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Posts posted by ShadowLordAlpha

  1. All true. I guess my point is instead of having a low view distance because some very cool event is occurring or a huge city/battle that literally cannot exist in any other game to date is trying to load. You will instead have a lower view distance literally walking anywhere in the safe zone and possibly the related performances issues. i have no doubt NQ can handle it. I just think one of the solutions may be to split up safe zones. At least this is a good problem to have it means the game is very popular.

    Alright so I'm just going to flat out say no. As far as I have seen the view distance is not actually truly affected. What I have seen them do in the videos was actually throttle the number of update packets going to a client based on distance from said client. This makes the movement less smooth (viewing) for people far away but still functional. This also helps a lot with the exponential growth of packets being sent for players in an area because of how much you can cut down due to client side smoothing and interpolation that can take place without the need to a ton of extra data. It just normally isn't as accurate

  2. The short answer is yes


    The long answer is yes, its possible however i doubt it will be very common because balancing the thrust will be much harder if the craft is not symmetrical. If you have a script that can auto do this though taking battle damage becomes less of an issue for ships and will probably have people building them just to try their had at building an odd looking ship. Im more expecting ships to be symmetrical on the outside but asymmetrical on the inside as people change things around to fit what they need the ship to do.

  3. Hi, procedural generation called, it said "good luck".


    The moment those servers go out from Beta and boot up for launch? Alioth will be a brand new, procedurally generated planet that your coords do not play a role. 

    The only thing that will be the same is the Arkship. Alioth, or any other planet, is not predefined.


    But go ahead, do follow your folly of a dream, don't let me stop you.

    from what i glanced at they were talking about what if the generation didn't change

  4. Except if I get a say in the keybinds with Lua.


    Then prepare for the revolutionary method of :


    W, E = Forward thrust, W left main propulsion, E right main propulsion. Let go for W, you yaw left, likewise for E..


    A, F = A is for left side maneuvering thrusters, F for the right side.


    S, D = S is rolling left, D is rolling right.


    C = Dive.


    Spacebar = Pivot. 


    Talk about some precision cruise controls. And this doesn't even cover the ACTUAL clutch idea I have for tuning the rate of the controls. :P

    I pity whoever has to fly off in your ships :P

  5. No, no, I certainly saw that, Ripper :) My question has to do with how players will actually pilot vehicles. It's great that NQ are electing to get quite detailed with vectors and other forces (like gravity) in their flight model. I want to know what the controls will be for said vehicles.


    From what i can tell it will probably be very similar to how most games control the main difference would be in the construction of the ship as it would need scripts to help keep it level and do other complex functions as they have said they will provide several simple scripts though i could also be totally wrong and it be something different

  6. Another thing that could be used would be a "breeding" mechanic where as long as there are 1 or 2 animals on a planet more could spawn every so often. This would also allow for planets to be purged of hostile mobs as well as force people to "play nice" with nature as you would be able to kill it all off. Would also possibly be useful for later when there are core worlds that people want to be far safer than other planets

  7. My overriding concern is with AFK farming damaging gameplay. Multiple accounts would not be the heart of the problem, but basic game macanics making it viable to increase wealth AFK would be. The damage would be magnified if a single player did this with multiple accounts.


    If that's your worry then it shouldn't be. AFK, as well as automated mining ships, could and i think should be a thing as there is no large scale mining equipment like a planet cracker (i want one anyway :'( ) but they are an easy target for basically any armed person and it is actually hard(ish) to make a fully automated script without waypoint type objects and even those are very limited in what they can do and if they are allowed I would expect them to be a closely guarded secret by most people and if they are for sale very expensive.

  8. There are already at least two orgs that are just bank orgs and a few more with banking portions though it depends on the securities and such they can get and possibly a nation type org backing them or at least something with force.

  9. Put hydrogen and oxygen together, set it on fire and boom: you have water as a by-product. Is it the simplest way of obtaining water? Probably not, as ice is a much simpler source, but since water is likely required growing plants it would be nice to be able to get it in multiple ways.


    Now do we simulate the explosion and possibly cause things to actually explode or just generate the small amount of water

  10. For the hydroponics, I feel like they should contain growing to planets only. Not making a way to grow in space which will cause people to focus on ground elements of the game. If everything can be done from space, you will miss out on a lot of cool features they are implementing.


