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Resource comsumption


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How do you guys think the resource comsumption how do you think it will go in terms of speed for the game life will we see empty planets in the first year of will take lets say 6 maybe(Just throwing random Numbers btw).So basically what i really wanna say is will players that join later will have atleast some resources or will everything get consumed by bigger corporations?

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A question that's been on my mind also. I honestly hope, and rather expect, there to be multiple resources that can be used for the same "tier" or "level" or whatever of crafting. For example, we've already seen Copper in the game. I hope that something of equal value (Tin maybe?) can be used in crafting or construction for the same effect. Otherwise, the other way is to place a over-abundance of Copper and other lower level materials, which I dislike. 


Obviously over-simplified example example - Copper + Thing = Cockpit OR Tin + Thing = Same Cockpit. 


This then means we can have a variety of materials, as opposed to an over-abundance of a few materials. At least, that's my opinion!

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Good question! I would think that initially the starter planet might start to get strip mined since everyone will be there and wanting to get off that rock. Once people become space faring and start to spread out and claim their own territories though, it will probably be less of an issue. Honestly though, the home world may not even get that bad if traders start bringing back and selling materials from other sources (asteroids, moons, planets). So perhaps those first core system worlds will never be completely mined out. Also, since it seems we can indefintely spread and there is no real forseen limit as to how far out we can expand, that while I'm sure there will be rare and valuable resources, I dont think the community as a whole will ever not have access to the resources we need to further that expansion.


I also like the idea of multiple different resources being useable for crafting the same end product. Ultimately though, I have a sneaky suspicion we will all be sitting on mountains of iron at some point, lol.

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I hope that the community as a whole takes care of the spawn/arkship planet, as (Correct me if I'm wrong) I believe it's the only one we'll have. In which case, newer players that come late to the game may find it difficult to gather resources, as they'll have access to little or no funds, and little to no resources as they're all finite. 

Perhaps more arkship planets will be placed, but I know I'll be working together with folk to pool resources to make a ship to get us all off the planet. Leaves that little bit extra for the people following behind, or taking the game at a different pace. 


Does anyone actually know, or have any ideas, on how the arkship/spawn world will handle the amount of players stripping it to get off? I was always hoping for a large city on the arkship/spawn world, a kind of "First stop" with Org recruitment buildings, transport, markets etc. Accessible to all and in a memorable location, but if the planet is stripped within a couple of months/years, this would make it rather pointless simply because the newer folk won't have resources to trade, or currency to buy and may have to rely on charity to get them offworld.

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I disagree if only because scarcity is somewhat of a requirement for the economy to function fully.


If a group decides to try to claim a monopoly over a specific resource, naturally they will be a target for attack from people who want those resources too and don't want to pay for them.


It also helps to add value to "rare" resources. If another resource could just be used where a rare one was needed, why would anyone try to get the rare resources? 




I don't think that resources should be tiered, in that copper might only make lower tiered items whereas iron might make something stronger and so on. 


Instead, I think that elements should require a given set of resources to construct. That way harder to construct elements, like a Titan engine for example, would require a ton of various specific resources and also possibly some rare resources.


Something like:


  • 1000x Iron Ingots
  • 500x Copper Ingots
  • 500x Silver Ingots
  • 300x Iridium Ingots
  • 50x Plutonium Rods
  • etc.



Having elements with requirements spread out like that would somewhat guarantee a requirement for all types of resources on the markets. Miners could make money regardless of what they are mining, although some materials might be more lucrative than others. 




I actually think it's a good thing if the starting planet is sucked dry of rare resources. I don't think that players that come in a year or two into the game will stay on the starting planet for very long anyways. I think us first pioneers will fight for our survival on Alioth (the starter planet), and somewhat settle it and make it a safe place to live.


Once we get the ability to travel to the stars, or other planets even, I think that many of us will leave immediately, while some of us will stay on Alioth. 


Eventually the starting zone on Alioth will become pretty well established, perhaps even becoming a mega city reminiscent of something out of Blade Runner. 


I think that new players at that point in time (a year or two after launch) will come into the game and instead of being more concerned with survival on the planet, will go take jobs for organizations or crews and will leave Alioth fairly quickly. 



My daydreaming has me imagining people flying shuttles back and forth for new players from the starter zone city up to space, where inevitably a major space station will have been constructed. They could then take a job as a crewmember on a ship, or do any number of things. From there new players would have, in a matter of minutes, been introduced to all of the work people had done before them, gotten to ride in a shuttle up to space, and will have stepped foot on a space station probably full of players running around. It will certainly be an experience unlike any game has had before, and even cooler with VR support. 


Just my imagination running wild. 

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