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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Lethality

  1. we do know that it will be possible to carry ships inside other ships, anchoring them with an anchor element. So those are already physical elements. I was just wandering, what if we can move stuff like cargo containers or batteries prof a construct to another? To have a reference, look at the video that shows devs on a platform element, floating mid air thanks to thrusters. I imagine, before a trip, people using platforms or other ways to move those elements inside a ship to store ammo, fuel, energy, resources and various supply. 


    Well, there is this battery concept... which looks as if it might be a physical thing, to swap out? If that's what you mean. Still not clear.



  2. I'm certain that NQ is looking at all of those things (prioritize, maybe at least stub out the foundational stuff that would be important hooks later on to work on.)


    I'm really glad they're saying "no for release" in many cases, because that means they  are resistant to scope creep which has affected many (especially crowdfunded space) games :)

  3. I'm all-for the physicalization of all items in the game world! Even non-cargo stuff.


    But certainly encumbrance constrains (both weight and size, maybe others - perishability for food items? Need refrigerated storage, etc) would/could play a huge role in the economy :)

  4. My guild has withdrawn its support of the Kickstarter because of the pay-to-win the DAC adds in which we were told very specifically on the KS page that DAC was "set in stone" by the project creator.  Some, understandably, will argue that DAC is nowhere near pay-to-win, but our scope for defining a pay to win game is quite specific:



    According to this very specific doctrine written by our community officers years ago, this game fits well within the realm of pay-to-win. 


    Our guild has had a lot of bad experiences with pay to win and models exactly like this, most notably from EVE where we engaged in Alliance v Alliance wars in nullsec.  After the Plex was added to the game we found the wars came down to wallet sizes as ISK (which could be gained by dumping thousands of Plex on the market) meant everything in a war, from hiring allies, to replacing ships and implants.  Our members are fiscally responsible adults ranging from lawyers, executives, and politicians to labor workers, consultants, and unemployed.  We are a diverse group and we enjoy having equal footing in any game we play. EVE became a cesspool of wallet wars that our unemployed couldn't participate in, and our more privileged demographics wouldn't participate in.


    Our community's officers asked us yesterday to withdraw all of our pledges from Dual Universe's Kickstarter with the following message:



    And that, sadly, is how we feel and confirmed 19 withdrawals ranging from top-tier to gold pledges (we all wanted access to the alpha and had many of our members donated pledges to other members for that access).


    If this ever changes we will reconsider our pledges or subbing for the game if a pledge is too late.


    It's say good luck finding games to play. Because none of them with anywhere near the scope of DU are going to fit your criteria.

  5. I like to think of it as a service, which it really is. And I know to support services (technical infrastructure, customer support, ongoing development, etc), there has to be a baseline revenue stream.. a steady subscription forms that base!


    Don't forget there is no $60 cost (or any cost) to actually buy the game as well, and you can buy subscription months just by playing the game.


    Seeing as how this game is crowdfunded and privately funded, all of the revenue goes back to the developers not a publisher and you can bet JC and team will reinvest substantially into bringing new features and content to the game!

  6. Different quality resources doesn't really make sense though, iron is iron. The real difference should be in how you process the resources you gather.


    That's really not true at all.  The grade of materials makes all the difference in the output of the product... so it's another layer, on TOP of your refining process, that should make a difference.  


    If I take the time to gather grade A pure iron as opposed to grade C pure iron, there should be a difference in the output of the product I'm making. If it's a gun, maybe more durability. If it's a radar dish, perhaps it's higher density.


    But beyond quality/grade, I'd like to see materials have properties as well - for example, weight, conductivity, strength, etc And different combinations of those materials could make them the right choice for project A, and a different combination of those material attributes could make a better choice for project B.

  7. Those planets need to be shrunk. They are waaaay too big and if the devs were honest, 30 km radius worlds will overshoot the entire size of Great Britain. And Great Britain, is not very densely populated you know. Unless we count sheep in the mix. Then the population per square kilometer evens out :P


    I'd normally agree... but... this is serving up the potential for the population centers to be player driven. So, if cities spring up with a good economy and other elements, that's where players will go. We truly haven't had that, not even in SWG.


    So the universe may be massive, ripe for exploration... but just like real humans, we'll gravitate to small parts of it when we need to feel grounded :)

  8. Well, in my experience... pay-to-play, and particular subscription-based games, have always delivered a better game for my money.  


    I'd go so far as to say I'd pay upwards of $50 a month for the right kind of gaming service... I mean, think how cheap that is compared to almost any other form of entertainment, most of which last just one night! Dinner with my wife, movie with my nephews, hockey game with friends... $50 bucks/month would be a steal :)


    Either way, I'm interested in paying people for services I use... ! But I don't like a monetization model that forces designers to consider it in their design.

  9. Hey all!


    I love looking at images of a game, especially early on...   so I took a sec to pull together what I believe to be a comprehensive gallery of every Dual Universe image shared publicly to date - from Facebook, Twitter, the website... wherever I could find them!


    If you know of any other sources, or images that are missing, let me know!
    I'm also going to try and go back to add descriptions when there are some available.
    Very excited by what you guys are doing with this game... glad to be a part of the community!
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