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Everything posted by Anaximander

  1. Termodynamics. Learn them. You can't hide a ship in the absolute zero temperature of the vacuum. And mAss Effect's physics on the Normandy are bullshit, same goes for Star Trek Romulan stealth. Your HEAT cannot be contained on a ship for a prolonged period of time as travelling through space requires. So no, "Heat Stealth " is impossible in itself. What you can do, is go for steath on smaller crafts, like jetcrafts. They could be small and sleek enough to avoid sending back pings of their location when scannd and when they came closer, then you go into "techical stealth" as the jetcraft "hacks" your radar and makes itself invisible there. FYI : Space view in a ship should be treated the logical way, that it is a "technical rendition of space" to the ship's driver/captain, as noone in their right mind would ass a window - any type of glass or super-glass - to a ship that can possibly go half the speed of light. Therefore, the "tech stealth" is an applicable concept, instead of In-Atmosphere Coatings of paint (the idea proposed by the OP, of "Passive Stealth" ) is not applicable in space. The only real stealth, is hacking/tech stealth, which should be limited to jetcrafts ,or at least, be taxing n the ship's power core, ergo not allowing you to move at high speeds while you maintain the Hacking Transmission signal. See? It all works out. You could even upgrade such an array or apparatus to include a small group of ships and thereforce having the enemy to adapt to such tactic by having a scanning mini-game when it came to PvP.
  2. Plasma needs temperatures procurred by nuclear fusion. So there's no "plasma engine", there are Fusion Reactors. There's a reason why certain radioactive elements produce more heat. They are radioactive (no, duh). Methane is not that powerful. As they say "not all that glitters is gold", like-wise, just because something catches fire, doesn't mean it can produce enough energy to move a starship. Current technology, in air-carriers, utilise nuclear reactors to move said ships. The only alternative source other than radioactive elements would be anti-ammter, which produces A LOT of energy when consumed ,but that's highly dangerous and hard to produce. But radioactive material can be produced in "space-futre" far faster than anti-matter (given our current rates of production).
  3. They have a balancing system in place. It's called physics, more precisely, mass. You know, if you build your ship with everything and the kitchen sink, good luck making it budge with a velocity not characterised as "Sitting Spaceduck".
  4. Come to think of it, I wonder how many people will forget that engines can be used to brake speed and gain speed. Space car-wrecks incoming
  5. @Velenka What you are describing has merits... if the game had a leveling system and classes. It's an MMORPG, true, but it's not a Theme Park MMO (like WoW or EVE in a way). It's a sandbox. A sandbox with leveling that isn't organic, is crap. And your "access to higher level tech" part, is rendered moot when you realise that in WoW, when my friends came over and started playing, I took my tank paladin and boosted them to level 80 (yeah, back when) in less than a week. They shouldn't be able to do such thing, yet they did because I was theree to help. Providing an organic leveling system for mining it's okay... if the game is medieval, where you need a steel pickage to mine better. Guess what, lazors > steel. And if not lazors , a jackhamemr. You don't need tech trees for that, you are not going to re-invent the wheel here. They mastered spatial withdrawal, I don't think that the people in Dual Universe lore forgot how to do the jackhammer. It's a motor, with a plug on one end and a series of gears that provide a palindromical motion. Let the leveling be an experience, not the leveling being an XP bar.
  6. @Cosmicdragon Yeah, can't think anything more immersive other than 5 weeks in space towards a star In any case, fuel should be stored in quantities and hopefully, physics will be in the game, thus you could give your ship a heavy push and then simply "glide" your way towards your destination without burning fuel. You know, Law of Motion numero Uno.
  7. If that gate opens with "tokens" that you can buy in game the flood gates towards Pay-2-Win will open.
  8. @Shynras The wrecks are blocks that existed on the server before, they only moved places in the grid. They won't be making a load on the server, as when you are not in their render distance, they don't count. The same goes for all the planets. They are not in YOUR sub-division of the server, so they don't affect you.
  9. It could use the waste of the reactor as a way to produce elements. The devs have said that fuel will be a limitation, as to get into a new planet far far away where jumpgates do not exist, you would have there the slow way. So yeah, Fuel stations could be a thing. People could make mone by acting as roaming gas tankers O.o
  10. @Velenka Batteries are not that simple and practical. You see, power cores/reactors, have the possibility of "overclocking" so to speak, in cases you need more speed. It's the exact same thing as with electric cars and normal cars. Electric cars have a maximum output, that limits their horepower. While fueled engines can be amped up if need be (or even overcharged, in the case of nitrogen being injected into the burning cycle of the engine). Same concept can be applied to spaceships. And practically speaking, solar-power is not really that much of an option. Your ship would have to be near-pitch black to absorb the maximum of the star's heat, therefore the hull of the ship has to be really brittle to be near-pitch black, making it feel like paper when shot by a ballistics weapon. Physics are not that simple to deal with But reactors are a win-win solution.
