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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Zeddrick

  1. And unicorns. Can we have those too please. Full marks if they excrete T5 ore when fed schematics.
  2. I don't think they really killed industry did they? It was set up from day one on a path which would lead it to being owned by a small number of megafactories, schematics just got it there faster by putting barriers-to-entry in the way of the smaller industrialists which megafactory owners could overcome more easily. But even the pre-0.23 game would also have ended up with an overstocked market priced so you need all-5 talents to make a small profit.
  3. In order for PvP to be worth it you need to add a lot more than 10%. 4x higher, for example. Even then with flat yields there will be plenty of empty tiles to claim with the same yield, so people will just be attacking for fun + loot. Flattening this out means that scanning is no longer a thing, which takes yet another activity out of the game. The advantage thing could be fixed by, for example, making the best tile only 4x as good as the worst and using an even distribution so that there are thousands of 'good' tiles. Too many for one entity to claim.
  4. Yes, and none of those things are really better with T1 ore than T2. I can easily find T2 tiles, tax is the same and it doesn't take any extra time to have several tiles because I can just use VR to charge the various mining units.
  5. Given that the taxes are a tiny fraction of what you'll make selling the ore, and I'm talking But taxes aren't really that relevant are they? They're a small percentage of what T2 ore sells for. Right now T1 is about 1/4 of the T2 price. If you can use more autominers why wouldn't you just claim another tile and mine even more T2 ore?
  6. I'm having a hard time figuring out where the T1 ore on the market will come from in Demeter. It's pretty easy to find T2 ore to automine and you get the same amount of T2 ore per hour as T1 ore from them. Why would anyone ever automine T1 to sell when they can automine T2 just as easily and get more money for it? Same for asteroid mining. It's true that T2 ore mines a bit more slowly, but not a lot. And the costs of fuel/warp cells/time going to and from an asteroid are not smaller when mining T1. On asteroids T2 ore is just as easy to find as T1, so why would you waste time mining the T1 on an asteroid. So why would anyone ever choose to mine T1 ore anywhere if they're mining to sell on the market? If there isn't a good reason, doesn't that mean the T1 ore price will rise until it is the same as (or a bit higer than) the T2 price to give people a reason to product it?
  7. Can you dig on un-owned tiles now? What would be the reason for them to enable that? If not you'll end up paying a lot of taxes in order to protest against taxes ....
  8. As others have said, taxes don't really need to be as high as they are in order to get tile re-use. I would make a couple of changes to the way the territory wallets work: - Remove the ability to withdraw money from the wallet. Once you paid up front it stays paid. - Put a maximum balance on the wallet. Make it something like 3 months worth of fees. With those two changes you could achieve the goal of having AFK players' territory returned while only charging 1h per week. With a sensible charge like 100,000h per week people could pre-pay for 3 months at a time and with appropriate warnings when this gets low this would be manageable. I also like the suggestion made above that different tile uses generate different taxes. Perhaps different types of TCU could do this -- a residential TCU and a mining TCU with different rates, for example. But I'm wondering here if the tile could just have a base tax rate which is small and the rest of the money could be taken by mining units when they are activated. So you just pay a small amount of h each time the mining unit is charged. That would have the same quanta-draining effect which is needed for a player driven economy with missions while massively reducing the burden on people who just want to build the world.
  9. Depends really. Between now and the wipe a lot of people either won't be playing at all or won't be playing as much/in the same way. If enough people go off to other games for long enough, who can say how many of them will come back at launch to re-play a game which just wiped all their things and made them start again? IMO once the wipe possibility has been introduced the intended date, what will be wiped and what (if anything) the compensation will be needs to follow fairly soon after. Also I see what you mean about 'this is what players won't mind'. People I've talked to have said the same thing and I wouldn't mind a 'keep-the-talents' wipe so much either. But lets face it that's because we know that so long as we keep our talent points we can get back to where we were reasonably quickly. The talent points put people miles ahead of new starters, particularly if you have multiple characters with 10s of millions. I'm not sure that 'existing players being able to get back where they were' is really the intention of the wipe?
  10. OK, about half of what you say there has nothing to do with wiping, and a chunk of it will get worse after a wipe. For example the biggest, most organised PvP groups are going to rebuild fastest after a wipe and will get to those PvP asteroids before everyone else, then defend them, use them to get better weapons, etc. You won't be able to compete in trade either after a wipe if talent points don't get reset. And even if they do the hardcore industrialists will train multiple alts to get their skills up faster than everyone else, as will the competitive PvP orgs to make money. Schematics will gate the casual players from the market, allowing the serious players and big groups to own it again and it will be just like it is now after a few months. Because they way it is now is the way the game tends to go with the current mechanics and those aren't changing. Mission runners will get back mission ships, run 100million+ per day in packages and cause massive inflation in the market again. etc. I don't play ED myself, but I knew people who did and I did follow it at the time. I remember the players were saying exactly the same things before launch -- some people had got rich from exploits which were no longer possible and nobody else would be able to catch up. If I'm honest that was one of the reasons I didn't play it at launch and also the reason I started DU in beta *when they said there would be no more wipes*.
