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Posts posted by Shredder

  1. I scanned 300 tiles on the moon I’m on. We only found t1. The only tiles that had t2 were the 10 territories I already owned….. which seems like too much of a coincidence to me…. Something is badly wrong with the ore distribution if it’s prioritising existing bases.


    I spread my scans out with gaps of 4 territories in between. Must’ve covered around 15% of the moon. 

  2. Short answer - yes. They just need to nail the next few big updates, do some balancing, find a decent sized marketing budget(this is crucial), and then (assuming they get the required player base, which is dependent on the marketing) they need to ramp up the size of their development team. 

    This game is in a similar state to where eve was before release (in some ways ahead in some ways behind), so I’m sure it can find similar levels of success. Also it’s not like star citizen is going to release anytime soon.



  3. 5 hours ago, Aviator1280 said:

    Not sure which game you are playing... calibrating is easy yes but not fast at all, if I calibrate my units i waste at least half an hour, grabbing the rocks is so slow, not mentioning that is even longer when you start to use surrogate to do so.

    Grabbing the rocks is optional, I skip that bit. My mining stations are all clumped together, and the mining stations are on the territory edges, so only need visit 3 locations to sort out the calibrations. Calibrate once every 4 days. The whole process takes about 15minutes each day.

  4. I’d like to see everything wiped except bps, talents and static structures. Everything else should go - quanta, elements (inc elements on static structures), ore, ships. There should also be a ore location shuffle.


    That achieves the aim of resetting the economy whilst maintaining the large structures that have been built. Those structures don’t offer too much of a head start, certainly small compared to the knowledge and talent head start people will have anyway.


    I agree that NQ should focus on the future player base (which has to be far far bigger for the game to survive), however I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of keeping existing players happy as word of mouth is an key advertising tool, especially with the types of communities that play this kind of game. 

  5. I’m loving this patch, especially the way it gives permanent value to tiles, really helps pave the way for territory warfare.

    Please add in more features that give similar value and therefore even more to fight over. Maybe have other types of bonuses tiles can provide, similar to the civilisation game series. 


    I do think there needs to be some balancing to reduce how frequently we have to calibrate, it will get very tedious otherwise. Also please remove the bonus ore we have to mine, it’s a pointless add on.

  6. 1 hour ago, Cergorach said:

    With max skills we can store up to 10 calibration charges , BUT calibration charges regenerate every 3.5 hour per charge, so a little less then 7 charges per day. Note: this was the info from PTS, they might mess with Demeter on release even more.

    Ah ok, so 6 or 7 recalibration every evening, that sounds about right.

  7. I’m a big fan of this update, but I have one concern:


    If we get up to 10 calibration charges every day, and we re-calibrate every 3 days, and assuming people will be maxing their number of MU, then that means we will have 30 MU to recalibrate every 3 days…. The mini game looks ok, but that’s sounds on the high side? I mean a bit overly monotonous. 


    Could a change be made to reduce that in half? Maybe by halving the number of calibration charges we get, and doubling the effect of each MU? 


    Hopefully I’m wrong and the mini game is quick and enjoyable.


    EDIT: I guess one benefit is that people with tones of alts will find it painful to manage too many MUs.

  8. Does anyone know what will happen to dynamic constructs that are in underground bases when the patch hits? Will they be destroyed? Will they pop to the surface? Or will they have to be dug out (but remain in damaged)?


    My corp has like 30 of them in our large base but I don’t have access to fly all of them, and drag moving from deep underground will take an absolute age.

  9. The question really is: will they allow pvp to happen with this patch, or is the game going to continue to be a giant warping/safe zone game. 

    Doesn’t require new features, just a change to warping and safe zones.


    Unitl that happens, this game continues to be a space based minecraft. Yawn

  10. 1 minute ago, blazemonger said:


    NQ has said the PVP revamp is to come after this patch.. I'd say maybe June..

    I am pretty sure they are rushing this patch to try and create time to work on that, obviously that wil mean that after this patch, NQ sill all but vanish from the community platforms and go back to crunch mode for 3-4 months hoping to be able to make PVP work.


    Obviously I am purely speculating on this patch but seeing the short time between 0.23 and this one (10-11 working weeks) they wil not have had much time to get anything substantial done with 0.23 causing much more work after the fact amongst other things.


