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Everything posted by joaocordeiro

  1. Since NQ does not care, i might as well give my point of view. Pure socialism does not exist in the world, in the exact same way that pure capitalism does not exist in the world. Capitalism is the "right" extreme of the same scaled metric that socialism is the left "extreme" So countries are defined by a pseudo % of capitalism and socialism. A raw % could even be defined by the amount of the economy that is affected by socialism compared to capitalism. One could say that Country A is 10% socialist and 90% capitalist, while Country B is 60% socialist and 40% capitalist. But trying to glue "socialism" to "dictatorship" is a childish move that may have some effect in the north american continent but not to the rest of the world. EU countries apear to be economically successful and have a much bigger % of socialism than american countries. Even in the US, states with higher % of socialism appear to have a good economy balance and still offer good living conditions to their population. This opinion does not mean im suggesting 100% socialism. It would suck to have 100% socialism..... I like that private companies make smartphones and computers and cars, etc. But i dont want private companies choosing to not cure my illness because it is more profitable to treat symptoms. But leaders and politics are to be chosen democratically by the population. If the population wants to have a buffoon ripping trade agreements that represent alliances and saying that their country is N1, so be it. If the pupulation wants to make sure that there is a minimal level of education, health and culture, to point their country to a better future, so be it.
  2. Yea this thread took the highway exit to RL politics town. Now, im also thinking on how long will NQ let this continue. For all of you expressing your political views, im not against you. But rules are rules. If i have to keep my political views to my self, so do you. Feel free to talk about DU. But not RL...
  3. Well, its a gray area. Those words used have a heavy RL history. But at the same time, those words represent valid economical models applicable to DU and its org system. Even if the op has a wrong understanding of the words or DU, that is no reason for closing a topic. The reason is RL politics. But the op did not name RL persons or RL countries or RL effects. So I would agree with either closing tge topic or not closing the topic.
  4. You guys don't get it... For ppl like the OP, the word socialism is not what a definition says. It is an insult. It is 100% synonymous of the enemy, of hell, of everything that ppl should not be. A certain group of countries created this hate against this word to justify wars and commercial deals. Now that the Cold War is over, a certain group of political activists use that word to fulfill their agenda. Their agenda is simple, it is to discriminate everything associated with the word. To make any idea related to the word "undebatable" because it is evil. And everyone that does not agree that the word is evil is also evil. In summary, the end of constructive debate... But back to this topic. The op lives in this environment where "socialism" is evil. And tried to associate some DU mechanic with "evil" to make it "undebatable" I don't believe the OP knows what "socialism" is in any definition, and I don't think the OP actually thinks his complaint is about socialism. He just used the word to have an "impact" tittle and some "support" from similar players.
  5. If you see a problem with DU, explain it and the mechanics that trigger it. Leave RL politics out of this. We dont care that your RL country has issues with the word "socialism"... No one is required to "share" a org. RDMS allows for you to share stuff with ppl individually without any org being needed. So you are not forced into nothing...
  6. As expected for a 3 day's old implementation of a non AAA game.
  7. Yes. I have a job and a regular paycheck. Its not often that i buy a AAA game on its release date. By the time i decide to buy it it already suffered a discount. But sometimes it happens. Last one was cyberpunk.
  8. The good old days when we asked NQ about collisions and instead of NQ, the "white knights of never ending JC faith" made us look like idiots making idiotic questions. "there wont ever be a colision issue because there wont be colision damage" "ok there will be collision damage but only to the moving ship!!! You cant go wrong with this aproach!!" Now. We have the reality..
  9. Depends on the size of the company and the academic background of the CEO... Small companies tend to have ppl accumulating job. And that's normal and acceptable for small companies.
  10. No problem as long as you dont rage quit RL.
  11. The titanic did not get 100% destroyed by the iceberg colision. Only the hull got ruptured and flood happened. In DU every element becomes destroyed instantly on colision. It like all titanic elements would get destroyed in the single instant of the colision. No more doors. No more life boats. No more violins. No more naked woman paintings. Nothing.
