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Posts posted by vertex

  1. 2 minutes ago, michaelk said:

    Honestly, I'd agree with everything you said if it weren't for many players having their tickets ignored. It does create a perception that NQ doesn't have any sense of urgency when it comes to their paying customers...and only seems to act quickly when it embarrasses them.

    Yeah, until some days ago I had the same feeling and feared that this would be the case - but then I heard that the ticket in question finally got addressed and solved after 6 weeks. So I was really relieved to know that they are not lost.


    I'm not defending that there's no response in 6 weeks - if it was my system I'd write some lines of code to update tickets within 24h with an automated response and have one person to go over them just to reply "Thanks! That's an issue with X and I'll forward to Y!" etc. But that again is something that needs someone to organize and do it and might not receive priority for quite some time, especially if you're deep into other things - like fixing a market that someone destroyed on purpose. Plus even with that response players would give them shit about "I just received some automated response and some guy said he's not capable and had to forward me to someone else who now ignores me!" ... it's hard to satisfy and if you can't jump to 100% you might be inclined to postpone that jump until your boots are fully charged.


    Regarding player base gives more support than it receives: weellll... compare size of the player base with the size of the support staff. They can't hire a support guy for $7/month which not even all players pay, so that comparison will always be off.


    Regarding funding: for a project like this 22 million are a drop of water on a hot stone. Budget is really limited and cuts need to be made and priorities set. If we want a bright future in DU we should stick together and help as good as we can - not cause additional issues and throw dung balls :( 

  2. 8 minutes ago, michaelk said:

    If NQ wants us to 'report' and leave things alone, they need to improve their communication.

    Players report theft all the time and seem to have massive trouble getting their tickets looked at. Trust is a two way street.

    If players can't trust NQ to help when they suffer exploits...why should anyone feel obligated to help NQ?

    No, they don't "because of that". I agree with the sentiment that communication needs improvement, but I strongly disagree with using this incident as leverage to achieve this.


    NQ still has to grow into the shoes they build. Just because they don't fit yet doesn't relieve you from your obligation to report bugs and exploits and is unrelated to other issues. This is not a street with similar lanes in both directions. The support that flows into your direction is vastly different and unrelated to the support we give to the developers. If you withhold your support on purpose because on the other side the support is delayed, you're comparing a single person twiddling thumbs with a whole support staff that works 8h a day just to get back to you as soon as they can. That comparison feels off to me and refusing to cooperate based on it feels unfair, especially since it doesn't cost you much effort to report a bug or exploit and just be done with it.

  3. @Mordgier I don't think that the length of your answer is in a good relation to the length of that quote. But apart from this I think there's a huge difference between harming yourself and harming others. Analog to this you're not allowed to poke a needle through someone else's ear without their permission - but you're always welcome to poke a hole through your own ear if you want to wear an earring. That's so simple it almost seems like you're trying to derail an official thread? Juuuust pondering :P 


    On top of that I referred to the second part of that paragraph. Please don't quote my entire posting just to address something that's not even part of my argument and was just included because the paragraph number was in front of it. If you read my posting you might notice that I refer to everything in that quote but the part you quoted me for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. Is there any confirmation that this was possible due to RDMS misconfiguration? I haven't seen any.


    Even if so, to all you people who compare this to previous RDMS theft, there's a significant difference that can't just be tagged with "hypocrisy" and be called done: this "heist" didn't just target NQ - above all it was an attack against all of us and I have a hard time reading your postings defending that.


    The most important difference between a construct owned by a player versus Aphelia is not a question of customer versus provider. The difference is in the number of players that rely on it and would be affected negatively. As said above, this was an attack against all of us - not just because "some of us" lost market orders, but because "all of us" now can expect a delay on the next update and other issues because NQ needs to tend to this issue now. In addition it impacts trust and cooperation between the player base and the provider.


