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Everything posted by Umibozu

  1. Hello all, Let me put a disclaimer here, i have already vented my anger on discord, Let us begin. A. It is obvious at this point that: 1. Decision making NQ Staff has NEVER played the game in its current state, There is enough evidence to prove that in all interviews and Q&As to date. That of course includes JC. 2. Important questions regarding state of the game, future plans, community has been asking are being avoided and ignored. 3. Patch 0.23 has been rushed, no proof reading, poorly executed, poorly implemented. 4. Customer Service is lacking. 5. PR is nonexistent. Community is being treated with disrespect. Dont get me wrong, i consider the changes needed BUT NOT NOW. B. Before implementation of element destruction, removal of "Fetch", removal of ALT+F4: 1.Game optimization and server/client stability issues MUST be resolved, 2. Construct induced lag, fps drops, client crashes MUST BE resolved.( yes MARKETS you want us to use) With the current state of the game vast majority of ship crash landings, AGG falling from the skies, and many more issues are NOT CAUSED BY HUMAN ERROR. C. Before implementation of disastrous changes to the industry , ( again , changes needed , but not at this point). 1. Alternative ways of progress MUST BE introduced. 2. Wider variety of resource collection MUST BE introduced to the game. DONT EVER THINK OF MAKING MINING HARDER AND MORE BORING AND TEDIOUS than it is now. Unless you dare to risk loosing the remaining community. Element destruction, container content destruction vs PVP. D. YOU HAVE MADE forced pvp obsolete. I am not a fan of piracy but i acknowledge that it is vital part of any sandbox experience Proposed changes: 1. Allow Recycler to be able to turn components into raw materials, with the amount dependent on state of the item. 2. Container content deletion upon destruction is STUPID idea, please change it so contents be taken out of the destroyed storage only. If staff has any more questions or would like to me to elaborate , please do so. Regards Umibozu
  2. We are paying for the game to play it as we see fit , not to be told what to do. if we cant play the game in the way we enjoy it , we will move to on one that will let us to so.
  3. Dont forget , how many KL of tier 5 ores has JC mined, has he ever done the tutorials, how often he visits markets like the rest of us?
  4. My bad, got carried away. Sorry Here is a thought, If a pirate blows a ship, then offers it back to the owner for a fee or takes half the cargo, gives the rest back, he will have a chance to go at the person again, because , they will know they will loose only part of their cargo/ some money, and they will try again and wont be so eager to destroy the cargo. so more targets for the future. Take all of it, that person will never try again. Less and less potential targets. Be a smart pirate, not just a pirate
  5. Playing the villain and being a villain, there is a difference , at least to me. When you come to play to safe-heaven's player home, you stop being pvper/pirate and become a griefer nobody wants around.
  6. Firstly i didnt say that , secondly hows that relevant?
  7. If i was selling ore , i would consider your offer. And yes, in one of the games i have played i did pay some pirates to look the other way .
  8. Yes , they are, they pulled the trigger, piracy is in fact anti-social behaviour and instead lets say negotiate the quanta payment told him to f**** ***
  9. With current state of game its cheaper to warp than hire an escort, so till atmospheric pvp comes in , this duscussion has no merit. and as why, i detest people deciding to play role of villain, here is an example: Last week there was a player who got ambushed and killed in pvp while he was trying to relocate, slowboating was only option as he could not afford a warp just yet, so he packed all his belongings and tried his luck. When he got killed , he tried to negotiate release of his ship and his items, and basically got told to bugger of( i am being nice here) So dont expect from me any help in getting piracy profitable endeavor.
  10. Thats why in one of the previous posts i mentioned weak and gullible, as majority of players who slowboat are those who cant afford a warp drive. which quite often ends up in them quitting. You have no idea how many ppl i actually helped with quanta/items so they dont quit after being robbed.
  11. so basically what you want is : remove the only tactic currently available to the victim, so pirate can fully , unobstructed without any risk benefit from being a pirate?
  12. Why would a hard working Novean like myself contributing to society and rebuilding a civilization, should be concerned about pirates well being?
  13. You have decided to play a role of a scum of the galaxy and prey on weak and gullible, and when those found only way to get back at you, you start complaining. Victims can loose hours of hard work and millions of quanta so can you.
  14. Scorched earth policy existed as a military strategy for centuries, same as piracy. I call it a legit tactic . Kill the target quick enough so victim can not do it .
  15. I have posted it some time ago with idea what rewards could look like:
  16. My point exactly. Reward for any type of the activity, be it Shipwrecks, Missions, etc, should be worth the time, adequate to time and resources spent in order to achieve the goal. It needs to be alternative way of wealth acquisition to mining , crafting and pirating . Otherwise no one will ever bother. Story is what we need too.... How Thades got its scar, Why Teoma exists, How Feli got its crater, among other unsolved mysteries
  17. Sea Monk, and name appears in some Anime's I have watched long time ago. Due to Real life experiences I became pessimist and great believer of Murphy's Law, so please do not take my posts as negative/complaining, I have a tendency to find and point out anything that can go wrong,be it game mechanics to player behavior. We already see that certain players push the system a bit to far and perform certain actions towards unsuspecting community, Construct "nets" on warp exits, scam dispensers in newbie areas, maneuver tool exploit, to name the few. I am just afraid that giving those kinds of players too much freedom, will not be well received by law abiding part of community. Lot of us have to deal with antisocial behaviors in real world ,so we are not keen on having too much of it ingame , where we come to escape harsh reality. Just sayin I do realize that Pvp community wants more pvp, less safe areas, but bear in mind that albeit, it is the loudest and most demanding part of the player base it is in fact the smallest. More changes are coming to Support system , so im asking again: When we are going to get Community support/Global ingame channel? There are plenty of unresolved bugs and issues, yet we have not seen any bug fixes lately. No meaningful content , just some quality of life changes that are going to be changed AGAIN in the future..... Why?
  18. Sandbox massive multiplayer game means i can choose whatever path i want to obtain what i want, im perfectly fine with, that solo path would be much harder but it should never be impossible. If the game by design forces any type or activity/path to be able to participate in content is not sandbox anymore.
  19. "V" that's has no right to be there IMHO, i like that kind of content, but i do expect adequate rewards for the time spent. Destroyed but not claimable lol
  20. Thats where i found mine, it felt like NQ punched me in the face , proudly announced content that doesn't deserve that name. Warp cell cost to get to that planet was higher than whole wreck altogether.
  21. Thats the problem, i have seen in other MMO's what happens when large guilds/orgs control content and deny it for the rest of the community, and it is not a good thing. As i said average player is not interested in orgs, politics , pvp to that extent , average player spends a bit of his time playing and wants to chill out , try new things , do bit of mining , build something, do bit of exploring maybe a quest or a mission. In-game politics, large org projects are for diehards who spend 6+ hours a day playing, and those will have an obvious advantage , give them ability to control content and the vast majority of population wont be able to leave safe space. Creators vision and customer expectations have to meet , or neither side will benefit. Creator wont have a project to work on and customers wont have a product to enjoy.
  22. i havent made myself clear, if there is no safe zone and safer way to travel , where i can land and place my industrial base , im not going to move, nor anyone else that doesnt like to pvp.
  23. 50 % of population doesnt care nor want to pvp, another 25% can live with it and occasionally will participate, only 25 % at best is interested and treats it as main focus, make a full pvp system and barely anyone will be considering a move.
  24. AGG in atmo pvp?. That will last a week, where combat hungry pirates, gankers , pvp orgs will swipe all planets destroying every ship belonging to solo players, small less active orgs causing them to retreat to safe zone , leaving only large active orgs .
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