  12. Lol. I get the realism. I truly do. And i have played games like that in the past and enjoyed them. But why should this game further reduce the target audience? How much of a niche game should this be?
  13. I think one possible solution would be to calculate a "structural integrity" value. The more voxels your ship has(or voxel HP) the more "structural integrity" it has. And then reduce the damage taken from collisions based on that "structural integrity".
  14. We all been there... Some with S ships others with L ships... Once i exploded my ship (all parts red) by bumping my ship against a market pilar at 50km/h. (i had 100kl of gold in the cargo) and respawned back in alioth.... I know the mathematical calculation is right. But games are also about fun, not just math... I think NQ should revise colision damage calculations. To make it less damaging. Crashes are a common thing and even more common with new/casual players. Having to repair an entire ship is a massive pain that a new player may not be willing to suffer.
  15. The CEO did not get a company for free. he got the management of the company.
  16. I voted "no idea" on the 2nd question because of the lack of options. My actual vote is "NO, Because it makes no F sense to expose humans to enemy fire, it's not realist now and will not be realist in the future." If you look at navy modern ships, the bridge does not have "combat functions", the combat situation room is a room in the middle of the ship, well protected from enemy fire. That room will command countermeasures and weapons remotely. The actual bridge with windows is used for most non combat situations.
  17. I agree with you. A Snap option should exist. As a workaround, and not taking any merit from the underlying issue you pointed, you can find a single voxel as a reference point to place grid of elements. If all the elements are aimed at that specific place of the voxel, and you do the rest of the movement with the arrow keys and pageup pagedown you will be able to perfectly align elements. On the underplaying issue, I have a suggestion. Create snap grids. Not just one, but a mechanism that allows for its creation and storage of snap grids. Like, having a menu with a list of snap grids where you could add, delete, use snap grids. When pressing "add" you would have to aim at any voxel of element surface and click. That would create (and add to the list) a snap grid with that point as [0,0,0] and the inclination of the surface clicked as the grid orientation. When pressing "use" every element (in your hand) would orient itself with the grid and arrows, page down, page up would move the element according to the grid. This would be the basic. But in the future, NQ could even try to implement voxel tools to take the grind into account when making diagonal voxels. Another good addition would be to allow players to edit numeric values that define the grid. Allowing for players to manually set the grid to exactly "45 degrees."
  18. I give you that the game is not impossible to play. But a lot of things in this game are not intuitive. Ore scanner pinging every X meters walked is not intuitive. Modifying your speeder (moving parts, lua) is not intuitive. How linked container works with quick access bar is not intuitive. The different crafting batch size and the temporary disappearance of ingredients during crafting is not intuitive. We are a community and there will allways be someone in chat to give new players a hand. But imagine playing this game without anyone to ask questions? It would be a pain.
  19. But how? Without NPCs, or even NPC buildings without any avatars around, what is there to explore? More land? With more ore in scanner range? For exploration to be cool, something new or unexpected needs to be hidden from plain view and found with exploration. But the game has zero support for this...
  20. I wonder what will happen if the super legate of the top 1 alliance, with hundreds of ships and billions of credits, simply quits the game, not transferring the super legate position to anyone.
  21. There goes another part of JC's failed vision, nested organizations. So 5 org leaders join forces to make an alliance. But 1st they have to find a random guy to be the super legate? And that guy, not trusted by anyone will have full power over org ships and org wallet? What a disaster. One thing we can count on NQ for is to chose the wrong answer for each problem...
  22. I never affirmed it was ilegal... I said i am not sure about being legal and also within the rules. But mostly I adviced ppl that dont understand what HTML is to not blindly preform this "hack" I also think NQ should be involved in "fixing" this instead of "hacking" it off. I also dont see this sidebar as a deal-breaker to justify the emergency of the "hack"...
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