    Even if you are right and this theft is technically the same as other RDMS theft, it's still a vastly different thing to sabotage "our game and NQ's development" versus "a player's construct" - to me that's not hypocrisy but apples versus oranges. On the note of real world examples: this is like going to a building site and steal the copper pipes because there was no door. Just that this is the building we all want to live in, not just the shed of some hermit.



    Many people, including me, think NQ should be more transparent and communicate openly - but by solely reading this thread I almost wouldn't want to talk to you anymore in their stead... but that doesn't take into account that I also think we're in this situation because they didn't communicate properly in the first place. Now people are jumping to conclusions again, calling them out based on made-up hypotheses alone, not really knowing anything? First paragraph of this answer: RDMS misconfiguration? Give me the link to that NQ confirmation first, on which your bad "reaction" vibes are based please - otherwise you're not reacting but just acting based on an imagined reality. I'm sorry if I just missed that piece of information about RDMS misconfiguration if there was anything official - even tho it still wouldn't change my general opinion.



    The critics regarding "Why is Aphelia's market build and stored dynamically?" is easy to answer: player markets are planned. So setting up hard coded markets and then create another system with redundant functionality would be a waste of time. Aphelia owned markets are ground work for player owned markets and lets all of us test and harden it before we put our own terminals down. Once that happens markets will be spilled all over the game world and it would be a lot harder to maintain/fix/develop the system with an ever changing number of markets and different market configurations than working with a fixed set of Aphelia owned markets now.


    Btw: it's been said here that Aphelia "is a player" - but that's not true. At best it's an NPC character that doesn't even have an avatar standing around in game. Aphelia doesn't set up RDMS policies either - again just presuming that it was "owners fault".



    Ok, it may look like "Done to you? Haha! Done to us? Nono!" but to me that's way too simple and feels like a reaction of someone holding a grudge because of his personal situation or hurt feelings regarding prior injustice (for which we don't know why what decision made on which grounds). Some thought NQ only posted those announcements because "people whined" and refused to listen before their very special exploit was directly listed, even tho NQ clearly stated it as general rules - well, now at least you know, eh? ;) 


    To those who say it's not clearly stated in the rules that you can't dismantle a market if it's in jeopardy because of "RDMS misconfiguration" (unconfirmed afaict) and the issue therefore should be treated exactly like any other player base RDMS scam, here's an excerpt from the EULA that Naerais referred to in the original post:


    5.2. You must refrain from engaging in any behaviour that could harm NOVAQUARK’s image and/or reputation, that could harm one or more other Users or have a negative impact on their gaming experience, or that is detrimental to the proper functioning of the Game.

    Source https://www.dualuniverse.game/legal/eula


    ^ If destroying a market ain't "detrimental to the proper functioning" I don't know what else could be. Permanent ban? Correct decision. This wasn't an accident - this was a deliberate act. And Naerais said explicitly that there was no report made by the people in question. Hence they put their lust for publicity and their ego above the well-being of everyone else in this community and even above the spirit of the beta, where we're supposed to help test and report issues to aid development. It's a 180° deviation from this ship's course and if they failed to see that they should not be part of this.


    Even tho yesterday I told some friends I think "if NQ got balls" they could remove the stolen elements that players normally don't have access to and otherwise just say "gg" - meaning I would've be fine with that too - but when I said that I didn't know the magnitude or that players' orders would be affected.


    To those who say that they don't want to test anymore because they don't know if that test could lead to them being banned: I agree, if you can't tell the difference between a) testing if you can remove unimportant elements from a market that you know you shouldn't have access to and then report and refrain from doing more harm, versus b) ripping a market apart, utterly destroying it... then yes, I agree that you should stop testing. But I'm pretty sure that distinction should be rather easy for everyone, so I'd suggest and prefer if you'd just rethink that over exaggerating stance ;) 



    Seeing them finally taking action is highly welcome. I'm all for "innocent until proven guilty" - but this case is without any doubt. I hope future decisions will be just as strict when there's sufficient evidence to act without risk of hitting the wrong target. And I hope that they'll soon be up to date with reports again and act faster - right now we don't even know if the past exploit thefts (not RDMS mistakes) will remain without action or if they're still investigating. Tracing an issue and distinguishing it from normal/legit behaviour can be pretty difficult and take time. Just because we haven't seen action for that yet doesn't mean it's not gonna come at some point - even if they could act quickly on the "market heist" issue, which just means that the facts were clear and it was easy to trace and act.

