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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by AzureSkye

  1. I quite like this idea, however I'm a strong believer in the "First Sale" doctrine. Once an object is sold, it should be freely modifiable by any further purchasers. To wit: I love the idea of having Deltas, however I hate permissions preventing modifications. I think Blue Prints only need to have a Master/Copy designation. Masters can produce both Copies and more Masters. Copies can only produce the construct. Additionally, Deltas should be able to be made from any other Blue Print, but should still be dependent upon the original. The dependency should nest for each Delta made from another Delta. If someone has several Master Deltas, they should be able combine them together to make a new Master Delta. If someone has both the Original Master and Master Deltas, they should be able to combine those together to make a new Master.
  2. No. Terrain Voxels cannot move. However, the rest, (Orbits, station keeping, transfer orbits) is in there. Yes. However, I had to spell it out as, for example, Space Engineers does an Inverse Seventh rule.
  3. With the RDMS system anticipated to be able to execute Smart Contracts, I see no reason that an exchange can't be self regulating, without requiring external policing.
  4. I'm impressed! That's a lot of quality deduction from one video. As far as I'm aware all astrodynamics in the game will be a consequence of the underlying physics engine. Notably, constructs won't be able to exert gravitational influence on voxels. Unlike Space Engineers ( /r^7), gravity should be falling off naturally ( /r^2), but I could be wrong there.
  5. This is really neat. Also, curved voxels are a thing. So you can get a little fancier.
  6. What is the purpose of this suggestion, though? NQ has already stated that they are planning on (though not certain of) using TCU 'Shields' with Seige Timers. Since TCU shielded areas have already been determined to be unassailable for at least 24 hours, what additional benefit does your system provide? Are your proposing that these shields are stacked? That would require incredible long seiges as you'd have to peel a base or city like layers of an onion. This would easily run into weeks and months required to complete a seige. While realistic when compared to medieval warfare, this wouldn't be fun. This appears to give entirely too large a defensive advantage. However, if I have not understood what you have proposed, please enlighten me. :-)
  7. On the piracy point: with a max speed limit, in route piracy is already impossible. You will never be able to catch up to a freighter going all out. However, I do agree that there should probably be limits on intrasystem gates. If gates are unlimited, you'd be able to just build gates directly from your base to your Sanctuary. Here's a crazy idea: gate stability is directly related to length. With longer routes cheaper, it'd make mapping and travel a bit difficult, but it'd make it interesting!
  8. Honestly, just a way to tag notes to players is all we need. Just a "This guy screwed me over" note and I'll remember not to deal with him. Maybe even allow that to be added via RDMS to an organizational note set? Of course, if orgs get Notes, then you'll need a filter system.
  9. If gates are dynamic structures, then you could use them offensively. You could effectively snatch or steal the ships of other people by throwing the gates at them. Of course, then the question is how is momentum conserved through a gate? If the gate is moving, does the ship on the other end acquire the relative velocity upon exit? If so, you could also forcibly crash opponents ships into planets or each other. Ultimately, gates need sizes, ranges, limitations, and variations. If any gate can connect to any other gate, the whole universe becomes point-to-point, limiting interesting interactions (namely, plotting courses and avoiding traps and events).
  10. Well, more so discrete, rather than continuous. It just happens that the increments are very, very, very small.
  11. This sounds a lot like the Drengin invading the Torians in GalCiv. And there's no way that the gates won't be able to be private. You'd have to be able to collect tolls. There's definitely a max speed limit. Has to be for physics calculations.
  12. I agree, there should be no "delete" option for physical things. Additionally, to encourage the need to replace and build new things, there needs to be some sort of wear/tear and maintenance going on.
  13. So far they've said that there will "Most likely" be a reset when moving into Beta. I'd expect a reset between each phase of testing, to be honest.
  14. Another wild and crazy idea for you all! From what we've seen in the game, from the trailers and videos, is all metal building voxels and terrain voxels. All the rocks and trees, while detailed, appear to be "elements", which can't be mined. I'm proposing that trees and bushes, while not necessarily made from voxels themselves, generate or release materials that can be made into wood voxels. Especially if there are a variety of types of wood colors and grains. Why? Because nothing says luxury like an all wood interior! Hmm... that wasn't wild or crazy...
