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Darius Sanguna

Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Darius Sanguna

  1. My point was that i don't want that the skills get incorporated with unlocking blueprints for functioning parts. I want a system that is more oriented on real life. In real life you can read books or go to school to grow your knowledge about certain things and how to operate them (in game that would be the skill system), but the knowledge how to operate them gives you not the ability to build them. For the ability to build them you would need the know-how and a blueprint and in real life the blueprints come from engineers and scientists (here is the seperated research system), the blueprints doesn't fly magically in your head just because you have read a book.
  2. That would be pretty boring and there would be no point in being a scientist, because it is offering no gameplay. And how would you implement the unlocking? is the gunner tree getting the guns unlocked and the pilot tree the cockpits or will we have a seperate builder tree where all the elements are included. You can certainly see that both options come with serious drawbacks.
  3. As far as i had understand it the skill systems provides only operational skills, so skills that are needed to fly a ship, shoot, repair, mine certain materials and such things. So no unlock of components and elements via skill system, i think we will get an actual research system.
  4. If you're a Citizen of the Terran Union please also apply on the Community Website Changelog Version 3.3.5 Added link to the Terran Union on the Community Website Added “SilverLight Industries” under Economy/Companies/Companies with a friendly relation to the Union Added “Chromion Industrial” under Economy/Companies/Companies with a friendly relation to the Union
  5. Our Military branches have now own Emblems. We have now also a official Forum signature, if some of our Citizens want one of these please PM to me. Changelog Version 3.3.4 Added Emblems for the Military branches
  6. Here the link for the Terran Union on the Community Site: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/terran-union
  7. The Terran Union has now an Emblem, signature banners for citizens will follow. Changelog Version 3.2.4 Added the Terran Union Emblem to the Description
  8. I think we should hand over the Novark territory to the Cinderfall Syndicate
  9. Tada the next supporter of the DUA As Member of the Cinderfall Syndicate the Terran Union will of course provide support for the Diverse Unified Alliance.
  10. Thank you for this, this is well formulated as your opinion based on your experience and knowledge and i can respect and accept it. Just to clearify it, my problem with you over the last few days wasn't your content, it was how you have presented it, to me it has all sounded like facts that are certain and at this stage of the game development i don't like it, if someone sounds like he knows already how it will be at game release, with no room for changes. I personally can follow your thoughts about this and i see your point, even if i don't like it, i can accept it as a possible outcome, even as the most possible outcome, but not as certain outcome, at least not for now. I hope we can now continue on a healthier basis I also hope that i can come up with a food mechanic that will satisfy the roleplayers and not be too annoying for the others, it could take a while, but i'm looking forward to your feedback.
  11. I think you don't understand vylqun i wasn't emotional because of the topic, i'm emotional because of you because you're obviously thinking that your opinion is the non plus ultra and so you are presenting these as facts and with these facts your argumentation is logical, yes that is right. next point is that your a speaking for many players, but which players have allowed you to speak for them? were you elected as speaker for them or something? if your answer is no, then please speak only for yourself and present your assumptions not as fact, you can take other mmorpg's as example, but we simply don't know how DU will evolve, so your assumptions at this point are so valid or invalid as my hopes for the game. So simply said i can respect your opinion, if you are presenting it as your opinion and not as fact, to give you an example "I think it will happen in this fashion", that is good it is presenting your opinion, now "It will happen in this fashion", that is bad, it is presenting a fact and this is the format of your current arguments. And i see no point in arguing with someone, whose opinion is already so rock hard that it seems as fact to him. So please think about it.
  12. In my eyes you have claimed to give constructive criticism, but you have certainly given pure criticism, so i have corrected you. and regarding the warfare, as far as we know it could be possible that alone the transportation of the troop could take long periods of time, depending on your propulsion and the distance between planets and the battle is normally first ended after someone has won, be it diplomatically or with the military and if you want to conquer a well defended planet it could probably take weeks or even months, we simply don't know. Green planets, yes it is science fiction, but that doesn't render my argument useless, it could be that growing plants on a planet is way more easy and profitable as growing them in hydroponics, where you would have to provide everything the plants need. So every further discussion about this topic with you vylqun will be considered as useless by me and thank you that you have confirmed my opinion about you. Have a nice day
  13. I'm taking our discussion from the Ammunition topic to here. No, you gave me several arguments why food and water doesn't add anything valuable to the game in your opinion without even a try to get a other perspective. No i never claimed that no one was giving constructive critizism, i have claimed that you (vylqun) are not giving constructive critizism, yes you are giving critizism, but certainly not constructive, because that would come with ideas how to make it instead or how to make it better and not simply claim that it isn't feasible. Yes i give you, that your answers were logical from your point of view, but from my point of view it seems that you've don't even considered that your described scenario could be possible and yes i hope for a player base in the millions and armies of thousands of players. In my eyes you are acting like the all-knowing and all-mighty god of the DU community, which you are certainly not and this is my current problem with you. And to me it feels like as you want to crush my dreams just because you don't like them or think they are futile. This was way more personal as i thought, but it must be said.
