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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Peregrin

  1. The swing of things is going slow but we nevertheless have things to do: CinSyn will soon close the polls on their creativity contest and we have a couple weeks left before Novawrimo community award is due...


    ... and after more than 15 days, we still have a tie ! Let's get this sorted out for good, shall we ? I suggest a flint pistol duel at dawn.

  2. The Sleepers website is progressively mutating into its originally-intendend shape, from "One-Topic-A-Day" to "Marking Event Logs"; you may not find daily topics anymore, but the daily attention remains and every noted progress in the game's life, both in and out, will be recorded.


    Format is still a bit iffy, working on that...


    You are gladfully invited to point any event, recent or old, that you may find missing !

  3. Organizations' descriptions in the "Records" section of the Sleepers' website are being rewritten to incorporate their respective notable evolutions.


    Two of them (Hammertime and C.O.P.S.) are labeled as "disbanded", but will remain in the Records, as they exist still in another form or as a piece of the game's history.
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