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Everything posted by Zarcata

  1. I request a change in the PvP zone for space constructs so that they can also defend themselves as an object in space. Currently, a space station must be defended by dynamic constructs.A spacestation can't defend itself - this is nonsensical and should be changed urgently, best by hotfix. If you want to revive PvP, you should add this possibility as soon as possible.
  2. You can certainly see that how you want. If we as a whole community were to completely clear the asteroids every week, this would certainly be a mega event in the game and at the same time generate huge amounts of ores of all levels. Now you can also say that the PvPers don't get any content this way. But there will always be troublemakers who could then be fought. there will certainly not be a complete event, let's be honest, these are dreams. In the case of PvP, the loss of one's own ship is currently painful for PvE miners, which is probably why the uproar, since the loss of a large heavy mining ship causes enormous costs. So if we put more ores on the market, we lower the cost of the ships and thus lower the pain of loss. Sure, it will still hurt, but less if I can build 5 ships from the same quanta or just one. However, no content will be created if we now drive all players away at the beginning of the game through PvP and rob them of everything they own. It is irrelevant why a player flies into the PvP zone. Some players just want to fly and look around the game. Some just want to farm ores.... I would say as a tip for the future of Dual Universe that very aggressive PvP currently scares players and they then disappear from Dual Universe. So give the players time to build up, build a production chain, build cities etc. More players will come into the game and then there will be more PvP. But it is still too early to shoot everything you see.
  3. As I said, in archeage there were several possibilities, equally very important tactics. You could, for example, defeat strong ships with weaker ships if the opponent was haphazard or made steering errors, so that he drove between two enemy ships, for example. Then he was shot at from two sides. What was important? - Character classes - Group play - Group class synergies (tank-healer-range-combat-melee-magic-damage) - Group synergies in terms of buffs and debuffs - Character equipment - Equipment of the ships - Ship selection - Currents and wind directions of the seas - Weight of crew and ship's equipment - Tactics of the individual, the group and the fleet - .... Even when a solo player or a group lost, the whole thing was fun in itself. You didn't have any fear of loss like in Dual Universe, because you didn't lose your ship completely, it was just destroyed. With a little repair it was then ready for use again. In Dual Universe, this could be made easier at the point when the automining units come into play and produce so much ore that losing a ship is no longer a catastrophe for anyone. Currently, there are many players who only have one ship, and that was laboriously farmed out over weeks or months. So one goal could be that we, as a community, completely empty the asteroids together every week so that there is a mass of ores that provide constant access to cheap replacement ships. At the moment, however, many players are chasing after every ship, no matter how small, as if it were pure gold. The asteroids are not even close to being farmed out and there are tons of ores that have not been collected every week.
  4. In PvP I find it very unbalanced at the moment anyway. Why should a 1-seater L-Core ship be equal to a fully manned L-Core battleship with 5-10 players on board? As far as PvP with ships is concerned, I keep thinking back to archeage, where there were breathtaking game mechanics between the ships and the interaction of the group. If you could add such depth and group play like there in DualUniverse - I would become a great PvP player again. But as long as that's all the PvP there is, I'll keep building in my little safe zone corner.
  5. Wouldn't it make more sense to play StarCitizen doer Eve then? There the focus is more on PvP and the ships themselves are already finished, you just have to equip them depending on the situation and that's it.
  6. I am already aware that you can play PvP as well as PvE in DualUniverse - but you don't have to. However, on the basis of the examples given in the Kickstarter content, you can also see the focus on which value is placed, there you can read many examples, although not completely listed, but PvP is not mentioned there.
  7. Dual Universe is an innovative Sci-Fi sandbox MMORPG defined by: One centralized and unique persistent universe shared by everyone at the same time. No instances, no zones, no transitions. Everything in the game is player-made: ships, cities, orbital stations,... with no limit in size. The world is fully editable. Emergent gameplay: economy, trade, territories, politics and warfare are all player-driven. Both PvP and non-PvP will be possible. In Dual Universe, you can for example: ->Build a giant space station the size of a moon with your friends ->Create an intergalactic political Empire ->Gather along with thousands of others in player-made cities ->Get hundreds of players inside space exploring ships ->Mass-produce your custom designed ships to sell them in-game ->Become a trader, a logistician or an industrialist ->Program complex behaviors for your constructions ->Live in a secret base 1km underground on a remote moon ->Make a name as a spaceship designer or outpost architect In other words, in Dual Universe, you can invent a new life for yourself in a world without limits, where almost anything is possible. We aim to make a massively multiplayer roleplaying sandbox on PC like never seen before.
