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DU Holidays


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-------------------- Our Purpose: --------------------  

What we seek in the DU Holidays org is to construct in-game structures commemorating players, organizations, and in-game events as a physical documentation of historical events within the game universe.  



-------------------- Our Story: --------------------  


Some people prefer to memorialize history through digital means or through the venerable paper and ink. Us? We prefer to memorialize history through physical means. While paper crumbles, ink fades, and data corrupts, stone can last well beyond our lifetime.  

Scientists of the old world dated rocks at billions of years old and some of man's greatest monuments that withstood the ravages were made of nothing more than stone. Storied texts meanwhile tell us of the man who built his house on sand and the man who built his house on stone. Our old societies before we even left Sol were built upon bedrock to ensure long term stability.  


If we use all this material to ensure a strong foundation, why is it that we choose to save our history on something so frail? What was it that made storing our history in digital and paper media so prolific when compared to etching words on a slab of rock like the ancient times?  


It was precisely those times that changed, we switched from ancient worlds stone tablets, to the old worlds infinitely more versatile digital tablets where not only could we write and preserve details of texts, the tablets of the old world brought knowledge, pleasure, terror, and all manner of human emotion together in a device so similar yet so different to the tablets of the ancients...  


In today's new world, we will continue to record our history as a species, for it would be egregious for any civilized society not to. Since we are being given a fresh start, it is appropriate for our history to be recorded in any way possible. Although we are still in deep space, great things have happened among those of us that have been brought into our new worlds simulation to allow us to better prepare civilization for the trials to come.  


In the short time that we have been activated, the true tests haven't even begun and members of our kind are already making choices that could very easily affect our budding civilization. Pacts have been made, friendships have been tested, and leaders of our first great organizations that were supposed to stick out prominently in our minds have fractured and faded from view.  


Events like these will happen innumerable times, so much so, that it will be impossible, if not hardly worthwhile to record them all.  


Yes, some leaders will build organizations of follower's instrumental to the new world, some soldiers will rise to fight for the people and ideas that they believe in, and some explorers will be brave enough to face the unknown. We will write many great stories about these people, but there are some, where a story isn't good enough.  


Some leaders will rise up and inspire their followers to be something greater than themselves, some soldiers will walk into the jaws of defeat only to come out victorious, and some adventurers will make great discoveries that will change everything we know. These people deserve more than a story in the pages of a history text. These are the people whose names we pass from parent to progeny. These are the people who change history. These are the people who everybody can remember, regardless of who they are or where they come from. These, are the people of legends.  


What better way to commemorate these people and events in time, than to memorialize them in history, through a structure dedicated in their honor that will stand ages after they are long gone.  


What better way to learn our history, than to see artifacts of it laid out in front of you?  


What better way to learn our history, than to see it so vividly that it looks like you were there in the middle of it?  



-------------------- Our Purpose: --------------------  

What we seek in the DU Holidays org is to construct in-game structures commemorating players, organizations, and in-game events as a physical documentation of historical events within the game universe.  



-------------------- Our Hope: --------------------  

DU Holidays, like Dual Universe Historical Society, wants to preserve such moments and artifacts of history. While the latter takes a more secure and user-friendly digital approach, we take a riskier approach at the creation of physical landmarks within Dual Universe.  


In a perfect world, our finished products would be like a museum piece, look but don't touch. Unfortunately, we realize that like any museum, human malice and barbarism can invade and ruin our creations.  


While not everyone would agree with us, we would hope that the greater society would see our monuments to history as worthwhile and not a target for needless destruction and vandals and that such historical sites would be preserved in the new world as they were in the old world.



-------------------- Find Us: --------------------


If you are interested in the preservation of history or like the thought of building something that will last long after you're gone, you are invited to sign up on our org page.


Before sending in an application, new prospects are asked to read the first paragraph of the "Notes" section below, although it is recommended to read the entire section before submitting.



-------------------- Notes: --------------------  


Before signing up, I would ask that members of the DU Constructors Guild and Dual Universe Historical Society please note their membership in either or both orgs. It makes it easier to assign the "Partner" tag in our Discord should you choose to join. In addition, it is required that members have the same username (or at least nickname) on Discord as they do on the forums. This makes it so much easier to know who is who although that should be self-explanatory and a common courtesy. A small paragraph about our Discord can be found at the bottom of this post.


As a mostly neutral organization, we will accept everyone regardless of what organization you come from or what history in the game or on the forums you might lead. In rare cases, individuals will only be excluded in the circumstances where the DU Holidays organization does not wish to be associated with your name.  


Members of DU Holidays should not expect payment for their work unless they are a part of a major group project that has been contracted by an organization. Historical memorials and monuments that we create ourselves are considered a public service to the benefit of the community. Tips and personal donations, of course, will not be turned down.  


If organization leaders that believe they and their followers have some ability to contribute to our organization and wish to become partners with the DU Holidays organization, you may get in contact with me either by PMing me here on the forums (Please refrain from using the Community Portal to send these messages) or by getting in contact with me on Discord. Just ping me @DarkHorizon in the Unofficial Dual Universe Discord and I will reply back to you on Discord via a PM. 

Among our current partners are the DU Constructors Guild and the Dual Universe Historical Society. 

Organizations that wish to have a monument made by us can do so by getting in touch with me through the means above. We are more than happy to follow through with your request provided that:  

  • You provide us with all the materials needed  

  • You provide the builders with a security detail during the construction process, personal or privately contracted  

  • You reimburse us in quanta for the time spent on the project, particularly if it is large/complex, needs multiple group members or needs to be done in a reasonable amount of time  


Our Discord is closed for the most part to non-members. Visitors, prospects, and unconfirmed members are free to join our Discord, however, you'll only be greeted by the rules, a welcome channel, and a channel for non-members to communicate in. Non-members will remain separate from the general channel until their name is cross-referenced and are confirmed as a member of the organization. If you would like to enter the Discord channel, you can do so here.


While the "Our Story" section is very much a playful jab at the DUHS, make no mistake, they are very much an integral part of this organization. c: 


This post is subject to change at any time.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a question below.


Thank you.  o7

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