  15. I'm aware of how to do it. The problem is that I am unable to change the setting. Here's what I see when I go to modify my settings: Is this normal for everybody else or do I need to talk to support?
  16. I get an email every time someone sends me a private message. In my settings I can't turn this off because "This has been set by the administrator". Does everybody have this issue or am I bugged?
  17. Well, this idea has received absolutely zero support. Let's consider it abandoned, then.
  18. Alright, the maluses have proven to be about as popular as arsenic ice cream, so I've scratched it out. Is giving a "Well Rested" bonus (not to EXP) something that people might be interested in?
  19. @Lethys @dualismYou are right. As I originally described it, that's exactly what would happen. That, however, is not the intent. I completely forgot that skill progression is similar to EVE Online. At the time I wrote this, I was coming from reading about anti-addiction/anti-poop socking mandates levied on WoW by the Chinese. As such, I mistakenly conflated the two EXP systems. I'll edit the head post to remove references to EXP bonuses. However, I still think there should be an EXP malus for 18+ hours play. @Shadow I get where you are coming from, however that will be true of any anti-bot or anti-addiction mechanism. The difficulty there is maintaining and paying for the separate accounts. Which just reminded me that NQ has stated that Players will be able to have multiple Characters. As such, the system above would need to apply to the Player rather than any single Character. I understand this line of thought and strongly agree with it, the idea that it's you should be able to play how you please, for most games. However for an MMO, they have to consider people more than that. Unfortunately, there are people who lack the discipline and control to manage themselves and will hurt themselves with overindulgence. 12 hours is a lot of time. I expect that the vast majority of player will never see a malus because they won't play for that long, including the inevitable obnoxious 12 year olds on summer break. The danger here is largely PR damage to the game, as well as potential government intervention in some case (Namely China, but the EU is also a potential). So let me ask you, do you agree that: Excessive gaming is dangerous, both to the players and to the companies reputation? That 12 hours is a lot of game time, but 18+ hours is definitely Excessive? I think the exact implementation as laid out here is flawed (fatally so, if giving EXP Bonuses), but the general concept, that NQ should do something to help prevent people from hurting themselves (like putting labels on a pill bottle or warning on a power saw), is very important.
  20. Final Edit: This idea has received zero support. I'm not going to argue it's case any further. I'm leaving it up for people to reference. This is going to be a bit of a contentious topic, but I believe that this game absolutely needs a rest or sleep mechanic. Primarily, this should be used as a method to discourage excessive game time as well as bots. Additionally, such a mechanic will be imperative if this game is to launch in China, due to their "anti addiction" mandates. Here's how I envision possible implementations of this: A basic version will be designed to encourage people to sleep and shower and at least take care of themselves a little bit. A more advanced version will encourage people to take breaks occasionally and get up and walk around. While I'm expecting the game to be relatively slow paced up until the action kicks off for a few minutes, I still think it'd be valuable to get people out of their chair. The Basic version goes like this: Players will be encouraged to play for no more than 12 hours in a 24 hour period. This will be accomplished in four parts. First, the Carrot will be that "Well Rested" players gain a bonus to take less damage/move faster/need fewer consumables during their first 6 hours online. I believe the game should be balanced towards "Well Rested" players being the normal, but that the interface should present the players as having gained a Bonus. It needs to be high to have a strong impact as this isn't something we want shrugged off. It will be balanced at this level to encourage players to actually go live their lives occasionally. This needs to be a bonus because people respond stronger and more positively when they think they are getting something extra, even if they are not (Ex: most stores that have constant sales) The second 6 hours will be "Neutral" and the player will suffer no apparent penalties or bonuses. However, due to the above bit about balancing, this will actually be a malus. I'm not feeling this bit so much any more, though a transition period is necessary to not blind side players. Finally, with the Stick, any time past 12 hours of game time in that 24 hour period would be steadily penalized with movement, stamina, and health maluses. After 18 hours of play, the player's controls will become less responsible and weave around like a drunk (or extremely tired) person, scripts will stop running for them, and they'll gain experience maluses. Interference with the controls will (if properly random) serve to help counter botting of simple tasks. While counter tools will be developed, this will still hinder most players from dangerously excessive play