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Everything posted by Anaximander

  1. @vylqun Have you noticed how many people shifted to sandbox space fantasy games as of late? Why do you think Star Citizen is the most crowdfunded game so far? And WoW lost its demographic by a lot, because people got tired of the fantasy genre. People are tired of the "Theme Park" MMO (like WoW) and want Sandbox games (Minecraft, Space Engineers to an extend and now Dual Universe). Plus, let's be real here, EVE Online players will definitely jump over if the gameplay here surrounding the economics is good. Especially if we can create our own marketplaces/auction hosues/stock exchange. There's more demand out there for a space sandbox MMO than you think.
  2. @Dominar I suggested a grade system, ranging from 5 USD a month for a plain package to a 15 USD with extras thrown in, like cosmetic items or super rare unicorn color patterns or something. Thing is , 10 USD sub is cool for maintaining a server for such a game a DU is projected to be. But 15 USD would be dandy for maintaining the server and provide more resources for server tuning. And let's be honest, it took private servers in WoW over 10 years to finally make a server that works fine. Can you imagine some poor bastard trying to set up a D.U. private server? Holy shit, that would be a savage nightmare of codeing to pull off. So, as I see it, the devs can't be extorted by private servers. And a sidenote, WoW is 15 USD per month, but if you buy an annual package you save like... 2 months I think, perhaps more. Bottomline is, you buy sub in quantity, you save more money.
  3. Pony Slaystation >_>

  4. I suggest, ney, I demand an Australian RPer to open an amazing pub in-game called "The Lazy Dingo". Or even better, A flying pub in space, called "The Chillo" (Get it, because people will chill in it ? )
  5. @Wardion2000 I was trying to be poetic. My bad. To put it bluntly, I am in favor of Pay-2-Play. 'Kay now ?
  6. @Ripper First of all, I like your name. Very Jackey. Second. Yes, I was making a parallel to the relativistic effects in a way. I remembered the interview Baillie had with the XPGamer on youtube and how he explained the dividing of sub-servers when a place got crowded. What I was asking was if I could see on the seurface of a planet from orbit. In Planetside 2 for example, it can render for up to 2000 metres away, you can literally shoot at a jet 2 kliks away with a ray-gun and hitt it square in the face. (For people who know of Planetside 2, all hail Papa Vanu the Space Squid God ) I was wondering if the same could be happening in the game, perhaps requiring for dome-shield emitters to be placed to protect from space dicks shooting down at a city..
  7. See, in WoW, you could Log off wherever you pleased, BUT, if you did log out in a certain area with beds (an inn for example) you could get rest bonuses, which amped your XP gain. Now, the rest bonus could possibly be a speed boost when running on the ground, ora drop chance increase, something to give an insentive to log out on a place with beds. And logging out would require a ten second period of out of combat activity. No Alt+Q+Q when losing a battle.
  8. Someone should make a show on youtube when the game comes out, called "Dual the Universe, Quadruple the Drama". I can see us having four factions. The PvP, the PvE (Forced to PvP), The Artsy Builders (Who will probably build a frigging tower defense around their planets) and the rich industrialists who will sip their wine and watch as the three factions fight for our amusement.
  9. Who knows, perhaps they might add it in the game. But I don't think collision damage won't be present. It's physics based in the game, mass, inertia etc. Perhaps they meant collision damge as of a ship's model shape and stuff. Who knows, we'll have to wait for a dev confirmation on this. Let's cross our fingers for a youtuber to talk shit and the devs slam dunking video proof as they did so far
  10. @Wardion2000 Unless it's a discussion on the merit of PK, I never troll. And the devil in our case, is not the P2P model, but F2P.
  11. @Dominar People played WoW because it was revolutionary for its time. You could press space... and you jumped. That's why people are willing to pay for a game. If it's good, its worth its subscription. If it doesn't, then people will not put up with it. I wasn't going to play WoW back when I was your age, but then I saw my friend playing his Hunter in Vanilla wow and pvping. You don't know the meaning of "Pro MLG, 360 halo jump no scope" until you realise how Hunters pvp'd in WoW those days. My point being, the product sells itself, marketing simply puts it out there. And with the attitude the devs have on shutting critics mouths with video evidence, I think that people will pour in to see the game and stick around after some cray ass Star Wars fanboy build a Derp Star. (Hopefully no exhaustion port). And adjusting for inflation, in comparison to when it came out, them 15 USD WoW charges is far less in today's standards. Just sayin'.