  5. Vor langer Zeit ist mir das auch mal im Flug passiert - kam dann aber nie wieder. Seit dem kenne ich das nur beim Start, wenn der Server laggt und nicht alle Elemente initialisiert, allerdings auch recht selten bzw innerhalb von ein paar Sekunden behoben.


    Es könnte sein, dass deine Elemente "teilweise verdeckt" sind. Der Bereich "vor/hinter" dem Element muss nicht nur linear frei sein, sondern kegelförmig - also ein Triebwerk entlang einer Voxelwand kann problematisch werden - bei der Berechnung gibt's leider noch Fehler. Die "Verdeckung" (habs Englisch: obstruction) wird ständig dynamisch berechnet und wenn es "teilweise" verdeckt ist kann es dazu führen, dass ein Element im Baumodus 80% der Zeit ok aussieht und dann auf einmal langsam rot wird und dann wieder auf normal/ok zurück geht. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass da die Funktion verloren geht, falls das im Flug passiert... ist aber nur ne Vermutung.


    Wenn es wieder passiert und du noch genug Zeit hast, dann Escape + Logout oder gleich Alt+F4. Wenn du dich wieder einloggst steht dein Schiff stationär in der Luft :) 

  6. Das ging ja fix :lol:


    Aber im Ernst - bin froh zu lesen, dass es am Ende offensichtlich doch bearbeitet wird. Wenn man so lange wartet fängt man ja auch irgendwann an zu zweifeln, ob es nicht untergegangen sein könnte und so...

  7. On 10/2/2020 at 9:17 PM, IxionAlpha said:

    local shipVelocity = vec3(core.getVelocity()) --export

    vec3(core.getVelocity())? Hm. Kenn ich nich. Heisst zwar nix, aber probier es doch mal mit vec3(core.getWorldVelocity()) :) 


    Mit vec3() bekommt man allerdings nen Table mit 3 Einträgen - wenn ich das versuche auf nen Screen zu packen bekomm ich nen Fehler:

    "unable to concatenate a table value (local 'shipVelocity')"


    vec3() kannste mit tostring(shipVelocity) ausgeben. Wird dann mit den 3 Achsen als "(x, y, z)" ausgegeben. x ist seitwärts, y ist vertikal und z ist vorwärts-/rückwärts. Keine Ahnung, in welcher Variable oder Methode die richtungsunabhängige, absolute Geschwindigkeit steht. Evtl in deiner getVelocity(), aber solang du da nen vec3() kriegst kannst du's nicht ohne tostring() als String ausgeben ;) 

  8. Korrekt. Der Vollständigkeit halber, weil's nicht eindeutig aus dem Startposting hervorgeht sei erwähnt, dass es auf der Map eine "Constructs" Liste gibt. Draufklicken zum ausklappen. Wenn er nicht in der Liste steht, dann ist er entweder als Magic Blueprint im Inventar oder der Core war kaputt und der Speeder wurde geklaut ;)


    Magic Blueprints sehen glaub ich genauso aus wie normale Blueprints - wenn das Inventar groß offen ist (kein Container auf der rechten Seite) dann hat man rechts ne Spalte mit der Beschreibung (ansonsten Rechtsklick drauf und Eigenschaften aufrufen (Element Info, Details.. wie auch immer im Deutschen)). In der Beschreibung sieht man dann, welche Dinge zum Bau benötigt werden. Bei Magic Blueprints ist die Liste halt leer. Doppelklick drauf und platzieren :) 

