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Everything posted by Novean-61657

  1. What the heck gave you that idea? No, a lot of us just haven't bothered beyond our initial reaction. Our opinions just don't count, and actually implementation is done via magic-eight-ball... NQ: Should we do x? Magic-eight-ball says: You may rely on it. NQ might at this point stand for No Questions... 😉 Let's see how it is eventually implemented at launch/after-wipe. If we're still around, at this point I haven't 'played' DU for over three months. I logged in a few times (talents, checking some stuff, etc.), but not actually do something interesting...
  2. So... 'Others' are right and I have an 'opinion'? 😉 Let's be clear, most of the commenters here have zero experience in (MMO) game development, programming, business, etc. Most are no more then armchair generals that are mostly spouting what they want to see. Those people that are 'right' is your opinion, nothing more. We all might need to accept that the initial premise of DU was flawed, and now 8 years later no longer has a sustainable place in the current MMO landscape... 8 years ago Wildstar was released as the WoW 'killer', we all know how that turned out... I'm not saying that there have been no good ideas, but that doesn't mean that they would magically fix DU or are even feasible to implement.
  3. A broken clock is right twice a day... So being right does not justify being an [filtered] about it. And the reason that people get drop-kicked isn't because the are 'right', it is because they are being arseholes (about it)!
  4. I deleted a wall of text. NQ you suck at communication and customer insights. @NQ-Nyota You're a community manager for *bleeps*sake, did you read the message before you posted it? Did you not see the issues a mile away? Why have you not send @NQ-Wanderer back to his corner and think about his many, many sins (looking at that April 14th post)? This 'announcement' is way to vague, leading to interpretations by customers who'll blow their top. Creating more and more negativity. TIPS: Make the system directly available on the test server so people can see how it works themselves and test it. Create a YouTube video that shows how it works. And create a list with items that you are still working on and aren't final. My initial reaction: NQ sure is good in making a game more and more unfun!
  5. Have an overarching story arc that progresses when the game launches/wipes. What was hinted at in the past with mysterious objects found, clues, etc. With an eventual big reveal that imho should have ingame effects/features that can be influenced by players. Use some storytelling, because as far as I know the introduction of the Alien Cores was very lackluster story and introduction wise, from my perception they were just suddenly there.... Ideas: After many searches/hints, stories, the building plans for a big gate ring to travel to another system are revealed and available to all. Only problem, there are only a handful of locations that they can be build. And I'm not talking about a week or a month long build process, I'm talking about a year long build process. Where ownership can change, massive, massive amounts of components and building materials are needed, etc. Wars are fought for control of that gate (building). At some point it's finished for small one way trips, where pilots can enter a small specially build pod that they can shoot through the portal. Only things you can take are BPs and Schematics (if they are still ingame at that point, imho this would work better without Schematics). You will crashland on one new alien planet or moon (also functions as your first random claimed tile) and you will have to start over, building up stuff, on planet, off planet, to build the other side of that ring. On one hand you'll have less folks working/fighting on the Alioth side of the gate, making the gate project on that side of the gate more interesting. But having folks working on the other side to get more/safer time to work on the gate. Might lead to interesting social alliances, those recruiting non-affiliated pilots to send through the portal to kickstart the economy, to get that gate build... An interesting variant would be that there are a handful of those sites around the Alioth system that can be used to build a gate. Each site going to a different system or all go to the same system, but only one gate can be active, forcing Alliances to take out other gates for theirs to start working... When both gates are active and in good repair, you can travel to and from the other system(s). But running those gates will cost fuel or energy, which needs to be collected. Each jump costs fuel/energy, so the owner of the gate can set tarifs (to pay for the fuel/energy and make a profit). If/when the tarifs are to high, alliances of other players might form and take that gate for themselves (infighting after victory)... Or other ancient alien relics are found, after much messing around and building experimental stuff we accidentally long dormant AI drone hives that provide PVE activity. Or wormholes are found to instanced PVE content, etc. Better to steal some good ideas from the competition then think up bad ones yourself! 😉
