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Everything posted by Kirion

  1. for 5000+ years in the future the game is set, 2.5 engine types is weird, it needs to be one type. for 5000+ years in the future, we need wings? a short aero sim for air resistance should suffice. for 5000+ years in the future, maneuvering thrusters(ie adjusters) and brakes would be more efficient(not have cover a ship to get great reaction) for 5000+ years in the future, we only need one radar type... seriously why do we need 2? and where are the hinges and rotators to fold parts of a ship when landing or going faster? and why can't hovers be used as engines?(i changed the tags, but they're hardcoded?)
  2. and just like that even more players will unsub for a terrible idea, whether you have a jump drive, cells to go with, or the gas to get to the right speed before a cube from one of the pvp guilds murders you with absolution(full set railguns), it is an unsubalition idea.
  3. these should be used to create an auto docking system for base/ship hangars/pads, not sure if anyone has succeeded.
  4. i think setting up a cargo tag with a button/switch should do the trick... or set all the hovs/verts used when hauling on specific gas tank... and emptying it when not needed<_<.
  5. black desert online would like a word, which with realtime everything the servers have to calculate alot more than a voxel being place(with mystery lag for some reason half the time)
  6. youre right, costume and element skin selling wont help them at all, nevermind noveans dont have faces, just mouths(friend had collision on foot once and it zoomed through the mask to show... no face... no wonder every novean keeps their helmet on, their dullahans not humans. nor would booster tp packs to reduce talent training, perma contruct count slots.. and those drone thingies people get for staying as long as they have.
  7. second life and sansar already hold this position, i think:/
  8. and the influx of compaints about no symmetry mode(which is in everything else?), separate engine and fuel types for atmo and space, weird vertices that span more than they should(smooth will add a questionable 'new vertex' across another area that had nothing to do with part you smoothed), schematics(where do all the quanta go, change to energy management like people wanted to prevent monopolies), taxes(dump and use hq limit, no more flowers>:D), space travel speed and artificial speed limiters(larger mass doesnt get slower in space, just increase stasis range and slow effect), and finally L and XL wings/atmo engines/hovers in various shapes(long/wide/tall/other), desgregation of fuel types and engine types, minus rockets, those can stay in their weird place(everything atmo/space nitron>:D), otherwise complaints and new empyrion/space engineer players will be made.(or some other space building games), and maybe finally LINKED TANKS.
  9. if their feature worked with a hub... seriously thats it, just one bit of code, or many depending on how coding unigine works<_<
  10. adding or deleting a single voxel or element requires massive computational power. its the perceived amount of time needed to on a good low lag day(i sometimes wait upwards of 5 sec on any one thing placed/removed in order to do another<_<)
  11. artificial speed limits in newtonian physics for 'balance', gotta love em. or increase the stasis effect so that ships go slow enough for ganks to pick people off<_<
  12. military engines would like a word, sir, they have a bogus fuel to thrust curve that baffles tesla, bugatti and any physics graduate. also, where are my xl atmos/hovers and L wings?
  13. schematics people quit over? or the answer to industry monopoly people could get behind:energy management, like pvp cap, but for industry unit limiting(pretty this is what people actually wanted, but was ignored)
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