  9. Bis dahin kannst du vom Node wegmaulwurfn bis das Signal wieder näher kommt, statt sich entfernt. Irgendwann überschreitest du ja die Mitte zwischen zwei Nodes und das Signal wird wieder stärker :) 


    Nervig isses trotzdem, keine Frage. Der Generator für Erzadern im Sanctuary sollte nach Möglichkeit auch berücksichtigen, dass keine Nodes auf Grenzen platziert werden - und dass immer die gleiche Menge Erz pro Tile generiert wird, da man ja gerade als Neuling bei der Wahl des Tiles noch keinen Territory Scanner hat, um sich ein gutes Stück Land rauszusuchen.


    Können wir aber vermutlich erst bei Mond Nummer 2 mit rechnen - sonst müssten sie ja das gesamte Terrain vom ersten Mond zurücksetzen und alle Bunker wieder verschütten. War ursprünglich auch so geplant und ich hab die ganze Zeit drauf gewartet - aber in einem der letzten Interviews bei Marqueedragon (oder so) meinte JC, dass Alioth wohl in Ruhe gelassen wird und ich befürchte das schließt auch den Sanctuary Moon mit ein :( 

  10. Diesbezüglich sind mir bisher keine Fehler untergekommen. Hab ich auch schon öfter gemacht und würde daher auf irgendein temporäres Problem tippen. Falls du dich noch nicht wieder neu eingelogged hast, würde ich das als erstes empfehlen :)


    Ansonsten bastel den Container noch mal hin und verlink dich mit dem neu aufgestellten Container. Wenn es auch nach Neustart und Neusetzen des Containers nicht geht, dann mach am besten noch einen Bugreport auf. Evtl kann ein GM irgendwas tun - da würd ich nachfragen, wenn alles andere nicht zum Erfolg führt.

  11. Bezüglich Tanks:

    Man kann diese nicht untereinander verknüpfen. Man kann auch nicht mehrere Tanks an das gleiche Triebwerk anschließen. Mehr Tanks als Triebwerke ist also zwecklos. Man kann mehrere Tanks gleicher Größe für mehrere identische Triebwerke verwenden, aber soweit ich weiss leeren die sich leider nicht entsprechend gleichmäßig. Bei einem M-Triebwerk einen S-Tank und beim anderen M-Triebwerk einen M-Tank anschließen ist damit leider auch nicht sinnvoll, da der kleinste Tank in dieser Konfiguration immer vorgeben wird, wann nachgetankt werden muss, während es kaum Sinn ergibt mehr in den größten Tank zu füllen, als benötigt wird um die Reichweite des kleinsten Tanks zu decken.


    Außer natürlich man will einen Tank als Treibstofflager und dann manuell umfüllen - dafür kann man aber auch einen ganz normalen Container verwenden und aus diesem nachfüllen, dann spart man sich auch das vorherige Absaugen aus dem größeren Tank ;)


    Tanks also so groß wie nötig und so wenige wie möglich. Nur so als Anhaltspunkt: Wenn man nicht ständig mit 100% Schub fliegt kommt man auch mit 1M-Tank an 3L-Atmotriebwerken sehr weit. Die fetten Triebwerke bringen ein kleines Schiff ohne Ladung auch auf 20% Schub noch in der Atmosphäre zum glühen :D 

  12. I've got four considerations to add:


    1. Someone who is changing the course of his whole life from robotic science stuff towards making a game and launches a kickstarter campaign to look for people to back his idea, then creates a company, hires people, sets up hardware and offices on a global scale, already invested 4 years building the product while dealing with a whole planet's internet crowd of which a good part didn't even believe it's possible to do... I don't think that someone like that would do anything that puts his dream in jeopardy by "banning people on a whim" or "kicking players out of their territory just for fun". Especially since just recently I heard this person on an interview saying that the Alioth revamp probably isn't gonna happen after all, because many players already put so much effort into it which they don't want to touch. (Sorry, bit off topic: I don't agree with the last part, because: what about players like me, who based their decision to not yet get a tile on Alioth because of the expected wipe and changes in terrain? Now I'm kinda late to the party. I was really looking forward to the revamped Alioth, but it's ok.. just a minor disappointment. And completely beside the point here, sorry again.)