  6. The CEO is actually doing his job. NQ might actually have been using the term metaverse before Facebook => Meta started using it. Did they invent the term or the concept? Absolutely not! But neither did Facebook => Meta. As for making it mainstream... Yeah, not there yet at all! Second Life was more mainstream back in the day then THE Metaverse is now... What the CEO is doing is presenting NQ as relevant, as having a future, as having a vision. It might not be a vision you or I might like, but they act like they do. Not for the DU users, but for potential investors and companies that might buy NQ. If you think that companies have actual working products ready and working when they announce them, you need to reevaluate your own perception and insight skills... In business you 'fake it until you make it' and at the CEO level you absolutely need a serious amount of arrogance to keep your head above the water in a pool of sharks (with laserbeams on their heads!)... DU might not be what was envisioned during the Kickstarter or during Beta or six months ago... But there is a reason why the founder of the company/DU is no longer with the company... That is because the combination of the dream + the technology + the audience were not going to work, especially not under that leadership. DU has been in development for 8 years, how much money do you think was spend during that time? How much of that money that was spend came from KS backers and customers paying for founders packs and subscriptions? When I look at the numbers that are available, I suspect that it has only been a very small percentage of the funds used, the rest came from investors. 8 years and no finished product is a problem and when you need to wipe your persistent world again due to 'issues', you do not have a finished product. There are a ton of companies that are not making a profit after 8 years, but they at least have a finished product that they exploit, with a promise that they can make a BIG profit in the future (and many companies will still fail to make that promise). So the NQ CEO is whipping up hype for investors and potential new owners, it's a sales pitch. And sales pitches use words that work on their audience, that audience isn't us DU customers. And let's be realistic, the CEOs job is to continue the company, even if DU fails. And computer games/MMOs fail all the time...
  7. HOTAS 'support' might be duct taped on, but at least we have wipe support... 😉
  8. Part of the issue here is the amount of players playing vs. the amount of pvpers. I don't know the current ratio, but at one point (due to the wipe vs. no wipe shenanigans) a ton of mission runners stopped running missions and the amount of pirates vs. missioners became hugely unbalanced. While at a time in the past, pirates just couldn't reach everyone that left the planet... Opening up more space/planets to pvp isn't going to improve the situation for anyone. More 'carebears' (like myself) will just not operate in unsafe space, unless there's an upside. With so few players trying that and with oodles of pirates, they'll get swatted everytime they try leaving Alioth, because now you're no longer camping many safezones, but just one... Honestly, if there's to be planetary warfare, I need viable walker constructs, have handheld guns, etc. If we have that, I'll make bases on ice planets! 😉
  9. NQ doesn't replace the sand... It wipes the sand! Or too soon? 😉
  10. "you will also receive" Sounds like they are all moved somewhere...
  11. They might not want to bring anyone back with these changes, but keep those that show up...
  12. Mini games! For every product you want to produce, you require to complete a minigame, for every machine... 😉
  13. That was aimed at Hazaatan, because clearly he drinks like a fish! 😉
  14. I'm paying for four, so you would need five to get ahead. (I know, I know... Reading is difficult) 😉 And who's paying $15/month per character per month? I generally subscribe with a year subscription, those are currently $83.88/year. So four would be $335.52/year and not $60/month. Unless they price raise again... Then we'll see... @Captain Hills I've spent almost $500 on DU subscriptions since beta. Started with one character, added one at a later date, then added two other characters... If I spent a lot of time/effort on a game, I have no issue with paying for that. As for spending money on something and how much, that is something between me and my wallet. I'm not judging you on your alcohol intake (yes I am)... 😉 But how much you spend depends on how much you earn, how much time/effort you spend on something, and how much you value it. People playing a sport will spend more on that in a year and will have spent less time doing that. As for me not leaving the game... It's a matter of trust and a future spending of time, effort, and money. NQ has pretty much 'spend' any trust they had, this is (for me) the straw that will brake the camel's back... Time for me to cut my 'losses' and move on. For others it will be any wipe, period. That will make them quit permanently and they are still clinging to the hope that NQ will see the 'light' and not wipe at all (I think that is entirely unrealistic). Others will indeed gripe and moan, but keep playing/paying anyway, no matter the 'abuse', they are 'locked in' as you said. But with an absolute clean start I have NOTHING that is 'locking me in' anymore... As far as not listening to me. Let me ask you something, does a company want customers that are around for decades and spend hundreds, if not a thousand dollars plus per year on their services (per player) or does it want dayflies that are around for a few months, maybe a few years and then moan and gripe about price increases due to inflation (paying a single subsciption)? I know what I would want as a business...
