that will not even limit megafactories since all that will do is result in several cores being placed next to each other. Granted you could make these cores deployable in PVP area's only. which would limit them. Granted that would probably only result in super megafactories that are protected by large orgs. However that would create game content.
  7. Lets use Steel as an example. And lets say you could sell the hematite and coal to bots for 22q per L. That means with max skills 1L of steel is valued at 34.6q and no skills it is valued at 63.4q. That would mean a player specializing in steel production would need to sell his steel at 34.6q per L. else he would be better off just selling the ore to the bot. And even then he is probably better off selling the ore to the bot as you need to add in the time and the transportation cost, and the setup cost, plus the tax for making a sell order. Nore could he sell it over 63.4q per L. because if he sold it over that price then the industrialist who is using the steel would be better off making it himself with no skills. And in reality it only takes a single day to get to level 3 on all the required skills. a couple days to get to lvl 4, which would bring the max price the user industrialist is willing to pay down to ~44q per L. Now looking at the market right now. there are 0 sell orders between this price. The majority are over 50q. bulks at 70q. one is at 20q (should buy those up who ever is living on Talemai). What does all this mean? The profit range for all these beginning and middle parts are all small. Almost to the point where its either going to not be profitable for the seller or not profitable for the buyer. Then you also have to consider. All skills that reduce cost (IE take less resources or make more product) are in the beginning (refining/smelting/ intermediate parts). There are no skills that reduce cost for final products. Thus there is very little point in an industrialist only making final products. And if your going to invest in the final product schematics your going to invest the the schematics to make these items. But basically your not going to specialize in components. you should be specializing in a specific line of a final product. For instance advanced maneuver space engine L's. There is only 6 on the market going for 1,000,000 a piece. Where you could produce those with max skills at ~500,000 Netting you a much higher profit then just selling the middle stuff. As the real thing that is stopping megafactories is schematics.
  8. DU and SE ship building are so different its hard to figure how such a thing could even fit into the DU universe. In DU ship elements are made in a factory. in SE ship elements are welded together. So if you had a system in DU that welded those elements together like in SE your eliminating a step of the DU chain which many players are worked hard at setting up. Basically your making DU less of a game. Nore could you have it take less elements to build the blueprint (IE if the blueprint calls for 4 engines you cannot have it only take 3 engines to be built in the ship factory). Not to mention the rage you would get from players not being able to one click build blueprints. About the only thing you could do is have the ship factory increase stats. And thats already covered by placement handling. And the bonuses from that are already pretty insane, so much so that you dont really want to increase it. With the exception of honeycomb HP. Thats the only stat that is not increased. So I guess the way a ship factory could work in DU would be, you place all the parts into the ship factory, and the blueprint. and it prints out the ship with increased voxel HP.
  9. RugesV

    pay to win

    Lulz DU Pay2Win? Not even close. Multiboxing for your daily welfare check? Ok so doing that with 10 chars, that gets you 1.5M per day. You know how much of a problem it is to log in 10 characters at the right time each day? I know its a hassle to even relog one character at the right time each day let alone 10. And what does that equate to ore 65,000 liters or so. You can mine that quick enough with 1 toon, almost as fast as it would take to log in 10 alts. Alts for cross training is almost a thing. except if you had 3 friends you could cross train the skills with your friends. you cannot have multiple accounts logged on the same PC, so no PVP advantage there. Although I find it funny that you call it pay2win and then ask where the cash shop is to buy basic materials, That would be pay2win. although buying skins is a planned feature and not pay2win. And whats this about buying up land? The vast majority of land is unclaimed. There are 903660 territories of which 105097 are claimed. Thats only 11 percent claimed. 89 percent of all the claimable land is still open to buy. Thats hardly buying up all the land. Unless your refering to people going out and scanning for high yield territories and then claiming them and selling those claims. Then yes players are doing that. Thats one of the way players can make money. And you can make allot more money doing that then having 50 alts and logging on to collect your daily welfare check.
  10. 5 SU might sound like a long distance. And yea we dont have radars that go that far (its why I suggested a specific radar that works with only these guns.) But I think 5 SU might be whats actually needed. Space is huge. and we dont have any choke points like you see in Eve. Also getting hit with them is not an automatic PVP engagement. You shoot someone at 4SU You still have to close in on them before they remove the nets. And while the railguns are great at sniping long distances. The overall DPM on them is so bad. They only seem good because most ship designs are so bad with paper armor they just get melted. Unfortunately railguns have gotten such a good name for themselves because of this they have become the meta. Which has also caused engagements engagements to become so long and not final which has also caused its own issues. But thats a different topic. And while this dragnet would be good for long range interdiction. I do think we still need a short range system like the tractor beam. that lowers speed when moving away from each other but increases speed when moving towards each other. Which would then allow stuff like the short range cannon type weapons to even enter the battlefield.
  11. The Idea is a weapon that you shoot a dragnet from ship A at Ship B. When the dragnet hits Ship B a physical component is added to the surface of ship B. This lowers ship B's max speed/ acceleration by 10% for each dragnet that connects with ship B. The players on ship B can then use a repair tool and scrap to remove the dragnet. Multiple dragnets can be launched at a ship to continue to reduce its max speed. This will vastly improve PVP encounters in the game. As currently you almost need to have consensual PVP to even engage as one party can simply avoid PVP by running away, and once your at max speed it is almost (almost) impossible to catch up as your max speed is the same on each ship. This will also increase PVP encounters as players will need to actively go out to remove them. The range on these should be in the 1,000km range (5SU) (although maybe more, maybe less, opinions?) They will have seat capacity just like weapons do and need to be hooked up to a gunners seat. They will need to have a fairly long reload. like tens of minutes. And maybe even require a special antenna that must be placed externally. To bring this a step further. Have a special version of the gun that fires a laser at any ship in warp that is withen the 1,000km range that stops the ship and disables the warp for 10 minutes (ships normal engines are still functional). This eliminates the problem of ships warping from safe zone to safe zone without any threat. (although players will still be able to warp within safezones without threat (IE the alioth to madis or thades)). Gun only works in PVP space.
  12. If distance is an issue there are still free tiles within 15km from the districts. If your going 30km you are choosing specific tiles. Only 21% of the tiles have been claimed on Sanctuary so there are plenty more to claim. You get a free speeder and free fuel so you can make many trips at the start. And I agree if the couple minutes to do this is such a huge problem. then the hours long travel time between planets is going to be a huge problem for them. Granted this is all saved with faster ships. and warp drives and pre planning from streamers.
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