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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by joaocordeiro

  1. Would be better to just solve puzzles to load the ammunition (puzzle pirates :P)
  2. Because of 10 ppl complain in 10 different ways and present 10 different solutions only 1 or 2 will be right while the other 8 will be saying BS. And NQ has no way to filter in advanced the 8 BS. I have been here, for years, presenting my solutions for several problems i see. Every time i do it, someone replies saying that my solution will be bad of the game. How is NQ supposed to decide what feedback to get? Mine or the guy saying mine sucks? I have been saying for years now that what they need is professionals that actually understand what makes games sell and what keeps players playing. Instead of trying to make sense of this jungle of feedback.
  3. I bet they do read, and sometimes even understand and agree. But they have more information than us. They know how much budget they have. They know how much a change, simple in our eyes costs. Here is an example of how things could be happening behind closed doors: We suggest "directional voice chat" They read and ask some programmer to spend 4 hours investigating if its doable. The programmer comes to the conclusion that: A new server infrastructure is needed. A 3rd party license is needed, per user based. The engine would need a new core variable to be made available to the new api. The new sound api would have to be implemented. Then they think: We dont have the budgets for a new server or the licenses... Changing the code would increase the chance for bugs. If we do any mistake, and the sound quality is not near perfect, it will just spawn 2 new topics and 1 new youtube video every week saying we failed. They decide not to implement it now.
  4. Like, how do we measure the fun level experienced by a gunner? Task 1 press reload Task 2 press identify Task 3 press lock Task 4 press fire. Task 5 watch the battle happen as a total spectator that was not needed in anyway for this battle.... And you think someone will pay a subscription to spectate battle? Ppl already know the existence of youtube.... Just calculate how big will be the frustration of a lost battle for the gunner, having no input what so ever in the battle, seeing things unfold before his eyes powerless to do even a small effort to change the outcome. Now compare that with the joy he will experience having no part on the victory. Do you think this is sustainable? I dont....
  5. At the end if the day, the vision and the pilars should have had a contribution from someone that understands human behavior. But instead, it was solely created by programmers. Pre alpha testers were all hardcore mmo players, making their feedback very narrow minded.. By the time some of us started pointing out the obvious flaws, JC had a cult behind him, believing his vision.. 1 comment from our side was met with 5 from his vision. The recipe to make this game great was simple: Copy empyrion, make it a mmo. But they managed to allways choose the wrong option every time a choice presented it self... Look at turrets in empyrion. Those shoot automatically. That would be a very good aproach to the look and shoot mechanism this mmo is limited to.. But instead, the pilot cannot handle weapons... Requires 10s reloading Requires 5s lock Requires the player to look at the most artificial pvp screen ever made... The player does not have any usefull imput to give except manual clicking on stuff that should be automatic.... In empyrion the player gets near the enemy ship and turrets start shooting. BAM, BAM, BAM. Feels like a war. And players can even set priority targets(engines, weapons, etc) Its like they said: "players should not be having fun engaging in pvp"... Then they failed to copy the reason ppl still play empyrion: NPC content, story, quests.... Like if there was a rating about understanding human behavior, JC probably failed it....
  6. I chose to keep the nebula, because, given a choice in options i would select "keep" So both "keep" and "have a choice" were valid to me.
  7. So you strongly believe that everyone that read the options would choose that option if they slightly disagree with both options? If yes, how do you explain so many "comments" and only 3 votes on that option?
  8. This is a simple example for ppl to understand the relevance of this so-called polls that appear here PS I already voted, so even if you abstain, the "community" has already spoken:
  9. How about ppl having a switch on options? Cant that be a option just because you "forgot" to place it in your poll? Can i do a poll where the options are: 1 - End mankind 2 - Give me 1B quanta? And when 1 guy votes to give me 1B quanta i say "the players have spoken!! "
  10. Can you specify your rated IQ? So we can have a measurement of how high do ppl stop using arguments and start using insults? (ps: reported)
  11. Dont worry the reply was mainly intended for ppl that might think you were right in your reply.
  12. Mainly because NQ does not have a public counter for logged in users..... But even if they did, you would blame it in lack of PVP instead of a totally unfair and painfull game...
  13. After i wrote the last comment i had realized that you were refering to that. But DU cannot support the calculation of that server sided truth. Constructs are dynamic, full if details, with dynamic armor zones and dynamic elements. This requires a full cpu + physics engine GPU to calculate. The server has no idea what voxels or elements or physics are. For the server its just data that has to be streamed to all clients in range. Clients do all the calculations. It is fairly impossible to delegate this task to servers with the current technology. With lock and fire mechamism, it is possible to set a snapshot of data for both clients to calculate damage and ask the server for a random generated value. Then both clients can calculate the damage in the same way and report possible cheats. But servers wont ever calculate physics...... At most, if NQ ever develops the, so called, headless clients, maybe the "server truth" could be calculated in a headless client instance, running independent from the servers, getting feed by the same data as the player clients.