  8. Dual universe is first and foremost a sandbox game with content that players can determine themselves. To this end, more and more content is now being specified or restricted by NQ. In the game itself, I recognise many different types of players who cannot always be pigeonholed, as there are many shades of grey and not just simple black and white effects. What I can say from the surveys I have done so far in Discord is that the number of players in the pigeonholes varies. So my assessment: 80% of the players are PvE interested players who just want to build and have fun in the game, no matter if solo or in a community, no matter if it's industrial plants, voxelmancy, simple or complicated constructions, ships,.....in this 80% there are also about 25% players who support an ordered PvP, that is defined PvP areas that you can enter even if you "feel like it" yourself and not if you are forced to participate. (Comparable to World of Warcraft = battlegrounds and arenas). 20% are PvP players who like to fight, it doesn't seem to matter if it's good versus evil, pirates versus everyone else or other fairy tales. These are of course also divided into different categories, (with PvP zones or those who would prefer to dissolve all safe zones in order to turn DualUniverse into a gigantic theatre of war). At the moment, NQ is focusing on putting a lot of PvP content into the game, which may be a thorn in the side for some players, but is certainly important for a small part of the player community, as we want to serve every pigeonhole and make everyone happy. So NQ will also deal with more PvE content later on - everything at the same time will not work. What we players can do is show NQ together what content in Dual Universe is wanted by how many players and is reflected accordingly in the game. Apparently a PvE to PvP ratio of 80 to 20 of players doesn't seem to be in line with a player world of 20%Safezone to 80%PvPzone. So the 80% of PvE players here should ask NQ to balance the ratio of PvE to PvP content. We should understand one thing as a community of players, no matter what interest we pursue in the game: Calling each other names doesn't help any of us, because new players are put off by a toxic community. As far as behaviour and actions in the game are concerned, especially aggressive players should know that toxic behaviour will lead to players leaving the game and soon there will be no game anymore, because the small group of toxic players will not be enough to keep this game alive financially. PvP can and should certainly take place, but at the moment it makes no sense to shoot and rob everything and everyone who wants to help build the game. This only frustrates players and they leave the game, so in the end everyone has lost. Therefore, I have a request. Play together, stay friendly and above all human. I think we all want DualUniverse to be successful, and we players play a big part in that. Translated with translator, no guarantee of meaningful translation.
  9. Is there currently a special cache limit in Dual universe that means you can only play smoothly again by restarting the game? What is the purpose of this mechanism if it is deliberate? I and others, for example, have to log out and log in every 30-60 minutes on the asteroids when mining ores so that the game is fluid again, because without the restart the game lags very badly. The same scenario exists when building constructs, as soon as I build a lot of voxels there I have to re-log in after the same amount of time to avoid these lags. Can this be circumvented or remedied by NQ? Perhaps an upgrade of my hardware would also help? At the moment, my own hardware doesn't seem to play a role when I compare it with the computers of my fellow players, as there are very different systems there. - RTX 2070 super - AMD Ryzen 3700x - 32GB DDR4Ram
  10. I think there are different types of PvP. - Fair PvP as a kind of competition - unfair PvP in the form of ganking (was that translated correctly?) Legion, but also others, unfortunately don't just shoot at real PvPers or heavily armed serious opponents, but mainly at everything that flies around in their vicinity, even if the miner's ship doesn't have any weapons at all - so it's not a source of danger. So far, real PvP battles are more likely to be prepared, i.e. bait is used to attract "real" opponents - but only if a whole army is sent as a hidden reserve in case something goes wrong or the opponent is underestimated. From their point of view, many want to present it as if it were just a game and fun, but that usually stops when their own goal is not achieved. I think that if it is supposed to be fun as a game, then it should be fun for all participants and not just one-sided. For me, it's not a fair competition if you shoot unarmed people and then brag about it. Conclusion: Fair fights among PvP players, very much so, then the construction method, the interaction and the skill should decide. Fighting against unarmed people just to rob them because they are easy, defenceless victims - sorry, that's toddler level. Legion and space: Of course space is there for all of us, but it is a PvP zone without rules. (You can also shoot each other, not only the enemy) Current problem: Legion contains almost all PvP players, whereas the mass of DU players are generally peaceful PVE players who just want to build great things. So question: Do PvE players even need to go through the PvP zone or to the asteroids to do their building - or would other materials suffice? If no PvEer would fly there anymore, the PvP players would get even more bored and maybe go back to Eve online.
