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Losing Inventory - DU please STOP this!

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Force Respawn - lost Inventory inkl. Tutorial stuff

Startet all over again


Force Respawn cause I was lost somewhere - lost Inventory

A GM helped me to get some stuff back, not all. I have to start all over again collecting.


Now in Surrogate Session for whatever reason but I am in Open World (my origin Inv still here). Do you want to Exit?

I not want to be in Surrogate, why should I?  Clicking YES - You will lose all your inventory!!!


DU please - I DO NOT WANT to lose my inventory for whatever reason and whatever session, and whatever teleport/respawn I do.


Please check into this. Thank you so much.

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Why? I want to take my inventory everywhere. When I teleport and I lose my blueprints - what sense does this make?


You have limited space in your inventory. I can not smuggle tons and tons of gold bars but I want to keep my BPs, empty containers I made, TCU I bought..,.

Why should I lose this?


Makes no sense to me when you lose inventory or due to a respawn cause I go back because of a glitch or I am lost. No MMO does this.


Do I lose my inventory also when I respawn at my own resurrction node? If yes, this would be a show stopper.

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15 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

Why? I want to take my inventory everywhere. When I teleport and I lose my blueprints - what sense does this make?

that's clearly a bug because BPs shouldn't be lost

15 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

You have limited space in your inventory. I can not smuggle tons and tons of gold bars but I want to keep my BPs, empty containers I made, TCU I bought..,.

Why should I lose this?


Makes no sense to me when you lose inventory or due to a respawn cause I go back because of a glitch or I am lost. No MMO does this.


Do I lose my inventory also when I respawn at my own resurrction node? If yes, this would be a show stopper.

it makes sense market wise - or pvp wise.


otherwise you could just teleport around the galaxy, never bothering with anyone else or any preparations to build a proper ship to transport your stuff to your base. Or you could just abuse this in PVP and later in AVA by just teleporting around and instantly throwing down your ship....or get in AVA

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Well, I am a trader and builder. I dont care about PvP.


When someone is in PvP or has a "fight tag" atm they could have a 1 hour cooldown so they can not teleport. Or as PvP player they should even not be able to access public markets or teleports...Something like that.


I did never see this in any other PvP game that I lose my inventory for those reasons. MY inventory is my playtime, my money and I not want to lose it! Not by pirates, pvp players or teleports.

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then make the same timer for someone who just traded too - because this could easily be abused for trading or building aswell. just teleport there quickly to get what you need and return. or sell smth really fast for quick profit

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4 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

I did never see this in any other PvP game that I lose my inventory for those reasons. MY inventory is my playtime, my money and I not want to lose it! Not by pirates, pvp players or teleports.


You do not lose inventory through teleports as the inventory stays behind on the point or origin.

A respawn is not a teleport, it is suicide so you lose your stuff.


Most MMO games will see you lose your inventory when your character gets killed of you respawn, most co-op games will too..

Eventually you should drop your inventory (possibly with a chance of a percentage being lost) on being killed and possibly on respawning where others can loot that drop, for now inventory just evaporates.


None of this has ever not been known or clear so if this is such a concern/issue for you I'm not sure why you choose to play this game. It's like you buy a banana bread slice from Starbucks and then complain that you really should be able to not have banana in the bread.

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Nope. I do not know any big MMO you lose your inventory. Do also not any PvP MMO you lose your inventory while killed by another players - except "some" inventory in Eve Online. The reason many people stopped playing it. You invest your time and sometimes even real money due to ingame shops.


Why should someone be allowed to steal your real money in form of inventory asset?

This would attrackt alot of scamers, griefers and gankers supported by the game mechanic.


If this is the case. Game is not for me.



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19 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

Nope. I do not know any big MMO you lose your inventory


Please name the MMO games you know that do not have loss of inventory. Or let's makes it easy, give me three  ..



19 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

Do also not any PvP MMO you lose your inventory while killed by another players - except "some" inventory in Eve Online


As Lethys mentioned, you lose your ship in EVE, you lose everything in or on that ship and that may also include trained skills. You lose your pod and you respawn, losing any implants yo may have used in the pod.


