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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Megaddd

  1. Personally, I generally reserve my time for when I can actually get my hands on something, before I talk about it. This week I've made an exception.
  2. I'm going to use two accounts or more to build up a quick production factory somewhere underground not too far, but not too close to the (a) central starting area. I'm then going to start a space-taxi service, flying newcomers to nearest planets out of good will, and older toons for a price. Then when all of my research and autonomous excavation finishes doing all that, I'll retread back into the void of space and start a tight-knit colony of Free Miners, surviving solely in space.
  3. I'm going to give it two weeks for a functional one to surface. Then another two for the content ID claims from CCP Games.
  4. For a moment there I thought I was full of crap, but no, I did in fact catch my eye on this thread right here while going through everything on the forum a few days ago. Comment excerpt: Basically a rumor of a rumor, but that's good enough for me.
  5. to TL;DR: the Lua dev-blog - You will be able to use custom logic bricks which you will plug different elements into, which will trigger them and/or provide data for the code you'll write on the main 'programmable block' - a.k.a. DPU.
  6. Frankly, physical projectiles themselves are confirmed to be 'not a thing' by either one of Nyz' comments or a Dev-blog (can't recall). There will be no (or very limited) ship-to-ship collision damage, to prevent 'ramming' PvP that is flagrant in Space Engineers, capable of putting a hole clean through medium-sized vessels with a single physical projectile (small purpose-built debris, accelerated to maximum game-engine speed). The devs spoke out against large, destructive weapons, capable of one-shotting a vessel of comparable strength, so even if they do implement bomb elements, you can expect these to be largely un-viable against ship-to-ship combat, as you would need more armor on the projectile, to protect it from lock-on weapons, than you would gain from detonating it near the target. However, a recreation of WW2 bombings on ground constructs? Now that would be cool
  7. Space-ship? Probably not. Permanent station? Bring it! I love the concept of building such a station in space and just dropping it from orbit with little concern, because of it's safe buoyancy depth.
  8. In Space Engineers you can place 'Artificial Mass' blocks that are influenced by 'Artificial Gravity Generators', so connecting the two creates a "troll drive", where the artificial gravity generator pushes the mass block, that it's connected to, for free. What I hope to see is intricacies such as fuel mass balancing and different solid/liquid fuels for the early game and electrical engines for atmospheric-only flight, which I think is more what OP implied.
  9. So basically you're asking if we'll have Space Rain on the very outer edge of star systems? Let's hope they implement space wipers for our space wind-shields so we can see our space clearly while we go out to space.
  10. From relevant xkcd: To reach a depth where it could "float" in Jupiter, the submarine would have to go halfway to the center of the planet, where the intense pressure turns the air into a metallic soup that's hotter than the surface of the Sun. The pressure there would be so high that not only would the submarine be crushed, the substances that make it up would probably be converted into new and exciting forms. Huh, I guess it is quite unlikely for a solid blob of Iron to float. However, gigantic metallic objects with lots of empty space, or even filled with something like helium (a la metal balloons)? Those are much more likely to have a viable depth before it gets too hot to float. Bring on the floating gas cities!
  11. I believe Gas giants could open up a very interesting aspect to planetary gameplay, a planet where one cannot hide from sight and radar underground. Where you can experience the extreme buoyancy as you go further down that at some point requires force to go down instead of up. But my biggest fantasy involving Gas Giants is perfectly illustrated by a Planetary Interaction item from EVE: http://img.itemdrop.net/eve/Rhea/Renders/2135.png Flavour text: "Maintaining control over a section of "territory" above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment."
  12. Megaddd


    This is exactly what this thread seems to be. In all seriousness Nyz has stated a few times that weapons will be "sane", i.e. you will not be able to one-pop someone's livelyhood without giving them time to even react.
  13. I'm hoping it becomes possible to recreate the space-born lifestyle illustrated in Orson ScottCard's formic invasion trilogy - surviving entirely on supplies from space depots where you go to sell your ores and minerals.
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