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Better Economic Stabilization methods


Implement other economic stablization methodes  

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Those some of the solutions are Very Easy to Implement in to the Crurrent game.

Pls Upvote if you see this as A Prolem as well.


-------------------------Price Per unit to Produce with L4 skills------------------- ------>/Product Nitro Fuel/---------------------------------Market Price----------Gewinn -627kh per 6M investment in ores image.thumb.png.4a8415e16e4ff8115cf2a1b20583f007.png

At the moment most people just Mine Ores sell it to bots and Buy BP Because at the current state of the game thats the fastest way to get BP. The Problem with that is if they Buy BP's Money get destroyed, if they sell Ore Ore getsdestroyed. So in a Nutshell they do nothing to the Econnomy, even worse they dirft more and more away interacting with players. So The stuff they do is completly Meaning less.  So more and more People becomme less intrested in the game. new players have a very hard time starting and probebly Leave Early.




Economic Perspektiv

The in game currency is now worth way more then it was before Update that would not nessearly be a Problem there is allready a way that new Money gets generated in the game: daily reward. But as we all now this is not the only change that happend, at the same Ore Bots where Intreduced to Put more Money back in to economy, Essentialy Allowing players to do Useless work by selling stuff to Bots.

Yes those players will one day after Houres and houers of grinding have all the BP's and Ore Pricec will go Obove the Bot level Again.

2 Problems with that

1. You will have Huge Economic Monopoles because once Ore pricec Rise players will have a very hard Time getting Industrie them self. They need Months to get industrie runnung and to get the investment on Industrie back.

2. not evry one Likes Farming Ores and its very hard to do somting else (with no Kapital) New Players how start mining at Alioth they have no other choice then selling at 10-16 on Alioth so what do the Big players do they take this Ore take it to the Huge Hauler and Destroy it on sanctuary Profit 15-10h/l So those new Players do not even Help the Economy, they are just being exploited for Money.

And Yes i know some Elements are Below the 24h/l ore Buy Value so at the moment Elemets are sold like ore Pricec would be 20h/l or Below but that wont last long when they Realize instead of selling stuff at the market i could just as well direktly sell evrything to bots would bring more Money. Luckly most didnt seen to Realize that or they may just dont want to sell to bots.



All Solution Eliminated The Need for Ore bots / Avioding money skings / Compensate money sinks


Soluations for Eliminating that gigantic Money sink called BP's

Solution 1 BP gets Distrubuted daily rewards So all players get a Random BP which they can sell To the Economy instead of Bot deciding the price Players do now and Learn how to Interact with the Economy

Solution 2 BP Get Distrubuted by Mining if you dig you might find BP by Diging Underground.

Solution 3 Daily rewards get way bigger to Compensate to money loss from BP's

Solution 4 Have smaller Taxses on Markets.


Solutions to Destroying Material in a more Fun way / Creating better Resource sinks / Compensate Resource sinks

Solution 1 Elements just have 2 lives now

Solution 2 Elements Get used over Time

Solution 3 You Creat bots that Set Pricec (Minus 1-5) of the Highest Buy Order from the player

Solution 4 PvP gets More Relevant

Solution 5 Recepies get changed depending at the State of the Economy(Hard to Implement)










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What I suggest is:


  • Adding a liscense system that is a bid on how much you could reliably produce or sell each week with scaling prices on how much volume you intend to drop and requires a liscense for each market you want to drop additional volume in per week.
  • Giving players a set amount of volume for free trade purposes so that you can still sell to a point where you are considered a distributor or wholesaler. At which point you would be required to buy a liscense or permit.
  • Liscenses would last for 1 week. If you dont purchse enough then by the end of the week the prices are allowed to fluctuate and other people can use their daily limit of volume to fill holes when quantities dip.
  • Giving options to lock in better rates for liscense terms beyond 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, or 3 month terms to where you can reliably lock into a long term but limit your weekly limit to that term but make more money overall.
  • Talents to increase the daily limit or perhaps

The main issues I see lie in just letting mega orgs hyper saturate the market(s) with all their EZmode hoards and really all the broken mechanics combined up to this point that allowed them to amass such quantities and post in unlimited fashion and without a finite hard limit both per day and per week with how much total volume you can reliably make and sell vs the real supply and demand within the game to ever stabilize enough. Liscenses should make selling more strategic as a bid or bet on how much you can actually sell by how much total volume per week you can produce. Liscenses should be about storage but also the scaling costs of the volume you intend to clear in that week.


If you bet wrong you wasted money either way since if you bet too much volume and you dont use it then you waste or if you dont bet enough you waste since you cant make any other income beyond the daily free trade volume limit unless there are talents to increase the daily limit.


Either way there is just like 10-50x the supply then there is demand. And the people perhaps scanning moons in 12 hrs or planets in a weekend sening those tile locs to multi ship or full mining crews are aquiring the ore at a rate the market will ever recover from since the need will likely never meet the supply even after launch.


