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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by FD3242

  1. FD3242

    DU Religions

    Whats the point of this? It's not like they can stop this from happening.
  2. But before they do that they should delete system 32.
  3. Well without the typo that's how it would be pronounced. I made this typo when I was eight SO DON'T THINK THAT'S WHAT I WONT TO BE CALLED!!!
  4. Hello! I am mefsh, but you all know me as mefsh. I have been in this community for awhile now but I never really introduced myself. I thought this would be a good time since I just upgraded my pledge to gold. Those things don't relate, it just reminded me I never did one of these... Ok let's start. Hello my username is mefsh. It has no meaning. (It was a typo) Please pronounce my name as mefe because good luck saying mefsh XD. (Again It was a typo.) Since this is a video game forum here are some of my favorite video games: Minecraft NO I AM NOT 6... I am 6 and 1/2, Factorio, And terraria. I have also have played eve (Probably like 30-40 hours) but I found it to be not worth the subscription. Hopefully Dual Universe will be different. The sandbox part will probably increase my enjoyment of it a lot. As you can see from my list I like sandbox games despite me being a horrible builder. Just Awful. Oh yea I am also a happy member of the PC MASTER RACE. My Specs: Cpu: Something with a i in it. Gpu: Something with a gtx in it. Ram: Something with a DDR in it. Wait why would any of you care whats in my PC, LOL. My interests include: Space, Video games, Programming, And computers. Those last 3 are kinda the same thing (Kinda) but what ever. Sorry if this thread is kinda a jumbled mess I usually do not have such long posts.
  5. The way you used "will" means to express an inevitable event. The alpha release date being September is not inevitable. It's planned but not a certainty. I'm sorry, I've turned into a grammar Nazi. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!
  6. Welcome to the community. Your question was answered above.
  7. https://soundcloud.c...ta-solar-system Is not working? I kinda wanted to listen to it again
  8. Glad to hear it went well. Just wondering aren't you suppose to not eat food for like a day before you go into a surgery involving anesthesia?
  9. OHHH it's until not intil. WOW I fell stupid.
  10. LOL I fell for that once in bf4. I was asking if there was a report function cause there was a hacker. I was new to gaming so I did not know. Well new to anything but minecraft.
  11. Thanks, but you might take that back if you saw my comments before I edit them and without spell check. Actually I am terrified that when this game comes out people will think I am a 6 year old because of how bad it is. However bad my spelling may be I do like to believe I am an intelligent person. That seems to hold up when talking to other people but maybe there all just stupid, so I don't know give me a test or something. NOT IN MATH I SUCK AT THAT. Fun mefsh fact: My name is a typo it was suppose to be mefish. See I use to really like fish, so when I got my minecraft account when I was like 8 or 9 I tried every fish related name until one worked. It took me almost a year to realize it was misspelled. XD IF YOU CALL ME MEFISH I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL ***********************!!! Sorry, but If you have to speak my name just say mefe. So e says it's name because of the e after the f. The last e is also silent. If that makes sense. For the last part yes that would seem obvious, but you would be surprised how computer illiterate some people are. My friends do not even know what the start menu is and they use a windows pc basically 24/7. YES ALL 2 OF THEM!!! Well I have been typing for half an hour so hopefully this is understandable. I am posting it before I x out the page by accident.
  12. September if there are no delays.
  13. I am a little worried that somebody might be missing some fingers.
  14. Not sure if your in yet but if you are I hope it's going well.
  15. Or you could just hire a competent crew.
  16. I believe basically everybody in this community is.
  17. People above have all ready explained things. So I would just like to say something I find pretty funny. 80% of this games marketing is about it being "Single shard". You just suggested it be split up into smaller servers. XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
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