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Everything posted by Burble

  1. No, I mean the 2000m tall space elevators. Flying into invisible ones and taking damage, if as you say the collision boxes are decoupled, would be less fun than hitting the visible ones
  2. although I am happy that collision boxes on invisible elevators don't kill me when they are not even rendered in
  3. The actual in-game community is mature, respectful and welcoming. It's just the forum
  4. add me as a contact in game, I'll bring you a container L. (please don't be on some distant planet)
  5. Dude.... you are making way too many wild assumptions. I was playing a while before 0.23. I used to have a factory that made a lot of what I needed for ship building. I used to be able to test my race track without having to buy new parts every 3rd time I crashed. That all changed at 0.23. I certainly did not complain about anyone doing their own thing. I am a pure solo player. But I also can adapt to change rather than stick around even when I don't want to play just to whine and cry about it incessantly. I still enjoy the game. Your Halcyon ship looks quite nice.
  6. Pictures? Would love to see what you created. What you are basically saying here is that people who are enjoying the game right now are being deliberately ignorant and blindly supporting something when in actual fact they are not enjoying themselves at all and just can't see how bad the game actually is? That they simply do not realise how much they are not enjoying the game? How exactly do you plan to save these poor lost sheep?
  7. hehe What you actually mean is: All the game has to offer YOU is mining. I am not arguing about the fact that you lack the creativity or imagination for the kind of game DU is in the current form. That is ok, sandbox/crafting/building/trading/interesting physics flying and basic orbital mechanics games with not much else to them are not for everyone. What I am arguing is that there is nothing for ANYONE to do except mining. Because a lot of people are finding things to do and having fun doing it right now. You and some others have nothing to do but mining in the game right now. The game does offer a lot more than just mining to others. It's not hard, you'll get it if you think just a little bit outside your own little box. I have no idea what to 'shill' is or how hard of a shill would be too hard for that matter.
  8. Sure....that's why they are hiring more staff and are able to put out adverts on mainstream platforms. That must also be why every day there are new players on support channel asking for help, saying how cool the game is, embedding themselves in the community. You must be right. Wanting a game to fail simply because it does not give you what you are looking for is not the same as the game actually failing.
  9. I had M static core blueprints working fine a few days ago so I don't think universally only XS cores work. Maybe worth a note that they were purely structural without any elements at all.
  10. 23: Use cool ship physics to build a huge hover race track for players to have fun on 24: make friends and trade to get whatever you need in the new industry economy 25: make gliding simulator game with points system that can be played with friends 26: finish beautiful structure....no....it's never quite finished 27: have a brief session mining out a mega node to finance the next 2 weeks of game play...a bit boring but you got to earn somehow 28: open main race stadium to public on VR machines 29: visit friend's mercenary bar on the north pole to see how it is coming along 30: make a deal to have 200,000L of crater soil from Madis delivered to your race track on Alioth to make the 'Madis Hairpin' 31: visit friends parking platform near the market to see how they are getting along 32: spend two hours trying to help a random new guy move his whole base form Sanctuary to Alioth. 33: Come to forums. Shake head. Leave forums. ?
  11. I get what you are saying, for sure. In terms of size of build, the one I am making right now covers 9 hexes, a whole lake. So I know what you mean about scale. It is harder to make money to complete my task now for sure, but not impossible. Just harder. I could say that it is a grind and make it sound negative. Or I could say to myself it is a long and committed work that will end with the result I want and find it very satisfying when it is done.
