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    Cebo reacted to Hachiro in DEVBLOG: PANACEA LUA CHANGES - discussion thread   
    I really hope there will be a good solution for data export.
    Several projects in the community depend on that.
    We in our org built in months of work a whole own economy system.
    Members can store their ores in our ore deposit, they get "HC" (our own currency) in exchange, and can use these HC in the fully automated shopping center to buy nearly any item for a cheap and steady price (what is important especially for new players). Our players can transfer their HC to other members, or can use them to order something from our industry department (if its not in the shopping center, or a really large order). This system works well and is a great addition and an advanced community creation. (If you are interested, check this video: Hyperion Warehouse and HC-System it's German and not 100% up to date, but you can understand most of the content just with the visuals)
    And there are many more complex systems like this from other orgs and players, that rely on sync with external databases, because the DBs in the game are too small to handle this.
    All of these advanced scripted community creations would be lost if there is no proper and easy way to export the data anymore.
    If we are restricted to just the ingame DBs, this will kill massive creativity in scripting because of the limitations.

  2. Like
    Cebo reacted to WildChild85 in [FAQ] Anti-cheats and choosing EQU8   
    Well NQ, to be honest, yes these steps you made are totally necessary, BUT the DLLs gave us features you still didn't gave us and that are absolutely required.
    These are for example:
    - external requests for receiving and sending data to our own apis (VERY IMPORTANT)
    - a json encoding/deconding that is not stupidly slow
    - communication between programming boards
    - and more
    The coder community in this game is big and needs more specialized features to make this game as great as it deserves to be. But if you restrict everything and give us nothing back, I don't know how long coders will stick to the game.
    I am actually quiet disappointed how coders get ignored and handled like 2nd class people.
  3. Like
    Cebo reacted to NQ-Naerais in NQ-Naeris, new Community Manager, has entered the game!   
    Hello Noveans! 
    As NQ-Nyzaltar said, I just joined the team here in Montreal. I'm very happy to be here, and excited to continue this amazing journey with all of you. I am quite new to the company so I do ask for a little patience while I get sorted here, I may not have all the answers right away but do know I will do my best to help make your experience with us the best it can be. 
    A bit about my background, I've worked on quite a few games of all varieties (MMO, Table Top, Card, Collectible, Board and more) for more years than I care to admit. I'm definitely an MMO fanatic and will be spending just as much of my free time along side you (in secret ) as you do. I'm convinced I'm a cat whisperer (though the same can be said for coffee), and a sci-fi fan. 
    I can't wait to see, share and celebrate all that you build in this amazing universe together!
  4. Like
    Cebo reacted to NQ-Nomad in Alpha 2 Lua changes and novelties   
    Hi guys, 
    Following up the release of the third Alpha 2 DevBlog about Lua, we wanted to develop things further for the most curious, dedicated and skilled among you. The API has changed so you guys will have to redo a certain amount of stuff. This being said, you'll find below some documentation that will allow you to do pretty neat stuff so knock yourselves out!
    Thanks to NQ-Arlequin for his help and for writing this! 
    How does it work
    All ControlUnits (Cockpits, HovercraftSeats and ProgramingBoards) can display information on the screen when activated by the current player. CockpitUnits and PilotingSeats have predefined behavior that should suit most players. However advanced players can edit the ControlUnit LUA script to adapt the display to their needs.
    There are different levels of customization possible:
    Intermediate Difficulty: Show/hide the default widget of an element linked to the Control Unit. Advanced Difficulty: Mixing those widgets in custom panels. (New in Alpha 2) Expert Difficulty: Create custom widgets from your own data or existing elements data. (New in Alpha 2) Expert Difficulty: Create your own HTML code to display custom content on your screen. (Modified in Alpha 2)  
    Default behavior
    Cockpit view

    Hovercraft Seat

    Programing Board

    Hovercraft Seat and Programming Board widgets do stack:

    Adding/removing element widgets in Lua
    slot.show() slot.hide()  
    Default Cockpit LUA Script

    We can instead only show the Core Unit widget, and hide the Control Unit widget (shown by default):
    core.show() unit.hide()

    NEW - Reorganizing Element widgets within panels in Lua
    system.createWidgetPanel(title) → panelId system.destroyWidgetPanel(panelId) system.createWidget(panelId, type) → widgetId system.destroyWidget(widgetId) system.addDataToWidget(dataId, widgetId) system.removeDataFromWidget(dataId, widgetId) slot.getDataId() → dataId slot.getWidgetType() → type  
    Instead of having all the fuel container widgets in different panels, I can create my own panel and add all fuel widgets to this panel:
    fuelPanel = system.createWidgetPanel("Fuel Tanks") for i=1,container_size do widget = system.createWidget(fuelPanel, container[i].getWidgetType()) system.addDataToWidget(container[i].getDataId(), widget) end

    NEW - Creating custom widgets in Lua
    system.createData(json) → dataId system.destroyData(dataId) system.updateData(dataId, json) slot.getData() → json  
    You can finally write your own custom data, and display them using predefined custom widget types. 4 exist for now: text, title, value, and gauge.
     panel = system.createWidgetPanel("Panel")     -- Display “Hello World” widgetText = system.createWidget(panel, "text") dataText = system.createData('{"text": "Hello World"}') system.addDataToWidget(dataText, widgetText) -- Display a title “Title” widgetTitle = system.createWidget(panel, "title") dataTitle = system.createData('{"text": "Title"}') system.addDataToWidget(dataTitle, widgetTitle) -- Display a gauge filled at 60% widgetGauge = system.createWidget(panel, "gauge") dataGauge = system.createData('{"percentage": 60}') system.addDataToWidget(dataGauge, widgetGauge) -- Display “Weight  80 kg” widgetValue = system.createWidget(panel, "value") dataValue = system.createData('{"label": "Weight", "value": "80", "unit": "kg"}') system.addDataToWidget(dataValue, widgetValue)

