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Posts posted by Astrophil

  1. About your point on the "player store". If I'm correct in assuming you mean players creating in-game designs/blueprints and then NQ selling them for a real world currency profit for other players to buy, would the player who also created said design/blueprint receive any income?


    It sounds like a system implemented by a game like Second Life, and one other Sci Fi game I can't recall right now. So the system obviously works, but personally I'm not too big a fan of it.


    I'm all for an in-game market, but the currency in which to buy them with should stay strictly in-game. 


    Hate to derail the topic, but I just had to comment on Kiklix's thing. :D


    - The Scruffy Pirate


    On player income for player-created content:


    Well naturally, yes. Take a look at the Steam Workshop. Creators are able to set price points for mods and such, or offer them for free. This model is seen in multiple other games: Tennogen in Warframe, the Robot store in Robocraft, etc.


    I don't see why DU wouldn't do the same.

  2. WHAT, NO WAY. I never thought of that before. I'd be willing to speculate that you may be Nyzaltar in disguise hmmm? with your Regards and all that that Nyzaltar loves to 1-up you on "Best Regards"


    Hmm interesting. Along with that, you find that Shadow is French as well and a developer on top of that. If you were to examine speech structure of previous posts, you find syntax and vocabulary to be very similar to that of Nyz's. Nyzaltar mentioned in the "Capsuleer" thread that he is an EVE player, one of which Shadow is as well.


    Ready to come out Shadow? XD


    Of course I could be completely off and embarass myself entirely XD

  3. Not entirely sure how I came across DU, but I did, and at first I thought it was just like any other space MMO, something like SWTOR or maybe Elite Dangerous. I was like meh and moved on. Later on it popped up in my search suggestions and I gave it another look, read through the devblogs, looked through the graphics and concept art, and I was like, this is something different. Checked out the forums, met quite a few interesting personalities/fanatics, joined the forums myself, and so here I am now happily part of the Dual family :)


    Cheers to NQ and the DU community :D

  4. Just wondering, and probably on behalf of us impatient whippersnappers, does the dev team maybe have a video of gameplay, even if extremely primitive? Especially after viewing the pro-gen forest on Twitter. That was just beautiful. *le tear*


    And if not, I'm perfectly sure there are reasons :)



  5. I've been terribly lax in keeping up with DU's Twitter feed but I saw the Alioth city and it is just gorgeoussss. It provides a really nice contrast to what I imagine will be the atmosphere of space gameplay. The use of warmer and more neutral colors (brown, orange, yellow, etc.) is a nice break from the mechanical and sterile aesthetic environment of space, which I would think to be more of a blue/black/grey color scheme.


    Speaking of Alioth, where did the name come from? According to Wikipedia, apparently from the Arabic word for a fat sheep tail. But the name for this particular planet in DU. It may have been buried somewhere in a past devblog or lore entry; I apologize if this is the case. And if Alioth were to be a modifier or were to describe an inhabitant of the planet, what form would it take? 


    Maybe (I have no idea how to pronounce half of these):








    Oh lookie. Upon further research, I have discovered Alioth to be a significant location in Elite: Dangerous, namely, the capital of the Alliance. Another great game, if I may say so myself. Horizons hype!




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