    We'll see



    Surely they have different teams working on different aspects of the game. So the time between patches is purely for testing?

  11. 1 hour ago, Fra119 said:

    Imho that was clear from the very beginning, I personally never had the impression of this being the new WoW, or the new eve, with the extra of being able to design your assets by yourself.



    If that’s the case, why would we pay a monthly fee for it. I can play voxel building games for one off fees 

  12. 1 hour ago, Daphne Jones said:

    Almost as ridiculous as no shields or other defensive devices and combat mechanics that amount to shoot first or die. The only thing (aside from fast travel) that warp does atm is allow unarmed undefendable ships to opt out of combat.


    If shooting unarmed ships is important to you, you're a griefer, not a PVPer.

    There’s lots of ways to defend yourself, voxel tanks, being faster, scouting, slow boating. People just can’t be bothered because the reward isn’t there.

    If there’s more risk, prices for ores will increase, and people will have to build their ships accordingly to take advantage.

  13. 1 hour ago, Fra119 said:

    The truth is that if they remove/nerf warp those players that now use warp to avoid PvP will simply stop traveling.

    If going to the outer planets become too expensive or too dangerous there's literally no reason to do that, period.



    If people stop travelling, prices for the ores increase, and there is then risk reward for travelling.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Corphius said:

    Yes thank you, Warp is not unfair Warp is just simply warp and that is all it is.

    No, warp is a ridiculous mechanic as it currently stands. It is the reason that this is 99.99% a game for carebears, with no risk, reward, or purpose. 

    May as well be playing no mans sky.

  15. 9 hours ago, Moosegun said:

    The reason I play DU less now than ever is the LACK of jeopardy and risk, I came into this game as wanting to be a space industrialist, supplying my good across the galaxy.  Well I did that and without some sort of risk it is getting boring.  I cannot WAIT for pvp to come into the game, it will also allow me to start recommending the game to the 80% of my friends i currently have on hold.  You must understand that pvp is not only wanted by pvpers but a lot of other players as well.

    As for a pve server, moot point, NQ cant do it and WONT do it 100% fact.   


  16. 3 hours ago, blazemonger said:


    For what reason?

    As long as NQ does not have the required counters implemented which will mitigate the risk to an acceptable level for non  combatant players, safezones will need to stay in place.



    Also, RMT is not allowed for DU, mentioning methods or posting/providing links is actually a breach of TOS.

    Required counters? Sure there are!  If safe space was removed which led to you having to travel 2su through the pvp zone after warping, you can:

    Use voxel tank to soak up damage, it’s super cheap and if you put a bunch on it’s easy to tank for 2 su. 

    You can make your ship fast to reduce the travel time, with good acceleration and braking you can easily limit the time spent in that PVP zone, making it very difficult for enemies to put much damage down on you.


    You can scout - a common occurrence in PVP games, send something fast and tanky through ahead to see if there are campers. You can also do this to lead people away.

    You can warp to a moon first instead of a planet, avoiding the place that people are most likely to be.


    Or, if you really don’t want to take any shots at all, you can simply slow boat it at a wide angle, travelling 29,999. Pretty much impossible to die if you don’t do anything silly.

    When compared to the start of eve online this game is balanced massively in the favour of people wanting to avoid fights. Even if the safe zone was removed. It’s kinda ridiculous. People might read the above and go ‘well those options are hassle’. But the more hassle or risk there is, the greater the rewards will end up being. I find it bizzare that NQ don’t seem to want to allow pvp to occur.



  17. 39 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    When Territory warfare comes in, the safezones around the outer planets will go away, we know this and have always known this. There is no dispute or argument here. 


    Now, thinking/expecting  that once that happens you can just pewpew anywhere above or on the planet is a different matter but the safezone itself will be gone.


    Yes, this is planned, however territory warfare is some way off.


    What I am arguing is that the safe zone around the outer planets should be reduced NOW and limited to the surface/atmosphere of the planets/moons themselves. Warping to of from those planets should be dangerous right now. If people end up travelling there less because they don’t like the risk, then ore prices will increase, leading to a reason to take on that risk. 

    I don’t get the rationale for the level of PVP Protection currently around the outer planets. 

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