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Posts posted by Filokwarq

  1. 49 minutes ago, Yoarii said:

    I love (some parts of) the game and the community, but I am utterly disappointed in NQ.


    Well, lets face it - Most people are. On the other side, NQ went through changes and it looks like they try to save the game and to get it back on track.


    However, the guy who made promises left, and during the time shortly before he left many of the things occured we are still struggling with now.


    We saw other games performing well once they regocnized they are on the wrong track. However, the legacy can only be overcome by getting to a state where those things wont be interefering with actual gameplay anymore. Some mechanics are only in the game because of those problems and to solve issues. By that, they produce other issues we would not have if those problems would have been taken care of properly.


    I am pissed, I am disappointed and I was not speaking very positive about NQ after those problems became visible. I can feel with you, and due to some changes and problems I have I may not continue playing, not if I really lost all my stuff.


    However, I am pissed to loose my stuff due to bugs and unkept promises. I will for sure try the game after Launch if they wipe (and at least save me my skillpoints). Because even with the changes I dont like, I would like to see how it plays out once it is in the shape the devs intended the game to be (sorry for my bad english here). Get rid of schematcis as they are now, get rid of old planets, get rid of mechanics nobody wants, get rid of items and money people have through exploits. And yes, no magic BPs please. Let people start playing the game the way it was intended. Skills, money and maybe Standard-Ships as Advantage, yes, but hey, I want to go through the new player experience myself.


    Yes, any reason to be upset and disapointed, but to let DU shine it needs to get rid of its legacy, just like the lore of DU, lets move on to a new world and see if we succeed



  2. 21 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    That said though, you could have checked, you should have set thsi tile to HQ the moment you cnme back in after that update and you would have received several notifdications AND ample time to recover your constructs once the tile was claimed. So blaming NQ for all of this is really not justified.

    This is not a support-discussion, so pls dont try to teach what I should have done. Because what I actually did was to actively transfer tiles to the Chars and set them to HQ after the Patch, and also moved stuff TO those Tiles.


    I think I said I accepted to loose some stuff, that is why. Stuff I did not secure on owned Tiles set to HQ, I accepted to loose.


    And me voting for a wipe is not this situation. Loosing stuff is part of the game. But bugs, unkept promises (we will inform people by mail in advance, I did not get a mail this time, I got one last time) etc. ist why I think it would be the best for the game in the long run to wipe and remove the mechanics that were only introduced to fix exploits already hapened for the release and to remove the impact to the economy etc. they still have, partially because of those mechanics, partially because of the money in the game etc.

  3. Well, I was pro-Wipe even before today, but now I am somehow pissed.


    I tried to keep up with the Patches and do the things needed to keep my stuff. After the Patch went live with the upkeep costs I turned my Tiles into HQ-tiles and moved my stuff there.


    Now my main Tile is gone, together with my factory and all my Schematics and Blueprints. Even if the assignment of these Tiles as HQ, those should have been auto-assigned as HQ as far as I understood it. But all tiles except one are gone. So I basically lost all my stuff and even if a Wipe with people keeping their BPs occours I would not benefit from that, cause the boxes they were in are gone.


    Dont get me wrong here, I dont whine about loosing all the other Tiles and cores I did not take care of, thats ok. But those I spefically marked as headuarters ARE gone. The stuff was worth Billion(s).


    I dont think it would even be possible to get my stuff back, cause its looted all over. I was logged in to check after the period expired and everything was fine. So whatever patch made this, I obviously missed that change. And people from my org are telling me this shouldnt have happened if set to HQ-Tiles.


    My Skil-Queue was halted. Last time this happened I got a Mail from NQ telling me "hey, you have to do something". This time I did not.


    However, why I vote for a wipe is not only what happened here. It is what happened during the whole time I played this game, I guess I started 2 to 4 Weeks after "Release" into Beta. I saw exploits for Item-Duplication, Money-Duplication and after introducing Schematics, which killed the game in my opinion, we even had another exploit with false prices due to NQ they decided not to "fix" by getting the money back from players. I know NQ went through hard times, but killing your game by killing the economy of such a game, whos idea is to be player-driven, will prevent it from being successfull in the long run. At least if you aim for a reasonable amount of players that pays the bills.


