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Posts posted by Zarcata

  1. Das Problem beim Nutzen der Orga-Mechanik zum "mehr" Core-Erstellen ist allerdings, dass man eigentlich nur 5 Orgas je Charakter zur Verfügung hat, also momentan dann 275x 5 ->>ABER, dann kann man keiner anderen Orga mehr beitreten, um zb Bündnisse zu schaffen. Also würde es eher so hinauslaufen: 4x257 Cores +1 normale Org.

    Die Unterorgas kann man nicht nutzen, denn diese nutzen so lange das Core-Limit der Mainorg, bis man in die unterorg mit einem weiteren Charakter (Twink) bemannt und dieser dann die Cores ausskillt. Das ist halt blöd, denn man benötigt dafür dann nen zweiten account. Einen anderen Spieler reinbringen ginge zwar auch, dann hat man aber wieder das Problem mit dem Vertrauen eines fremden Spielers im www.

  2. Ich bitte die Entwickler sich sehr gut zu überlegen, ob sie den Nerf für die Organisationen und deren Anzahl an erstellbaren Haupteinheiten durchführen.
    Das Bauen ist Hauptbestandteil in Dual Universe und wird durch diese Haupteinheiten eh schon stark eingegrenzt, entsprechend setzt dies schon eine Limitierung unserer Ideen und Möglichkeiten im Spiel uns auszuleben. Nicht nur die Anzahl an Möglichkeiten, sondern auch die Zeit, die wird dann im Spiel aufwenden wird dadurch an eine Grenze stoßen, an dem wir eben nichts mehr bauen können, weil alle Coreplätze belegt sind. Was soll ich denn nach 1-2 Jahren noch im Spiel machen, wenn ich nicht weiterbauen kann doer mir keine wieteren schiffe zulegen kann? Der Bau- und Sammeltrieb wird damit enorm eingeschränkt, ebenso GRoßprojekte werden so verhindert. 
    Das darf und kann doch nicht im Sinne von Dual Universe sein, die Spieler in ihrer Kreativität und freien Entfaltung einzuschränken. Ich bin zutiefst erschrocken und enttäuscht über solch eine geplante Änderung.

  3. A good game doesn't have to have PvP as its main content, it is perfectly sufficient to have PvP as a side content to keep this PvP minority happy. You see World of Warcraft and the arena or battlefields there, these are instanced - the free world itself is hardly used there to experience PvP, but rather ignored by the masses.

    In Dual Universe I see a lot of solo players who want to build their ships or houses, city facilities, very many don't want to experience active PvP, try it out, yes - but as a duty, no.

    Building the world, letting creativity go free is the ultimate goal of this game, everything else is allowed to come after that, always careful not to restrict the player's freedom when it comes to creativity. As far as the industrialists are concerned, they don't want to be actively involved in PvP either, but rather to use PvP to sell their goods so that they don't have to collect ores all the time.
    But it shouldn't make sense to impose something on other players so that a few industrial players are satisfied.

    I agree that you can bring PvP into play, but would limit it to the fact that there is a special solar system that acts as a complete PvP zone. The ruffians can piss each other off and the industrialists are sure to be happy too. But the main concern should be peaceful solar systems.

  4. I am aware that you have to level the game in terms of income and expenses, but you should not calculate the costs as less than they actually are or will be. Wages will steadily rise, as will various expenses. Means you should always build up a buffer in between to bridge certain periods of time.
    As far as the player base is concerned, Dual Universe is a very special game, one must not forget that it does not offer the "normal content" that many players are used to from other games and would therefore keep them busy as long-term content. (Dungeons, Raids, Arena, Quests, Achievement System, Pets and Mounts, etc.) Means you have to or should be careful with assuming how many players will really have a lasting interest in the end. 
    I've been playing for a few months now and I have a lot of fun building something up. What is less fun are the hour-long ore tours through tunnel systems, only to be able to continue building. Likewise, I have NO interest in PvP content myself and would be immediately out of the game if this were to become mandatory.
    Still, I miss other ways to be able to build more. But what would the game offer me in 1-2-3 years, if I had built everything possible? At some point the construct limitations limit me. Then there is only mining, mining, ..... you won't get me into PvP, the real world already has enough wars, I don't need them as game content and will therefore always stay in the safe zone.

  5. I myself came to DU because it was said in a promotional video that you could build a civilization here without any restrictions, that you can develop freely and that there are no regulations that you have to follow. The same was said in the tutorial. There was no mention of having to join others, nor was there any indication that PvP would be mandatory. Likewise, I could not see that you are enormously dependent on various elements when building ships. Who please builds 200 wings or umpteen engines/... on an airplane? That's an enormous cut into the game world and the creativity of the players. Can't there be different engines and more wing choices? Why is this being limited so much? Worse, the game consists of what feels like 90% ore farms underground, it's monotonous and boring. You don't search for ores for fun, but because you need them to be able to "play". I want to play more, be more creative, create more, bring my ideas into the game, but every time I first have to go under the earth and search for hours monotonously ores.



  6. Sie haben doch schon mehrfach bestätigt, dass es KEINEN Wipe geben wird, also bitte, was soll diese eigene Meinung? Fall es auch extremen Technischen Problemen her doch kommen sollte, wird dein Fortschrit in Blaupausen gesichert. Man hat also keine Nachteile, jetzt schon anzufangen, sondern sogar Vorteile, da man viele aufbauen kann.


    Interesting ideas that will probably already be implemented. In this respect, we can only hope that, especially in the event of complete destruction, there will be a planet (not just a moon!) Which - permanently! - will be chosen as a peace area and there will allow players to build freely to their hearts' content, without necessarily having to participate in PvP -To have to involve content or to equip the buildings with defense systems accordingly. There are enough wars in the real world at the moment, so I would be happy if I weren't forced to do acts of war in my free time. I therefore very much hope that Allitoh and the moon will be declared a permanently guaranteed safe zone as an example.

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