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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Luukullus

  1. Maybe it would be a big help either, if you are able to simple dock a new core to an existing core field. But anyway, i can totally agree with this ideas above!
  2. Yeah! I wished i had both some days ago. If there is one ore cleared out, it is hard to find an other vain near by...
  3. Du bist mein persönlicher HELD! Tausend Dank für das Video. Mach bitte weiter so, das ist absolut super! BTW. Das Rechtesystem ist relativ simpel, wenn du da noch ne Frage hast, schreib mir gern einfach :).
  4. Das klingt gut. Mach aber noch eine Supportanfrage wegen der SCU auf und komm dann ohne klar... Vielleicht antworten sie und regeln es, dann hast du eine positive Überraschung. Falls nicht, kommst du ja schon damit klar ;).
  5. Well.... That blows me away. I get so many new way to realize stuff!!!! Thank you for the info, and sorry for spammin in your thread xD
  6. Korrekt. bezahlen musst du erst, wenn du dich auf der Website einloggst und dort ein Abonnement abschließt :).
  7. Am i understand this correctly... It is possible to use a projector showing things ingame?
  8. Nur zur Info: Ich nutze eine 50Mbit VDSL Leitung ? 50 down 11 up
  9. Heya. I don't know exactly why this error occurs. Apart from the fact that it can happen when the server is offline (currently not the case). But I know everyone I've played with has had this one time. After restarting the server, which you unfortunately have to wait for, everything works again, or rather, this error no longer appears. Unfortunately you have to wait until a restart. Mostly this happens every day, maybe you are lucky and the server will restart afterwards. Bye, Luukullus ?
  10. Hey Strumfrex, you can see your market container for each market from one place. You don't have to travel back and forth. If you are at a market terminal you can select in the market container in the top right which one you want to look. Bye, Luukullus (It is a screenshot from youtube, not mine!)
  11. Super! Los gehts :). Die SCU kannst du dir über den Support geben lassen wenn es nicht funktioniert hat. Evtl. kannst du es im Discord versuchen oder du eröffnest speziell ein Ticket dazu :).
  12. Hier ist der Installer von meinem Kumpel der auch Windows 7 nutzt. Viel Erfolg http://www.mediafire.com/file/0o6jzm5tf75ap9g/dual-installer.exe/file Leider kann ich den hier nicht anhängen, da ich nur noch 2,41MB uploaden darf....
  13. You wrote down my thoughts! And on top there will be a free Month of subscription because of the big starting problems in the beginning ?
  14. Hehe, yeah i know the Problem. But at all, i think there are many thing with higher priority than the skill system. Thats why i think we have to wait a long time for Skill system updates
  15. Yep! Or the possibility to cancel the complete group together. Maybe when clicking on the better marked group "leaders" X, the game could ask for canceling the complete row.
  16. Okay, i killed the music before i even heared it. Maybe i should listen to it a little. Maybe its good.
  17. Very nice spacetheme Songs/Musicvideos. I will follow your idea, here are two of mine:
  18. I wish good luck If there is anything else, feel free to ask. We will help as we can
  19. Heya! Absolutely great work! The Abergast ist absolutely incredible. I wish I was so creative instead of just building flying rectangles all the time! Keep it up!
  20. Heya, until now i never had a problem with finding my ship at the market. I simply leave it in a spot where not tons of ships are (mostly the corners are not that overloaded). But of course, the idea with the outline is really great! Should be taken into the Game. Bye, Luukullus
  21. Hey Raider, i have already been in contact with the support a few times. So far it has always been the case for me that the support needed between 5 and 10 days to answer me. I think it would be realistic to wait two weeks / Give the support team two weeks. Sure, I can absolutely empathize with how you feel right now, but relax for a while and wait a little longer. I am sure the support will answer you in any case. Greets, Luukullus
  22. Correctly. It is one of the wrongest things you can do voluntary. Giving the Cache to a HDD is like giving a turtle life-saving medication to bring to a patient while you resuscitate him.
  23. You shoudl have minimum 16GB Ram. It woudl be better to have 32Gigs because ther is also the Windows, sometimes a browser with tutorial videos, discord or forum, and other things you want to have open at the same time. A friend uses also 16Gigs and with the Game and Teamspeak only open at the same time he hits sometimes the 98% Ram usage. If he is then shuttling back to Alioth and moves fast there, sometimes the Game crashes because of Ram. But regardless of the RAM, the graphics card and the processor are also slightly too weak. DU is also very processor hungry. Greets, Luukullus
  24. Sometimes there is a problem like this. My friend also had this Problem. Checkout the Market and buy a news Hovercraft Seat from it. The it should work. It is something wrong with the seat it self, only one small wrong parameter is enough not to be able to use the Blueprint. In cas of my friend it was because we already used the seat on my plane (Lua scripted to Flying Mode), removed it later so that he have all ingredients to use the speeder print, but it was too late. The seat was now a problem for it. Thank god the seats are not that expansive at the market. You earn 100k money every day, so you should be able to survive the price ;). Good luck! Luukullus
  25. Huhu TorlagilsLP, es handelt sich um eine bezahlte Open Beta. Um spielen zu können musst du dir ein Abo zulegen. Die kürzeste Zeit ist drei Monate für ca. 20€ (abgerundet). Mhhhhhhh. Falls du eine FritBox verwendest, habe ich schon von Problemen gelesen bezüglich des Teredofilter. Allerdings vergleichbare Probleme bei anderen Spielen. Ausprobieren kannst du es aber ja dennoch einmal. Im Fritzbox Menü -> Internet -> Filter -> Listen -> Teredo... Ne 600er Glasfaser sollte auf jeden Fall ausreichen, ja xD. Also den Netzwerkfehler kriege ich auch nicht ganz weg. Gestern hatte ich den bei ca. sechs Stunden Spielzeit etwa vier mal. Aber alle fünf Minuten ist absolut inakzeptabel... Den Google DNS habe ich nicht verwendet, weil das mit meinem Heimnetzwerk nicht möglich ist. Aber das sollte auch eigentlich nicht so das Problem verursachen... Ansonsten bin ich auch echt ratlos. Evtl. noch einmal im Englischen bereich posten, der ist noch weit aktiver. Vielleicht haben die da ja noch ne Idee. Ansonsten auf Support von NQ warten :(. Es tut mir wirklich leid, ich hätte dir gern mehr geholfen. LG Luukullus
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