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Suggestion = A different way to approche the Wipe
GamingGothic posted a topic in General Discussions
I had a idea about a system what gives the Player a wipe but also not a wipe here is my idea idk if its good but maybe intresting = ( Pls dont get confused with the normal Repair scrap i just took the name Scarp since it sounded good ) So the idea is we remove Quanta so all quanta is gone and we implement a new decay system on items all items and we fully remove schematics, from there on we add 1 new currency it will be calld Scrap and scrap can be obtaind by deleting items or broken items or items what have decayd but only give you a small ammount of scrap. Lets go deep first decay system = The system would work like evry item got a spezific ammount of time until it stops working ( not including voxel or deco elements only funcionel like enegins . . . ) so for example a L Atmo engine got a craft time of - - - i say now 5 hours as example and the finished version got 10 times more hours then the craft time means you can use the item for 50 hours and when its Done aka time run out its inactive so you can eather use Scrap to renew the timer or craft a fully new one and replace the old one. Alright what does this mean Well we want a wipe but not a full wipe so all items in the game will start at the exact same timer and all qued items are the fresh once basicly like a Wipe Timer unless you recraft the items quick but you might have so MANY that it would take a while and even if you got 5000 engines they would turn to scrap and reparing items with scrap or recraft them is basicly a Sink hole for scrap. Cool but what about the market items from aphelia These could be buyd with scrap instad of quanta or be fully removed since we can craft any item again our self we just need resorces or any different way how the dev's like i just post my idea here Pvp would have a bigger meaning = Since you destroy ships you can pickup all items or destory them for scrap so you gain more out of it then just a broken Pice it would also be fully worth to delete the enemy ship since when you had a battle you need scrap for your own ship to repair also it works only if your out of combat. This is just a idea idk what to add i was just thinking about the wipe multiple times and why we dont get a super clear YES or NO and not just the options they have so i was rethinking how it could been done if you implement something in a way as a wipe mecanic but not fully so you keep buildings and things. The other idea i had was simple just make all items 1 Tier and implement a new Tier into the game so all low tier items are useless or can be used to craft better once but you need a huge ammount of them like 1 New tier engine would need like 2000 T1 normal engines ( but i scrapt that idea ) XD- 3 replies
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So we know that with the next patch that NQ is going to add in the mission system. However, after giving it some thought NQ, I feel, needs to understand the environment the game is currently in. With the onset of the .23 patch they've added in more sinks and almost no faucets. So in the end, the economy is in the crapper and no one is able to make much money unless you're a market guru and know how to capitalize. However, even then barely anyone will be interested in engaging in the game because they all feel they have to mine in order to do anything. Or Join a large org to get anywhere. When adding in the mission system, the way you can help the community is to add a balance to it by having Bots auto-gen missions for people to engage in. The current status of the community, barely anyone is in a realistic position to generate meaningful missions and honestly it's on NQ to create a solid foundation of plentiful missions that the community can at least start off at. Then eventually make their own when the community is thriving again. Adding in this new feature without a foundation for the community to start off at will only lead to the mission system being identified as another sync and barely a faucet for anyone else. These missions need to be plentiful in number so EVERYONE has a chance to at least grow individually or as an org. So as far as turning this ship around that's a SOLID way NQ can do it. PLEASE DON'T LET THIS POST FALL ON DEAF EARS!!!
