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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by norab7

  1. I saw a video once about the actual scale of the solar system and they had little marbles almost a kilometre apart to show it correctly. You needed something like 11 Kilometres to show the entire solar system to scale using marbles... That's a lot of empty space.. and I'd like it to be either filled with things to do, or closed down into a more manageable size. The first one more though. Things to do and places to see if better than nothing (meaning space) in my books. Asteroids fields, rouge planets and all that. Especially moving from system to system, if the FTL doesn't work instantly then you're going to be travelling through nothingness a lot without it.
  2. I'm assuming it's going to be a 3D printed spaceship or something like that, I did propose in the other thread that a 3D printed construct could be a reward for creating things while testing. I hope it is something similar to that.
  3. This ^.. However to expand on your spy idea, you could have an ability to join other factions on top of your main one, but get none of the benefits of joining it (some how, not sure how that would work).. So you could have your main faction the one where everyone knows you and you run some portion of it giving out tags ect ect.. then your spy faction where you can do nothing, but monitor the people in the faction. Only thing is people would need a way to detect you, otherwise you could just sit in the other guild all the time even during combat, and tell your main guild whats happening. Different account name and such would be good.. You could have a 'inspect' mechanic that shows who they are really if you have a high enough skill to do it.. the higher your 'inspect' skill the more chance you have of seeing the persons 'real' stats.. but on the other hand, the higher your 'spy' skill the more chance you have to remain hidden? That make sense at all ?
  4. Purchasable in-game designs blueprints from the NPC's that are aboard the Arkships on Alioth. That is what you should do with the cool designs that are made during the testing. Gives the people who made them the chance to use them as they would have, but also opens them up for others to use them also, so there is no advantage given to anyone because everyone has them. Other rewards could be something like, depending on what it is, a 3D print of your construct. I know you mentioned something about 3D in the merchandise thread, but can't remember if it was 3D printing or not, but that would be cool nonetheless. Create something awesome and get it 3D printed.
  5. Water worlds would be awesome, but we're still not sure how/or if DU will have water and the physics that come with it. We know that Nyz posted about underwater bases, but apparently that was so long ago that i'd say it's not 100% usable anymore. I think we do need some clarification about what water content is going to be available and what can be done with it... Like can you collect it, can you float on it, can you make boats... ect ect..
  6. I think you're thinking a little extreme there, even if the game has a lack of safe zone for the builders i'm still going to play it and i think many others are. However though, i do agree with your concerns about there being a safe place to build and that the ratio of builders/destroyers will be heavily leaning towards the destroyers. But there is going to be a virtual 'world?' that you can build it to create blueprints and the like then create them in the real world.. (someone might need to help on the specifics, I've been engrossed in something else today).. But there is a way to build safely, just not yet a way to build safely in the real world... (virtual real world...... grr.. whatever).. EDIT: If i could downvote you AlexWright, I would.. Not because of 'the game' just that i don't think that kinda stuff should be on the forums... that is all
  7. I thought you were going to be talking about 'mixing' fuels to create new/different fuel types. So you could, for example, mix petrol and diesel to create 'petsel' or something like that. Like combining metals to create more powerful alloys you could combine fuels to create more powerful versions. I do like your idea of how/where to get fuel from stars and such, but that would leave the power source as solar, unless you mean landing on the star to take a piece with it?
  8. I never thought about the selling of blueprints and the like. Now i'm completely 100% against this in all aspects. That would give the testers that had the chance to participate and create blueprints a large advantage in the first months. Think about the people who make incredible things during the testing that took a few days to a week to design, and they can sell that almost day one.. Do not like..
  9. Welcome to DU, we're all looking at Novaquark with interest about what they are doing with DU, so i guess you'll fit in nicely here. Enjoy your stay
  10. I like all of this, many games I've played have not given enough information as to where or what is happening when you are in combat and you die wondering 'what the h*ll happened'.... I hope this is not the case in DU but i understand if you can't indicate everything that is happening around the player.
  11. I would only agree to having more than one character if the alliance/guild/faction association was across the entire account, so that like slaxx said, you couldn't be in multiple organisations and know the behind the scenes of everyone at once.
  12. I'll take one of each please... Maybe a second as a spare. Only thing i would add to that list right now would be both a Mug for Tea.. (because tea is for mugs... ha).. and a Pint Glass/Cup.. all marked up nicely with DU.
  13. Very true.. what about changing it slightly so that the only available 'recombobulates' is on the initial arkship.. once you have enough resources to leave you'll never need it again and will not be close enough to use it again?
  14. I think you misinterpreted a couple points there.. If your in a organisation that has the capabilities to defend yourself, you should defend yourself. But that help the small groups of people being facestompped every time they log on. The shield would just be a one time use, limited time from first spawn item, giving you time to set up your base. From fresh spawn to say 24hours you claim a section. Where you can build and defend, after that you never get another and are open the the elements (still doesn't long term help solo/small groups) And the protection of items I still think is critical, at least for the beginning. Very rage inducing to lose everything by a giant organisation every time you play... I would stop playing.. because id be forced to as I couldn't get anywhere because of said organisation. Yes, joining a organisation could prevent alot of these issues and protect you in the long term.. bit what of the people who don't want to do that?, Or people who just want to play with friends?. You can't punish solo/small groups of people simply because they aren't in a giant organisation. From what I know of Eve I beleive for new people it's either, join a faction or basically don't play because you can't do anything solo anymore... and I don't want the for DU...
