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As death in DU carries a significant impact,i find it highly benefial to involve a revive - resuscitation mechanic.

Giving a small window for players to be revived,greatly promotes teamwork.

The success percentage of the operation could be determined through  the skill and training of the specialized individual.

2 hours ago, Kurock said:

Also see 


And also relevant 


I see you took this one step further and made quite an in debt analysis of the benefits involved.

At the very least,it's pleasing to know that i'm not alone in favor of such implementations!


Hopefully it does not end up in revive-squads during battle, which are just running to dead avatars to revive them. That would be gamebreaking.

On 04/02/2018 at 1:35 AM, FireSoul said:

Hopefully it does not end up in revive-squads during battle, which are just running to dead avatars to revive them. That would be gamebreaking.

I think "revive" mechanics in DU will most probably be either severely limited or absent entirely.


Those mechanics are fine for "shooter" games, where the emphasis is on keeping the player engaged in "fun" combat for as long as possible.


DU's whole combat philosophy seems to be more focused on strategy than tactics. DU does not seem to be designed to facilitate and sustain a high level of combat activity: distances are large, travel time is significant, big ships need crews, etc. When taken together, all those factors do not support constant pew-pew...


The importance of rez nodes (and safeguarding them during battle) is clearly mentioned in the design docs. If you've traveled a long distance to launch an attack in DU, you better bring a ship with a rez node, otherwise you'll not be replacing any fallen comrades in that battle. If the enemy finds and destroys your rez node, the battle is basically over, unless you have a decidedly superior force. A "battlefield rez" mechanic would dilute the strategic importance of the rez node.


Consider the consequences of dying during a base assault in DU: you respawn at your team's rez node, naked and unarmed. Your weapons, armour, grenades, etc. are still on your corpse on the field. One of your squadmates may have saved your gear (if they could manage that without over-encumbering themselves), but you'd have to first meet-up with that soldier before you can get re-equipped. So, the assault team will have to bring not only a rez node, but also a stock of spare weapons, armour, etc., so that respawned troops don't have to run around the fight in shorts and t-shirt looking for their corpse...


If there's a battlefield rez, you're back in the fight almost instantly, fully equipped and already on the frontlines. If you have to rejoin the battle from wherever the rez node is safely hidden, you travel alone and vulnerable until you can rejoin your squad. And while you're out of the fight, your squad has to fight a man or two short.

7 hours ago, NanoDot said:

Consider the consequences of dying during a base assault in DU: you respawn at your team's rez node, naked and unarmed. Your weapons, armour, grenades, etc. are still on your corpse on the field. One of your squadmates may have saved your gear (if they could manage that without over-encumbering themselves), but you'd have to first meet-up with that soldier before you can get re-equipped. So, the assault team will have to bring not only a rez node, but also a stock of spare weapons, armour, etc., so that respawned troops don't have to run around the fight in shorts and t-shirt looking for their corpse...


If there's a battlefield rez, you're back in the fight almost instantly, fully equipped and already on the frontlines. If you have to rejoin the battle from wherever the rez node is safely hidden, you travel alone and vulnerable until you can rejoin your squad. And while you're out of the fight, your squad has to fight a man or two short.

And this is why the combat medic playstyle would be extremely useful.

The ammount of resources ressuplying every fallen soldier would be tremmendous.

There should be obvious benefits in well organized squads and besides,it's not easy trying to revive fallen allies in the middle of a large firefight.

You'd need several people dedicated to this task and most of the times they'd find themselves exposed to enemy fire.


From what i gather the problem lies with overusing this mechnanic to the ends of turning PVP into a COD-styled fast paced shooter.

There are ways to achieve a fine balance between "strategy" and "tactics" one of which involves players to only be revived once every 20-30 minutes.


Combat Medic : reminds me of the days of playing one on SWG not only did they have good attack and heal abilities but you could also drag a ally body away from the front line and turret fire so you could have more time to revive them easier! 


There's a very clear role that combat medics can fulfill in DU: healing people BEFORE they die. Prevention is better than cure, no ? ;)


Allowing players to be battlefield rezzed (even if it's only once every 20 mins) is essentially giving a "free death" without the considerable consequences attached to respawning at a rez node. It will diminish the strategic importance of the whole rez node mechanism. That leads to meta-gaming and things like suicide attacks, which are expedient because the player can just be quickly rezzed afterwards by the trusty squad medic...


It all depends on what NQ's idea is for the "pace of battle". A system where the death of a squaddie can seriously affect the outcome of the fight will inevitably lead to a more cautious fighting style, with less "Battlefield" and more "ARMA". Given the design of the flight mechanics in DU, I'd guess NQ lean more toward the "simulation-type" designs than the "arcade".

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