  11. Would it be possible for us to discuss some ideas together here in advance in order to shed more light on the upcoming automatic mining units? There will certainly be information about these at some point, but I think a system will then be introduced and tested that may not be fully developed because some points of view have not even been considered. I would therefore like to see more exchange here among the players, but also with NQ. In general, my concerns or ideas about this: - Schematics will be needed again for this -> pricing? - There could be different units that can promote the T1-T5..ore levels. - Quantity per unit that is mined is very interesting (too little or too much?) - How many units are you allowed to build in general? - How many units per area are you allowed to build? - How many units per planet/moon can you build? - Will there be differences between the safe zone and the PvP zone? - How much material is needed to build such units and what production time is involved? (It has to pay off at some point if the production volume is to be economical). - Are these units intended to replace normal ore mining, support it or just serve as an alternative option?
  12. There was an idea recently that Legion could declare a fixed monthly event to strengthen the DU community and generally allow all players to progress. The idea was that Legion would open up asteroid mining to all players once a month and even protect the players participating there so that they could actually mine ores. (We know in general that not only Legion has a tendency to shoot everything down, but other players as well). Advantage: - Asteroids would be safely usable by all players. - All players who participate can fill up their ore stocks and build replacement ships from them to participate in "PvP". - The community becomes stronger through such events and friendships may also develop from them. It is certainly easier for many to understand if we all get to know each other in the game, rather than just insulting each other through some kind of prejudice. - The amount of ore in the game will increase because the asteroids could really be exploited more by so many players. At the moment there are so many leftovers, it's just a waste. - Legion could possibly have fun with this, as there will certainly be some PvP players who want to "disrupt" this event. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  13. Ich spiele solo und in mehreren Gemeinschaften. Also einer großen Org und einiger dieser Unterorgs sowie ab und an mit "random-Spielern" Mich auf nur einen Teilinhalt zu versteifen war noch nie meins. Die cores an sich (265) war ein Soloprojekt um gewissen Dinge auszutesten. Es war nur ein Projekt von vielen. Andere Bauprojekte dieser art sind gleichwertig, werden entweder solo oder mit einer Gruppe von Spielern gemeinsam aufgebaut. Das ist ja das schöne an DU, (und vielen anderen Spielen) man kann sich jeden Tag neu entscheiden wie man spielen möchte. Heute habe ich Lust zum minern, morgen mache ich lieber PvP, übermorgen baue ich an meinem Flugzeug weiter oder am Wochenende versuche ich mich mal mit der Gruppe an den Asteroiden. Ab und an mal einige missionen fliegen oder selbst welche erstellen. Gibt auch tage da probiere ich einfach nur neue Strukturen aus, egal ob voxelmancy oder beim terraforming. Das Spiel sollte dahingehend auch keine Vorgaben oder Verpflichtungen einführen, wie ein Spieler oder eine Spielergruppe zu spielen hat. Vorgaben dahingehend hat das reale Leben schon zu genüge - hier in DU möchte ich mich entspannen, Spaß haben, Nervenkitzel im PvP, mal solo und mal mit einer kleinen und mal mit einer großen Gruppe zusammen oder gegeneinander spielen. Wichtig, ich kann - muss aber nicht. Zum Thema NQ, wenn es nur am Geld scheitert, gibt es sicherlich immer Wege da finanzielle Polster aufzubauen, um länger vorausplanen zu können oder die Personalstärke aufzustocken. Mich mich sind momentan eh noch alle Spiele die man miteinander versucht zu verbinden (DU-SC-SB) nicht gleich, denn jedes dieser Spieler geht in eine andere Richtung, da ist ein Vergleich gar nicht möglich. Am Ende finde ich aus den 3 Spielen für mich DU noch am passendsten, von dem was ich mir als Spieler vorstelle, was und wie ich spielen möchte. (Aber ernsthaft alle werden noch mindestens 3-5 Jahre Entwicklungszeit benötigen)
  14. One should not forget that only a small part of the players use the forum or other sites. Many simply log into the game and play. Therefore, surveys of this kind would not be meaningful, but would only happen among players who generally have an urge to engage with such sites. However, this also involves many players who are frustrated or need help. If you want to do surveys about the game, they should be implemented directly into the game to reach all players. then they would have to be easy to understand. Maybe create a menu for this, where new surveys could be created and edited every week, as you can already see when you play or log in if an NQ message pops up. But please stop trying to build up countless pages, because this spreads out the mass of players and does not create a large community, but rather many small splinter parties.
