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Everything posted by Fra119

  1. Maybe they can't go past the market transaction. I mean, they probably have a log of what's being sold/bought on the market, but after that they are blind. So to avoid what happened back when they reduced the price of the schematics they just leave things as they are.
  2. Coming from WoW I'd say you should treat it like a 5 points talent, you start with a bonus pool of 0 and each point adds 5% up to a total of 25%, so additive and not multiplicative. But I agree they should be more specific about it. Also it doesn't say if that +x% is calculated before the extraction (so it's calculated on your mining sphere, and it will just give you more ore per click) or after the extraction (so it's extra ore). It's a huge difference, like the difference between +x% base damage and +% damage.
  3. And this is just 1 guy, at this point it make much more sense to have prices cut down by 100 times then reverting them back to normal, at least we would have balance AND we could all have a laugh over the idiot who now has 112 worthless schematics.
  4. The real argument against a rollback are the ppl that were flying. How would you react if you login and your ship is no longer where you parked it last time but it has been brought back out of the safe zone or mid-air with full cargo because you happened to be flying at the moment they've chosen to rollback to? I bet many ppl are not willing to deal with such loss. Btw it's somehow clear that a wipe will happen, but NQ can't say it because it'll make a lot of ppl quit.
  5. I guess yesterday evening was the worse time possible to spend 50mil in legit schematics :v This game never fails to amaze me.
  6. Well, the first thing should be a limit on how many cores you can have simultaneously, now we're at 17 but this can easily be expanded by creating your own org. I bet NQ can find a reasonable number between 17 and literally hundreds that could both please anyone and prevent the 500Lcore tall towers. The second thing should be finding a way to despawn constructs after X time from the owner's last login, let's say a month. Ofc you'll find magic blueprints in your inventory to redeploy everything as you come back.
  7. Well, I don't think it was intended to bring benefits to the players, at least not everyone. The point was to extend the game lifespan by both give NQ time to expand their tech (remember that the more we build the more servers are under stress, and there's a point where servers can't keep up anymore, this is fairly common in this kind of games) and slow down our progression, which honestly was quite fast if you consider top tier org.
  8. I wonder what unintended feature warp beacons are providing, I mean, what else are they doing beside providing a private warp waypoint?
  9. Actually I started selling after 0.23, I barely used money before that patch came out couse I preferred to be self-sufficient.
  10. From a producer perspective I can tell that there aren't this many incentives to produce if items takes literally weeks to sell :s
  11. I bet that this would cause some trouble since you could endlessly place 100l of iron and get 125l back thanks to the +% ore extracted talent (if it's confirmed to work this way, which we still don't know).
  12. The closer you are to a market the harder it is to find a good tile, that's because ppl have been playing for months and since being near a market is a huge advantage you can assume that market areas were the firsts to be scanned/mined. That said, the only way to know if a tile is good is using the territory scanner, work on getting 3 of them so you can place a dynamic core in the interception between 3 tiles and scan them all at once (scanning takes 15minutes to complete and you can't get farther than a km away from it or it will stop). Choose an area quite far away from the markets and start your scanning career there, you don't have to live there, just use it to mine. I'm still finding megas in an area exactly 100km away from the nearest market, I'm having some hard times finding silver tho (compared to how much pyrite I found on Thades for instance). Honestly if what you need is sell ores to bot I find it easier to just go back to sanctuary, it takes roughly the same time to do alioth-sanctuary than travel 100km or more to the nearest market. If you instead want to sell ore to players than you'd better stay on alioth.
  13. This alone doesn't suggest anything, it's just my observation, but given how different were all the observations we gathered here I'd say that probably the scanner is the one who's broken.
  14. The truth is that if they remove/nerf warp those players that now use warp to avoid PvP will simply stop traveling. If going to the outer planets become too expensive or too dangerous there's literally no reason to do that, period.
  15. I don't think it can be translated xD It is basically the act of (cleverly) speaking nonsense to confuse the other person.
  16. If we were all italian we wound have called that a "supercazzola prematurata"
  17. This is actually funny, many ppl reported (often with screenshots) getting different percentage of extra ore, we couldn't find a good explanation on how the +% was applied on the scan result but at least we agreed we were getting more ore then the scan showed. If your test and your math are reliable the only explanation possible is that the scan results are not accurate.
  18. Look at my example above (3192l ore out of a 2624l scan, talent at lvl 3), how can those numbers relate? Imho this talent doesn't give you extra ore, it simply let you mine faster.
  19. Wth are those operations xD +5% on 4000l is 5(4000/100)=200 so 4200l total.
  20. I gave up on replacing elements, better to wait for a fix (but I'm starting to believe NQ listened too much to the guy suggesting to have an upkeep mechaninc on industries). Btw my 3d printers are all gone too ?
  21. This is from this morning, as you can see i mined 3196l out of a 2624l node, i have mining efficiency lvl 3, so15% increase, instead it came out slightly more than 20% additional ore. I'd say that either the talent is completely bugged or the additional amount comes from a scanner miscalculation/bad approximation and the talent is simply giving you more ore per click. Btw, considering how much a miner mines this talent is still a benefit, ofc there are better talents to be taken before this.
  22. At least I'm not the only one xD Btw I have to clarify that replacing them is not the solution, I have a few machines that are still stuck after being completely replaced, some that did a few runs and got stuck again. It's probably better to wait until NQ realizes there's a problem.
  23. Update: machines keep getting stuck at 100%, even after being replaced. Something definitely happened. I'm looking at my factory atm, nothing special I believe, something like 100 machines, ~20 are stuck, who knows how many more since many are not running. The idea of replacing them every single time is slowly killing my will to hang on.
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