The Federation Alpha is a political entity with an autocratic government form and an aggressive-expansive mindset. We exist with the aim to help our citizens and build up a civilization, so our citizens can live freely. We strive to unite others with us to help promote production and a favourable lifestyle. We offer protection, asylum and citizenship to everybody. We, the people of The Federation Alpha, want to unify the galaxy to make it a better place! Allow me to explain a bit more. The power of The Federation Alpha is divided into 11 ministries, one Prime Minister and the President. Every minister is leading a specific department which consists of coordinating and initiating projects no matter if proposed by a citizen or the president. Onto the more specific job descriptions of the government: The President: He's the head of the state, makes most of the decisions and is the head of the council of ministers. The Prime Minister: They are the right hand of the president, but take the president’s place in his absence, they are the second head of the council of ministers and responsible for the infrastructure. The Minister of Defence: They regulate the armed forces, oversee the military budget matters and procurement of equipment. The Minister of Finance: They're in charge of government finances, economic policy and financial regulation. The Minister of Commerce: They're responsible for regulating external/internal trade and promoting economic growth. The Minister of Immigration: They have the capability to grant citizenship, but also take care of immigration issues, and asylum for refugees. The Minister of Industry: They're in charge of the industry, which includes engineering, employment, and trading. The Minister of Resources: They look after the natural resources (The own resources are kept for emergency situations, instead we go mine somewhere else) The Minister of Development: They oversee innovation, science and economic development. The Minister of Internal Affairs: They're responsible for policing, emergency management and national security. The Minister of Foreign Affairs: They take care of the state’s foreign policy and manage external relations (ex.: Alliances, Peace treaty, truce, …) The Minister of Transport: They're in charge of the transportation within the country. Their responsibilities are road safety, civil aviation, public transport and maintenance of infrastructural projects. (road, bridges, tunnels, …) The Minister of Health: They're responsible for protecting and promoting public health, providing welfare and other social security services. The Admiral: They put the orders of the Minister of Defence into motion, coordinate and supervise the Space Force of the Army. The General: They put the orders of the Minister of Defence into motion, coordinate and supervise the Air and Ground Force of the Army. Governor: They execute the plans of a minister, at least one Governor is assigned to a minister. Their other duties are to oversee their sector and to do quality inspections. Alpha Police Department: It is empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property and limit civil disorder. They are allowed to use force if necessary. Captain: They command a ship and coordinate the battles in space. Colonel: They command the battles in the air and on the ground. Fighter Pilot: They're trained pilots, who will dominate the sky and space with their comrades, fighting the enemy. There are two categories of Fighter Pilots: Class A (atmosphere) and Class S (space). Trooper: They're disciplined and skilled soldiers, who will be on the front and fight the battles for the Federation Alpha. Those were the main jobs that will be provided by the Federation Alpha. (there are more) Military structure: The military is separated into three sections: The Ground Force, the Air Force and Space Force. The Alpha Ground Force (AGF) and the Alpha Air Force (AAF) is commanded by the General, who is the highest ranking of the Ground and Air Force. The Ground and Air Force consist of the General, Colonels, Majors, Troop Commanders/Air Commanders, Squad Leaders/Air Squadron Leaders and Troopers/Air Fighter Pilots. The Admiral is the highest ranking of the Alpha Space Force (ASF). The Alpha Space Force consists of the Admiral, Captains, Commanders, Lieutenants, Squadron Leaders/Ensigns and Fighter Pilots/Crewmen. In the chain of command, the General and Admiral are equals, those above them are the Minister of Defence, the Prime Minister and the President. The first members of the military will be Troopers and Fighter Pilots because they are the most important part, after recruiting enough man power, we will provide personal training for those who want to rank up. In order to provide a fun environment for every player (citizen of Federation Alpha) and have a frame of ideals to be considered when meeting decisions, we have created a few fundamental rules that compose the general code of conduct for every member. These are the basic laws that will be operating in the federation. LAWS: 1. Human dignity; the human dignity shall be respected. 2. Personal Freedoms; personal freedoms shall be respected. 3. Equality before the law; every individual will be treated the same way. 4. Freedom of faith, conscience and creed; every individual has the right to believe in something, this shall be respected. 5. Freedom of expression; every individual has the right to have his own opinion and to express it. 6. Freedom of assembly; every individual has the right to freely meet up with other people. 7. Freedom of association; any individual can create or join a group/corporation. 