  15. I would like to propose a change in the structure of the skill tree for DU to create more individual skill possibilities for the players. At the moment I see that many players use the same basic skills, not because they want to, but because the talent tree says so, in order to get to higher level opportunities. But in the basic idea of the game there should be real specialists, so I think that the current situation limits these possibilities very much. The skill trees should be more in-depth and the further you skill into them, the more worthwhile bonuses should be unlocked. There should not be the same bonus per tier level (T1 =+2%, T2 =+2% T3=+2%), but more bonuses the further you skill. (T1 = +0.2%, T2 = 0.6%,.....T10 = +6%) In terms of time and bonuses, you really have to decide in the long term whether you want to concentrate on rare engines or rather on advanced engines, and there should also be a decision on size, i.e. whether I want to produce S-M-L-XL engines as a producer. At the moment, you can skill through everything relatively quickly and then simply produce everything with full bonuses. That's too fast and doesn't leave any gaps in the market to really specialise. The same system could be introduced much earlier in the production chain. Why should a producer of engines be able to skill the whole line himself and get all the bonuses out of it without outside help? Why can't you, for example, introduce an enormous difference in production and quality at the very bottom, in ores, in refinement, in screws, pipes, intermediate parts, structural parts? It would be nice if engine producers had to rely on other players. from whom do I buy screws, from whom steel or stainless steel, which player offers me the best quality or the best price. if I can set up and skill everything myself within a short time, it will remain a solo game and players will build up enormous solo factories over the course of the game and, as is currently the case, only distinguish themselves by a price war on the market, who sells his product and how far below value. Since I cannot judge how well the translators work, here is my original.
  16. There will certainly be ways to transfer one's quanta into the subscription, at least I remember reading something like that once. There are many other things that can quickly take a lot of quanta out of the game, starting with pets, mounts, interiors, pictures, if you also integrate these things into the achievement system. You could also just add a colour palette to the game to colour your elements like engines - this costs quanta every time you have colour changes. It is important at this point to have a balance so that one is not forced to spend quanta and there is a corresponding compulsion to earn quanta. One should avoid logging into the game only to fulfil an obligation, but to play and relax and have fun. If you were to introduce a compulsory tax on terretories, for example, you would already have introduced a compulsion to play in order not to lose the things you have earned. I myself would consider that wrong. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  17. In the basic idea, yes, to attract players. If you understand the structure, it is a normal p2w system.That's one of the reasons why there are so many ex-Eve players here in DU who desperately want more PvP content here. They could actually just continue to play eve.
  18. You can still play everything in the game on your own, it's just a matter of determination. How much time you invest in the game or how many accounts you use or what means you use in the game. Even a mammoth WarpBeacon project can be managed by a solo player.
  19. no. we need Schematics. but the skilltree is bad.
