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Everything posted by Mordgier

  1. For whom? That only a minority even knew to try to find. The plot of RPO revolves around solving a puzzle - the fact that the puzzle is hilariously vain is a sperate issue. (Although you know the whole JC's castle thing having a part of the puzzle is a bit...vain.) Why? If anything this event shows, is that it's a complete waste of my time to even try to partake in these events that will be dominated by 200-300 man orgs with extensive alpha knowledge.
  2. The thing is, I think if NQ didn't offer TPs it would actually give the community a chance to help instead. Look at the Fuel Rats in Elite. I'm personally totally down to fly out to help someone recover their ship. Unless your ship teleported 5km into the ground, it can be recovered with the help of other players easily
  3. ....and if it were - that would NOT be a good thing! Alright, this is something that's been bothering me for some time from JCs interviews - and yesterday's Easter Egg interview pushed me over the edge to where I really have to say something... First and foremost - lets face the reality that Ready Player One would be a horrible game for most people nor would the events of the book be enjoyable for the majority of the player base. If you're looking at your game and going "Hey look it's just like RPO!" - what I hear is "Look just a handful of no lifers got to have all the fun!". That IS the plot of RPO. A tiny group of players who take the game WAY WAY WAY WAY too seriously get to enjoy the content while the rest may as well not exist. The puzzle fit this perfectly. A tiny group of players with tons of NDA covered information going back to pre-alpha solve a puzzle while the rest of the community doesn't even know it exists. Yup - very RPO. JC - The takeaway from the puzzle event should not be that "Look it was just like RPO! I did a good job!" - it should be that "The event was a complete failure and did not involve the majority of the community in a meaningful way, and was solved largely due to a bug and alpha knowledge that was not available to the bulk of the community." Please please please for the sake of DU - stop trying to make this game like a fictional book about a fictional game. You need to take a serious look at how other games have done community events and have managed to involve much larger groups of players. Everything from opening the gates of Ahn'Qiraj to the Elite Dangerous Alien events - yes they were flawed in their own ways - but by and large involved more people. Finally, this doesn't just cover events. The general game mechanics cannot be based on the mindset "Just like RPO!" - because I repeat - RPO would be a horrible game. In fact, I would go as far as saying if you are looking at any upcoming part of the game like AvA or Territory Warfare or Atmospheric combat and can say "This is just like RPO!" - then it probably needs to be reworked to NOT be like RPO but to be like an actual game that would be fun for more people. Once again - face reality - RPO was a no life simulator where only the no lifers mattered. This means designing things in consideration of players who are not willing to play DU 16 hours a day - and entire teams of such players. Players are not going to want to spend hours waiting for an attack on a territory to man the manual guns because you refuse to consider automatic defenses. Players are not going to want to fly dedicated gunners or escorts for every single hauler just because they may get attacked. Players are not going to want to sit in their ship for hours watching the radar while their orgmates mine out an asteroid. I could go on and on, but the core point is that the game mechanics need to be designed around giving people who do not no life the game a chance to have fun and stand a chance in pvp vs those that do.
  4. I have seen some NQ staff start to ask - just yesterday they asked a guy why he was asking for the 2nd ship TP in less than an hour... This can be solved fairly easily with discord bots that can assign people who got a TP in the past week to a group and remove that group from them in 7 days.
  5. That's all fine and good, but you should be aware that people are abusing this to teleport ships around. There are plenty of legitimate cases where people deploy BPs only to see them shoot off into the sky - but I keep seeing the same names asking for ships to be TPd around. Now I don't know what's in those ships, but it wouldn't surprise me if people were really TPing a giant pile of L containers between planets. At the very least there should be a limit on how many free TPs you can get from NQ a week.
  6. lol - well the easiest solution! You're probably right - he bought his first 'air' construct and is trying to use 'ground' controls.
  7. The link I posted explains how to do it. The reason you want to is that the config on the construct currently maybe messed up. Reapplying it is a pretty easy way to fix it. The shop ships are kinda wonky out of the box as is and a really bad value considering the price of elements on the market today.
  8. Try reapplying the lua configuration, also try using a non default config, https://github.com/Dimencia/DU-Orbital-Hud/ If that doesn't fix it, relog, clear cache, reapply the orbital hud and try again...