    I trust NQ and especially JC (NQ-Sophon, the person that the above paragraph is about) the same way as a customer buying a car trusts that the inventor of that vehicle wouldn't implement anything that will steer it into a wall once it reaches 200kmh. If that inventor drives his own car too, to me that just adds more trust - even if he removes the constraints from the engine's ECU that would void my own warranty if I did it. I know this is not the perfect analogy, but still.


    2. Since as far as I can remember back JC was talking about "Ready Player One" and the huge impact it had on the vision. Even in that interview Lacobus and DU secrets are mentioned at 33:25 and it takes JC like 58 seconds to jump to "that was straight out of Ready Player One", so I presume it's still big on his mind, being a repetitive pattern. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, I suggest to do that to get an idea of what he's talking about. Minor spoiler alert: Ready Player One is about a virtual world where the creator hid eastereggs all around and players hunt for them to reach some ultimate goal - during this hunt the creator appears like a godlike figure with ultimate wisdom or something (sorry I'm probably not very precise here). So if I'd have to guess what kind of in-game stuff JC does with his power, my bets are on: a) looking around what people do in this sandbox, hoping to find things he didn't expect to come out from his seed of basic tools and elements and b) create that hidden treasure hunt for us to figure out. B only actually matters to those "few" who pursue solving the riddle, while a huge portion of the playerbase couldn't care less and just enjoy DU the way they DU.


    Btw: I think that castle shown in that interview might be located on these 37 tiles you care about. So if you listen to that you might get an impression about what he uses it for - but that's just some wild guess by me :D 


    3. I've played other games where GMs and special people received or built something out of the ordinary. Some kickstarter pledges contained the priviledge to help develop a DU secret - and IIRC one of them even let the backer design his very own secret. There's lore in DU as well and Aphelia owns huge portions of land and structures that just popped into appearance and contain elements that we don't have access to. That's exactly the same "godlike influence" way out of the scope of any player as the thing complained about here. The only difference is the name on the door - Aphelia is not an active character running around, but if you're scared that the name "NQ-Sophon" might influence the game world, you should just as well be concerned about JC (who is the same guy as NQ-Sophon) inventing a story where Aphelia starts to expand and yank people off their territory. The name on the door doesn't change the fact that this will always be in their power - as devs they could even decide to blow up the whole Alioth system if they think they want to get rid of old tech in 2027. I assume you trust they won't use Aphelia for that - an AI going rogue, eliminating a whole system? So why would the same people act vicious or untrustworthy when they're even more exposed by running around with their name above their head ;) 


    DU is more than a sandbox. It is not limited to only emergent gameplay where everything in existence is build and owned by players and only players. Arkship, Markets, Shuttles, Arkshops, Artifacts, Market-Bots and GMs are evidence for that. I'm saying this because I'm under the impression that you try to nail DU down to the floor of being exclusively player driven, but this is not the case, has never been the case and probably will never be the case, because NQ needs to make adjustments and continue development so we can all enjoy this game for years to come. As said above I've played games where GMs and even "special players" owned things nobody else could dream to achieve or had access to locations that nobody else had. Examples include Ultima Online, where GMs build really nice things in their spare time using their enhanced abilities. I considered those always a nice place to visit and draw inspiration from or just chill out. Or Elite Dangerous which I believe to have systems that are exclusive to some founders, if I remember this correct?


    I've been teleported to GM places and seen what they do in other games. When they compensate a player's losses - aren't they using their power to influence the game world and it's balance? Maybe one could say "Yes, but only if there has been a bug!", but then we'd argue about those who experienced the same bug and just sucked it up, not getting compensated, so helping only some players creates an imbalance and we should abolish all in-game support...? Naaaah ;) I'm just fooling around.