  11. @macdja38 Mate, there will be LUA scripts, the ultimate puzzle of all time What more do you want?
  12. @Yamamushi Democracy hardly works in real life, you want elitist jerks to have a say in game developement? You think CCP heard "the Council" and made Dust 514? Or they gave a flying flamingo for "the council" when they decided to make Project Nova? Or even cared for "the council" when they shut down Dust 514 servers, or when they made Valkyrie? No. The council is a redundant idea. The devs will nod their heads and it will only force the devs to take time off their own personal hours or their working hours to accomodate people with ZERO gaming developement experience, to bitch about things that won't be changed for their snowflake's sake. Let the devs do their thing. I've seen game devs that heard the players and their games are still in developement (COUGH COUGH STAR CITIZEN REDEEMER SHIP REWORK COUGH COUGH).
  13. Uhm, fusion needs a lot of energy man This is why they use nuclear fission as a primer to light it up In any case, we'll need to wait for the devs to tell us
  14. So, you want to be lied both outside the game by good-looking sociopaths and you want to be lied IN the game by good-looking sociopaths to push their agenda. Funny, the other day I was telling a guy that having beds in DU to log out is a bureocratic idea. Guess what, he was an EVE fanboy as well. My two cents on the matter. Let the Devs decide what's better for the game. If you add a democratic trash-can of douchebags represeent your Wants, you will end up with all sorts of features, like having to go to a bed to log out, while first, you have washed your teeth, having jacked off (to speed up the log out timer, remember, you are going to "slee"). And of course, whatever circle-jerking idea is going to be promoted. "I want to have my house that is made out of cardboard to be as strong as a bunker made of rhenium diboride when it comes to PvP!" "But little Timmy, Rhenium Diboride is the strongest alloy known to man! And cardboard is cardboard!" "OMG! DU IS NOT BALANCED IN PVP! NERF THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!" And the Council idea in EVE is a total joke. Those dull morons who skype with the developers get to pretend they have input in the game, while the devs get to have a laugh at those elitist jerks.
  15. They could make the starter area a Virtual Reality in your cryo-sleep. Think Demolition Man logic. You go to cryo sleep, wake up, you know how to knit neat vests. Same logic here, but your starter area is a VR world, that is wiped out after your tutorial sessions is over.
  16. @AttacKat You finally see my point of view. Many EVE players want this game to be EVE 2.0 .
  17. @Asimos Oh, you mean fusion/fission rockets, like how the hydrogen bomb works. Yeah, that's cool, but to have thermonuclear fusion you still need plutonium and a neutron primer to start the whole process Maybe it will be an advanced mechanism or an engine of sorts. I guess having a gas station in space will have its hazards
  18. I can see mecha's going for the Elbow Rocket stunt already.
  19. @AttacKat Let's say you build a house out of spacesheep turd. Congrats, your house made of spacesheep turd is now a thing. Does spacesheep turd hold up to - I don't know - rocket launchers? Turns out... n-no. No it doesn't. So, you ask of the game, to act as an arbiter, throwing the physics engine down the drain, so your house made of spacesheep turd to be hard as titanium. Is that the balance you are looking for? Cause I can tell you, that if you want your stuff to hold, build them out of metal or something, cause wood catches fire and space turds are still turds.
  20. Seen this earlier on the Dual Universe site. It's so cool
  21. @Shynras Well, in gas there are octanes to count its efficiency. Sadly, when it comes to radioactive isotopes, it's not the fuel that is subject to upgrades but the engines that utilise them. So it's the problem of "your ride is cost efficient but expensive" VS "THe Dark Side of owning the Millenium Pile of Junk." @Asimos You mean like heavy water for cold fusion reactors ? Sure, that can be a good idea, although fusion would not be "fast burning" so to speak, thus, cold fusion could be used for powering lights in cities, near a body of water, while uranium and plutonium could be used for ships to go fast.
  22. @Klatu Satori Then yes, periodic wiping, cause you know people will make alts if you allow a claim system with at timer. But outside into the wild, LORD DICKBUTT SHALT PREVAIL.
  23. @TrihXeen Trial and Error yes. That I can do.
  24. Let nature deal with dickbutts. You know, War. Maybe we have some White Knights who go around destroying the shrines to the God of Procreation. And we will have a Holy War. The White P.C. Knights and the Followers of Lord Dickbutt.
  25. @Cornflakes Fine, I'll stand back and watch how you guys struggle with the impervious logics of people saying "Please give us multiboxing" and "please make Dual Universe EVE 2.0 ".
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