  12. TranscendRat - Come play with us before you decide to really quit. We are building hover race courses and gliding games and generally have a good laugh for hours every day playing the system that is in place now. I appreciate your honesty about how you feel on a deeper level and find it brave that you throw it out here. Come play, we are waiting for you. The biggest problem with this rather toxic forum now is that of people not understanding what a sandbox is. People saying there is nothing to do now that industry is dead. There was never anything to do unless you can imagine that a space battle is fun, or building a giant complex is fun, or building a beautiful and well performing ship is fun, or role playing as you interact and trade with other humans is fun. Anything that is fun in this game requires imagination and friends with imagination to play it with. If the only reason a person plays is to amass space money and store away space resources then why even bother? We have already made games to play within the game, quite a few of them.. and guess what...they are fun. Many of us are enjoying DU as it stands. Building is still very affordable. Daily bonus is enough to get a honeycomb schematic and a honeycomb refiner. Mining for one hour will get you enough ore to build a huge building. The doom and gloom outlooks about it being impossible to do anything in the game are simply not accurate and it hurts the game if you turn away a new person with this dramatically exaggerated behaviour. It is not fanboi behaviour to look at the positives or to describe how better to enjoy what there is so far. My friends and I are always talking privately about what NQ could improve, what they fucked up on, what they did well. But we do not feel the need to constantly whine in public in a way that could further damage the chances of the game succeeding. Because.... duh...if we turn new people away then our self fulfilling prophesy may actually come true and the game might just fail. This entitled and self centred outlook is so incredibly selfish and short sighted it makes me write this kind of response in the vague hope that even one person will take a look at them self, stop behaving like a spoilt teenager and make the decision to either shit or get off the pot. It's really starting to resemble the angry boyfriend who claims he has no love remaining for the ex girlfriend..... but just cannot leave her alone or allow her to move on and find new happiness.
  13. A lot of people are online every night enjoying the game and new people are coming in every day.
  14. The correct term is Fanboi I'm sorry that you have allowed a computer game to make you this angry.
  15. Well, for me at least, it definitely doesn't work yet. Or more likely I don't understand how to make it work.
  16. No, just no. We really should stop spreading this lie. It is not eliminated at all, it is just a much longer and more rewarding game. Anyone can have a factory that makes a few specialized parts within a week. The only difference is that now not everyone can build everything in the game right away. Which is vital if any kind of market economy that make sense is to exist.
  17. This....exactly this. I hope the constantly toxic peanut gallery here on the forum either gets behind the project however it is presented or grows up and moves on to something they do enjoy.
  18. Man, I know how you feel. My first three days in game, on Sanctuary, I made a similar post. Then I pushed through, got myself to Alioth and now am building a giant race track that covers a whole lake while flying around in a ship that carries 1000 tonnes and can get me to any planet in the system. Don't give up. This part is almost like the test in Fight Club to get into the house.
  19. ah that's cool, thank Bobbie when that update comes out my ship sales port will finally achieve that sleezy second hand motor vibe I am looking for
  20. Wondering if anyone has any smart workarounds for how to sell a tokenized ship through a dispenser or otherwise. It would be for a one time sale where the buyer takes the displayed model off the lot right there. The problem I am having is the the dispenser needs the token key in it to define what is being sold but it also needs at least one of exactly that same token key in a container or it considers itself out of stock. You cannot even make a copy of the ship, tokenize it and use that because the game knows it is a different key. From what I have tried so far it is impossible to sell a token key through a dispenser. Any ideas or quick fixes?
  21. People asking for a wipe now are nothing but selfishly motivated. Majority of cases is to give them an advantage over what they have now. The people asking for no wipe are not doing so because they are rich and powerful, they are asking for no wipe because they have spent hundreds of hours and every possible quanta they own on building beautiful things.
  22. Yes, the support channel sometimes gets crowded with non support writings. But...what I have seen is that many players are actively helping each other due to the whole server being on one channel. Separate that and no one who can help a new player will be in the support channel. There is no way NQ can answer to the 25 questions per minute that are currently being handled easily by the whole community.
  23. Plenty to do in the games still and plenty of people happily going about doing these things every day. Only last night we had a deal to deliver 200,000 L of Madis soil back to Alioth for a terra project. This forum is not a complete representation of the game's player base by a long shot.
  24. yeah or even collected a couple of surface rocks and made in space pants
  25. This makes a lot of sense to me. In essence you then have a holodeck style design world but in order to make that dream a reality you still have to play the actual game to create a sellable bluprint.
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