  15. And what happened to Life is Feudal: MMO? They shut it down: 18th of January 2021. Three years after Early Access (the equivalent of DU Beta). 8 months before that, they did the wipe... Is this a prediction for a DU wipe? No, but neither are any other 'success' stories about wipes...
  16. WTF? What gay part? You have issues... Your assumptions are that my 'advantage' is more important then the health of the game. Do you have any dependable data that a TP wipe will attract so many new paying players that it will compensate the players that will leave due to the TP wipe AND get more players/accounts on top of that? I seriously doubt that... Just from myself, you would have to get five paying customers to get ahead. Not just returning players that have already payed their dues during KS/Patronage and now have a ton of DAC or lifetime subscriptions, actually paying customers now. I played/payed DU on the basis of a persistent universe, if that persistence isn't there, I would never have started. There are very few game play loops in DU and very few are actual fun, so I wasn't playing for fun, I was playing for satisfaction/gratification. Compare it to real life: You can work for crap pay, but work on an awesome project, you're not working for pay, but for the satisfaction of that awesome project. Then someone burns it down, all your labor gone... Now, there is of course the option to work for top pay (play), after you're done, they can burn it, piss on it, but you still got your pay. DU pays balls in gameplay, absolutely horrific! If I had known they would burn the place down for launch, I would just not have spent the time and the money. I would have played more Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, Elite Dangerous, maybe even some Star Citizen, etc. That would have given me way more gameplay, but just not any long term satisfaction/gratification. That longterm satisfaction/gratification is why I played/payed DU.
  17. Maybe their best wasn't good enough? Don't get me wrong, I liked what I saw at the start of beta, that's why I started DU. But what I'm hearing now, the amount of cheating that occurred that the 'devs' didn't touch at all, besides eventually fixing the bug that made it possible, but not rolling back the results is mind boggling. On the other hand, the devs could individually have delivered topnotch work, but a game is something greater then it's component parts and if you mismanage that, you'll get a mess. No direction/leadership is an issue, and if the internal wipe or no wipe discussion is still going after 2+ months, they are running a democracy instead of a company...
  18. That was not known to everyone. A stream started mentioning some of the shenanigans recently that f-upped the economy and it blew me away how many I didn't know of, I knew of some because over a period of two years people mention some stuff, but the extend is truly mindblowing! What really pisses me off is that NQ didn't fix it at the time by just rolling those misuses back. And that leads me to a similar thought as @blazemonger, that the wipe was always planned, we were just spun a tale of hope and promise. That is why this letter of 'hope and promise' completely falls flat on it's face from my perspective...
  19. There are two types of beta key: - The ones you paid for via KS. - The ones that NQ gave away to every streamer that was willing to look at it and other promotions. My main got even beta-keyed last year due to support trying to fix and issue they couldn't fix with regular accounting...
  20. You have a testosterone issue! 😉 Yes, I'm male. Am I only a 'man' if I can 'buck up' and get shafted? I'm running four characters. If I want to burn my money, I know what I'm getting into. Dual Universe is/was marketed as a persistent universe, I am willing to concede that NQ f-upped the economy beyond repair and that the player base is so adapt at working around any limitations NQ could set, so a complete asset wipe is necessary. But WHY would a Talent Point wipe be needed? To get on par with other players? This persistent universe is build on player inequality, if you don't get into that from the start, you won't stick around for long when those inequalities become apparent after a week/month. Those kinds of players are absolute trash for NQ and trash for the rest of us because they'll try to keep forcing 'balancing'/equality on the rest of us, like they have been doing during beta and then left (and maybe keep trolling the forums until they get bored)... NQ F-upped. They are already putting a burden on the players that is way beyond reasonable. A TP wipe is where I draw the line. I'm not afraid to bleed, but then we bleed together, that means we, NQ and the new players. It's not just going to be us, because we went along with the (broken) promises of Beta...
  21. How many starting players will be able to make the optimal decisions regarding TPs and Talents? Mining: Make one character with placement talents for autominers, make multiple characters with automining talents, make one pick up miner, make one manual (classic) miner. Factory: Make one character with placement talents for factories, make multiple characters with factory talents that have specific nices. PVP: Make one character with placement talents for ships, one for weapons, make multiple characters with different weapon specialization talents (Cannon, Railgun, etc.). Use as needed... Depends how much of an advantage someone is looking for and how far (s)he is willing to open the pocketbook. What happens a month after launch? How will new players then feel? After a year or two? With your reasoning, the game will never pick up new players beyond launch.
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