Hard limits would also slow down or negate the need for the bots since it would limit all the sheer excess so the market cant crash but also if prices skyrocket for a few days before people can fill the market again or suppliment each day all equally get to make a buck and its good business for everyone. Its not a bad idea either that all that excess would need toi be put in a warehouses or god forbid talk to people and exchange goods outside the market with this thing we used to call p2p trading. Perhaps people selling via ships and vending machines might actually be required


Or that those huge warehouses might now be good targets for the territory wars.


Any way you slice it limiting total volume and requiring liscenses covers pretty much all the bases and only really limits the big orgs so that there is room to make more money for everyone sounds like a good solution that does not shut out new players or cause all small orgs to run at a loss if everything is being flooded below the cost to make the item or PvPers dumping their spoils for cut rate prices because it is all profit and everyone else is just hoping to break even.

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On 1/3/2021 at 10:35 PM, Warlander said:

What I suggest is:


  • Adding a liscense system that is a bid on how much you could reliably produce or sell each week with scaling prices on how much volume you intend to drop and requires a liscense for each market you want to drop additional volume in per week.
  • Giving players a set amount of volume for free trade purposes so that you can still sell to a point where you are considered a distributor or wholesaler. At which point you would be required to buy a liscense or permit.
  • Liscenses would last for 1 week. If you dont purchse enough then by the end of the week the prices are allowed to fluctuate and other people can use their daily limit of volume to fill holes when quantities dip.
  • Giving options to lock in better rates for liscense terms beyond 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, or 3 month terms to where you can reliably lock into a long term but limit your weekly limit to that term but make more money overall.
  • Talents to increase the daily limit or perhaps

The main issues I see lie in just letting mega orgs hyper saturate the market(s) with all their EZmode hoards and really all the broken mechanics combined up to this point that allowed them to amass such quantities and post in unlimited fashion and without a finite hard limit both per day and per week with how much total volume you can reliably make and sell vs the real supply and demand within the game to ever stabilize enough. Liscenses should make selling more strategic as a bid or bet on how much you can actually sell by how much total volume per week you can produce. Liscenses should be about storage but also the scaling costs of the volume you intend to clear in that week.


If you bet wrong you wasted money either way since if you bet too much volume and you dont use it then you waste or if you dont bet enough you waste since you cant make any other income beyond the daily free trade volume limit unless there are talents to increase the daily limit.


Either way there is just like 10-50x the supply then there is demand. And the people perhaps scanning moons in 12 hrs or planets in a weekend sening those tile locs to multi ship or full mining crews are aquiring the ore at a rate the market will ever recover from since the need will likely never meet the supply even after launch.


Hard limits would also slow down or negate the need for the bots since it would limit all the sheer excess so the market cant crash but also if prices skyrocket for a few days before people can fill the market again or suppliment each day all equally get to make a buck and its good business for everyone. Its not a bad idea either that all that excess would need toi be put in a warehouses or god forbid talk to people and exchange goods outside the market with this thing we used to call p2p trading. Perhaps people selling via ships and vending machines might actually be required


Or that those huge warehouses might now be good targets for the territory wars.


Any way you slice it limiting total volume and requiring liscenses covers pretty much all the bases and only really limits the big orgs so that there is room to make more money for everyone sounds like a good solution that does not shut out new players or cause all small orgs to run at a loss if everything is being flooded below the cost to make the item or PvPers dumping their spoils for cut rate prices because it is all profit and everyone else is just hoping to break even.

I think the Problem For the low pricec is that the Currency is way to much worth RN BP just Destroy so much of it that if you Buy ore on Alioth the best Use is it to GO to a Bot on Sanct and sell it. That is the Problem in a Nutshell . If you Try to do Basic stuff Where T1 Ores make up more then 50% of the cost you are mostlikly better of  selling the T1 ore because of the Bots. At Least as long players not Realize that T2 and T3 is basacly wothless at the moment.  Im Littarly making Milions by just buying Ore and selling it on Sanct which is Really Bad


The Economy at the moments is just Bots Selling and Bots Buying that is where i think the problem is, not that Large Orgs outperform evryone else.






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The bots are the only thing creating the illusion of supply and demand. Without them lots of stuff would be 1h without bots taking it out of circulation and dropping it in when it starts to skyrocket. I only wish they had a standard market miner script everyone could take advantage of and make passive money if they ever take the universal basic credits program away.


You kill the bots before you solve the oversaturation on the supply side to actually meet the demand side by limiting access to the market in terms of volume of items you can post. It is not a bad thing to add a layer of logistics with requiring a warehouse to hold what you cant reliably sell or are liscensesd to sell. The players at some point need to sell at markets you can add to a static core to increase trade and allow for only so much to be posted.