  9. Yes. Eve has set the golden standard for what a market place UI should look like. Making an even better UI should be possible and not THAT complicated given that they are using coherent gameface (http://coherent-labs.com/products/coherent-gameface/) to do it rather than some inhouse tool. With that said - I think the market place has bigger issues than the UI, mainly the economics behind it are currently entirely nonsensical. I get that the people responsible for the UI aren't the people responsible for making the economy work - just you know...having a pretty UI won't result in a functional market.
  10. OK. So why are you here if you think this game is snake oil? We clearly don't and actually play the game - you're welcome to take the opinion of those who don't play the game as gospel, but don't come here telling us about it. We don't care. There isn't a single game that you won't find negative opinions about from people who have never played it and know nothing about.
  11. Parking fee should be tonnage based. 100 per ton per hour after the first hour up maxing at 100k/h or whatever.
  12. Well yeah - people would freak out regarding whatever their answer is regarding Alioth. There is no answer that will please either side. Unfortunately when people don't have an answer, they assume the worst. This goes both ways. I have heard PvP players whine that NQ is too busy appeasing pvers and pvers whine that NQ wants to force pvp on them. (For the record - there is no pve in this game. You as the player do not fight anything besides other player. Your ore nodes have never attacked you.) Same goes for TW, same goes for all the pvp mechanics, industry mechanics etc - the less we know the worse situation we tend to assume - I mean obviously right? If it wasn't bad - they'd have told us right? So it must be REALLY bad! Personally I think that NQ is just well - really bad at communicating and not prepared to deal with the scope that they are tackling - not that they have some awful secrets about the state of the game or ability to implement planned features.
  13. Eh - I don't really agree with you. Yes the game needs a lot of things. NQ/JC are aware of it. There is quite a bit of unique tech in this game. You really think you can just log into AWS and setup a server mesh that 'just works'. What DU does is very unique - there isn't a game like DU today period. I do agree that JC needs to stop looking at how a book about a fictional game did things and starts to look at how games that work today do it. Specifically when it comes to pvp, territory control and mitigation of griefing and handling other uhh 'open world pvp tactics'. I keep saying this over and over - JC really has no idea how hilariously grief prone DU will be with territory control. I am not at all upset about the current state of DU. I AM upset about the lack of communication and clarity about the future mechanics. Hell, explanation of exactly how current pvp mechanics work would be a start. Don't tell me players have figured it out, ask 10 different people and get 10 different answers.
  14. This is somewhat covered by - https://upvote.dualuniverse.game/suggestions/122835/named-scanner-results
  15. Lets be real, this beta is going to last through 2021 and probably a large chunk of 2022 if not the entirety of it. There is no way NQ will be able to chew through even just the current list of features on https://upvote.dualuniverse.game/ for 2021.
  16. I assume they expect to make more money from DAC and skins and keep the $7 sub to maintain the population. Lets be real here - DU is having trouble drawing people in at $7/m as is.
  17. You generally sign up for auto draft for utilities etc. Default autobilling is not for your convenience. Nor is the minimum 3 months sub.
  18. Come on now - his complaint is silly but lets not go down crazy extremes here..."We'll keep charging you until you tell us to stop - for your convenience!" come on...
  19. Please educate this guy on finances - you got that 300mil quanta...come on - help a brother out.
  20. No...it does not. Your business is a sperate entity from YOUR finances as an investor. We're done here. Anyone reading this can draw their conclusions.
  21. You seriously do not grasp finances. If I start a company for 2.6 million and sell it later for 425 million with no other external investments. Did I make money?
  22. Post them. You seem to not understand finances and drawing hilariously wrong conclusions. CCP games did not get external investments valued at 500mil. CCP was started with an initial investment of 2.6Mil. Yes it did borrow 30mil later for it's VR project called Valkyrie which DID fail but that has nothing to do with EVE. Fact is that CCP grew to a 450mil valuation from a starting investment of 2.6 Mil and a 30mil loan in 2015 iirc... There was no other external investment that I am aware of. If you are aware of MORE than 450 Mil being externally invested into CCP - do post that source. Till then you can keep acting like you know more than I do and acting superior - but know that you're not fooling anyone.
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