8. Privacy of correspondence, post and telecommunications; a conversation between different individuals of the Federation Alpha should not be disclosed without the consent of every participating party. 9. Freedom of movement; every individual has the right to move freely, where- and whenever he wants, if it doesn’t violate any other laws. 10. Occupational Freedom, prohibition of forced labour; each individual has the right to choose their profession and shall not be forced into labour. 11. Compulsory military or alternative service; in case of war or conflict, the military has the possibility to conscript an individual to fight. This individual has the right to refuse, but in that case, they will have to sign up for an alternative service. 12. Inviolability of the home; no individual has the right to enter a private building without the owner’s permission, but if a police officer presents a warrant from a Judge then he has the right to enter. 13. Property, inheritance, expropriation; no one has the right to take away your property, but if it violates any other laws then the state will take actions. 14. Citizenship, extradition; every individual has the right to obtain the Federation Alpha’s nationality. No one has the right to remove their citizenship except the state if it has a valid reason. 15. Right of asylum; if an individual is being chased/followed, they have the right to get asylum until the threat is over. 16. Right of petition; every individual has the right to organize a petition, if they collect enough votes the petition will be considered by the state. THE FINANCE SYSTEM OUR PLANS: The aim of the federation alpha is to build a nation that stays competitive throughout its existence, provides for its citizens and is always capable of growing and improving in order to provide a fun experience for every member. We start this off by focusing on the core of our nation, a capital city that we want to see become a meaningful spot and landmark in the Dual Universe history. Naturally, this will need a lot of hard work that we start of by gathering resources, what will likely fill our schedule for the first days and weeks. After this, the team would be split up into two separate groups one of them will be focusing on building spaceships to get off Alioth and the other one will need to continue mining resources. Once away from Alioth, we will search for a suitable location to begin with the building process of the capital. The first building of the capital will be the HQ, where everything will be managed from. Later on, we will start to build up different sectors like the market, storage and landing areas. For the future, there are naturally more projects, for example we planned to build apartments, roads, stores, a subway system and more. The military has also a role in this, it’s purpose is to protect the Federation Alpha, to fight the enemy, to conquer new land and even sometimes to explore. Morality: The Federation will be kind to everybody, but if we want/need something we will take it. As an example, if we conquer a territory where somebody lives, we will give its inhabitants a choice: they can leave without getting harmed or they can choose to become a citizen of The Federation Alpha and enjoy all advantages that the federation offers, which should be preferable for them. Jobs that the state will provide, will be well paid and the workers get a free living area in exchange for their work. Our priority is the well-being of our citizen, that everyone is treated the same good way. Farewell: Every opinion is welcome. Our current status is 100 members, I hope you consider joining us or just even talk with us. If you want to know more about this project, just join our discord. Our website: My team and I would love to answer your questions. Kind regards Ginger
Hi ! (I'm not a native english speaker, so I will do my best) I'm eager to join the alpha, and I just checked the requirements (article). Unfortunaly, my GPU is a bit short...I have a "Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 / 2G", and the minimal is 960. I would like to know if I will still be able to play the game before buying a pack... The two GPU seems pretty much the same, but I'm paranoid by nature ! The rest is OK : I5-6400 with AVX 16 GB RAM 2 GB VRAM Windows 10 Thanks in advice !
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- requirements
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How will the players travel to another star system? I've heard of star gates, but would ships also have warp drives to travel to other star systems in space?
Hello everyone, I would like to present the community with the opportunity to join us as we start our Alpha testing for Scabra Metallum. Scabra is setting out to be a secure financial institution where anyone can bank their money, take out a loan or mortgage, and even participate in a stock exchange type market where resources can be traded for stock in a company or player. The system will be a bot program on discord, but reflect in game transfers of resources and money. Any questions on this system are welcome and will be answered to the best of our knowledge. The link for the discord server is: I hope to see some of you there.
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- scabra metallum
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So will you guys be adding anything in terms of CCTV cameras, so if someone wanted to add a security station in their facility, they could place cameras to watch over their facility from one room? Also, do you guys have an estimate on the system requirements yet? Great work on the game so far I can't wait to play!