    4. As has been said here already: the "NQ-" prefix in front of the character's name makes it clear that this is (at least) a GM account and not a normal player, so I think your whole argument about "playing as a player with more power" falls to pieces. It only hinges on the opinion about the question if a GM should be allowed to build or own anything in the game or not. If you think it's an issue they claim territory and reduce the available space for the "actual players" - just consider that they have the power to add more territory just as well.


    In my opinion the rules that apply to GMs (that are employees of the service provider) can be more refined than just by 1 and 0. If owning a tile and building a support shop on it helps them to do their job helping players, then that's fine by me and would not automatically exclude other rules that forbid them to influence in-game politics etc. If we can agree on this basic concept we could further argue about the question if these tiles should be on some kind of "GM-Planet". Pro: that would be outside the regular player driven world and have no impact whatsoever. Contra: apart from devs having to develop this first it would mean regular players can't visit those places for sight-seeing (something I enjoyed doing in UO as said above).


    So we can continue to argue about how we feel about it, but I think it's pretty clear that many people in this thread either don't care at all, or trust NQ enough to agree to whatever they like to do without fear of being at a disadvantage, influenced too much or even opressed. So sure, I always like to see NQ giving an official statement and if they decide to do it on this topic, I'll be happy to read their thoughts - but I don't really need them to. Still I'm fine with you waiting for an answer here. Tho it looks like a minority request and in your stead I wouldn't get my hopes up too much, but try to get familiar with the idea that this part of the game might not be 100% exactly as you understood or want it to be.


    As for me: I actually love that JC owns those tiles. It adds a bit of excitement and anticipation and represents a place that I wanted to visit ever since I heard it exists. I encountered NQ-Blacksun in game when he helped me out and it was an awesome experience. I like having GMs close by and in touch with the players - feeling like real people, wandering the world, visiting us and looking at what we made. Once a GM was around by chance and out of the blue commented on my ship sitting there - something like "that looks like an efficient little thing" - one of the best moments in my time playing this game. Not just because of the compliment, but it made the GM look human and connected with us. Not just a number on some random service center employee that follows a basic script causing me a headache because my problem doesn't fit into their pre-made scenario where it takes me 10 minutes to listen to unrelated answers and explain the issue until they realize they don't have a script for this and forward me to the next service level to which I have to explain everything all over again etcpp. As a player I love the idea of GMs having their homes in our system, where they're tinkering with stuff, reproducing issues, trying to solve some gameplay related issue a player might have asked about once, or just chilling on the porch, watching the sun set after work.


    Conclusion: Even if what you're concerned about is true, it's still the way I prefer it and I would vote against suggestions that drive the staff away from the community. I want them to work with us, not on us or even against us. To clarify how the "against" is meant: when I read stuff like "totally player created" with an implicated "exclusion of anything else" or even stuff like "abusing power" (of which I'm certain they don't) it feels like taking opposition to the ones who make this all happen and I don't want a "them against us" scenario :)

  13. Ein fertiges Script hab ich leider nicht, aber du kannst den HUD-Screen aktivieren und alles selbst draufbasteln, so wie du es haben möchtest.


    -- im unit.start() den HUD-Screen aktivieren
    -- im system.update() die Screen-Inhalte setzen
    system.setScreen('<div style="width: 50%; height: 50%; position: absolute; left: 25%; top: 25%; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); color: white;"><h1>Irgendein HTML-Inhalt</h1><p>Post Scriptum: Hello World!</p></div>')


    system.update() wird bei jedem Frame ausgeführt - wenn du Dinge hast, die nicht ständig live berechnet werden müssen, kannst du dir auch ne Timerfunktion basteln, die nur alle paar Sekunden läuft und weniger Rechenlast verursacht.


