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Everything posted by Rokkur

  1. This 100% you are on point Gottchar, everything is "maybe" and "We can't tell you when", yet NQ is the only ones who can answer our questions. My frustration with this approach is, why create podcasts with wishywashy answers filled with yes/no/maybe/so... and pretend any solid answer was given. maybe, and we don't know when are responses, but they are not informative answers that bring stability for the community on how they should manage their expectations moving forward with Dual Universe. The limbo is having major impact on the community not just 1 or 2 players..
  2. kk, very fair Blazemonger... It may not be directly the DEVs (Coders, Talent, Artist, etc) fault... I am just blanket blaming NQ as a whole, cause as a WHOLE they are failing their community. I don't want to split hairs about which department is at fault with NQ... I use the term developers/NQ interchangeably cause I see NQ as the "Company" developing Dual Universe. I am not blaming Deckard directly, nor do I have a problem with Rubicon or some of the support staff... I do have a problem with trend of events that has transpired since "BETA" launch... I feel we are reaching a point of failure, and we are being marched towards the end of Dual Universe. I feel either that NQ as a company is some how dishonest, or out of touch with reality of the state of Dual Universe, with the whole community screaming fire fire as the game burns, and then NQ is like... everything is fine. I feel like I am going to be told by moderators that this post and this reply are going to be "Unconstructive" but I feel it is, cause we are trying to point to the problems that need fixed, and we as the community have suggested hundreds of times recommendations for fixes, and can't control that NQ refuses to act on them.
  3. As others have said this is a horrible idea, and I can only see it being abused by the developers to promote their self interest and reward fanboys.
  4. WHY ARE PLAYER'S BEING SO MEAN TO THE DEV'S? I think it is time we have an honest accounting of the real problems here, cause there is more than one elephant in the room, but there is definitely an Elephant King! While the developers are sitting here both refuting/ignoring criticism and saying they know what is best, does NQ stop to think about why members of the community "provoke"(vocally criticize) their developers, vs. NQ just treating their critics as bad apples? 1. Could it be that the players feel their trust has been betrayed by the developers? 2. Could it be that the developers have ignored players, and players see themselves being blatantly ignored? 3. Could it be that players feel disrespected by the developers after years of funding/subscribing to & testing their product? 4. Could it be that every time the community sounds the alarm, the devs continue to plow right into development icebergs like the Titanic? (game breaking/buggy/forced updates, that ruin our ships, make our work obsolete, or further erode the little incentive/purpose there is to do things in game currently.) 5. Could it be the destabilization injected by the developers announcement, and delay to wipe/wipe timeline? 6. Could it be the "fight club" we aren't allowed to talk about, where criticism of developers results in forced removal of those critics? (As they are discounted as trolls, unconstructive, and undesirable rule violating members of the community, many which were once die hard defenders of this game in the beginning) 7. Could it be NQ keeps replacing things that were promised to be community driven, with NQ curated and controlled perks that will eventually give an advantage to NQ pets and fanboys. (vs. actually giving us more tools to socially connect, say a better chat system, the ability to send messages to offline players in game, and more capability to build and manage our own communities/host events.) Ya know things we have wanted for years now, and you refuse to implement. Meanwhile... 8. Could it be that anyone that has been here more than 3 months, knows developer decisions have resulted in a massive shedding of players. THE KING ELEPHANT The truth is the developers advertised, took funding, and sold a different promised game vision, and now for a couple of years held a death grip on their own broken vision of the game they actually wanted to make instead. A bit of bait and switch isn't it? The crux of the problem, the dissonance between developer and community. What we have in common now is that both players and developers feel disrespected, and that isn't something you see with... Kenshi, Slime Rancher, Valheim, Satisfactory, Kerbal Space Program, Astroneer, Monster Sanctuary, etc etc etc... We were promised and even given something very different in the beginning than what we have now. A universe that used to have us excited and invested, and even devoted to Dual Universe, every time servers came back online. Now we are being given something VERY VERY different, and we don't like it, and all those that have left the game may have liked one or two changes, but overall disagree with overall pivot of development. Those of us still here still see the bones of the game we were promised, dying to a slow necrosis of development decision cancer that is killing what gameplay we loved best about Dual Universe. The community debates/speculates helplessly back and forth between each other in the back seat, while developers say " I hear you, now hold my beer" and continue to drive off the cliff. So here is my CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK to our dear dev's: (Not that it will change their behavior) 1. Go back and review what people loved about Dual Universe at the launch of BETA. (When people would spend all day building, and flying and mining, even when the servers were like gimpy hamsters with epilepsy.) 