I'm here wondering what weapon systems for ships will be available in game? I have a few idea's and I'll discuss their uses but I do not know if these kinds of weapons will be in the final game these ideas are my own theories. Plasma Weaponry - Now if your an Avid Sci-Fi reader like my self you'll know Plasma is a popular idea, Although in space i wouldn't say it is, Plasma is let's say essentially super heated Gas and Space is a Vacuum, no air and very very cold so over distance the Plasma is going to lose heat and disperse which will at best make it only a decent short range weapon, and in space you want long range weapons so Plasma weaponry on a ship i think would be best for just Point Defense, in fact it'd be great as an Infantry weapon as well. Missiles - A classic piece of weaponry which could have many different types and uses, you could have your usual explosive ones to destroy targets or you could have ECM ones to confuse the enemy scanners and make them think you have more missiles than you launched, In fact you could have a load of very small missiles used for point defense purposes taking down large enemy missiles. Lasers - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, this is what Laser stands for so it is essentially concentrated light to form a very hot beam (How many of us have gotten a Magnifying glass on a sunny day and murdered thousands of bugs?) And it has an effect on Earth but what would it be like in space with no Atmosphere to block most of the Radiation and refract the sun light? Why you'd get a 100% certified death beam and since Light travels very fast you have a great Point defense system and if the enemy don't have some strong ceramic armor then Lasers would be devastating in ship to ship combat. Rail guns - A classic weapon, compared to the others listed so far its simple and easy and if enemy ships do have ceramic armor to prevent lasers then Missiles and Rail guns are the way to go, the great thing is once the rail gun round reaches top speed it's not going to stop until it hits some thing, so i guess Rail gun's are simple but what about their Rounds? Why you could stuff explosives in the middle of one so once it pierces enemy armor it explodes inside doing untold damage! (Essentially a Smart round.) Mass Driver - A cousin of the Rail gun, this could be used to launch very large objects at an enemy ship. Now i did this post on a whim and there may be more weapons that i did not mention (Torpedo's, but no idea how these would work in space?) if you can think of some just leave a post!
RED HAT SYSTEMS This topic, sponsored by Red Hat Systems, aims to inform players about the LUA scripting side of the game and clarify the facts. KNOWN ELEMENTS Propulsion Engines, Fuel Tanks, Cockpit, Navigation Instruments, Doors, Weapons, Batteries, Containers, Accelerometers, Radars, Targeters, Drone Bay, Elevator, Inclinometer (Gyroscope), and last but not least… CONTROLS UNITS / DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING UNITS Control Units – A control unit is the computer hardware, whereas the DPU (Distributed Processing Unit) is the computer's software. In fact, every element in the game will have a built-in DPU. The difference between control units and other elements is that the control units exist specifically to run player-customized DPU's, whilst the DPU's embedded in other elements are not customizable. DPU's will be distributed (sold, copied, transferred, etc) in black boxes. Think of the black box as a USB Memory Stick. Only a single black box can be inserted into a control unit at any one time, however a construct (ship, car, boat, factory, etc) can have many control units and therefore many black boxes. The black box is therefore simply a transport mechanism for the DPU. More on black boxes later. Each DPU will be capable of emitting events (standard pre-defined events written by the devs and also player-defined events written in LUA) and exposing executable functions (again, predefined + custom). The DPU will also have a collection of event handlers (again, predefined + custom: you get the idea). An event handler simply listens out for events, and then executes a function if a player-defined expression evaluates as true. Each DPU has multiple slots where other elements can be plugged into (Think of USB Ports). KNOWN EVENTS (EXAMPLES) self.radar1.enemyAt(x,y,z) KNOWN FUNCTIONS (EXAMPLES) self.inclinometer2.getRoll() self.Inclinometer4.getPitch() self.engine1.setPower(100) In the example events and functions above, “self” is simply a Lua keyword that implies the code is referring to its own scope. “radar1”, “weapon7”, etc are the names of the slot that is emitting the event or is being targeted to execute a function. “getRoll()” is an example of a function being invoked (safe to assume it will return a numeric value with roll angle). SYSTEM DPU The system DPU