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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Begogian

  1. I don't know if you are trolling or I am failing to explain properly.


    You realize we are talking about changing your arkship rez node to the 2nd arkship rez node when it is discovered in around 2 years time?


    No I am not trolling. Im sorry that was my bad, I didn't realize you were talking about the arkship rez nodes. I guess for those, it would be nice to move your spawn but only if you personally have visited the node

  2. There will also always be people who want to watch it burn. But I hope somebody pulls it off...  SO I CAN WATCH IT BURN!!!!!


    Depending on which Org builds it and what it is used for it will either be built and become a Giant Target or will be a HUB for ideas, creativity and production. If it isn't used for war and is just a city, I hope people won't destroy it because it will basically become a landmark for when new people join as well as when we all look back on it 5 years from launch

  3. But "switching" I mean changing your "zeroth" rez node: The rez node you will spawn at when all other rez nodes fail.  So no, you can't change where you will rez normally: it will always be the closest one.


    It should just continue to search for the nearest RN.




    If you are closest to RN A, but A through C are downed or disabled, then you should spawn at D, no selection made. The game should handle this itself.

  4. But....what if the station you are on is under attack?

    Anyone? :P


    For most games, basic rules are if you (the player) are in combat, you can't log until you spend X amount of time out of combat. If a ship gets attacked and you have not engaged in any combat, you should be allowed to log off.


    Also, as an idea, a big issue being talked about seems to be what happens if a ship explodes and your exact location is lost and now an invisible space "tile." What if when you log off and log back on, if you are now on a space "tile," you should move to the nearest RN. This could be another solution to floating away issue.

  5. philosoraptor-if-thats-a-double-negative


    I like this thread. c:


    Getting back on topic now, no, I don't think that orgs should be limited. While it could make a very small amount of revenue for DU (as a means of controlling one man / not serious orgs), it would be insignificant in value since it is only a one time cost, especially if it's a small fee like $5. Not only that but it could be easily seen as greedy by the player base and that is never a good thing.


    Also, they don't impact the gameplay, it's just a few words of text, maybe an icon, description, and a little more clutter in the org list; but other than that it's nothing major that would require any sort of limiting by NQ imho.


    See, I feel like if they started charging people to create orgs, then outsiders who want to get into the game would be deterred because they would see DU as a money game. There shouldn't be any limit to the amount of orgs because once the game starts, we will know who the real orgs are and are not. These days, with the help of Lord Void and recently Red, we can see more information on orgs so we have no need to limit.

  6. And no one can control the number of alts inside their organization, Unless the alts are owned by them. (they don't know 100% sure if someone is a alt of someone else etc.)


    Also, many organizations (almost all) have alts laying around. Again not New. The way MasteredRed decides how to chose a "suspected alt" doesn't prove anything. If someone joins the community the same day they join an organization, that only makes it a high chance of being a alt. However, doesn't prove that they are. ....




    You definitely can control the number of Alts in your Org for the most part. Like you said if you own the alts you obviously know if they are or are not Alts but it isn't hard to find out for accounts you don't own. You just need to do basic research on the account to tell. Most alts in this community are pretty shallow and easy to spot when you look at their account. You accept their application which means before they join, you have the opportunity to search the account and look at their activity on all the DU sites.


    This said you can't get every Alt, but if you spend any time investigating accounts, you can limit most Alts from joining.

  7. This would ruin it for people who play 2 years who reach the same skill level as someone only playing for 8 months. Everyone should work towards their skills, yes you can train and teach people techniques to work faster but it shouldn't give them skill points faster.


    JC wants this game to be a progression, you start at the bottom and work your way up through time, practice, and genuinely working on skills. He wants things later down the road to only be easy for players who have taken the time to really dive into that skill and truly learn how to accomplish that goal, not just hand it off to a noob

  8. But you can't switch RNs, it is automatic isn't it? You respawn at the closest one, not one you choose. This could lead to people dropping all their gear, dying, then choosing to spawn in another galaxy which would be this magical teleportation. 