    And even those who did not exploit on their own are punished by all that happened after those exploits. Market-Prices went crazy, Schematics were intrroduced, and due to the fact they are outdated now I would not had much of my billion-credit-investment, cause other stuff is needed now.


    So yes, to have me and others returning to DU for a second try, you would need to wipe the game completely, and I really mean completely wipe everything. I indeed vote for giving the people a reimbursement in skillpints, depending on the months of active subscription and yes, BPs of course (even if I would obviously not benefit from that). To be able to choose some stuff or money, also depending on the time of active subscription, would also be nice. So people may be able to choose different ship-designs (hauler, fighter etc.) and either money or harvesters/factory-parts to start, to respect their amount of time and money they invested for an advantage after start. Please get Rid of the schematics as they are now, hide them behind skills, as it should be. And maybe make em craftable with XX runs, like Star Wars Galaxies did, that was just perfect in that game. The crafter gives the schmeatics his skills, and then let them be traded at the market, with up to 99 runs etc. That way people can run factories without owning the skills for it, and you move the service to the market. Should have been that way from the start.


    SWG did another thing right, changing of ressources. Every week the spots moved. Think about that. However, I think it would destroy the meaning of good spots for PvP. But it would as well enable a need for constant scanning and moving of ressource-spots, which may or may not be more dynamic.


    There was a time where I was like many people playing DU - No Wipe!

    But what many people stating in the internet is not true. There was always said that in case of problems that cant be fixed there may be a wipe, depending on the size of the problem.

    It was also promised that we will see other systems as well, and that the fight for the gates to those systems etc. will be the real endgame then, especially for PvP.


    I still miss that new system. My originally hope was indeed to have the current system as some sort of legacy-system, and the real stuff going on in the new system, but that time we had no upkeep and my plans were totally different. I really thought I can keep my Headquarters the way it was built forwever, and build a museum. I kept ALL ships to built a museum. I kept all BPs to build some ships just for showcasing them. This is all gone. Not to mention the voxel-corruption on my base that NQ told me they cant repair, I have to rebuild my base on my own to fix it.


    Some people never had problems, I seem to have them all. Missing ships after patches, exploding ships while aproaching my ships. I was mining while a bunch of NQ-guys was watching me finding the buged spots and hunting down the bug that caused them. Corrupted Voxels all over my base that cant be fixed by NQ. Invisible stuff in the path of my ship that killed me several times because stuff spawning too late. Ships below the surface right beside a market, where no player altered the terrain, due to some strange loading-bugs as well... I could move on for hours with the bugs I collected in uncountable hours of gameplay.


    A wipe has the potential to heal the game. No wipe only has the potential to kill it.


    The Gap between the players will be way too big, and there are already enough players who left cause they are pissed. I knew some people who were acting like DU is their religion, and even they left at the moment, never thought they ever will.


    This game needs a fresh start. Then I will even consider spending money on it. At the moment, I do not.


    However, even a wipe is only of use if exploits are taken care off after release and people are punished instead of rewarded and things are repaired after they occoured, because they WILL occour.


    Sorry for the Wall of text, but that are my 3 cents (2 cents would have been a shorter post).

  4. I was a bit surprised by the grimness (sp?) of the discussion. Spacegames seem to have some very devoted people fighting for the topics.


    Back in the days when I was doing the "Make Concept, Make Business Plan, get Funding"-Thing with my "Babies", I always also thought of it as "product". All my heart was in the Idea and the concept, but I was pretty aware that whatever I do, it will be without success if I dont keep in mind what people want, and how many different playstyles I may see. No matter how passionate and emotional involved youre in a project, if you loose the ability to make a step back and change your point of view to adjust if needed your own view, you are already on the wrong track.


    This game is funded by VC as well, and by that there is some pressure, yes, but also great freedom if things are going well. People leaving the game shortly after a release, no matter which one, will not look good to investors, so do not meeting timelines or budget-goals. But I would never guess whats is possible in a specific case or not, cause that really depends on the individual relationship with the VC-givers as well as their own situation. If they get in trouble, their investment in you may as well. However, there is always the option for the "next round" as well, but for that you better perform good, to achieve a good price for your shares.