    For dehydrated food, this sounds cool. You would need to build a machine that can dehydrate food for easier storage, meaning you could store more and/or carry more on your person as well as on ships. Then there could be another machine to re-hydrate food, as you produce/farm food, you can dehydrate in a large scale, sell/transport, then mass rehydrate after buying/transporting.

    but what if I want a colony in space or a city ship in space? I can't always be importing food. they could take a large amount of power and work as well as other resources though so that only large ships and stations can have them though. Also there is always the need for fuel so that would already draw ships back to a port probably before the need for food would so most wouldn't even bother if they are always going to have to be in a port before they could run out anyway.

  11. Simple question, is Ailoth going to have bodies of water (lakes, oceans, etc)? I can except that water physics are really hard but having it as some sort of "non solid" material that is created by the world gen but does flow or change shape to fill it's vessel would make planets feel a lot more realistic.


    I only ask as doing water is something you need to have in the first release, you can't really add oceans in as a patch

    I think the idea is that its a liquid with some limited physics to help with server load and make it the same across all clients and that it will be in game in at least some limited form (Ice in space engineers just feels odd but you could easily switch those voxels out later with a volumetric type if you absolutely needed to)

  12. Food and drink naturally give rise to food farming and water bottling on rocks that can support it. This also means that people will be drawn back to places where they can obtain the food and drink.


    To accommodate the spacefaring people there might need to be resource converters that can convert a resource into food or drink. e.g. Some gasses can be converted into water or alcohol. Any organics can be converted to a grey nutritious sludge, and organics can be grown in special elements.

    You could also do it another way and have hydroponics modules for longer ships or ways to store large amounts of food in a small space (dehydrated food for example though probably something a little more advanced or different)

  13. Since I'm from a rural area that does this, plants (like flowers) could be used for making dye (not to be confused with paint, paint is made out of plastics). So, when more customisations come into the game (like choices of non-armor clothing) there's a thing agriculture can produce en masse. Other than that, we all know that drugs need some exotic herbs that grow only on certain biomes, the kind of biomes that do not sustain human life and is a resource sink to live there 24/7 and grow said plants, so it's risky and rewarding.


    End-game farming pretty much, growing space-meth in the equivalent to India on August, turned up to 11 in unsustainability.




    That's no small thing there. Some people may choose to live in a buzzing city and some will like living in a form of rural setting in the game. Many people view the game as either Space Legos or EVE 2.0 .There's a fine diffeence in it, that it's a sandbox MMO and RP can go a long way, especially if the RPer can actually do things in the game itself, instead of treating the game as a MUD, rather than something created in 2017. 



    People need to remember why Star Wars Galaxies died. It was because the devs assumed nobody wanted to RP as Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Which is not true. Not everyone has a power fantasy. I personally would love to have a farm and RP as the crazy hermit that has warning signs reading : "Since bullet prices went up, there won't be a warning shot if you trespass". 


    yes but even those people will need some of the supplies at some point most likely and it would be cool if we could find ways to integrate the farms into cities and such (and maybe banish those crazy hermits to a volcano far away)

  14. What OP was asking about has basically been confirmed by JC


    The one caveat that has been said is that the scripts execute in the client rather than the server. Now this might necessarily not be a problem but it means that each user that comes and interacts with a terminal will be seeing their own local instance of whatever script is controlling the terminal.


    What is not clear is how we will be able to share and persist state. I hope they either allow some sort of "database/memory element" that you can retrieve/store data in that is the same for all users.


    While allowing third party call to player own services on the internet would be cool, I think it would break the immersion and be too powerful a feature.


    It can very easily store the program without running it so that each client will have the same program running if they need to use it themselves and it only has to get the graphical display for another person to see so that could be sent from one player to another if needed though it is an interesting challenge. the could also take the easy road and just have it run on each client and not sync them though it could cause problems for ships that have many moving parts that they control.

  15. There are two large camps, the ones who want food and those who don't. Agriculture would only be a big thing if we need food or something that we can grow but a lot of us who do want food don't want it to be a chore that your always having to stop and do. Many different things can be done with plants IRL and I would love to see a number of them implemented ingame in some way and it would allow an easy way to get into and start communities as they would, at least as the start, congregate around the food and other supplies that they need.

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