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Posts posted by gyurka66

  1. Yeah i'm hoping glass just wasn't ready yet.


    We have to have glass.  I need it!  


    Whether it's a voxel material or modular glass elements or both.


    Hmmm wait was there glass on the window of the huge space station in the other videos?  I feel like there was.




    edit: Nope no glass on the station in this video either 

    i have faith they will get us some glass though.

    It's really easy to make transparent things in a video game. I'm sure there will be glass voxels.

  2. I would like a drill ship. Not one that is insanely overpowered, but a drill ship would be nice because it'd be more immersive.

    But the mining dangers would strain the server. If they could do that I'd be happy.

    Dangers would only stress the server when they are activated and i suppose you are not meant to dig out 100 gas pockets at once.

    You dont have to care about the servers so much that's the developers job. In the idea box we are supposed to support them with ideas, don't worry they will only include ideas they can(Because hardware limitations).


    I support the drill ship idea. I dont understand why they want only manual mining (i dont want to get bored, thx).

  3. The way I see content: missions, dev provided events, scripted events and so on. Tools have to be provided, and ruins are category "what there is to explore". What players do with those ruins should be up to them and not determined by the devs

    I never said anything about missions and events. under ruins i meant abadoned structural wonders with sweet loot.

    what players do with the ruins should be up to them. you would be able make it a themepark if you want to.

  4. In a player driven sandbox people should stop wanting content from the devs. Really. All those ideas are against players in fact. Want such a riddle? Make it yourself. Want a maze for players to escape? Build it. You are not confined to what devs in other mmos do, this is a sandbox - do whatever you want

    Ruins would be a great addition. it doesn't takes away anything. without something to explore explorer role would be pointless.

  5. Scuttling a ship should be a thing indeed. I suggest Core Overloads, so we can take our enemies down with us in a massive boom.


    And yes, the AMA part 2 (or 3) confirmed that you CAN self-destruct a ship.

    Then there will be a way to create guided missiles YAY. tought you have to time the explosion perfectly.

  6. The real question is... does it really matter?


    Irl People would use the same time measurement. It would only confuse players.

    im okay with BCE, CE and AE but why would we change hours and gramms.

  7. Is collision damage something NQ has said will not be in game for sure or is it a possibility?  Kind of feel like flying your shift at full speed into a planets surface should have some consequences. 

    I hope there will be collision damage but i think it should be really nerfed.

  8. I just want to know if we can be an alien cause i would love to join or make an alien organisation.

    They said you won't be able to play as aliens but i think it would be cool.

    for explame if you conquer a nomad alien civilization new characters would be able to play as aliens.

  9. Indeed, they might be. But, it has already been stated by a lead developer that planet-destroying weapons will not be present in the game. While no doubt super awesome, such a weapon would be just too powerful, and would have too great a chance to ruin the game for other people. Imagine players pouring countless hours of time and effort into the creation of a planet covered in a few large cities, only to see the entire world obliterated by the Interstellar Legion of Trolls. It would be a huge deterrent to builders if there work could be rendered non-existent and irrecoverable in a single moment. Thus, the maximum power of weapons will be intentionally limited within the game, to ensure everyone stays equally happy.T

    It would take a lot of time(like 2 weeks) to activate such a weapon after building it. The players of the planet would have a lot of time to defend and destroy the Death star MK. IV.

  10. ...you wrote PUBLIC as PUBIC... there's a slight difference between those words.



    And who cares, the orgs that spam a lot in the Community page will collapse when the game launches. 

    Don't be a grammar nazi. you know what he meant.

  11. Hmmm...this is an intriguing concept. The only question I have at this point is how scanning would work? Would it be planet-wide, or just a set distance around you?

    If it is just a certain distance around you, it could really slow down exploring, since everyone would have to physically travel to various locations on a planet/ in space and perform multiple scans to create a map of the area. However, it could give rise to another type of technology and/or skill that extends scanning range/accuracy. Maybe even encourage the creation of ships built specifically around a high-power version of this tech that allows for constant scanning with exceptional range and definition.


    Or maybe static scanners or satellites that provide authorized parties (everyone in your organization, for example,) with the most up-to-date maps of a given area/planet.


    Hmmm... :)

    I think planetary scan would be too OP. 1 or 2 km would be perfect in my opnion.

  12. I personally think we are thinking about this the wrong way (with the exception of deliberate suicide - that's a place to put a penalty IMO, but not the point I am making).


    We have an in game mechanic which is clear - you resurrect if you're near the safe zone. Resurrection machines are strategic items, expensive to run etc. When you die you go to the nearest one, which if you are exploring the big bad word, could be fricken miles away. But at the end of the day - why penalise those who die?


    If there is no penalty for dying AT ALL other than community shame, lost time and annoyance etc, then everyone wins. Really - every game mechanic out there handling death via XP loss, equipment decay etc, are really just putting a grind treadmill in place, which leads to players getting annoyed.


    So what if we reversed the premise. What if the penalty for death, is ultimately, death.


    By which I mean - we know the system/game keeps tracks of everything people do. Games are like that - it's event logging or whatever, but there is always a record.



    * Accidental / misfortune death - no penalty - you're just an idiot and we all laugh at you. You don't lose items really - you have a morpher after all. You don't lose experience (stupid mechanic anyway - the point of death is that to learn from the experience), you don't lose skills etc.