  14. But if the "client's opinion" is not taken into account, its still a lock and fire system but with an ui that tries to make you believe you have any input on it. I would like it, since I hate the lock and fire thing to the core. But I would imagine that every week we have a new YouTube video of some dude saying how NQ programmed a system to trick players into buying the game, and how he demanded the money back.
  15. The main problem is when a Chinese plays with a Brazilian its the latency grows above 500ms. With this latency, there is no synchronization between the 2 clients. The Brazilian is seeing a speculation, generated by his game of where the Chinese was a second ago and probably will move to. This generates 2 problems. Any movement the target makes to counter the enemy, may be javing the exact opposite effect on the other side of the world. Like, instead of dodging near miss on the left engine by going right, he may be instead centering his ship with the fire. But, most important, this enables a basic type of cheat. One that does not require any outside programs and is already used in many games. Pull the network cable -> target stops for a fraction of a second -> shot everything you got -> plug the network cable again to transmit damage calculations. From the victim perspective, he is dodging fine, the enemy stops shooting for a sec, then he blows up. Regular servers prevent this by implementing a maximum latency, kicking anyone above 200ms. So network unplug = kick. But DU is designed to support 1000ms latency, so they cant just kick ppl.
  16. Its a recurring topic. NQ has yet to understand, or admit that frequent change, enriched with achievement is what players seek in computer games. JC's vision about this in another great failure. He assumed a game can retain a healthy ecosystem of players if the universe works around cycles of slow and increasing exhaustion of resources followed by the discovery of another resource pocket. When in reality, this will alienate casual players. Reducing the ecosystem to a few hardcore players that dont "play the game" but instead "work the game". Surely the economy should have long term cycles. But the cycle cannot be a full, and slow, economy depression, followed by a boom, and another slow depression. Because players trying out the game won't wait 3 months for things to get better......
  17. I did not vote. My vote, in either the options would miss represent my support below 70% of each of the ideas.
  18. Why should they be like that? Realism? If "realism" then should we spend days before every flight, calculating all the differential equations needed so we dont colide with near invisible objects? Or should we treat this as a game and give some reference points so ppl dont spend their entire day crashing against pinch black asteroids on the shadow side of planets? Or why dont we put a switch, disabling that functionality in options and after 1 year, we make a statistic of how many players play with "as it should be" and how many dont?
  19. Quests. Most PPL here found this "wander" moments by chance or curiosity. NQ could make admin sponsored quests focused on PPL experiencing this moments: " Find the lost medallion Reward 100 000 quanta An Ark explorer lost the family medallion he brought from Earth, 10000 years ago in a cave complex underground. Go to the waypoint and look for a container with the medallion side. Bring the medallion to any market " -> explore underground caves " Repair Freighter ship Reward 200 000 quanta We received a freighter SOS call. The captain reports that his main engine is down and he has no means to repair it. Go to the freighter waypoint, match tier velocity. Approach the freighter via EVA and repair their main again " -> EVA at high speed (scary) " Urgent market resupply Reward 50 000 quanta A special package, needing a special container needs to be transported between market 5 and market 10, but the package needs to be delivered in less than 5 minutes. Get the package at market 5 Reach orbit Deliver the package in market 10 " -> See planet from a close orbit perspective.
  20. No problem with that. Just set it as a option and ppl like you can set in one way and ppl like me can set in another way.
  21. I feel like what level of achievement that NQ did is still a positive thing. And should be praised if we want to see more. @NQ keep it up. Dont feel discouraged. You did good. You took action againt a problem and that is great. Now, do even more actions to deal with this and other problems.
  22. To me, the moment i get a "sense of wander" is when i achieve a stable, circular, low orbit (8km alt) and i exit my seat, open the side door and look at the atmosphere of the planet below. It looks so close, i feel like i can reach it with my hand. I stay there for 1 or 2 minutes looking as the planet surface passes by below me, in wander. Then i see my destination raising from below the planet's curvature and its time to go back to my seat and initiate slow down maneuvers.
  23. What stealth?? You for real? Ever heard about radar? Ever heard about lock and fire mechanism? How does lock and fire mechanism care if you see or not the target? What kind of stealth exists in this game? What kind will ever exist? This nebula exists so ppl dont hit space stations and get killed..... I agree that there should be a switch in options to turn it off. But i do not agree in removing it. It serves a specific purpose and i will not deactivate it if i have the option. And cut the BS excuses like "stealth".....
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