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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Silvligh

  1. B2P is my preference. P2P is okayish. The Game-time token worked really nicely in Wildstar, but what happens when one of those people who can't do a subscription (me) runs out of game time? Is it game over for them?


    Run a P2P with an expensive lifetime sub would be my input. I can fork out a large amount in one go. I just don't believe in subscriptions.

  2. Assuming we're right on the flexibility of assigning buttons and lever to complex lua scripts, there are some very interesting possibilities available.  On large ships you can have lua scripts that allow the main controls to be overriden by support controls in another section of the ship - security against boarding parties!

    Or a strategy for the pirates!

  3. Not disagreeing or agreeing with you, but if you have anything you can reference I'd appreciate it. 


    We'll have to craft everything yes, but it won't be as complicated as some might imagine to achieve space flight. I hope so at least. I'm simple a man, and like simple things. 

    I'll see if I can find anything.


    I hope you're right about this. I'd love for it to be simple.

  4. Based on what?



    Wasn't it said somewhere everything will need to be crafted and learned?

    That the game would evolve over time based on the players?


    Well I don't believe we'll have a free pass into space is all.

  5. I hope DU won't be as harsh of a world as that. Perhaps, and I know how NQ wants to steer away from this, but perhaps a beginning starter quest to build your own ship would be helpful in getting new players acquainted with the game and starting them off with their own, custom, self-built ship as well. It would be a good way to kick players off with a sense of achievement and perhaps retain and expand the player base even more.

    I think it'll be quite a while before we're ready to make any ships at the start of DU.

  6. I don't think it's too early, I'm already eyeing up some minions for my Empire *insert creepy laugh*.


    But on a more serious note, I've tended to join groups really early only to see those groups go different ways once a game launches. I like to see the lay of the land and get a gist of how things will be in game. I already know of at least one person I'll be tagging along with quite possibly ;)

    Ooh Ooh Pick me Miss Astrum, Pick me!

  7. I cant offer much on the speed limit of the game be it light or FTL, or Warp (folding space).


    What I can say thought is that I prefer the ability to travel FAST and or DISTANT to scale with ship size. Meaning a small fighter should not be able to jump or go as far as a large ship with more resources, reserves and capacity. 



    Small ships should not be able to warp or FTL, should have limited range but be quick or agile. 


    Medium ships should have a mild jump capability and have a farther reach


    Larger ships should be able to warp or FTL due to fuel capacity and engine size. 


    Capitol ships should be able to freely roam the universe with an entire ecosystem on board, only stopping for raw materials from time to time.


    Those are my 'quick thought's' on travel.






    I agree with your sentiments.

    The FTL module will need to be cumbersome for a fighter.

    However the other things, speed, agility, distance it can travel will all be reliant on Modules such as engines, or Fuel Storage to go further or faster.

    More powerful engines will go faster, but not as long, unless you found a way to reduce the fuel consumption. and so on.


    On top of all this, I don't want to stop anyone from doing anything.


    My main point I suppose is this: The modules you attach to the ship will reflect its ability. An engine on a fighter will increase its speed rather fast, due to mass and inertia. I mean nothings stopping a capital ship going 'that' fast, but can you guarantee that you'll stop in time? More Space engineers things about crashing into planets.


    My mind is all over the place. Maybe I spoke in half-thoughts again. I don't know. 

  8. Thought about this for a couple of minutes before stopping because of all the fighters flying around at 3000km/s and way too funny after that.

    Began thinking about tiny fighters with massive engines.





    I would like no speedlimit, buuut its not exactly necessary for me to enjoy this. Just, what I said before.^^^^

  9. Thank you for the clarification Nyzaltar.

    Procedural flora species? I didn't think of that. Glad I at least made you guys think about it.

    But procedural flora locations! YAY

    You guys keep moving forward and We'll all be here with you!

    (Movie-worthy marching scene with devs at front with all of us behind you)

  10. "Alpha Team" outfit

    It could work. But I'd love a colored nanformer beam way more. Actually has a gameplay effect, and people are like WOAH he's an alpha tester.


    But I'm greedy and I think we need both. Because all the alpha testers are gonna be heads of corporations, we aren't going to be building our bases. We got people to do that for us.


    TLDR; I would prefer a coloured nano-former beam and Alpha Team Outfit.

  11. I was searching for a new game to play. Something spacey and sandboxey. I started looking for single shard MMO and came across DU. I started reading the devblog, I think the first one I read was about the resurrection nodes and the part they are likely to play as war targets. I was hooked, couldn't stop until I'd read every word and clicked every link. It took a while for me to calm myself down and remember it is pre-alpha, years from release.


    Soon after the forum went up and the rest is history.


    Haha, I got hooked after reading that one too. That was a good one. CANNOT STOP READIN!!!


    I wonder when Nyzaltar will respond to any of this. I hope the devs see that they have a strong(in voice) fanbase!

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