  15. Very true.. and to be honest I lost interest in following star citizen a while back now, not because I thinks it's bad or anything, just bored of watching it. And when it does release I'll play it but by the time it's out its got a good chance to be old-hat. 2017/2018/2019... could come out whenever it likes for me.. I found a new game But yeah, we need hype for DU, but not to much, like you say, at the expense of the supporters.
  16. I like this, still sticks with the replenishing resources idea but adds in a bit of immersion and believability.. so it's not the idea of replenishing that your against, it's the method chosen to do it. Plants and fauna could be an idea, what about a processing plant inside the arkship or something where you can put these plants or dirt/stone/trees and it 'recombobulates' them into useable materials?.. Could be included in lore with the idea that they didn't know what resources Alioth would have so they put in a method to generate resources (at a very low efficient level) from everything around by manipulating materials atomic makeup?... 100 dirt could give 10 iron or something, where's it's always in your best interest to mine the actual resource but there is a backup if you run out.
  17. To be fair, I'm a backer of star citizen and I don't disagree with them banning people, you are obviously going to ban people who are a constant negative towards the project/community, regardless if it is for profit or to try and keep the peace. Their problem was the unforseen hype that came from being almost completely transparent in what they are doing because people liked the ideas so much and got a little to voiceful, and the other side where people got a little to negative for no release. Although I do think that the majority of negativity did originate from one not so 'smart' place... ha Hype is a unavoidable thing, especially with DU and what they describe they are going to do. I think the only thing they can do to prevent it going out of control would be not to mention everything they have planned and stick to the sparse but concentrated Devblogs and Nyz forum posts. In the future at least when there are more people, right now they can tell us all they like as the people active I would imagine are a little more intelligent than the average bear
  18. I don't fully understand what it is, but from what I've gathered it is a bad thing and I don't want it. No-one has a good opinion about it. (Yes there are good things but I feel the overall opinion of it is negative) I feel that the issues people have said about it are too much to risk putting it in where it can be a very big negative, I think either a system should be worked based upon it that works or it should not be put in. Just my opinion on it though, as i never played eve so i'm only judging by the comments in here about it.
  19. Most games start you off with nothing in a 'purpose-generated' world or 'specific spawning location'.. If not they usually have respawning mechanics to fill in the gaps. I don't know about the others, but Minecraft is a purpose generated map or some multiplayer servers have a random teleportation mechanic that lets you respawn at a 'fresh' location and runescape almost everything respawns. I don't mean for it to be 'here have everything without the effort' it should still be difficult, but offer some assistance/protection where is it needed or when it is needed as the first few months no-one will need any help getting started as everything will still be 'untouched'...
  20. At the rate we're going I think it will be like Cybertron or Curosaunt (however they are spelt), basically nothing but buildings all the way around the planet and several space elevators... OR destroyed by some religious crusade or nuclear war... I prefer the first one though. ... I understand that there will always be them folks offering to sell the materials to the new people or offer the relocate them. But what if people want to go venture alone, or start the game off with a close group of friends and don't want to rely on anyone?.. If the beginning is desolate or resources, what kind of start would they be able to have?... it would put a reliance from the get go onto people already playing and could potentially put people off continuing to play in extreme cases. Not that I'm personally going to have an issue with resources as I'll be in the front-lines of people playing the game on launch day, i'm just thinking of people starting months/years after.. all the new people that will help keep the game going and growing past the initial starters. What is their first few days going to be like ?
  21. Alpha/Beta players will always have a small advantage at the beginning of the game, it's inevitable. But i'd like it to be clean slate, so that any advantages gained are purely through what they know of the game, not what they've done.
  22. I fear for the people who don't get anything and can't move on. Like Alioth.. What's the resources going to be like there after a few months and it's basically been picked clean of anything ?
  23. This is the point that I don't like the most, Having pre-designed blueprints that others may not have because they were not in the beta/alpha. I still vote Clean Slate after testing, All Blueprints, All planets.. everything, gone.. Cleaned.
  24. Little bit off there with the estimated year.. You spend almost 10,000 years on the Arkship just traveling to Alioth. “You are in the hibernacle 6JKP-Sohan of the arkship Novark, built in 2536 by the United Nations. You are awakening from a cryogenic sleep that has lasted 9,854 years. Your semantic and factual memory is functioning at approximately 12% of its original capacity. The retrieval of your procedural memory is currently under way. Do you have questions?” Here's a Link if you're interested: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/07/31/dual-universe-part-1/
  25. Time limited impregnable shield would be one way to go though (even though it's not been mentioned anywhere other than you yet).. Would give you the time to build something and defend it before the timer expired, after than you are on your own. I wouldn't be so against this idea, because it does give you the change to build and if you don't build correctly in the time given then it's a little bit your own fault if you get raided. I would still like some form of protection for the smaller/newer groups of people though. But a timed shield would be a nice start.
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