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Persistent Storage Elements


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We know that LUA scripts run on the players PC. But there may be times that a construct would need to retain information between uses by different players. This information would need to be kept on the NQ servers.


I would like to suggest:






Persistent Storage Elements


This would allow builders to save lists of names, or organizations, or any variable for any length of time and make that variable available to anyone who uses the construct.

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Of course to discourage abuse, they should be fairly expensive. I think most constructs wouldnt require them.


But an upper level scripter could do some interesting things with it

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This is a nice suggestion. Although, there's a kind of issue with it. Trolls. Make lots and lots of loops, overload the servers. Cheekiest kind of DDoS.

FYI, the way I see NQ sending scripts to a ship's model in a more dynamic way, is having a construct's Script, being compiled to a callback function and being stored in the servers as an entry. Whenever a construct is booted up, with the Core Unit assigned certain scripts for it, the server streams the function as a number entry and then the game's client procedurally generates the script itself in your PC and when you stop using the construct, the stream ends. For more info on what I mean, refer to the Library of Babel webstie. I won't spoil it, you'll understand what I mean. It's a masterpiece of alphanumeric algorithms.

However, permanent saves serverside, would be cool, albeit prone to troll attacks, even if the outcome is something like a Faction-style currency, or an in-game "spy network", or a black market of infomration that's not subject to the good old fashioned traceing of an IP via Teamspeak hacking or other means, as the NQ datacenter is the middle man.

Yes, people do that in EVE. It's spoopy :P

If you mean, "hosting a script serverside for the purposes of networking" though, Void's comment sums it up.

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DDoS mitigation is handled by their network code. If that vulnerability exists, then their network engineer isn't up to par. For a proper primer on networking code, see gafferongames.com.


I need to review my sources, but I believe LUA can query RDMS and return a list of tags. This wouldn't be any different. LUA would query the element, and it would return a STRING. It would be up to the coder to take that string and do something on the client PC via LUA. Then, if needed, update the string with new data.


All scripting client side.

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DDoS mitigation is handled by their network code. If that vulnerability exists, then their network engineer isn't up to par. For a proper primer on networking code, see gafferongames.com.


I need to review my sources, but I believe LUA can query RDMS and return a list of tags. This wouldn't be any different. LUA would query the element, and it would return a STRING. It would be up to the coder to take that string and do something on the client PC via LUA. Then, if needed, update the string with new data.


All scripting client side.

Well, the servers have maintenance hours, and you can't store the data forever. The moment you log out for maintenance, data is lost. It's either serverside storage, or no storage, which is where the chances of overloading the server comes into play.

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Perhaps some sort of rudimentary ability to connect to an external database then?


And while this idea is very cool, what scenarios do you envision it being most used? Perhaps there are other ways to do the same thing.

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I dont want to argue, but if server side maintenance wipes your data, then it would also wipe your characters.


We're not hooking up usb drives or even RAM drives. The strings ARE stored in a db table. They're just presented to the player as an element


1Gb of server storage has the capacity to store 1 to 4 MILLION Persistent Storage Elements as described.

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I like it. This would also add the need for data centers and such


Another awesome target for pirates and enemy soldiers. Now all I need to do is rig up a few explosives and light some fireworks!

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I dont want to argue, but if server side maintenance wipes your data, then it would also wipe your characters.


We're not hooking up usb drives or even RAM drives. The strings ARE stored in a db table. They're just presented to the player as an element


1Gb of server storage has the capacity to store 1 to 4 MILLION Persistent Storage Elements as described.

U get ut biw, Yeah, that could work in a great way.

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