    I worked with many companies to get them back on track, which was actually part of my job in an earlier life, and many problems we see can have many, and especially maturity-related (that of the organisation ;) ) problems. However, speculating is one thing, but telling NQ what would be better and think of them as people without any plan is something I wouldnt allow me to do, at least not seriously :D Sometimes Plans dont work out, sometimes you have to try something, and when its done, it just dont works. We saw entire games not being released because their "boring", after years of development.


    I could talk about this for hours, skills, softskills, organisations, processes, methods, but its your lucky day, I wont. Just want sum it up (in a phrase I really love): Dont use your limited insights as meassurements for the actions of others. If you dont understand what and why, then the first thing to do should be to ask "what could be the reason" and not "they are stupid!"

    That doesnt provide better communication, which we all would love to see, but at least it may relax conversations a lot. Especially in understanding why some things are not there yet, and why the gras is always greener on the other side :D


    Its is fascianting how fast things escalate in DU-Discussions. Relax guys, relax ;)

  5. 17 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    The guy can do what he likes and how he likes. That NQ puts him in charge of social media though, is a concern to me while it aligns nicely with the topic at hand as it shows willingness to buy influencers/positive marketing.

    Frankly speaking: whats the problem? Thats how it works today. The Problems I have, especially as EU-Citizen, is how its handled. Influencer have to tag their stuff as ad when they get paid for, even if its  not money, and even if they are not paid for it but hope to get paid someday etc... You can see a lot of trials in the past 2 years here in Germany.


    The Thing that concerns me on the marketing side is that it looks like this is the only channel they use, and from other companies we know that it does not work out that well if you fokus on people who wants to build up their community with your product and you dont have people with a community promoting yours. However, this is a magazine, not a streamer or influencer, I expect professional standards for journalism, even if the magazine as such is driven by "experts", the quality so far on other games is good. Reading something like that was a real surprise for me.


    So far, I dont feel valued as a customer, or even informed, through those channels. And for me it does not matter if Articles like these are paid/Arranged by NQ or not: It just feels like someone is joking on me and other people by telling them BS. This is bad Journalism first, and maybe bad marcom as well, but still, this is a magazine, this is a german publisher, we are not used to stuff like that anymore (it was common last century (and yes, I already lived last century, and I/my former copany even have some sort of history (insides, articles) with that publisher), and it hurts the game, NQ and the magazine.

  6. Just now, Moosegun said:

    Having discussed several topics with the majority of these posters over several years, I know a far bit the position of those I am addressing.  I have also said on several occasion my main expertise is indeed digital marketing.  Hence, I feel I have enough knowledge to call out something which is pure speculation. As usual with these posters....... negative speculation.

    Way more flesh for a discussion. I am new into this "discussion", but for me this is more about "how can a magazine come to such a conclusion?". If it would be Marketing from NQ, it should have a tag attached that it is sponsored or simply advertising, which it hasnt. For me, this is bad Journalism, and it hurts the magazine as well as the game by setting wrong expectations in its current state.


    So far, not just the people in here, also those who never visit the forums, they all end up with the exact same quotes of the article as "thats not true".


    I dont have to be a marketing expert to look at things from a customers perspective. And in this case, it smells, I dont know on which side, but it smells :D

  7. 18 minutes ago, le_souriceau said:

    Info source from some dodgy site, that tracks MMO populations (by unknown means) and it had estimate of 400 k (that some people were not hesitant to spread on Discord and beyond).


    Obviously this is not true, because sanctuary claims stuck somewhere between 35 and 40 k that is not unuqie players (because of alts). And by overall activity, game feels like just several thousands players playing activly right now.

    I know that site. But I was also part of an interview with JC and it was at least not corrected by JC, but I dont find the Interview, darn.... However, not important for this one, its obvious, the difference on players you see in the game before they deactivatet the keys and the patch.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Moosegun said:

    Brilliant, you lot are not only game development specialist but also closet digital marketing experts too.  The speculation in this thread is even more laughable than normal.

    Ive heard that only closet digital marketing experts are able to identify closet digital marketing experts. Being such an eexpert, can you explain to me what a closet digital marketing expert usually does?


    You dont know the background of people in here. Dont put your meassurement of limited insight onto other peoples comment, especially if you are just trolling instead of adding anything into the discussion.