  11. Are we? I heard what NQ said in the Q&A and it was nothing like that. I heard them say, for example, that they wanted to make things as close to a clean slate as possible. Keeping talents is nothing like that -- for example experienced players have fully boosted PvP ships on day 1 while new players need to wait a month just to get L gun chair boosts to max. I think we really need to hear more from NQ about this topic. A lot of people have stopped playing right now just on the suggestion of a wipe. Why bother to mine, for example, if the rewards are about to get deleted. I started playing at the start of beta *because* they said there would be no more wipes. I had to stop after 0.23 because the way I want to play was just unviable. Now I've been able to play again for a while, but now I'm stopped again waiting to see what happens and getting frustrated about that. Can we just get some decisions made about this so we can get on with playing?
  12. Now I'm wondering if, because of this, the same seed *should* be used on the production and test servers so scans done on the PTS before the update drops are valid. I mean, if you're going to let some players start on day 1 with thousands of valid scans and go straight to the best tiles, why not even things up and allow everyone else to pre-scan tiles on the PTS and do the same thing?
  13. Yes, this. People were scanning and selling the good tiles and that was the reward. But now they can go back and look at all the old rejected scans and cherry pick any good ones in there. I'm in two minds about it myself. On one hand it's compensation for all the valuable tiles they probably hold now which just lost all their value. On the other it *might* (depending on how much coverage people have) mean that the only way to get a good tile 2 days after the update is to buy one for a lot of money at auctions. Which seems a bit rubbish really, I'd rather have a proper goldrush where we all go out and scan like mad to see what we can find.
  14. Do you not think that players with hundreds/thousands of scans they already made will use this feature to goldrush all the best tiles in the first couple of hours?
  15. Fixing stacked elements is a great change and I like that there's a way to detect overlapping elements now. But in the screenshot you included all the player knows is that at least one of the 118 retro rocket brakes (for example) is disabled. They don't know where that element is and finding it might be tedious. Will the stacked elements glow red like obscured ones to to make it easier? It would be really great if LUA could do this. Perhaps a core.getStackedElementIdList() function to return a list of disabled elements on the core. Then this could be incorporated into existing LUA scripts (damage control perhaps?) to put arrows up pointing to the broken elements, highlight overlapping ones on an element map of the construct, etc.
  16. NP, I was fairly sure it was an honest mistake. It was just a quote I didn't really want attributed to me. Sorry if my tone made you uncomfortable though. I don't think my first message was particularly aggressive but will tone it down in future nonetheless.
  17. Allowing people to hold tiles forever is a bad idea. At a minimum there should be some sort of upkeep for them (outside of sanctuary moon). Perhaps that's coming with the territory changes? There are quite a few players now who can claim whole moons (IIRC it would cost a little over 1 billion to claim the smallest moon which is about a week of mission running for some people) and then they could go AFK forever and leave massive chunks of the game unusable.
  18. Also, given that we have the transponder changes which allow us to see/set the tags assigned to a ship, would it be possible to have a radar.getMatchingTransponderTags(constructId) call to allow us to see which of the tags we programmed into our transponder match the target? That would allow for the HUD to display extra information based on the matching tag (is it an org-mate, ally, NIP person, etc) and there would be the potential for the LUA to do clever things like changing transponder tag to see if the target also changes to match.
  19. I just took in this one: radar.getConstructInfos(<int> cid) : Returns a list of working elements on the given construct if identified. Is that going to give me a full list of elements on the ship (potentially hundreds of them) or just the same information we currently see in the 'info' section of the JSON for an identified target?
  20. Are you expecting a wipe to attract new players here, or to attract back the ones who previously left? The population before the 0.23 update was built up over a number of years of alpha so you'd think most people who would be interested in the game would have already been playing at that point. So then it would be returning players who the wipe would be attracting? @Zychov it sounds like you're still in touch with at least some of those 20-30 people. Would any of them come back if the game wipes/relaunches?
  21. I want to PvP and just blow up everything I can find.
  22. I've been here since alpha and didn't know about that page. NQ, do this! It's a great idea.
  23. You have seen the recent Q&A video, right? Talent points for new players, sadly, are something I think would get exploited when DAC (DU's equivalent of a plex) becomes a thing. People will very likely start farming large numbers of alts which generate money through mission running, passive ore miners, or whatever and these will partially fund themselves. Adding skillpoints to a new alt (of course you will 'refer' your alts) just reduces the amount of training time required for the alt to become 'useful' (you can train passive mining skills instantly, for example).
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