  14. "loot" part was for CaptainTwerkmotor, he came up with the PK and pack-mentality thing, two posts before mine. Here it is:
  15. PK will depend on the lootability of killed players, because if you can't loot a player then it isn't worth it and if you can hunt helpless animals and harvest wild crops, its even more unlikly. And instead of saying "i don't like it" and "it will destroy the gameplay" (and currently your arguments sound like this to me) you could come up with constructive ideas, how it could be implemented so that it works for you.
  16. Imagine player resturants with in game voice chat, like in arma. That would be awesome.
  17. Food and water would add value to the game. For example the value of certain types of planets and i speak here about long-term value, that is more as simply "mine the planet empty and leave". For example: without food are planets with a rich fauna and flora, but without valueable minerals, basically worthless, besides the aesthetics of course, but if you have a mechanic for food, this type of planet would get a significant strategic value (i assume that it would be easier to grow food on planets then in space). Now to warfare: If you have a food mechanic and you want to go to war, your first thought is about food, food for the most vital part of your fleets and armies, your Soldiers and a soldier with an empty stomach can't fight and if there is nobody who could fight for you, the greatest ammo and fuel reserves aren't going to help you. So you could food also see as ammunition or food. I will not even begin with the economic possibilities that could arise with a good food mechanic. And the value of something will always be determinate by the need for it, be it food to survive or ammunition to shoot someone you don't like. So everytime you add a need for something you will get a whole new universe of possibilities, but if you take away a need, be it ammo, food or something else, you will limit yourself.
  18. Sorry for that , but luckily we have recorded and uploaded it to YouTube, here is the Link:
  19. At the DU Community Discord Server we came up with the idea for a roundtable discussion about recent topics in the forum and to stream it on twitch. We will probably start in 2 hours. If you want to participate, join the Discord server: http://discord.me/dualuniverse and if you want to follow the discussion on twitch, here is the channel: https://www.twitch.tv/duexplorers
  20. What is DU in your opinion? I'm curious.
  21. Yeah you can basically ignore my first to paragraphs they were simply meant to point out that both games have their pros and cons regarding the topic, without going in depth. Regarding the props, they are basically the components that translate engine power into movement, so they would be the flame exhausting things (don't know the correct term, nosel maybe?) on a thruster, at least in my eyes. So to clearify how i think naval translates to space in terms of engines, thrusters and reactors: Engine + Prop = Thruster Engine + Generator = Reactor The only idea i have regarding the skill system would be, that the whole thruster and the thruster components would be unlocked together. Maybe i have more if there is more about the skill and component unlock system. Sorry if i have confused you my brain is currently a bit jumpy and sometimes i confuse myself, at least regarding this topic. The only thing i really want to say is, that i want a good made compromise between this two systems, because it would remove most of the cons of both systems.
  22. Changelog Version 2.2.4 Switched from Razer Comms to Discord
  23. I agree that you can make awesome things in SE, but that is not the point, the point is that you in vanilla SE aren't able to build your own custom thruster or a minigun where you can change freely the firerate and shell size, such things are only possible with mods. On the other hand with FTD you can change this parts almost without limitations, but there are no prescripted single block elements that would be worth it to build them, so if you don't want to spend your time on building such elements yourself, you must also go to the workshop. So we have here to extremes, why not find a middle way? For example we could have prescripted single block elements and a buildsystem for multiblock elements, the prescripted elements would be in their size and properties about equal to a balanced (with this i mean that it is optimal balanced for all properties) similar sized build one, but with the build one you would have the ability to change the properties to your liking. With balance i mean the balance between the positive and negative properties of the element, for example with a thruster you would have to balance the thrust and the power/fuel intake, so if you want a small thruster with much boom you must live with the fact that it drains your tanks within minutes.
  24. I don't have clue, but thanks that you have drawn my attention to them i think i will look into them in the near future.
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