  9. 38 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    I would guestimate, based on the claimed tiles on Sanctuary in relation to existing backers and their beta key holders being probably in the 30K-ish, that at best the actual  sub count for DE never peaked above 10K and is currently well below 5K

    Worldwide. Someone said it was 400k-ish. Dont know the source of that number. 400k after Beta-Release, wasnt that in an interview? However, If it was beta, I would expect that. I would not count Sanctuary-Tiles, cause many had problems placing them for some weeks after beta started.

  10. 34 minutes ago, le_souriceau said:

    This is thing that people were messing all over again over this issue. THIS IS NOT RELEASE SPIKE, this is april trailer, that yes, it was featured later in press, but in day of release or near it. So organicly people had no reason to follow DU Twitter in rows 10 days before anyone in wider world knew.

    Ah, my bad. Thought we talk about Release-Time. We got two Media-Echoes in Germany, the PvP-Trrailer and the Release. I myself ignored the PvP-Trailer, but the Beta got some good coverage, impossible to escape if you have a browser :D

  11. I am in line with most of whats being said in here so far, but getting a boost on Subs before the Release to me sounds more like a natural thing. It was the time the magazines, just like the one we talk about in this thread, had Dual Universe in the news and in Articles, and that leads to follower who want to stay informed if they are interested in the game. I was one of them, so to say.


    DU was already "sorted out" and became "something maybe interesting" that time for me, because of some things written on the DU-Homepage I thought will be different (and it turns out it will, but thats another story).


    If there are 400k jumping into beta, I would expect a huge raise in followers on Twitter etc. upfront. If those numbers are correct, which I dont know, havent played the first 4 weeks of alphabeta

  12. All Skills at zero.... no Points to spend....... unable to test industry. Fell directly from the Sky above Ali with 21kt...... Its ok to crash, but I cant spawn anything to go get scrap etc.... darn....... Would love to test, but without skills I cant even use the elements for industry etc.


    And still no T2+ Space Engines Schematics, and still no Skills on the T4+ Radars...  sigh


    Edit: I just saw the Skills will be fixed, yeah!

  13. Howdy.


    first of all, I dont see any sense in Fighting over a specific point of view. The fight PvP vs "others" is most often simply a proof that someone, on either side, is not able to show any posibility to change his point of view. That is simply the same as fighting about religions. So many people died, and it simply proofs human nature.


    Get beyond that, just in the sense of "building a civilization", and grow with the discussion.


    I usually see myself as carebear just because I usually prefer the "High-Sec"-Style gameplay. I play competitive Games as well, but other type of games then. However, when looking at Games, I always look at those from a "game-mechanics" perspective and trying to understand and see the big picture.


    If youre in for a good fight, you dont want others to be forced into PvP just to be shot down by you, there is no challenge in doing that.

    If you dont want to participate in PvP (and yes, thats promised at the Homepage that you wont ever be forced into PvP if you dont want to) dont ask for it to be easy if you do PvP, or that you can avoid it all times. Passing the PvP-Zone means PvP, sooner or later.


    At this Point, many mechanics are missing, and constantly whining about having noone to shoot at is pathetic, other people have the same problems with their playstyle.


    Of course those Missions should be doable within the mechanics of the game. Warping means suffer in profit for being faster and just maybe safer, because those Missions will be there when the savezones as they are now are gone (Outer Planets etc.). So dont think of the things as they are now, keep in mind the big picture.


    Risk vs. Reward does not mean there has to be PvP involved in the form of Pew Pew. PvP is not only shooting at each other. There are way more aspects of PvP and just because because it is not Pew Pew and you like Pew Pew is no reason to complain :D


    For me, PvP sucks at the moment because PvP sucks. There is no real purpose for PvP other than to want to Pew Pew, and because there is no reward its simply way to expensive and its a hobby for the rich. This is what needs to be changed.


    Besides that, there is no real reason why such mission wont point to the PvP-Zone, it was stated clearly that there is an indicator showing that. If the NPCs would give Missions to the PvP-Zone, even for hauling stuff, with a really high reward, where the heck is the problem? I still cant see it.


    We need Systems and mechanics for all type of players. Otherwise nobody plays, and then there is no PvP as well. Not on the Markets, not on the Battlefield.