    Da bspw die Tanks bereits im default unit.start() in einem Array namens atmofueltank und spacefueltank landen, kannst du per atmofueltank[1].getItemsMass() etc den Füllstand holen - bekommst allerdings Kilos geliefert und müsstest es dann selbst in Liter umrechnen. Vorteil: Die Angabe in Kilo ist wesentlich präziser :D 


    Beschleunigung und so kriegst du als vec3 Object via vec3(core.getWorldVelocity()). Ich vermute mal, dass es die normalerweise im HUD angezeigte Geschwindigkeit auch in irgendeiner fertigen Variable abzugreifen gibt - kenne ich aber noch nicht.


    Der HUD-Screen wird jedenfalls auch in der 3rd Person angezeigt und braucht keinerlei Element oder so. Einfach aktivieren und HTML reinpacken :) 

  14. 2 hours ago, CptData said:

    Deswegen meine allgemeine Konfusion. Die nicht angebundenen Elemente blinken.

    Das mit dem Blinken hab ich auch schon weiter oben angesprochen *grins*

    Wie Heidenherz korrekt sagt, müssen Triebwerke mit Tanks verknüpft werden - nicht mit dem Cockpit (ich nenn mal alle pilotierbaren Elemente so). L Triebwerke sollten, sowei mit bekannt, aber auch mit einem XS Tank verbunden werden "können" - nur ist der dann halt innerhalb von Sekunden leer :D


    2 hours ago, CptData said:

    Leider absolut nicht hilfreich ist das Fehlen einer externen Kamera wie in Space Engineers.

    Gibt es - einfach die Einfügen-Taste drücken und noch zwei weitere Male um wieder in die 1st Person zu gelangen. Außerdem kann man X drücken, um sich die Vektorpfeile anzeigen zu lassen. Wenn du im Hover-Betrieb wegdriftest, dann halt einfach mal Strg gedrückt - das ist die Bremse. Driftest du trotzdem: Bremsen zu schwach - mehr davon anschrauben ;) 


    Ich weiss, das ist recht viel auf ein mal, steht aber eigentlich auch schon in meinem allerersten Beitrag ganz oben. Evtl alles noch mal durchlesen, dann klären sich mit aktuellem Wissensstand vermutlich noch ein paar Dinge mehr :)



    Ach ja: 3rd Person funktioniert nur, wenn du in irgendeinem Stuhl sitzt. Wenn du nicht willst, dass dein unfertiges Konstrukt direkt aus der Luft fällt, kannst du dir auch einen Encampment Chair (im Deutschen glaub ich "Feldstuhl" (brrrr)) aufstellen und platznehmen. Die Dinger sind unglaublich günstig herzustellen.



    2 hours ago, CptData said:

    unter Autokonfig tauchen zumindest bei mir drei Optionen auf: Emergency, Fly, Ground. Ich habe "Fly" gewählt.

    Hmm.. Fly ist wohl korrekt.. haben die im Deutschen noch so doofe Namen? Bei mir lauten die Optionen:

    - PVP Seat

    - (ECU) Emergency Control Unit

    - (Pilot) Flying Construct

    - (Pilot) Ground Construct


    Die Optionen "PVP Seat" und "(ECU) Emergency Control Unit" beziehen sich nicht auf Cockpit Controller. Der PVP Seat ist halt son Gunner Sessel und die ECU ist dieses dreieckige, rot/orangene Teil, welches am Novark-Speeder angeschraubt ist. Die ECU soll (wenn sie eingeschaltet ist) versuchen das Konstrukt sicher zu landen, oder im Weltall anzuhalten, wenn man das Cockpit verlässt. Ist aber besonders im Weltall nervig, wenn man grad auf 29999km/h beschleunigt hat, das Cockpit verlässt und die ECU vergessen hat abzuschalten - dann bremst sie automatisch auf 0 und man darf neu beschleunigen; totale Spritverschwendung. Der einzige Nutzen ist, wenn man Passagiere an Board hat und die Verbindung verliert - dann gibt's weniger Tote. Sollte man aber der Einzige an Bord sein, dann steht das Konstrukt bei Verlust der Verbindung sowieso schlagartig - egal wo.

