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Posts posted by Megaddd

  1. 39 minutes ago, Frigidman said:

    Honestly, if they only go half-way like that, they are still shooting themselves in the foot. Having a dozen (or so) raw materials, duplicated for every single 'texture'... is still unsustainable.


    If the tool allowed changing of texture (pattern), as well as picking colors, then they could break out of just these couple textures they have now and allow more (if they so desired) without causing a honeycomb log jamb like it currently is. If even a basic game like Empyrion can do it right, surly Dual Universe can do it better.


    But I guess if they are going to half-ass it ... reducing the colors from the monster list of honeycombs would be useful.

    Ideally the skin will allow choosing material surface features/pattern/color separately.

  2. Generally fighting gravity with engines is bad. You will burn a lot of fuel for not a lot of benefit. Airfoils and forward speed should be used to stay aloft instead, it is much more efficient to do it that way.

    If your objective is to slow re-entry speed I would instead recommend you use air/space brakes (airbrake/retro-rocket) to do that instead.

  3. Try increasing disk cache and seeing if that stops the crashes, if it does you'll need more RAM. Some people play fine on 16GB. I ordered a second 16GB kit, because my PC keeps bouncing around the maximum possible memory usage even with 20GB of disk cache enabled. Whenever I hear that windows warning sound I need to rush to task manager to kill Dual.exe, otherwise random things will start crashing, and when display drivers or something else important crashes, you basically need to restart the PC. So that's a fun experience I'm working with until I get my extra RAM. ?

  4. The idea for the sanctuary tile is to be a safe stash for anything ytou no matter what. (PvP is coming to planets, only the arkship area and sanctuary moon will be safe!)

    Yes, indeed you must venture out into the vast world to continue progressing. However it is perfectly viable to set up a manufacturing plant to buy ores and sell what you produce. It's up to you what playstyle you choose to pursue from this point on.

  5. Agreed, voxels need to 'break' differently depending on the weapon/ammo type and the voxel type. e.g.: kinetic cannon ammo makes longer narrow holes, thermal/laser ammo does little deformations over a much larger area, missiles can stay a big round bang we have now, and railguns could be a combination of laser/kinetic deformation.


    Voxels should not only have more 'health' or resistance to damage overall, but also be categorized by their main material property which defines how they take damage from the different weapon/ammo types, e.g.: soft, heat conductive metal | hard, heat resistive metal | brittle | fibre.

    The following are example material qualities that would form a 4-way PvP "triangle" for the existing damage types with a little lore backing (may not be 100% scientifically accurate):


    Soft, conductive metals do not get deformed as much by railguns, but act more of a cushion to slow them down - this leaves a tiny surgical hole and decreases the area of effect, good electrical conductivity spreads out electrical damage over a much larger area making them very effective at negating EM damage, however get absolutely shredded by slower HEAT impacts (think playdoh catching a steel bearing), and have only an average resistance to explosions.

    Hard, more heat resistive metals simply mushroom under lower yield kinetic impacts from cannons - absorbing them easily, and have very good explosion resistance spreading out the damage over a large area and negating most of it, however railguns leave large exit holes or damage voxels in a quickly expanding cone, and the worse thermal performance only gives them average EM resistance.


    Brittle materials, ceramics or carbon fibre for example, crack instead of deform upon high velocity impacts, absorbing them almost completely without much voxel damage, however they mass-shatter and get blown away easily by explosions, and only have average heat/em performance.


    Fibres have generally the least health, because they're the lightest materials, however have excellent stopping power against lower-velocity HEAT rounds, but burn like kindling in the presence of lasers/EM damage, showing only average high-speed kinetic and explosion resistance.

    I fully agree that elements damaged to 'red' in PvP need to be simply removed. Only in crashes should they be 'restored' by scrap. I thought this was already the case, however if not then we have some bell-ringing to do for the economist at NQ.

    Voxel damage/resistance mspaint for reference:image.thumb.png.649acb45f7e69b171bcd57e416427dba.png

  6. It's not a bugged industry. It's a server-side fix to prevent industry operation spam, which saved the performance and made the game playable for the time being.


    The industries shagging the server with requests every few seconds made everything burn haha.


    For the time being you can only craft small batches in your nanopack. Gonna have to sell the excess you don't need in the meantime.

  7. Things are getting better every day, they are working as best as they can with what they've got to fix the largest game-breaking issues as we speak.
    The servers work a lot smoother than they have yesterday already.
    Trust that a month from now the game will be a lot smoother to play.

    Despite all of these issues the game is still the best of its kind I've played in a long time, and I'm already having fun, if they continue resolving problems and performance at this rate I think I will be happy to keep playing.

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