2. Go back and review what you promised people during Kickstarter, when you sold packages, when you made promotional material and we were saying "take my money!". Then look at the contrast and see just how far you have strayed from the world you promised. If you still think you are delivering what you said you would, then ask yourself why you feel you are saying one thing and we are hearing/playing something very different? 3. Go back and review the community members that used to defend you, and encourage you, and support you. Ask why old allies now seem to be enemies, and loyal followers and masses alike have abandoned your current crusade. If you can still justify all those you have lost, then ask yourself who will remain, who do you hope to replace them with? and then be very clear about which type of players you want to attract from here on out and which of us should go find another game. It isn't that we see you as less than human, it isn't that we want to hurt you as the developers, and we surely don't want to see Dual Universe fail. What we do want is posted every day by members of your community, it is no longer just a few rogue players demanding change, it is the majority of people posting. There is a darn good reason that the "INTERNAL DISCUSSION thread has 42 PAGES of disheartened community members posting mostly negative feedback/criticizing NQ. That new threads are about problem 1,2,3 and a,b,c... and that we sometimes create our own threads for topics vs. the pinned threads that you unpin and bury acting like it never happened. If you want feedback, YOU ARE GETTING IT, and your actions need to reflect you are paying attention vs. "we hear you" <continues same behavior>. It is the same as saying "I'm Sorry" and then the very next moment committing the very same offense. Right now your request for feedback, seems like a request for praise and gratitude, and then you are upset with us, when we don't feel or express either. CONCLUSION: You act like we are turning our back on you the developers, but if you continue with the bait and switch, and tightening control on the narrative and in game replacing player driven features with NQ managed/controlled things that can be leverage/perks to promote an elite few (64) teachers pets "DU Oligarchs" (influencers/promoters), then the gaming community will ultimately turn its back on you if you continue this path. Then everyone will lose, the developers, and the community, and Dual Universe will fade away to be forgotten along with all those before that made these mistakes and suffered similar fates. Games that have players sharing positive experiences about them, have those posts because that is what the community feels about the product/service. DU used to be one of them. So stop vilifying your community for telling you over and over again how they feel because it isn't what you want to hear and it doesn't offer another solution that you will ignore, time and time again. Create an experience that your community loves, and you will see it reflected in our communication.
  5. Seeing this seriously almost makes me want to cry. Like the naive potential back then. like that screenshot without knowing how the past few years have gone itself gets my brain activated and exciting. I harp a lot about what NQ gets wrong, but I do feel I gotta give them credit for marketing.
  6. To answer the OP's original question in the title of the thread, the answer I think will be a big fat NOPE.
  7. Oh but you can bet they probably will, just like other updates.
  8. I made the same mistake with Project Entropia/Entropia Universe from 2003-2007 when the ripped out the soul of the game and replaced it with more money grubbing schemes. It was wonderful in the beginning, even if it was already graphically out dated. Which honestly the psychodelic retro 70's space art with 90's era quality was part of the charm. It still left plenty for the player to imagine. I gave up on it years ago, and they both have similar development update time frames and too many news letters with zero substantial info.
  9. That and the goose here turned out to be a duck only laying bricks of shit. 🤣
  10. I think paying a monthly subscription is very far from addiction to be fair. To be further honest, I think the concept of DU makes us salivate for something all of us were waiting for for 20-30 years. The problem is the execution, obviously, falling very short of even MMO standards from 20 years ago. Especially when "technology" is being touted as the excuse for lack of fun factor.
  11. AKA there are many possible outcomes, only one will win, and most of us will be unhappy about it.
  12. I think dev's initially did the best they could to deliver the game they promised. As soon as they needed more money to continue, private investors punked us in hopes of profit. Instead now EVERYONE is screwed.