  15. Teuer ist ja relativ. Bischen Mining und man kann sich sowohl Antrieb als auch Zellen leisten - und die Daily rewards helfen auch. Aktuell kostet nen Antrieb nur noch 1.8m - das hat man über das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen praktisch schon in 18 Tagen zusammen, wenn man so überhaupt nichts dafür tun will. Verglichen damit, dass wir rund einen Monat durch's All gekrochen sind, um alles zu sammeln, was man für den Eigenbau braucht, ist das quasi spottbillig.


    Zellen haben zwischenzeitlich mal 13k gekostet und sind aktuell bei knapp 16k. Lumiere (siehe "Zeigt her eure Schiffe" Thread) braucht ~10 Zellen für die maximale Sprungdistanz, also 160k, also 2 Tage Nichtstun und man ist wo auch immer man gerne sein möchte. 2 Tage mehr und man kommt auch wieder zurück :D 


    Bringt man dann ein Inventar voll T3-T5 Erz zurück nach Alioth, kommen einem die Preise auch nicht mehr ganz so hoch vor ;) 

  16. 15 hours ago, CptData said:

    Es gibt drei Modi: Ground, Fly und Emergency

    Wo siehst du denn sowas seltsames? :blink:


    15 hours ago, CptData said:

    Der Stuhl schließt halt nur 10 Sachen an und ignoriert den Rest. Ergebnis ist, dass die Bremsdüsen und ein Teil der Adjustoren ohne Funktion bleiben und das Schiff driftet. Any idea here? Was mach ich falsch?

    Das hab ich doch oben schon ausführlich beantwortet. Lies noch mal daaa... ;) 


    Also noch mal deutlich: Die allermeisten Standardelemente müssen nicht mit dem Stuhl verknüpft werden und funktionieren einfach so. Verlinkt werden müssen nur Elemente, die man über LUA ansprechen möchte und im Falle der Tanks passiert das beim Autoconfigure oder beim ersten Start vollautomatisch :)

  17. Da du Alpha Tester mit Contributor Pack bist: ja.




    Du müsstest also 1 Beta Key zum verschenken haben. Geh einfach auf https://dualuniverse.game/ und log dich ein. Dann kannst du oben rechts über das Hover-/DropDown-Menü auf "My products" klicken.


    Dort auf der Seite findest du deine "Giftable Beta Codes". In Klammern hinter "Available" steht die Anzahl der verfügbaren Codes. Darunter ist ein Textfeld, in welches du die Mailadresse eines Freundes eintragen kannst. Ein Klick auf "Send code" und die Zahl bei "Pending" geht eins rauf und bei "Available" eins runter. Wenn der Freund den Code eingelöst hat wandert sie zu "Gifted".


    Aber Achtung: Da gibt es noch keine Sicherheitsvorkehrungen. Wenn du die Mailadresse falsch hast, oder dein Freund keinen Zugriff mehr auf den Mailaccount hat, dann ist der Code weg und kommt auch nicht mehr wieder ;)


    Dann gibt es noch das Recruit-a-Friend-Programm, aber das ist seit Start der Beta auf Coming Soon™


  18. 6 hours ago, Dugobalosh said:

    Wobei die ab und an blockiert sind und dann wieder nicht ... seltsame Anzeige, die ich mir nicht immer erklären kann.

    Jo, das scheint mir ein blöder Bug zu sein. Nervt ziemlich, funktioniert aber meistens trotzdem irgendwie.


    6 hours ago, Dugobalosh said:

    Viele Triebwerke helfen viel, das habe ich auch bemerkt.

    Ah, der Durchbruch - Jungfräulichkeit verloren - jetzt biste Inschenör. Willste der Org "Moar Thrust" mit dem wunderhübschen Tag MOTH beitreten? :D 


    Ne, Spass. Die Org existiert zwar, ist aber noch in keiner Weise aktiv. Das wär nur just for fun ;) 

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