is rather special. It handles user input (emit event when a key is pressed) and also controls the flow of procedural code (as opposed to event driven) via the use of timers. I.E you could call system.setTimer(0.1) and provide a function that will be invoked every 100 milliseconds. Another awesome feature of the system API – Customizable GUI! That's right, via calls to system you can customize the games GUI. BLACK BOX/COMPONENT DPU A Component DPU is an element that you, as a programmer, will be selling to other players. It will abstract the functionality of your custom DPU into what can be seen as a compiled library. The end user will be able to consume your functions and events without seeing the underlying code. If the end-user is another programmer then they can use your Component DPU as a module to write their own Component DPU which requires your Component DPU in order to work. If the end-user is not a developer they can either drag and drop the required functionality via a simple UI, or they can make use of an auto-configure system (Think Plug and Play). SUMMARY What the devs have done here is give us access to the very tools they themselves use to build the game. When you use a Propulsion Engine, its functionality was written by the devs in the same way a player might customize a DPU. The Propulsion Engine has its own pre-defined fully functional DPU inside it. By introducing the concept of Control Units we as players can fully mod the game, from within the game. If we don't like the way the Propulsion Engine handles, that's fine, we can just overide the behaviour with our own code. The same for almost every element in the game. The devs has basicly created an in-game IoT (Internet-of-Things). This system literally redefines Emergent Gameplay, in fact it laughs in the face of Emergent Gameplay. Nothing else comes close. Intrigued? Love to code, or hungry to learn? Join the most advanced organization in Dual Universe. Red Hat Systems needs you!
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- Control Unit
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The devs said that we will be able to program things in Lua(Programming Language). It could mean there will be simulated computer OSs, Networks and other things. I like the idea of being able to hack an enemy ship or machine.
I'm here wondering what weapon systems for ships will be available in game? I have a few idea's and I'll discuss their uses but I do not know if these kinds of weapons will be in the final game these ideas are my own theories. Plasma Weaponry - Now if your an Avid Sci-Fi reader like my self you'll know Plasma is a popular idea, Although in space i wouldn't say it is, Plasma is let's say essentially super heated Gas and Space is a Vacuum, no air and very very cold so over distance the Plasma is going to lose heat and disperse which will at best make it only a decent short range weapon, and in space you want long range weapons so Plasma weaponry on a ship i think would be best for just Point Defense, in fact it'd be great as an Infantry weapon as well. Missiles - A classic piece of weaponry which could have many different types and uses, you could have your usual explosive ones to destroy targets or you could have ECM ones to confuse the enemy scanners and make them think you have more missiles than you launched, In fact you could have a load of very small missiles used for point defense purposes taking down large enemy missiles. Lasers - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, this is what Laser stands for so it is essentially concentrated light to form a very hot beam (How many of us have gotten a Magnifying glass on a sunny day and murdered thousands of bugs?) And it has an effect on Earth but what would it be like in space with no Atmosphere to block most of the Radiation and refract the sun light? Why you'd get a 100% certified death beam and since Light travels very fast you have a great Point defense system and if the enemy don't have some strong ceramic armor then Lasers would be devastating in ship to ship combat. Rail guns - A classic weapon, compared to the others listed so far its simple and easy and if enemy ships do have ceramic armor to prevent lasers then Missiles and Rail guns are the way to go, the great thing is once the rail gun round reaches top speed it's not going to stop until it hits some thing, so i guess Rail gun's are simple but what about their Rounds? Why you could stuff explosives in the middle of one so once it pierces enemy armor it explodes inside doing untold damage! (Essentially a Smart round.) Mass Driver - A cousin of the Rail gun, this could be used to launch very large objects at an enemy ship. Now i did this post on a whim and there may be more weapons that i did not mention (Torpedo's, but no idea how these would work in space?) if you can think of some just leave a post!