  20. Moin. mich würde es interessieren, ob es eine aktuelle maximale Baudichte gibt, die die Spielbarkeit in der freien Welt behindert. Ich merke zb. dass viel Bebaute Orte und Orte mit vielen Konstrukten oder Terraforming enorm auf die Leistung des Spielflusses wirken. Wie weit aber darf ein oder mehrere Spieler sich in der Bauweise frei entfalten, ehe es zu Komplikationen kommt? Ich selbst habe mittlerweile vieles ausgetestet. Habe angefangen in einer belebten Region ein Bauwerk aufzubauen, dass 200-L-Core-größe erreichte. Es war dort hauptsächlich Standard-Voxel vorhanden und sehr wenige Maschinen für die Erz-Voxelproduktion. Das Spielerlebnis wurde allerdings immer miserabler und ich entschied mich in eine leere Umgebung zu ziehen, sodass selbst die Märkte 100km Entfernt waren und ich so selbst zu "Nachbarspielern" 30km Abstand hatte. Mein dortiges Bauwerk wuchs auf über 265 L-Coregröße, wurde mit höhwertiger Voxelarbeit und einer mittleren Industrie ausgestattet, ehe es auch dort dann zu Problemen kam. Ein erneuter Umzug zu tEstzwecken stand an. Diesmal eine leicht besiedelte Gegend und nur ein kleineres Bauwerk von 10-L-Cores, dafür eine relativ Große Industrieanlage. Hier begannen die enormen Performence-Probleme allerdings eher durch dortige Terraforming-Versuche, mir einen Krater und eine Seenlandschaft zu gestalten. Da mir auch Seitens einiger GMs gesagt wurde, dass ich mehr Abstand zum Terraforming und zu anderen Spielern halten sollte, entschied ich mich nun erneut einen Versuch zu starten und zog mit allem was ich hatte unter Einsatz enormer Kosten in den Weltraum über Alioth. Dort stehen nun ca 90 Space-L-Cores mit enormer Voxelbelastung und einer enormen Industrieanlage. Aber auch hier fängt es wieder an auf die Performance zu schlagen und ich habe nun einige weitere Ausbauten zwangsweise gestoppt. Ich würde zwar sehr gerne weiter meinem Baurausch in DU ausleben, tolle Bauwerke erschaffen und damit Leben ins spiel bringen, habe aber stets das Gefühl, dass das Spiel (noch?) gar nicht auf eine richtige SPielermasse bzw Konstruktmasse ausgelegt ist, um kleinere Städte aufzubauen, geschweige denn eine GRoßstadt oder gar Metropolen. Von den TEsts her habe ich enorm viel Zeit und kosten auf mich genommen, um das in verschiedenen szenarien durchzuspielen - leider bisher ohne ein zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis. Von daher: Wird es in kommender - naher- Zukunft dort Updates geben, die eine bessere Spielbarkeit ermöglichen, egal ob man ein Gebiet mit vielen Konstrukten/Elementen/Maschinen/Terraforming benutzt und bespielt? Wird Seitens NQ generell zum problem Hilfe angeboten - oder sollen sich Spieler generell von Terraforming fernhalten, einen Mindestabstand zu anderen Spielern von ca 15-20km einhalten und nicht mehr als 10-20-30-50? Cores aufbauen? Evtl mit Vorgabeempfehlung einer maximalen Elementanzahl?
  21. is it possible or already envisaged to further spread the existing markets on allioth? This "market circle" is nonsensical and exacerbates the density of constructs there, while elsewhere on the planet there is no market to be found.
  22. It is a problem that no players manage to fit into a production process. The idea was that many players would work together to produce a very high quality end product. Each of these players then specialises in one part of the production chain. But this is not the case at the moment. Most players build everything on one line from T1-T5. Depending on the time involved, most players are already at FullT1-T3 and then occasionally produce T4-T5. The skill system alone is wrongly constructed, as many T-levels require a lower one. So every player inevitably has to skill everything beforehand in order to skill other things. So you don't need other players at all, because everyone has the same skill order. What is really missing are real specialisations that bring real valuable bonuses, but then don't allow for multible mechanics, because at the moment everyone can skill everything after a certain time. Translated with translator.
  23. i have already tried out all the lights in the game. however, i feel that the cones of light, i.e. the amount of light that is emitted, is too low compared to before the patch. You now need a lot more lamps to achieve the same or similar effect. To me it seems as if spatial effects are no longer properly illuminated in three dimensions. It seems different somehow.
  24. Hi, I currently have the problem that through the last changes to the lighting my whole structure comes across enormously darkened, although it is polished dark green steel, there are now hardly any reflections to install meaningful lighting, so that the structure as such as previously recognized and with lighting effects more atmospheric. Will there be adjustments in this regard again or will this now remain so enormously darkened?
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