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Everything posted by XKentX

  1. Recycle them back to ingots, to the parts to something. It will still require the schematics etc to rebuild.
  2. We are piling up on broken parts we can do nothing with. Some parts are 1/3 some are 2/3 but I don't like flying on broken stuff so replace asap. Problem: There is nothing you can do with them, they don't stack, you can't sell them. Solution: As promised, there should be a module that kinda refines them to whatever (parts/ore/whatever, anything). NQ: Please make this higher priority. If introduced much later it will "shock" the economy again as there will be many parts/ore/whatever that is dumped all at once leading to frustration of people that are producing those parts/ore/whatever.
  3. Kickstarter mentioned only sanctuary moon as safezone, nothing else. We now have ALL GAME in safe zone let alone parts of baren empty space no one needs.
  4. Wth are you talking about ? T5 weapons ? No one uses them. Half of them have their stats screwed up. If you die to t5 you will die to t1. You have a counter, t4 engines. Those already pop up at the market now. Creative non pvp server ? You are playing a wrong game. Person with a nickname "Warlander" tells no to pvp.... Why don't you call yourself "bearkeeper" ?
  5. Poor pirates spent probably 5+ hours camping until they got him. That guy ? He didn't even care to put a radar on his ship. Problem ? There is no problem. You take your ship to PVP area, be ready to lose it if stuff goes south. That's what PVP is for. Hauler vs Combat ship ? CANNOT BE BALANCED. You are either slip past the camp in a smart way so you don't get caught(yes YOU NEED RADAR) or you are dead. You can't balance a fat slow ship vs one that is built for combat. There is no problem to solve here, it is balanced. ATM you can fly blind and afk and will still get to your destination in 99% of the cases. Pirates ? They spend hours and hours and adopt their ships to all possible situations to have at least a remote chance of success.
  6. There is no PVP atm. If you think going outside safe space and shooting each other while it doesn't have any meaning and both lose (even the winner has all his parts screwed up, no spoils as everything on the loser ship destroyed completely) is PVP you get PVP completely wrong. There should be something (atm T4/T5 ore) that is ONLY accessible in PVP areas. Something that gives you a REASON to go there and fight. There are none atm. You don't want PVP ? Stick to safe zone mine t3 buy t4/t5. What's the problem ? Current Warp drives + safezones make PVP completely irrelevant and meaningless.
  7. For the time being just manually teleport ships to random locations in space if it's there for more than 24 hours !
  8. Yes, it's pvp game as advertised. I want to shoot you (to pvp) safezone prevents that. If you think this game has any chance without pvp then you will be surprised to see "we ran out of money and don't get enough from 150 people left in the game. gg" msg sooner rather than later.
  9. Just remove the outer planets safezone already, let us make content !
  10. May be let NQ first address an issue of the gunner crashing after a kill in their PVP advertised game ?
  11. How about giving people a normal way to play sandbox pvp game ? That will deal with it. Btw, care to share where do you park ?
  12. Didn't work yet but why not try...
  13. Community: WE WANT PVP TO HAVE MEANING NQ: Here, now when you PVP with another ship it doesn't matter who wins, both ships are ruined. One completely the other one will have 1 repair left. Community: omg no
  14. What DU tries to achieve leads to toxic community naturally as any pvp game. They do advertise game as space pvp mmo sandbox, try to appeal to the ex-eve players(the only space pvp sandbox mmo until DU) and that's the most cruel crowd in the world of online gaming. You can't expect everybody to be fellow civilization builder when you do that. It's just time until we have "Burn district 6 market" community events. Moreover they deprive them of content, they get bored and do silly stuff to get at least some entertainment. It does appeal to like ex-SE players too but those get confused and say "wtf" when they are introduced to "MMO" mechanics like schematics and are forced to play MMO economy. At least those are usually not as cruel and don't start real shitstorms, they either adopt or relatively silently unsub.
  15. It doesn't matter, same as than having "personalities" in online games. If I see a cool ship near market 6 - I think how can I make it go boom as it looks much better in the process. That's PVP as I have seen in the ad that got me into this game. Sandbox means - be creative and think outside the box. I wouldn't be at district 6 if I could camp ion/talemai warp-in in any meaningful way. Don't put carnivores into the same room with vegans. The former will try to eat the later making the later population unhappy. Put the carnivores in the jungle and let them settle their own business there. It's advertised as PVP game. Let's hope next path throws us a bone or something.
  16. Can I have your stuff ? Not even close to that other fun game community where you can actually kill other space ships for a reason.
  17. Make outer planets (the ones that are outside safezone) have "safe zone" only while actually in atmosphere. Currently it's 2.5su and it destroys any risk/reward factor. You can warp in, mine t4/t5, warp out. You pay like 2-3% of your income to be completely pvp immune and have 0 risk. I do understand that atmo-pvp is not ready so real atmosphere will still be inside the safezone and pvp immune. This will open enormous opportunities and make t4/t5 and PVP actually meaningful. You will need to figure your way in/out. You will have an option of mining t1-t3 in complete safety or go for it and try to grab the gold by risking to get killed. This will add meaning to having fleets, alliances for protection and make the game actually a box with a sand to play and has a very low dev cost. NQ can the advertise the game as: "Fight for resources" "Press for power" blablaa and it will not be fakenews and this WILL BRING players, new and old ones back.
  18. I think you meant "box". The sand is still in development.
  19. There is no end game when you have a universe to conquer. That thing is infinite.
  20. It's a space ships game with guns. Did you see 1 movie about space ships with guns that didn't use them ? Risk vs Reward ftw or it's just boring as hell. Wanna be "creator" or "builder" or whatever it is - You have sact/madis/thadis/alioth for it. Enjoy building whatever you like building there. Let the others that want it fight over the t4/t5 resource access over the outer planets. There is will always be a place for non-pvp players. You could stay completely safe and have low reward or risk it to get high reward. Your choice. ATM due to pvp being nerfed to complete crap, I personally know a group of players that switched to safe zone activities of "expanding economic opportunities" because they are bored and their game play is seeing stuff go boom. Jumping on your ship with extra weight so it goes down and blows up. Putting alts as beacons on your ship so you are easy to find if you leave safe zone. Suddenly stopping an XS core in front of you so your huge freighter collides into it and goes boom. I can go on and on. All this will be driving "non pvp" players crazy, this happens when you do not provide balanced pvp playground in pvp advertised game to people that want to see space pixels go boom. There are people that want to take risks and get high rewards if they succeed. Currently, they are bored and do stupid stuff. Currently, for unknown reasons NQ doesn't provide any risk/reward factor. Atmo PVP not ready ? OK, let the safe zone be up until you leave the atmo(6-8km), not 2.5su - well after the warp in/out range. But no, what we have now is safe heaven with warp in/out and bot orders all over so you don't even need to transport anything.
  21. Yea and the stuff it produces is soulbound - can only be used by that character... omg what game am I playing
  22. I specialize in reverse-engineering of security gateways IRL so pretty proficient with network sniffers. Should I use those skills to build a tool that I think will be cool ? I hear guys get ban for pressing B in the wrong place and I did read the rules... how does that work ?
  23. Terrible idea. Coming next: "I am noob, subscribed yesterday, it will take me 2 years to get AGG S schematics, please wipe the server !"
  24. Stop trying to build a Ferrari for heavy duty coal transport. Problem solved.
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