    This System as a whole is tricky enough to balance. Will there be big Cargos? If I use my AGG-Ship, will I even have a chance to fullfill it within the Time (at 4m/s?). Can it be exploited? (It for sure will, plenty of possible exploits to be taken care of). Or will we only se courier-Missions? What would be the point of hunting down hundreds of XS-Courier-Ships with low-value-cargo?


    I am a Hauler, and I doubt that those Missions will pay off for an L-Core hauler, but I hope we will get something above what fits into an S-Container.


    At the end of the day, I want Missions that are worth taking the Risk for a group of people to travel together through the PvP-Zone to get the job done. But lets face it, who wants to take the Risk to loose a 100Mio Ship for a 2 Mio Mission? Or even for 20?


    However, to not be called a liar because I said I want to see the big picture: It should be possible to place an item, or a Core, within the PvP-Zone, just like a Warp-Beacon maybe, that from there on acts as possible Mission Target the NPC can create Missions for. Even if its just for Testing-Purposes of the Mission-System. If those Missions then give very high rewards it may give PvP a purpose. On one Hand to create those POIs by the Players/Organisations, and as well as sort of Hotspots for PvP, because some people will for sure then give it a try. If I, as someone who wants to participate in PvP preferably with a Hauler, I see no point in fyling without warp if I risk basically all my progress in the game by loosing my ship. However, Ship-Insurance as part of the Mission, or sort of a leased Ship just for the Mission (deliver Ship XY to Place Z) would solve that issue as well and would be able to integrate this with some PvP-Aspects in a way people would give PvP a try.


    The key is not to force people into a fight, they key is to find way they take the risk vs. reward and not end up at "not worth the risk". Forcing People into PvP means loosing them for the game, and by that means loosing em for PvP. That helps nobody. I want to see that PvP makes sense with an effort people can take. And at the moment I dont see "big organisations" in PvP, its simply way to expensive for small groups or solo-players, and group-missions arent a thing yet, or are they?


    Just a few words to the original Post: I would have loved to see something new, and more detailed. Is it that hard to give some examples? Or to add maybe a Video from the Dev-Server going thorugh the interface and a mission? Then there may be less fight and more discussion about the topic as such.


    I hope I threw some points into the discussion which are not pure "my standpoint" :D I am interested in the PvP-Aspect of the game as well, but I see no point in shooting at easy prey like clay-pigeons and to loose even more players.


    Edit: Just Imagine an Org would get a share on every Mission to such a POI placed by that Org. If thats a solid source of Income it would give meaning to fight over such a place, to prevent other Orgas to run their own Place and decrease your share on the "Mission" Market. This could be a great test for the upcoming territory warfare and reward Pew Pew as well as other playstyles.


  14. I am sorry, but this a BS-Aproach to solve that Problem. It breaks one of the core-element of a player-driven economy.


    I am not complaining about the schematics as such. I am complaining about the need to buy it form a bot.


    You should be able to craft them on your own with the nanocrafter. That way it still costs money and effort, but you dont have NPC selling it (and bot is NPC, even if there is no Avatar in the World). That being a significant investment, changing a recipe on a machine could also simply need money for setting up the machine and there a skill to lower those costs would have made more sense instead of hiding them behind a skill were nothing else in the game is hiding behind such a skill-wall.


    I dont say the mechanic with hiding behind a skill is wrong, it is again simply breaking the way things handled in other areas. If Usage of T2 Engines is not behind a Skill-Wall, such things should not be as well. You should simply get better with skill. Having existing industries needing more mats than higher-tier ones would as well have been a way to deal with this.


    I am a fan of a schematics-idea, especially if it carries the skill of the person who crafts it, and that way you could have made it to last for n runs, which you may define at crafting and it uses up. But artificially using bots here is the wrond aproach if you have so many other options which would perfectly fit into the philosophy of the game.


    Star Wars Galaxies had a great aproach to Indrustry-Automation. I was hoping for something like that when people were talking about recipes. The actual implementaion simply sounds to me like yet another way to streamline industry and loose those who like crafting, like me. I support the reason for the change, I am with you on almost everything around that change, just not the way you did it when there are so many ways to do it "the crafters way".


    Make it craftable, add costs for changing them as maintenance costs modified by skills.

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