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Found 8 results

  1. Dear developers, Short version, please make a Linux crowd fund so that we can put our money where our mouths are. Top aim would be a native client. Secondly, approaching Feral to help port the game. Third being a supported Wine wrapper. Finally, the lowest rung, some cornered off time that a developer writes guides or answers some questions that we can try get it running on Wine or in a virtual machine. It has been two years since I played EVE. When they sold skill points, that was a goal post moved that I could not accept but this game seems to hold a possibility of not only filling that hole in my mind but scratching an itch that I didn't think was there. What I can find about it from you looks positive. I can not promise that it is all sunshine but if you can become platform independent, surely: Windows + Mac + Linux > Windows only revenues. Vulkan has opened up a huge path for making platform independent games. Many Linux gamers are counted in statistics as Windows players because we resort to virtual machines and Wine. Statistically, we also spend more given the opportunity on our hobbies and passions. Linux statistics can be surprising. Personally, using myself as an example, I am on the following machine: Intel Core i7-5820K (6 cores, 12 threads) @ 4.1GHz Mobo: ASUSTeK model: X99-E Memory: 16201.8/64335.1MB Graphics card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Hawaii PRO [Radeon R9 390] (I won't be buying MSI aka Micro Sun International again, the build quality does not impress me). GLX & Vulkan Version: 3.0 Mesa 17.2.8 HDD Total Size: 2000.4GB (12.7% used) ID-1: /dev/sda model: MZV6E500BW size: 500.1GB ID-2: /dev/sdb model: ST500LX025 size: 500.1GB ID-3: /dev/sdc model: ST500LX025 size: 500.1GB ID-4: /dev/sdd model: ST500LX025 size: 500.1GB (That is an M.2 for boot and some games + 3x SSHDs in ZFS RAID 5 for bulk storage.) My Steam account is also rather healthy. We bought into a vague promise from Star Citizen and we are still waiting. The key to this request is that you can see the direct contribution that Linux players make and adjust what you do for them accordingly. Thank you, Jen
  2. https://www.dualthegame.com/en/pledge So, the new supporter packs are out. What are your thoughts on them? How did they compare to what you guessed would be in them? Personally i though't there would be more DACs, but i love what they have done in relation to different points of access into alpha.
  3. (Discontinued)
  4. Hello, even if we did reach the bounty system because of the funding from private investors, I wanted to point out that I think we would've reached 725k anyway. We are now at €714,398 pledged so far and we have until the 7th of september to reach 725k. I simply wanted to say that it is incredible that we will reach (I hope so!) the last stretch goal, even without the funding of 3,7 million euros. At first, I did not think we could reach 725k but now it's quite possible and I think it's awesome. Leave your thoughts on this, do you think we will reach the goal ?
  5. Due to i have some spare time to write, so here we go It's been a year since i discovered Dual Universe from the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2016. NovaQuark used a very simple teaser for their game debut. There are some people that starting to express their scepticism about it, & at some point my self also feel the same ... just trying to be honest, the teaser looks a bit dull & i expect more information from it. But i realize that NQ just started their debut which is quite reasonable for me. Even though the said trailer looks pretty half baked, but it said this game will be a fully editable world with single shard server. That is actually a pretty damn interesting thing, i feel like i wanted to know more about DU and then i came to the forum. I kinda surprised that there was not so many dudes here at that time. It only have few sub forums, but the discussion runs pretty well. One thing that i found was the dedication of the developer to make all of this happen. Suddenly i changed my mind, my scepticism was gone, the only thing that left was "okay, i will be part of this" Few months later they added new features, the Organizations. Everything grow so fast, there are more people came into DU and starting to build their own Organization, which is awesome. Few moment later they announced their Kickstarter Campaign, at some point the scepticism came back because of what happened on the other game with the same genre. But it didn't enough to stop me to both support & taking the risk by became Backer. After the Kickstarter campaign ends, they expand the crowdfunding program via the community page following by a constant updated that they showed to us every month about the development progress. & They started to expand the forums by adding more sub. More people started to pop out here at forums even though the game is kinda still under the radar, i see a lot's of excitement from each of them both developers & the players. I love to read all of their question & ideas about this game. It's been a year since the Kickstarter campaign start, and DU succeed to collect funds & survived from black hole that hit the space genre very hard. Big thanks to everyone for the contribution. At this moment, the only thing that i can say is "Can't wait to see you guys at the Pre-Alpha!" I hope the next year will be even better and so on
  6. Hi, I have what some will probably see as a stupid question, but I was wondering anyway so here goes. If I pledge the 15 (iron) package in the crowdfunding and previously kickstarter. When I could play?
  7. So I pledged during the kickstarter, and I want to upgrade the pledge, but the crowdfunding page doesn't seem to work for me at all when I'm logged in. I click on the pledge tiers and nothing happens. How do I upgrade? I feel like this is probably something obvious I'm missing but I honestly don't know.
  8. Hello fellow Arkship passengers I have some questions related to the new Update about the upcoming Crowdfunding system on Dual Universe Kickstarter page (Update #24) On the Phase 1 paragraph they said : "Packages will be quite similar to the Kickstarter packs, so that those of you who couldn’t pledge during the Kickstarter campaign for various reasons (not being able to pay with PayPal, missing the end date of the Kickstarter, etc.) can still support us. The available Founder packs will have the same number of DACs as the Kickstarter ones. However, they will have a few less perks." Does the upcoming Packages also contain the Alpha Access ? Since they said the upcoming Packages will be quite similar to the Kickstarter ones and the difference between them is the new one will have a few less perks than the Original Packages. On the Phase 2 paragraph they said : "For those who like in-game pets and didn’t have the opportunity to get one from the Kickstarter, we plan to make a new one available through an add-on." Does this in-game pet is the same thing that included on the Kicstarter package ? As far as i know, the in-game pet is an Exclusive perks for the Kickstarter Backer, and on this new update they said that the in-game pet will be available through add-on. Here is link the their Kickstarter page in case if you want to read the full update : www.kickstarter.com/projects/1949863330/dual-universe-civilization-building-sci-fi-mmorpg/posts/1715212 Alright, that's it. Any Responds & Answers will be appreciated Thanks for your time
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