  12. @Gingerdeadman6 I was high, thinking your quote was your post. Nevermind kind ser ~_~ #dazedandconfused
  13. Aw... I see, like experiencing lag due to light travelling in space, like how the moon is actually one second back in time when you look at it, since light takes one second to bounce back at you from its surface. Neat idea, although it would demand a very tricky ambient occlusion mechanism and from what I saw, NovaQuark made its own shaders for the game, so yey, perhaps they have this shit locked down.
  14. @gingerdeadman6 F2P is asking for level 1 trolls to log in loaded with cheats. I stopped playing Planetside 2 due to that, as well as other F2P shit on the market. This game is going to be MASSIVE. F2P means SHIT these days. You get F2P , you get Endless upon ENDLESS farm so the item shop will seem nice to you, with whatever prices are in there. I would prefer a P2P game, knowing that I support the game as much as everyone, rather than play a F2P game, where the guy who paid will always win. The problem here is, that most people, especially teenagers these days, have been raised up in the age of youtube and torrents. Well, guess what, you got to pay for things you like in life. I totally support Novaquark on a subscription model and I believe they should not budge on the subject, cause I personally, as well as many others, are tired of playing F2P games where they eventually head over down the Pay-2-Win route.
  15. Cash shop for COSMETIC items only? I mean, if a guy wants to paint his ship to the colors of the rainbow, he should be able to buy such a fashion. The unicorn colors won't make him magically better at pvp. It's a win win idea.
  16. PErhaps a gradual system of subscription, with different bonuses for each. 5$ : Gives you access to the game and some cosmetic dyes. 10$ : Access to a library of cosmetics for your character. 15$ : Final tier of cosmetics. Gold chains and shit. >_> It's a rough example, I know, but still quite possible.
  17. Well, my instinctual response to cryptocurrency is bitcoin. In any case, cryptocurrency sounds bad. Sounds like people can hoard it and win by default.
  18. Given the LUA scripts of the game, I expect a combat system that will be similar to the Lost Fleet book series. Essentially jousting in space. You charge at your oppoment, and try to throw off their aim by slowing down or juking their shots. The turrets could be set to fire on a tag-command and have broasider combat as two ships pass on one another. Dogfighting should be left to jets, not freaking battleships or battlecruisers. Battleships are literally knigts and battlecruisers are chain-mail wearing guys on horseback. What are jet-fighters in such a scale? Footsoldiers. Peace.
  19. I don't think using a currency meant for hitmen and ordering goat-blood from the deep web should have its place in a video game. It's a neat idea, but it ain't worth on NovaQuark's side of business to meddle in a currency BANNED in many countries around the world. That could mean them having no access to a certain market, perhaps many more markets.
  20. So, will there be a two tier rendering, a long one for macro-objects like planets and one for shorter one for spacecraft etc? Just wondering. I mean, if orbital bombardments to occur, we will nedd a certainly long rendering distance.
  21. Well, given the LUA scripts that are going to be in the game, I can see ourselves building dandy weapons that shoot unicorn beams. I call DIBS on unicorn beams.
  22. Who is "we" ? Am I not the only mad person in this forum >_> ? In all seriousness. I want to be the Littlefinger of your empire. >_>
  23. Bruh, you know that Lineage 2 has a bajillion private servers that are Pay-2-Win right? I know so, I ran a server in europe and guys donated money to get free gear. Guild Wars 2 ? Yeah, it's Buy2Play bruh. Guild Wars 2 is NOT free. Aion is shit. Tera is a joke nowadays.
  24. I'm gonna keep it real. I played Landmark, hoping for Everquest Next to be the next big MMO. Turns out, SOE went to shit. I am a fan of building games, especially voxels. The dev team so far has IMPRESSED me with how much swag they throw about. Bluedrake42 talks shit? BOOM Video response showcasing voxels. XPGamer has concerns of how heavy the game could be ? BOOM, Baillie shows up, playing the game on his laptop. ON HIS GOD DAMN LAPTOP. That's what sold me on the game. Plus, Jean-Christopher Baillie has a background in robotics, like my father has and knowing my father's pool of knowledge, I would say Baillie can delvier on his promises on the game.
