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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by devu

  1. So far so good, I love new models, it keeps consistent style.

    I'm not fancy seeing a video with nothing happening at all for few minutes just to see the grand finale ;)


    But one thing came to my mind.




    I would expect some machinery involved to process materials, so it cost and consume power. (Not to mention that power requirement would help to keep the game balanced)


    Having this craft system simplified to on-board refinery/distillery/factory system, seems to be oversimplification and we loosing some immersion here.

    Are you guys planing such thing? 

  2. Think about this this way. How much per month you can dedicate for entertainment? My budget is around $20. I have a choice buy a new title every month and enjoy it for few days or dedicate my full attention (and time) to 1 MMO title like DU. I don't give a shit how much xbox or my PC platform cost. It's one off investment regardless of choice. Is useless without a content. 

  3. Sensors.. nice, the feature of the month :). But I have to say I love the style of functional blocks they doing. It fits the game very well. All together with decent voxel build system will look like there will be no limit to very good looking constructs.

  4. What are the actual chances of this game being any good?



    To directly answer your question.

    The best chances you can get these days. NQ provided enough information already to convince many of us to get into it. After all disappointments we get from some Alpha titles that put us down this is the 'last man standing'.


    1. Because it's natural progression in games. Almost a dream game for many sci-fi genre sandbox fans. 

    2. They have proved on devblog they know what they talking about.

    3. The videos they share with us backs it all up.

    4. They are honest, not promising miracles. But within technical constrains telling us what is possible or not.

    5. They are passionate about it.

    6. They are dedicated.

    7. They have been backed up by large community. By us. As long as this feedback loop exist chances are rising.


    If they will succeed with this project I see new chapter in MMO voxel based games opening up. Many genres could adapt same mechanics. From fantasy, medieval you name it. One thing proved to be effective over the time. Vision, passion and dedication to the project.


    However, personally I believe we should stay away from direct comparison to games we know. SE, EVE, Minecraft etc. It may only disappoint people, because players coming from these games counting on DU to be an upgrade of it, those will disappointed. They may look for wrong things here, familiar things. It is more like DU will have some of its elements. But you need to get a fresh perspective on it. There is NO voxel based MMO in any form on the market yet. And this fact alone is worth a try. There is no single game when players itself can shape the gameplay to this extend including building game world itself.

  5. And that is how over-hype starts. :).

    No! It is not possible due to physics constrains to make this game playable for masses in single shard universe.
    You can build giant ships instead and be happy too. You can even make a one that is shaped like that if you really like it so much :)
    There is a reason why we going to have hovercraft not a wheeled vehicles.

    Just stay real people and reasonable!

  6. Don't worry, This is Work in progress and I'm adding it to that track every day. So many emotions ahead of you. But more importantly this whole track should tell you a whole story. Particle Horizon and introduction to Homeless added today.

  7. Before we get to new home... and we lost the Earth we are all HOMELESS!


    Sorry I couldn't resist :)


    Really like the Feb update and all, but one thing cough my eye when thy were talking about texture improvements.

    I saw water on the planet. Is that for real?!


    As per late Alpha access... well I am disappointed. Because nobody understand these days what Alpha even means. It is unfinished and buggy product. It's just these days people expect umpaloompas now, I understand decision of NQ to avoid any doubts related to initial release. Only hope this will not drag more. Because this is not first time this deadline has changed.

  8. I will definitely try to replicate this in game:



    It's efficient, modular and would be easy to do logistically and keep some design standard and consistency across. 


    But I rather wondering what the big city itself could provide. People gathering in central hubs for a reason. Jobs and trade opportunities is the key. So I guess if someone is running some hidden megalopolis in galaxy far far away that nobody even visiting but the builders themselves... I can't see a reason for it. Big cities must attract not only members of 1 organisation but others. Be open hubs in order to grow it's own economy. Must be well planed when extension is needed, otherwise it will be one big pile of slums that will loose it's attraction power.


    What I hope for is that on the claimed land, my org will be not only able to build such city but also welcome others, give them dedicated slice of it to build, or rent pre-build place to live or run business. Then as a city owner I would need to provide some services to make this place attractive and secure. For attractiveness, provide some events, space for doing expos, tournaments maybe even some sport events. But for security... well, we all know what big city really needs to run. Not that long time ago we had riots in city like London. Imagine wild word web ;)


    So here is the tricky part. Would in-game system allow us to protect and manage it automatically? Or we would need to rely on people. If so... little shed will suffice. ;)

  9. I see little reason to spend to much time on something that might change countless time between now and alfa/beta and eventually release.


    But i do fear that some are throwing assumptions and wet fantasies around like they where facts. Which, if it takes to much hold is bad in the long run.


    btw i know for a fact there are giant killa sharks with freakin lasers on there head in game, right now.

    Source? :D


    But to be serious, there are those kind of topics around even little information we know about game, that are kind of fall into universal debate. If game allows to create any political system I wish to see all the flavors. People go wild with imagination what they can possibly came up with. Even worshipers of sharks with freakin lasers! Why not :) Some making calculations on well known patterns, other will go wild. Nothing wrong about this ;)

  10. And once again RBE that Homeless is proposing will provide answers to all that.

    No politicians, no money no problem that scientists and engineers can find solution for.

    And we don't have to care about food or population overgrowth. That make things even easier.


    System is scaleable and efficient. Will work for small group up to the big org. We will face completely reverse problem to overcome.

    How to not let everybody in who can drain resources out of our org. Simply using us for his own personal need, stopping by.

  11. Constitution Draft

    1. Everyone in organisation is equal.

    2. Organisation should provide a security, stability and resources needed to everyone.

    3. Decision making is done by comity of legates and validation of opinions is backed up by scientific methods. Everyone can be nominated to the Legate status.

    4. Whatever you do, organisation values, goals and members comes first.

    5. Science and technology is a primary source of wisdom.

    6. Our social structure is based on a unorganisation principals. Our structure should remain flat and decentralized.

    7. All activity of organisation members serves improvement of standards of living and greater good of all members of organisation.

    8. Nobody can enforce any member to do as he wish, but any member that acts against values of organisation can be expelled.

    9. Every member of organisation has a right to prove his point and question any decision if provides a proof of a flaw.

    10. Opinions or ideas are implemented when accepted by majority of members. But only 1 scientific proof  can dismiss it if invalid.

    11. We share and distribute our resources based on organisation needs and goals. Individual needs are met by commitment of all members into organisation.

    12. Religion, fanaticism or any other irrational way of thinking or satus-quo of any sort has no place in our organisation. If you believe in elfs or santa you should not be here.

    13. If you think we are not those who going to change the world, it only means that you are the one who is going to do it. Nor be with us.

    14. Organisation is to remain non aggressive, but has full rights and duty to defend itself and because of leaving among dangerous organisation shall establish superior defense systems.

    15. Member shares and privileges are based on the member contribution.

  12. The real question to your long debate that going off-topic is, why would you put all that effort to gather tones of resources and time to build a stargate and let it unprotected? I believe in DU the real question is not only about how much resources do I need to build x y  or z. But have a people to maintain it. Think about the game completely driven by people. WE are AI of this game. 


    So, would you build a city and abandon it? 

    Would you even build a city if you cannot sustain a small settlement?

    Would you even build a stargate not having few cities/settlements, citizens, trade network, fleet and crew? ;)

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