Like I said in the previous post is that the issue is how to come up with a clever, realistic, and fair way to restrict the amount that can actually be put up into the market that also ties in supply and demand aspects with logistics and warehouses for the overstock while still letting a player sell every bit as much as they can sell over time. That would solve all the issues right there and add scarcity into the system to then actually allow fluctuations to affect the flow of people able to sell more or to find an equalirium with supply and demand if you can only sell as much as people can buy and people can only get how much is reliably being sold.


The point is that unless players get access to have cores that have market stalls or tools in them so you can sell from your territory or give people some kind of reason to travel for a good deal to take care of the rest of the problem which is you should have to make your own territory market to make the rest of the money you used to make with marketing required and good old fashion hustle to make deals drum up business and use that old lost art of trading, bartering, and cutting a deal. That should be a priority in of itself to give function to player bases by giving us the tools for marketing.


The suragate system needs to become a teleporter system to say anywhere available on the planet you are on. Its space and the districts have like 12km+ real teleporters so why not just add a teleporter so that people can actually come and chill or potentiall buy/sell things? Is there something wrong with not preventing people from interacting since basically the suragate system is pretty useless besides a few key things. Lets be real there is a serious lack of teleportation beyond like 128m. It makes everything 10x harder and more drawn out then it really needs to be to add hours and weeks of grind for no reason.


I think that is the best way to handle all this.

  • Prevent items from entering the market through a scale-able tracker of both how much you can buy and sell based on how much you were able to actually buy and sell. If you met your quota then you get a begger quota. You fail to meet your quota you lose a tiny amount of what you can buy/sell next week with a pass/fail quota system. There should be no upward limit to how much you can sell. Have a standard basenet daily volume and some talents to extend buy/sell base amounts.
  • If possible make this limit unique to every market so if you want market exposure and the ability to wholesale then you have to earn it in every one of them. Also if you stop selling it also effects all of them to give other people a chance to make money if they put in the work
  • Sell volume extension permits which allow you to extend your daily limit that scales as high as you are willing to pay to extend. Prolly the best option to funnel guild assets through some kind of distributor/wholesaler permits / liscenses.
  • Let the market find equilibrium as what can realistically sold will actually meet up with what is realistically being bought nothing more nothing less
  • Give everyone a standardize market mining script so everyone can buy sell passively to wait for the best opportunities to buy and sell arise since there will be legit fluctuations in supply and demand based on how much is actually being bought
  • Create the need to travel, teleport, and set up player run markets and the ability to buy market access and stalls to plug into so you can draw business to you to cut down on travel expenses and drum up new business with an untapped market in of itself if you dont have to fly 1 su to the district markets vs your neighbor. Player markets need to be just like markets just bound to how many containers they can fill items with that are connected to the market stalls to physically hold the items until they sell but the player recieves a portion of tax or some kind of portion of each sale just to keep the market up and upperational and expanding like any business.
  • Then with destructive elements to take some items out of the game
  • Create a type of fake wind system that uses the gyro that already exists. Then attaching it to a planetary wind script that also has ranges of wind speed, horizontal currents, vertical currents, etc. So as you are going the general direction will change similar to golf games bit with more axis's.
  • Erosion system tied to the wind system. Every so often it should have a random 100 roll done and if it rolls 100 then you lose a hp due to sand beating on it to keep it random and perhaps only if the wind speed hits a certain speed perhaps even using the same type of system as the atmo burn just with sand, dirt, etc chipping away at everything not being stored in a core.
  • If we ever get gas planets / gas giant planets with crazy atmospheres or acidic contitions there could be a erosion dot added as well for a small amount of hp every so often or by the hour.


All those things are better for driving the market then they have going on now.


I think that there needs to be a new playstyle and a modular focus and change to crafting and industry sometime after launch. Modular that all these useless parts should not be so useless.


For instance a wing is comprised of:

  • Slats or the front leading edge of the wing
  • Wingtips or the leading corner edge of the wing
  • Ailerons to allow roll
  • Flaps to provide lift without roll
  • Winglets on the outer edge of the wing tip for a better slip stream current that saves fuel
  • Spoilers in front of the aileron to create more drag, lift, and performance when yaw or roll.


Basically make the real components into parts that allow players to use the modular parts and create a wing that isnt a prefab with a size class (XS, S, M , L+) as much as it allows you to go much further. NQ seems to somewhat head down this road with Ailerons, wing tips, vertical wing (sabilizer), Stabilizers pretty much being horizontal stabilizers, and some other random stuff. It would be nice to actually get all the proper custom wing that gives what it is supposed to if you go double flaps double ailerons wing tip then winglet in width. It pretty much turns an L instantly into an XL with the proper stats. then add voxels to fill the empty space.


It would also be nice if there was size class engineer cores that acted like a barrier with micro cores on the outside creating a square space in which you could put the custom wing you made and then bake it into the blueprint without a core in the bp and then you make some kind of machine that turns a blueprint into an element schematic to produce your own custom engineered item that you can cut corners on aspects and push others with higher grade flaps for more lift and low grade ailerons to tailor the roll capabilities. Essentially you could create and endless purchasble custom parts.





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