  25. DISCLAIMER : THIS STORY WILL BE PERFORMED IN CHARACTER. ANYTHING WRITTEN IN THE STORY IS REPRESENTING OF THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER, NOT THE AUTHOR HIMSELF. ANY QUESTIONS WILL BE RESPONDED TO IN CHARACTER. ================================================================================================== Nobody chooses to call themselves Twerkmotor. Then again, nobody would believe them Arkships were ever going to be needed. They called me crazy, them top-heads and generals, calling me insane for pointing out the obvious trap we were heading ourselves into. Have you ever wandered why we would ever put ourselves in hybernation, if we have warp-drives? It diffuses the purpose doesn't it? Well, have you ever wandered, why your first instinctual thought when hearing about spaceship is "big guns" ? Why you think of alien worlds and the first twitching motion is the trigger-finger squeezing? That's right soldier, now it all comes back, doesn't it? They told us the war would bring safety to humanity. They told us the war would secure humanity's existence for ages to come. I guess those buzcut heads must function as echochambers, since there seemed to be no brain whatsoever left in those top-notch generals. The aliens knew our tactics, they had millenians to perfect war, they only had to amp the scale of one tactic in particular and we were done for. Scorched Earth they called it back in the day, the aliens called "Collapsing a Star". Do you know what happens, when you warp into a system and the star collapses? You never come out of warp. The black hole's orbit flings you past it, as warp will allow you to exceed the escape velocity of the black hole, but at what cost? Say bye bye to your loved ones, you won't be seeing them EVER again. I told the top-notch grizzly pilots in fancy uniforms that the aliens collapsed the stars, it's not something that happens every other time and so often. They called me crazy. "Noone can collapse a star. It's beyond ANY technology that can exist" they said. I guess handling a rail-gun makes EVERYONE expert in nuclear fusion and weak nuclear interactions. When Alpha Centauri's binary stars collapsed at the same time, we knew we were done for. 4.5 years they gave us to pack everyone of importance into the Arkships. That's how long the gamma radiation would take to reach planet Earth and turn its own atmosphere into a microwave oven. They came to me, told me that I had foresight , they told me my knowledge wa valued. I showed them my brother's death-mail, saying he was K.I.A. after the battle of Kaliban system. I showed them my wife's last letter, having it made into a portrait. For your information, she went "missing", along with an entire squadron of ships under her command. She never had time for children, she had to fight the good fight you see. I told them I will be waiting the end on my lawn, possibly with the barbeque going. They told me the aliens had lost control of their tech that disrupted the core of stars, something about quantum frequencies, how the galactic center was "infected" by the disruption of the aliens' weapon. Yeah, guess what happens when you disrupt a supermassive black hole. That's where the Arkships came in. It was tech meant for EXTREMELY long travels. Warp can make a travel to a system ten light years away to last only a day or two. But another galaxy altogether? That took time. Time that would be needed spent in cryosleep. They told me I could make a difference in humanity's new era, far away, to a galaxy safe from possible quantum frequency disruptions in the core of its stars. I said yes to that. That would be a good way to make my life worth its while. Guess what, the aliens had blown up their own territory's stars so much, they were out of materials to enact their own Project Ark. One last hurray in being assholes, amirite? Even as we boarded the arkships, those friggin' aliens kept fighting us. They got our starbird side in a kinetic barrage - tell you what, Arkships are enormous, cumbersome, up until they hit warp, then they fly as fast as any star-hopper jet could. One in every ten arkships was destroyed. I retrospect, I hope those were the last things I could recall. While being prepped for cryostasis, I took the liberty of conversing with the men and women in my pod-group. I asked them of what their field of expertise was, given my assumption that the arkships would have people of science to help rebuild humanity. As I asked the first man on my left, he replied "Heavy Weapons operator". The woman across me said, "Sniper" in a hick accent. Slowlly, every other person spoke up and soon, they all started exchanging their batallion numbers, where they had served, how man drops in power armor they had under their belts, confirmed kills, stories of gorious glory. Then it hit me. I wasn't there to rebuild humanity. I was there to build weapons for a new and senseless war when the time comes. I had ninety centuries of cryo sleep and lucid dreams to see the same nightmare. My brother, dying in an onslaught of aliens, then I saw others' brothes dying, others' wives dying. I saw the endless cycle of hate and misery, brought by a "new" humanity, rooted in a military gene pool. That's how it started, getting mad. Now, as I'm standing here, awoken, unfrozen, isolated in the bridge of the arkship, with every airlock open in the ship and every cryopod ejected down the planet, I only have to wonder how long will these grunts take to kill each other with sticks and stones. Surelly, it won't be long. I wasn't thinking straight, I must have dropped some engineers down the planet alongside the soldiers. Which gave me a better idea. Why build weapons for the army, when I can start selling weapons to everyone? Why not feed both sides of the war with the same weapons? Why not make myself less of a threat, give myself a silly-ass name. Yes, war never changes they say. Weapons though do. And it's due time for some upgrades. Perhaps... quantum-frequencies is the direction I should dwell into.
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