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Alpha Tester
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  1. Hello @NQ-Pann I was hoping since we are talking about reporting/bannable offenses. 1. Can we have forum rules that are uniform with DU's in game Code of Conduct? 2. What are we doing to keep people from weaponizing moderators/mods with intentional baiting to get people banned? I mention this as there is no secret in the DU community I am hot tempered. I don't want to be, I suffer from PTSD, anxiety, all which contribute to anger management issues. While I don't believe this excuses me from following the rules, it certainly makes me vulnerable to being triggered into responses to peoples toxic behavior. I am a lot like a mirror if you show me aggression, I will give aggression back. If you show me kindness I will return that kindness, I am pretty simple that way. One thing people don't know about me vs. my colorful language is I am in the process of trying to seek mental health help real life for my aggression, anxiety and PTSD. I see way to many people on forum, general (in-game), and discord intentionally baiting people into a level of frustration they can report. I use DU as a coping/de-stressing activity, and the Dementor changes have been super destabilizing due to everything I have lost, how the changes impact me as a builder. So I think a lot of people have seen me much more angry and upset verbally in the past month than the past couple of years I have been on. So when people say "if you don't have a thicker skin don't login." They don't understand I live in the city in a one bedroom apartment. Traffic is hard to drive in cause people are dangerous, on their phones and aggressive when they drive. Work is hard cause you deal with the public which isn't always friendly or kind, sometimes you are treated like trash. You walk your dogs people don't leash their dogs so then you have dogs that run up and attack your dog, but you can't afford to move to a place out in the country. If I log off, I can't go out in public, and I am trapped in my one bedroom apartment, DU is sadly probably a little pathetic my best escape from a very high stress & dangerous career. I am cornered, and handling the best I can until I can find therapy or better options for managing both my stress, PTSD, anger, etc. Yet we have approaches to moderation that can unilaterally punish whoever gets emotionally stressed first, stacking the punishment/harm on that individual. Unprovoked I am not a rude, crude, or violent individual, nor am I excusing my behavior, just a lifetime of hardship and conditioned environment has created a lot of undesirable non-pro-social reactions on my part. I love this community and this game even if I sound very unhappy currently due to dementor changes + massive real life stress. I 100% agree I need to do better, and I am trying, it is definitely a process though, and I need moderation standards that don't just treat me like I am a nail and they are the hammer.
  2. 1. Those that don't agree with you aren't automatically whiners. 2. Respectfully, go fuck yourself. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA in college and that included Trig, Calc, Linear Algrebra, Geometry etc. all in an advanced and accelerated 4 week course for all topics just listed. Far beyond "basic" math. Not everyone that disagrees with you is stupid either. If you can't support your points without disrespecting/insulting myself and the general community, then your arguments are weak.
  3. 1. Please make HQ tiles 7 vs. 5 so that way if we need to take a break we can maintain a bonus constellation of hexes if we can't be online to mine it for extended period of time. 5 seems like an arbitrary number out of kneejerk response to appease all the players with torches and pitchforks. 7 on the other hand creates a function & aesthetic number of tiles that feels complete, and allows players to take breaks in case you know their parents has cancer, or they lose their job, or both of these things at the same time.... kind of stuff in life. 2. Make recalibration & drop off after 7 days not 2... (keep the current recharge rates/cap etc.) If I have to login every day to spend my charges, I don't want to do it to nanny the same mining unit I just nannied 48 hours ago, to simply maintain efficiency rates. Some of us can only play on weekends, and work several jobs, so it feels like a punishment for being responsible in real life. @NQ-Pann @NQ-Deckard @NQ-Sesch
  4. People paying for monthly subscription, many who came later are paying for a "BETA" for them to have what we would have would need to pay about $18 or even more than that per month for 3 accounts to keep up with the people with free beta + 2 no subscription beta keys. Even then some people traded in game stuff early on for more beta keys... a convenient little fact those who use them like to leave out... so you got people that got the pack same as use but at launch of beta collected 10-20+ more keys from others... So don't even pretend everyone is paying the same... rofl
  5. Not if you have free beta keys to use... and by the time they pay for subs the damage is already done...
  6. Just a friendly heads up and warning that those with alt accounts will repeat the imbalances from mission running their alts, and the economic gap between non-exploiting and exploiting players using alts is just gonna keep growing and probably wrecking the economy. Also don't expect alt account players to lose too many tiles... this will just impact those of us to play on a single account. Are you ready to be placed at a further disadvantage?
  7. My point overall is we are in violent agreement, none of us want to see dead planets with abandoned of junk all over. Where I take issue is when the system punishes someone with gaming goals that are community based trying to build an event location for player created gameplay, and logs in nearly every day for two years. (the very concept we were sold on). Especially when it doesn't solve the problem the Dev's are trying to fix, people exploiting the game and hurting future players. I had before this update my little tiny pocket of the universe. (approximately 0.0026% of it.) People get all up in arms about me being a land hoarder, when we know damn well there are people exploiting the game in various ways the dev's aren't doing a thing about, that hold billions of quanta and hundreds of tiles just to lock other players out of resources. Pretty sure I'm not the problem, so I get pretty salty when people act like I am ruining their gameplay, when I had dedicated so much time to trying to make a place that could give them more to do than scoop ore. ( Also yes I took a couple months off at one point to take a break from DU due to RL life schedule, just want to throw this in there before some petty asshole goes digging up some old post or something somewhere, saying... YOU DIDN'T LOG IN EVERY DAY!!!!) ?