Now you might try and get back to where you were killed and if you're lucky be able to recover some of your stuff, but it will mostly be gone unless you got killed by NPCs and no one else came around to find and loot the wreck. And we know that NQ intends to implement a similar mechanic eventually, a loot container will spawn with your inventory which can be looted or recovered.




19 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

Why should someone be allowed to steal your real money in form of inventory asset?


You do not lose real money in game. As is the case in EVE, I would expect that the eventual Cash shop items will be permanent and bound to the character. If you fly around with DAC in your cargo (if that will even be possible) then that is a risk you choose to take as there should not be any reason why you'd do that.


Now if NQ does not implement DAC in a way that enable you to use it in game while not putting it at risk then sure. But I doubt they will be that daft.

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On 5/1/2021 at 10:11 AM, blazemonger said:


Please name the MMO games you know that do not have loss of inventory. Or let's makes it easy, give me three  ..




You dont loose inventory in:

Archeage, FFXIV, Planetside2, Black Desert Online, ESO, Crowfall, Warframe, Fallout4, No Mans Sky (pickup again), Space Engineer, Conan Exiles, Astroneer (pickup again), WoW, Lotro, SWTOR,




Eve lost alot of Player base. Just for the reason of ganking and griefing. People do not like it in the long run.


As told, I watch this tightly in DU. I am curious what it will turn out.

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Besides most of those titles not being MMO titles, in all the ones that are (all the ones I know that aren't) you lose your inventory when you die and will need to try and get it back.


We know that eventually inventory will drop in DU, it will not just vanish (and it shouldn't) as it does right now since that is not implemented yet. I've already mentioned that before.


The problem here is that your expectations and definition of what constitutes ganking and griefing seem to be unreasonably broad. Ganking is a valid gameplay style in many cases. I have a feeling that anything that is hostile towards you will just get either of those labels by you which again points at your expectations not being correct. DU is a game where you may get shot at when you venture outside of safe zones, it has been defined like that from the start and it will not change.


You seem to be someone who doe snot want risk, only reward.. I suggest you find a game that allows you to play in your own personal bubble with friends on a private server or by yourself in a single player game as it feels like MMO style games are not your thing. Nothing wrong with that but it is something I'd suggest you consider to be better for your preferred gameplay style.

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All multiplayer games. Does not matter to count beans now.


Fact is: You pay to play a game. You lose stuff all the time cause someone robs you or you lose all because you die. This is just a show stopper, at least for me because I do not want to re-buy each time something bad happens. Maybe some people are Rockefeller jun. and they do not care. There are plenty of players out there who can blow $500 a month to an online game.


I can not do that and I would stop playing such games.


Can not tell you more about it.

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13 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

This is just a show stopper, at least for me because I do not want to re-buy each time something bad happens.

then.....don't go where you could encounter big bad peeveepee'ers. And stick to the safezone - you're good there!

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  • 4 months later...

Warp drives should be the closest things to teleporting things across planets. you should never be able to fill your inventory and respawn with the stuff. you should never be able to surrogate to another place and fill your inventory and exit surrogate with that stuff.  This takes the whole transport aspect out of the game. And it reduces PVP encounters.  


To which you might say, but I dont do transporting and I dont do PVP. I am just a trader/builder.  To which I say, you dont have to transport and you dont have to PVP.  You can stay in the safe zone, so you never PVP. you can setup contracts so others do the transporting for you.  


Because for everyone of you that says I dont want to PVP. There is a PVPer out there that says I dont want to trader/build.  Which is a good thing. You want this in a MMO. Its basically creating classes, IE Builders, PVPers, Transporters, Miners, Traders. I always tell my friends, Eve would have never succeeded if it was a PVP only game.  Nore would it have succeeded if it was a PVE only game.  Heck, even in its current situation it requires players to be Industrialist, Miners and Traders. 

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