times. When you've logged off (or are safely in a bed/cryopod/sleeping chamber), your character will gain back an hour of benefit for each hour offline. For example, if you have a crazy raid and have to push yourself for 17 hours online, you'll have to take 17 hours offline to get back up to fully rested and get your 6 hours of bonuses. As an additional bonus, you could gain "Biological Waste Material" after a long rest that could be used as fertilizer or raw material. Lore could say that we've developed quantum bathrooms, so we do a whole day's worth of waste elimination at one time! People won't like this, as it interferes with their freedom and self determination. However, I think it's important for NovaQuark to be a socially conscious company and try to minimize the dangers of addictive behavior patterns. The more Advanced version builds off the Basic by adding in encouragement to take breaks throughout the day, as well as encourage more sufficient time off, rather than possible 1 hour on, 1 hour off (or more likely 6 hours on, 6 hours off) behavior. The Carrot is tweaked that after 3 hours, the bonuses start to decrease unless the player takes a 30 minute rest in a bed or offline. Taking two rests during a day will give you extra Carrot time minus the time it takes you to take your first and second breaks. (Ex: If you play for 3 hours 20 minutes and then 4 hours, you'd get 1 hour 40 minutes of extra Carrot time). No changes to Neutral No changes to the Stick When you log off, you gain time back exponentially. For example: the first hour offline only nets you 10 minutes, the second 15 minutes, the third 35 minutes, the fourth 1 hour, the fifth 1.5 hours, and so on. The numbers are only examples, as it should still obey the rule that 1 hour spent is 1 hour that must be restored back. The idea is that consecutive hours are more valuable. This is to force even addicts to sleep for at least 8 hours. Finally, there is the question of Beds. Because of Dual Universe's unique scripting requirements (that someone must be online for them to run scripts), I see value in having Beds act as the "Rest Point" for players. As long as they are not interacting with the game (chat, moving mouse, browsing the map or encyclopedia), they can remain online to use their computer to run scripts. They will still acquire "Rested Hours" in this fashion. If they move for more than 2 cumulative minutes in a given hour period, they will not gain that hour's worth of benefit. This should help prevent people from trying to move really slowly or to act as battle masters or tacticians while "resting". Ideally, the screen would be blanked as well. To summarize: DU will need a Rest mechanic for the health of players. This should consist of a requirement that every hour spent online must be matched by an hour spent offline. The first 6 hours online in a given 24 hour period result in bonuses. The second 6 hours are neither bonused nor malused. Any time past 12 hours in a 24 hour period will be increasingly malused. After 18 hours, the player will have their controls and visuals steadily degraded. Breaks every 3 hours are encouraged by granting extra bonus time up to a maximum of 3 extra hours. This is by taking at least 30 minute breaks every 3 hours. Once offline, players will gain back time spent either a) in a linear Basic system or an exponential Advanced system. Once the "debt" of time is gained back, no extra time may be gained. There are no bonuses for staying offline longer than necessary. Beds can be used as resting locations while logged in if the player does not interact in anyway with the game. This will be done so that the players can continue to run scripts while still gaining the advantages of rest. Interacting with the game means you aren't resting. P.S. The "24 hour period" means that logging off sporadically, but still playing for more than 12 hours still results in penalties. Ex: 2 hours of play, 7 times is still 14 hours of play and will be penalized. P.P.S. All references to "Will", "Must", and "We" reflect the intent and idea of the document, not necessarily anyone else's view. If you agree with the first intent (That players should play no more than 12 hours a day), then you should align (somewhat) with the "We"s, "Will"s, and "Must"s
  21. 1.3 Kilometers under water

  22. I'm glad you mentioned SE, because I was about to chime in. A huge use for materials in the real world is for maintenance. Replacement parts, glues, welding, etc. Unfortunately, a lot of games skip this because "it's not fun" (It isn't so much, but I'll get to that.) If you allow automated mining without any maintenance costs, you get Space Engineers: A hard struggle to get enough, follow immediately by rapid over abundance. Maintenance, especially of the mining elements, would reduce this sudden plateau and allow the game to naturally balance more. (You'd still need to balance equipment costs vs mining rates). As large organizations mined more, their costs to mine more and continue to mine more would grow as well. It wouldn't just be "Can we afford another drill?" But "Can we afford the upkeep and another drill and it's upkeep?". Ultimately, I think this is something that should be tested in Alpha or Beta, rather than speculated about. There's too many moving parts involved to accurately understand the impact.
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