    You can now combine all those methods to create your own customized panels.
    CHANGED- Customize screen using html code.
    system.setScreen(htmlContent) system.showScreen(1/0) You can write your own html code to change the appearance of the control unit screen. It will be displayed below the widgets, so if you want full control: you can hide all widgets.
    html = '<div class="monitor_left window">' html = html .. '<div class="center window">monitor_left</div>' html = html .. '</div>' html = html .. '<div class="monitor_right" style="background-color: red;">' html = html .. '<div class="center window">monitor_right</div>' html = html .. '</div>' system.setScreen(html) system.showScreen(1)

    Predefined style classes

    class=”monitor_left”         defines the area of the left monitor.
    class=”monitor_right”        defines the area of the right monitor.

    class=”grid”         stacks all its child elements on an invisible wrapping vertical grid.
    class=”center”        positions an element centered to its parent. Can be the viewport.

    class=”window”        applies the Dual Universe background and border.
    Well, that's it for this time! We hope you'll enjoy the info here to surprise us
  5. Like
    Cebo reacted to NQ-Nomad in Inside Novaquark, a Dual Universe Podcast   
    Hi guys, 
    The idea of making a podcast has been circling in our heads for some time. We wanted to reach out to our community in a new and captivating way, and today you can discover the end result.
    We're very excited to bring you some behind the scenes material and invite you to join us while we discuss what's new in DU. If the community's response is positive, we may make a series out of it.
    You can listen to this first episode below on YouTube:
    It's also available on SoundCloud:

    Happy listening! We'd love to hear your feedback!
  6. Like
    Cebo reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in [Reminder] Line between legit PvP and unhealthy RL behavior   
    Since the beginning of the year, we have witnessed unhealthy behavior from several members in the Community.
    As many are relatively new and some older members seem to lose focus of Novaquark's vision for Dual Universe, here is a strong reminder.
    Dual Universe is a game where there will be wars, power struggles, conflicts, plots, spying, information warfare and betrayals. It's all fine... as long as it stays within the framework of the game.
    We are aware that a fair amount of people have a hard time to differentiate in-game behavior and real life behavior. While someone can be infamous, merciless and twisted in-game, that doesn't give him/her the right to forget elementary good manners outside of the game. Following the concept "the end justifies the means" will never be a valid reason here.
    Novaquark expects from each community member to:
    1) respect the EULA and forum/Official Discord code of conduct
    2) be respectful toward any other member or at least neutral toward the members you don't like outside of the game, whether they are newcomers or veterans.
    (neutral means: no free provocation, no real life insults or real life threats, as already mentioned in forum and Discord chart)
    3) avoid using any real-life conflict, unhealthy real-life behavior or drama (made on purpose or not) as part of the game (because it's not) as this can escalate in very toxic and unnecessary situations.
    4) avoid using any underhanded real life "tricks" to gain an advantage in-game. This includes:
    - real life threats or real life harassment with anonymous accounts outside of the game (on Discord or any other online means).
    - doxxing, doxxing attempts, or any behavior like gathering real-life information that could lead to doxxing.
    - leaking publicly private discussions about real-life topics (especially when showing only carefully selected pieces with the deliberate intention of biasing the facts) without the agreement of all people involved. This also includes Novaquark’s investigations that haven’t been publicly announced and about which you may have been informed through a private channel/room or a private discussion.
    - making false accusations, creating NDA leaks or false NDA leaks to accuse someone else with the goal of making them punished or banned from the game.
    As a company, we want to provide a fun and welcoming experience to our fans and can’t tolerate inappropriate real life behaviors that potentially ruin the gaming experience or worse, lead to real life consequences.
    If the Novaquark staff gets enough evidence on any of those behaviors, the team may give any sanctions deemed appropriate without further notice.
    If you see some community members having inappropriate behavior, please point them toward this forum thread.

    Best Regards,
    The Novaquark Team.
  7. Like
    Cebo got a reaction from VValdmeister in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Langsam aber sicher neigt sich eine weitere Pre-Alpha Testsession dem Ende zu.
    Wie immer gab es spannende Einsichten und viel Neues zu entdecken. Danke an alle PreAlpha-Tester
    für das geduldige Beantworten der vielen Fragen und die Unterstützung.
    Gruß Cebo
  8. Like
    Cebo got a reaction from Kurock in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Eine überaus freundliche und hilfsbereite Truppe, die rasant wächst und bereits nachhaltige Pläne für die Landung der Arche schmiedet.
    Großartiges Engagement und tolle Übersetzungsarbeit, vielen Dank dafür.
    Viele Grüße,
  9. Like
    Cebo got a reaction from Underhand Aerial in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Eine überaus freundliche und hilfsbereite Truppe, die rasant wächst und bereits nachhaltige Pläne für die Landung der Arche schmiedet.
    Großartiges Engagement und tolle Übersetzungsarbeit, vielen Dank dafür.
    Viele Grüße,
  10. Like
    Cebo got a reaction from Tsunami in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Eine überaus freundliche und hilfsbereite Truppe, die rasant wächst und bereits nachhaltige Pläne für die Landung der Arche schmiedet.
    Großartiges Engagement und tolle Übersetzungsarbeit, vielen Dank dafür.
    Viele Grüße,
  11. Like
    Cebo got a reaction from VValdmeister in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Eine überaus freundliche und hilfsbereite Truppe, die rasant wächst und bereits nachhaltige Pläne für die Landung der Arche schmiedet.
    Großartiges Engagement und tolle Übersetzungsarbeit, vielen Dank dafür.
    Viele Grüße,
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