  8. First of all we both know you can see a lot further than 1 tile, so don't be a troll. Secondly, not every player wants to build a large location based project. But what I was doing was protecting my view from someone putting a damn ugly penis space tower right off my front porch which happened to me and was why I moved to BFE of Alioth. Now since you want to crap on me about my resort and tell me to "do the math" on how unrealistic I was for wanting to have a goal that doesn't revolve around hoarding quanta and flying the biggest penis in the space/sky, consider this... 1. Alioth has 259,472 territories not 60,000... (looks like you yourself can't do math). 2. Between all 12 planets you have approximately 730,000 - 750,000 tiles in the solar system not counting moons, which they themselves have 3,000 - 5,000 tiles each. So you have enough tiles for 37,500 players to have 20 a piece. Considering EVE online has 22,000 active players... you would be talking about DU being twice as popular as Eve. This also excludes the 111,632 territories which we can all have one of on Sanctuary... which only 41,455 have ever been claimed.... 3. I never protested having taxes, I protest the rates cause I don't want to slave to the game and optimize my real life schedule around in game timers to maintain what I spent two years to build. 4. Additionally unlike you and those that exploit the mission system for self gain, I am not here to play Alt Universe. Looks like my math is pretty solid, at least way better than yours...
  9. Deckard, respectfully I don't understand why the tiles resource pools don't have values in increments of 50's or 100's whatever a L mining unit is worth when optimally calibrated... no one wants to lose 79L's per hour... but they don't want to throw down a mining unit for anything less that 100% optimal output.
  10. This sounds the most accurate out of all the threads, posts, and such I have seen in weeks.
  11. Wipe em.. coming from a solo.
  12. Just saying it is like that old song... "one thing... one thing leads to another..."
  13. Sure, people who gained a foothold early that don't find the upkeep a hassle will likely not flock to sanctuary, and probably only 100-300 oldies will move to Sanct. It is the new players though that struggle to get established off of Sanct, that don't have the resources we do from mega mining, missions etc... that will set up shop longer, put down larger roots and potentially always call Sanct home base, especially if they are a more casual player.
  14. Smells like taxes in space to me... it is the NQ automated way...
  15. I believe it is going to become important to talk about management of space in the future if the game actually does survive and a mass players go to space in favor of a non-taxed build zone and space capability for asteroid mining. I have noticed with my space radar the path I take has a few hundred structures floating between Sanct and Alioth. I feel lucky to not have hit one myself. It is a common complaint in general chat about collisions with poorly visible space towers, AGG platforms etc, and this is only going 800-1500kmh. Now imagine a cluster of structures while traveling at 8kmh-15kmh and the space becoming more saturation with stations of various configurations. Does this not pose a potential threat from haulers from D6 to Sanct as traffic is funneled through this pipe?
  16. Respectfully any condensed area of detailed constructs will impact performance for all players in the area, and the game is not optimized for this compaction of Tax refugees back to Sanctuary with all of their large ships and structures.
  17. @celestis, your points aren't wrong but you totally just Necro'ed a post my friend...
  18. So will sponsors who currently don't have the option to subscribe get the grandfathered rate or will we be forced into higher cost rate? (cause part of the reward was free game time)
  19. So when players move most of their assets and homes back to Sanctuary moon and have their personal ghost cities made of tons of cores + all their ships parked all over, how will performance be better than living at Market 6?
  20. Honestly, I am mad that I am being punished for having a life outside of DU vs. scheduling everything around this game for "optimized" calibrations for tile taxes, when I just wanted to have my little island resort of 20 tiles with protected views that I spent 2 years on, and was really coming together until this shit cut loose. So mad to lose hard work... yes, mad for being punished for working a lot rl and game trying to enslave my free time... yes. mad that I spent hundreds of hours doing things I didn't want to in order to just build and create... hell yes... and I am not the only one that feels any of these things.
  21. So if I understand correctly, People VR to mission pickup, load up the cargo on the ship, and then when it arrives vr to drop off? I had thought someone said earlier in the thread that you can only have one NPC Mission Package on a ship? If not I did later add that as a condition, but I agree, no VR pickup/drop off bs.
  22. I'm not following what you are trying to say, could you explain a bit more?
  23. I feel like this whole problem is exactly what the multi-boxing rule was meant to prevent. Those doing this should be banned if they continue for exploiting the system to circumvent the rules. A Fix For Mission Exploits: @Deckard 1. If more than 3 people (offline & online player total) are boarded on the ship the ship cannot pickup NPC Mission parcel. 2. If the ship already has NPC Mission parcel then they ship will not allow more than 3 people to board. 3. Make sure the volume of all packages is enough that no player can fit NPC Mission parcel in their nanopack. 4. Ship will only allow one NPC Mission Parcel on ship at a time. 5. No VR mission drop off / pickup! I say three boarded people allowed because you may need a crew of people if flying through pvp space.
  24. Just think the game is challenging enough for players who aren't well established without us even joking about being jerks in a text format where intent of comment gets lost in a text format.
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