  13. Translating Cyrille's Post: #0 Cyrille: I’m Cyrille Fontaine, Creative Director here at Novaquark. Translation: This is who I am, <insert credible title> Believe me when I say the following... #1 Cyrille: A game like Dual Universe is a never ending labor of love and ongoing development, but there is a point when you just need to assess if it is ready for a release. Translation: We promised way beyond our capability to deliver, and have decided to shove a broken game out for release cause we need revenue. #2 Cyrille: Development of Dual Universe continues at full speed, and we’re spending the lion’s share of our focus right now on fixing bugs, stabilizing the game. Translation: We 100% know our game is broken, expect months before you get new content. #3 Cyrille: We’re close to deploying a brand new feature that we expect will be a hub for creators and merchants. Translation: We are going to reskin the auction house terminals, and make them a player craftable asset you can place on your tile. #4 Cyrille: We’re also working hard to deliver our promises to our Kickstarter backers that supported us from the beginning. Translation: Thanks for the money, we are obviously 4 years behind our delivery date. #5 Cyrille: Our team continues to analyze game data and read your feedback to focus our efforts on where we can be most effective Translation: We are reading your feedback and ignoring you, this will continue. #6 Cyrille: Another gameplay feature we’re looking to add is recycling, which would enable ... turning parts of broken or unwanted elements back into components. Translation: Our economy is broken, elements are worth less than their raw resources, here is a bandaid. #7 Cyrille: The mission system is one area of focus for this goal in developing more complex, interconnected, and lore-oriented objectives. Translation: Our answer for PVE is more boring mission types which poorly reward players for their time. #8 Cyrille: We’re also developing a power management system.... Players must decide how to specialize each ship Translation: We are breaking your ships again, forcing major redesigns.... LULZ. #9 Cyrille: We want to increase the quantity of discovered planets and moons... to produce planetoids the size of big asteroids, Translation: Player population has fallen too much for multiple star systems as JC proposed, yet players are still too close for servers to handle the resource strain. #10 Cyrille: One of the most resource-intensive features that we have to tackle is planetary warfare. It brings significant change to the game and, before we can achieve it, we have to bring PvP in general to a more mature state. Translation: We Know PVP sucks, Planet Warfare in 2030
  14. Waiting for XXX core myself... also not on the roadmap. 🤣
  15. I mean honestly? How many of us are playing DU Forums vs. the game? This isn't a debate if wipe/no wipe will happen discussion. This is a what is the existential point of playing right now discussion. 1. Seems most of us aren't playing right now cause waiting for news. 2. No new updates to really test for the developers. 3. Economy is trashed. I know some of you are thinking, what is the benefit of shutting down the servers? My question is what is the benefit of having them online while we wait for news?
  16. 1 player in, 5 players out... NQ math. 🤣
  17. With all the months it has taken them to discuss and not decide on wipe/no wipe... 100% surprised all of the development staff isn't dead from trying to decide what is for dinner... you know they would all starve first before making up their mind.
  18. Actually replace Aphelia's voice with NQ Lasius! 100% better game, would repeat tutorials all day long.
  19. My feedback on Alphelia Ignores the Community #3 is that it is business as usual from NQ. We scream at NQ in feedback and your podcasts don't even change. The only perk to this episode is NQ Lasius's accent... If you are going to kill us with useless info, at least let her do all the talking. (I mean honestly, hearing her talk would be worth more the game itself at this point in regards to paying subscription.) (I replayed her part like 7 times...) 🤣💖 Otherwise please give me 7:40 of my life back, thank you.
  20. I feel what NQ wants and what players want are definitely at odds.
  21. Only those with their head in the sand would believe they aren't already silencing members of the community talking too much sense in criticism of the developers. Been too many devoted and outspoken players that vocalized for months and just mysteriously disappeared in the middle of heavy posting on forums.
  22. Are we there yet? Any decision made? Ask Aphelia #70'ish, we will get an answer?
  23. By that measure any 12 year old with Unity game engine and stock assets fits this description.
  24. This mis-spelling of mechanics is intentional. See how I did aa, to indicate it isn't AAA quality. 🤣
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