  9. I think JC has also talked about how you should just leave your ship floating around when you log off. He mentioned you should land it, get to a safe zone, or park it somewhere friendly before just logging off. I do think the mechanic will be a bit off when it is first released though because this can also lead to a lot of combat logging. Maybe you can't log off until you are not moving which could help the "floating away" issue as well as a mechanic for combat logging. You need to be out of combat for 30 seconds or something along those lines.

  10. What's this about pirate booty. Do any of you consider the following? A pirate clan that has one central flying Tortuga from which they can send out raiding parties. A Military HQ that moves and so can't be easily located by enemy forces. 


    If you want to talk about funding such places, I guess pirates are self explanatory. Military HQ's are really a late game development by large corporations who've set up in game governments. I can think of a few organisations right now that could eventually get something like that going. Not naming names like Terran Union...


    No diss towards TU, but expect some resistance from other corps if you're grabbing monopoly over the safe zone of the Ark.


    The two main uses for these large ships will, as you said, possibly Pirate cities and Military HQs but these ships are going to be unbelievably expensive. The amount of resources and time it will take to build these will be incredibly high. The first ones won't be seen until 1.5-2 years after launch, if not longer. After talking with JC, he mentioned how long it will take to gather the resources and build the ships in-game. The large ship in space you see in the trailers wasn't even built in game. It was designed and imported because it would have taken them months to build even with "God" mode active.


    It will be awesome when we do start seeing these because they will be central locations for many different things, but don't expect them anytime soon.

  11. Well to be fair new people do not know where to look, but at the same time they dont even try to find it sometimes.


    If I were new, I would try to find info on the game before I joined the forums, but thats just me.


    It's a preresequite at this point in these forums. "Get into a discussion with ignorance, ask something already answered a million times, do a backflip out of it".


    Feels like we run in circles

  12. *Friend of Villspor here^^* Yup i got the idea of Drones ay well but sadly i cant programm. But thanks to you i can now buy/Pre order these drones! Count me in!


    Before buying/pre-ordering, we will have to see how they implement the coding and what we can control when it comes to drones

  13. Nice news !

    If the framework allow i'd love to program most creative and fun followers,  ^.^   also i'd love to have onboard my ships kind of auto pilot to control some functions while i travel to far places of the universe chatting and playing cards with my friends 


    I believe this will be a limitation they implement or try to limit use of. There won't be a way to program things aboard your ship to do tasks the player should obviously be doing but I think you will be able to do a sort of "autopilot." Basically you can select a direction and it will fly straight in that direction. That will be a sort of autopilor but knowing the community, someone will code a hidden autopilot that uses key strokes or something to alter your courses

  14. Such robots are useful though and make up for annoying gameplay :P it really depends on what you do with them....And what you're allowed to do with them


    There should a limit to what you can make drones do or else people are going to do ridiculous things with them

  15. This was talked about at GDC during the demo and Q&A section. They plan on implementing the ability to create robots that will follow you around but you will have to do most of the programming. After Alpha, possibly in Beta, they were talking about implementing short range access to drones so you don't have to walk back and forth from mining to the cargo drone but these will have to be modified and developed as much by the player as the devs

  16. This is very cool and in-depth, very nice job. I think sensors will be awesome and I wonder if maybe it would be nice to have a way to code our own sensors. Different sensors for different jobs, some maybe the devs haven't even thought of yet.


    I didn't even think about the potential protection that would be provided by all the people on board. If there's even just 50 people who have battle ready ships, or there are plenty of battle-ready ships made for this purpose, then all that is needed is plenty of people to man these ships. I'm sure any traveling merchant will be willing to help defend against the pirates when they have many of their goods on the ship, and so the number of people would make the city-ship well protected.


    If the amount of people were online at one time. You could have a traveling army. Imagine a ship that only houses loads of small fighters. It can carry 100 people and ships inside so when you need to go into a war, you open the doors and 100 fighters come flying out. That would look epic

  18. Me personally I have no ambition to actually build it. But its a fascinating subject, who knows maybe someone else might be sparked by the idea. Or someone searching the forum in the future might find something useful in these threads.

    *shrug* :P


    Oh this is bound to happen, no doubt about it. Knowing the gaming community, orgs will want to own the biggest city, biggest ships, and control the biggest amount of territory. That's how an MMO with a majority male players goes xD

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