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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Violet

  1. oh have all you builders Read the back story of the game yet ?? If Not READ IT, it will give you tones of info on the way we will mine and gather resources, and Hopefully if they stick to the story some ways to find BLUEPRINTS :) I hope they will have those items ready by Alpha.

    Must admit I've skipped over the most of the lore as I dont really care about flavour text

  2. Maybe if your base is getting attacked and its not going well you could destroy the blueprints to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, you could have a backup at a different site

  3. If there is no game currency people will naturally tend to use whatever commodity has best value to weight ratio as the thing that they measure everything else against, that's what currency was for most of history, something everyone agreed was valuable.


    The problem eve has with ISK inflation is that ISK is created when items are sold to an NPC and destroyed when things are brought. Its an open system and ISK is flowing in faster than out. WOW had the same thing but they mitigated by increasing repair costs and selling ever more ridiculous mounts. 


    The real problem this game will have is resources being mined versus resources destroyed in combat, inflation or deflation will happen based on how much of one versus the other happens, you may also end up with a glut of one material or another. it will be really tricky to manage.


    Nova quark should leave the players to decide how the economy will run and focus on adjusting the rate of mining versus using up of materials to control major inflation/deflation.


    Crafting coins, from metals sounds the best especially if it gives some sort of advantage in terms of carrying it. If players then want to create their own paper or electronic currencies I would love to see how that plays out but personally I will be keeping a stash of gold bullion in my safe.

  4. dude, you have everything in the wrong way. First you worry about the idea, then you worry about the implementation and then you worry about the hardware cost. Servers ARE these magical boxes that can do everything and ARE like our PCs.


    If things are not done in that order you cannot know if the idea is worth the costs in the first place and thus may miss on opportunities and even decide on implementing a stupid feature. you need to know why you do something before you know how you do it and then know what you are doing on the servers. If you start in the servers, you will use a raspberry pi to print hello world! instead of having a good DU experience.

    I did the calculations for the cost/win ratio of a cuda computed space battle for 2000 people on the server side, and came to the conclusion there is no reason to limit the development cost as GPUs are cheap as hell nowdays, and cuda is extremely well implemented/documented and allows for reusability of cpp code which allows for an easy implemenation of cuda computed physics and other things.


    They maybe magical but they don't have infinite computational power and memory. Each voxel takes memory, so more voxels means more memory, more bandwidth, more servers in the cluster and ultimately more money spent each month hosting the game. If they do introduce a "microblock" core unit, they should limit the size and functionality so its just for fine detail and decorative items other wise some one will build a kilometer long cruiser out of micro blocks and load down the server.


    Honestly though 25cm voxels with the dual contorting stuff is going to be good enough for 99% of all ship designs, you can make fine details, landmark is based on the same tech as dual universe.

  5. Yeah, heat before you get to the lava. I think the deepest mine we have now is 11 miles down.  Only 11 miles lol through the 4000mile crust. 


    Kinda would be cool if there was lava, that just destroys everything. 


    Sorry to be that guy, but the earths crust is only about 50km thick at its thickest points and about 5km thick under the oceans. The worlds deepest mine is 3.9km deep and it gets up to 60c down there.





    "By 2008, the mine reached 3.9 km (2.4 mi) underground. This made it the deepest mine in the world, surpassing the 3.5 km (2.2 mi) deep East Rand Mine by a considerable margin. This new shaft extended the depth from its previous 3.6 km (2.2 mi), and will extend the mine's life to 2015.[3]

    The lift cage that transports the workers from the surface to the bottom travels at 16 metres per second (36 mph / 58 km/h) so together with traveling on horizontal trolleys the journey to the rock face can take up to 1 hour from the surface level."


    "The mine is a dangerous place to work, with an average of five miners dying in accidents each year. The mine is so deep that temperatures in the mine can rise to life-threatening levels. Air conditioning equipment is used to cool the mine from 55 °C (131 °F) down to a more tolerable 28 °C (82 °F). The rock face temperature currently reaches 60 °C (140 °F)."

  6. I don't think anyone knows how the LUA scripting is going to work. I've read the dev diary before but it did not really explain it in a way I could get my head around it seemed to be a modular plug and play where elements have inputs and outputs rather than something like computer craft.

  7. All I can suggest is the way that computer craft in minecraft works is that you can craft a floppy disk drive that you can store your programs on and that lua can read and write files to.


    Perhaps you can plug in "storage crystals" into "IO port elements" and be able to access them. 

  8. You have this problem in minecraft because inventories are incredibly unrealistic and you can also destroy matter by dropping it in a fire or lava. So people tend to strip mine because there is no penalty for having tons of cobble stone in the inventory.


    I hope they go for the more space engineers type system, that you cant really destroy matter so you either have to build warehouses full of rock or dump it back into the world, people will still trash areas but having areas that are that "mined down the bedrock" would not happen because people would need to fill in the hole with waste material because otherwise they would have to take it with them.

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