    * Suicide - I believe this is where your penalise people - if for no other reason than making sure suicide isn't a casual thing and has consequences (which is an important message both in game and out)


    * Murder et al. - at the end of the day, this is what we are talking about really. I've got a whole slew of ideas there, a full working sub-system which makes a law enforcement / investigation industry in game - but the key point - we should punish the perps, not the victims.



    This way piracy would lose its meaning because you cant get anything from victim but a tasty debuff.

  13. I think loosing part of your inventory is punishment enough.


    Loosing skillpoints just seems too much.

    Remember when you die you get transported all the way back to the resurrection node.

    You just lost part of your inventory, mode of transportation and whatever equipment you had deployed in the world. Granted your attacker will most likely have to hack it but still. Seems like a harsh enough punishment to me.


    Waiting on arbitrary timers after death isnt all that fun in my opinion.

    But you could play on alt accounts.


    1. Easy mode; As described already. 
    2. Hardish mode; someone has moved your cryopod out of the safe zone to the other side of the planet. Dig and hide. But the nanoformer works. 
    3. Hard mode; As per hardish mode but the nanoformer is on the fritz you take damage every time you use it but you can make a healing booster that fixes it if your close, you can pick stuff up by making a lever and cut stone with a hammer and wedge, Strip branches form trees with a pruning hook. Dig dirt with primitive pick-hoe. make a 3D printer and fix the nanoformer with a repair kit from it. 
    4. Extreme mode: defective cryopod, you emerge a zombie. You can walk, jump, turn, melee and make a nanoformer attack but nothing else works until you harvest a vital resource to fix your brain and nanoformer. And everyone is hunting you because you have a useful resources drop. How long can you last as a space zombie. 

    [i keep writing about space zombies and awaiting someone saying "Noooooo no zombies!" But All I hear is a worrying silence. Scary. ]


    Hard and Extreme mode would both be sweet griefer penalties.  


    But how do you chose between different modes. will the easy mode players have advateages over hard players. But i like space zombie mode sounds cool.

  15. the best way to insert them into the lore is you can play an alien species if you conquer their entire world, or do an alliance with them, both should be hard, and those aliens should be insanely rare (.0001% of planets)

    They plan no NPCs expect the player placed traders.

  16. what should happen, is that weapons fire doesn't make particles disappear, they make particles compact into a new material: scrap.

    This scrap would then combine the materials inside and could be retrieved to get back the original material quantity.

    The more compact a scrap voxel is, the harder and longer it will take to be refined.

    This would allow for battles to leave nearly 100 % of their original material, but in an unusable form, and with a wreckage shape similar to the one of the ship. assuming only the planet gen would be reset (refill the ores and regenerate the non artificial undergrounds, compacting all artificial constructs into scrap ruins) this would leave a nice amount of wreckage and scrap to work with.

    Scrap would need some amount of resources to refine, since you need to separate all the metals. base metals could be combines into alloys, and any failed alloy would be scrap with the composition used to make it. To separate the metals a chemical process would need to be used, like in reality.


    This would require a chemical synthesis mechanic, and an advanced metallurgy mechanic, that would give you an advanced degree of freedom to work with alloys and their recycling. for containers, a good idea would be to require certain alloys that to not react with the contained compound to build and use a container for some materials. for instance a plutonium container made out of neutron reflecting materials would trigger a nuclear blast. (i am pro nuclear weapons as we wand absolute freedom even if it means having massive craters in the ground of planets and even then it could be awesome to see a crater from space :D

    Offtopic but cool.

  17. My suggestion is, that when the open alpha comes out, after people have spent a while frantically running around, building ships, cities, houses, mining stations etc. when the game is actually released, convert all of these creations into "discarded ruins from a long forgotten race" by changing all of the blocks used. Like all metal becomes corroded metal, all turrets become broken turrets or removed, power cores become depleted power cores that are useless (if there are such things) and giant space ships become 40k-esque space hulks... dead, broken and discarded. Cities built during the time become abandoned wilds, buildings above a certain height have their top halves removed, random holes in them everywhere, environmental recapture so vines everywhere, bushes and trees breaking through blocks in the roofs and flooring. 

    These things could be made to either make them a valuable resource, or have no value at all depending on what the devs want. 

    I would be fine with all of this being purely decorative, part of an integrated sub-lore, but something that cant just be rebuilt in the game as they would be exclusive (yet useless) blocks. Something to preserve, as part of this world's legacy. Hell the resources might even have value simply because of their rarity, after all "party hats" were one of the more expensive things in Runescape at one point - not because they are good or useful, just because they are rare. 


    If you don't like the idea of all this coming from the alpha, I'm sure there's room for this kind of thing anyway that's put in the game by creative teams you might employ. I just think this sort of thing just gives a small bit of...atmosphere to a game that needs it. 


    Anyone agree?

    i guess in alpha they will only test mechanics and stuff like that. But its a cool idea

  18. what if one of the secrets was that half of the game would start in a mirrored galaxy, not to be connected  until the day a star gate was built to connect them, and then 1 day one of the brave explorers discovers the other colony .. and then all that which would in turn follow from it .

    Playerbase not big enough. dividing them by 2 is a really bad idea.

    Plus it would be annoying if you and your friend would spawn in different dimensions.


    But it would make a nice plot for a movie or a series.

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