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From mining and transport to battle and information, robots are huge parts of sci-fi and futuristic television shows and movies, so why not bring them into Dual Universe? Being a solo player can seem nearly impossible if faced against larger pirate groups, or even managing larger ships, but if you had a hard working team of steel companions with you, it would be an even match! Host an industrial company and don't want to fork out thousands of your hard earned credits to pay for defense? Worry not! For you may manufacture hundreds of honest and loyal machines to keep your business in running order! C'mon, who hasn't wanted their own private army of battle droids? Robotics can be a fantastic and unique addition to the universe that Novaquark is creating. Just like other technological skill trees, robotics can have it's own, unlocking you different components to make robots that are elite in fighting, mining, transporting goods, repairing, or other utilities. There are many possibilities for this addition, if you care to, feel free to add on any ideas to this post ????
Hello! I'd like to discuss what you envisage our industrial areas would look like. That question does imply there will be industrial areas, which is only natural when the primary occupation and game element at the start is gathering resources and build things. An industrial area simply is a natural phenomena when big projects are set up. The bigger the project, the more logistics, more storage, more mineral processing. All in all, Novaquark can -say- large scale industrialisation isn't going to be part of the game... but ya'll know better. When the chance is there for mass production, the chance will be taken. So without any further a do, lets discuss. With the current game mechanics and game mechanics planned ahead, how do you envisage an industrial area will look like?
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KHATT MINING CO. Important : Anything below this text is subject to change at any time for any reason. (Shortened from last time due to merging with CSYN, see Cinderfall Syndicate for rules/gov't, etc...) ABOUT KHATT MINING CO. Khatt Mining Co. is the official mining company/division of The Cinderfall Syndicate (CSYN). We work directly with CSYN providing for all of their resource needs. Khatt Mining Co. follows all rules set by CSYN, no exceptions. We are not, however, tied down solely to CSYN, we allow, and encourage, mining contracts and trading with other organisations and companies. The details will be worked out differently with each individual contract, as we must keep up with the demand from CSYN as well. KHATT'S GOAL This company has been through plenty of changes since it was first started near the end of 2016. The name has changed two times, and the description many more since it's creation, but my central goal is still the same after all of these changes, and will remain the same. My personal goal for Khatt Mining Co. is to become the top raw resource supplier in Dual Universe, and thus is shown in every change and reiteration of this company. We do not want Dual Universe to be controlled by rich and powerful monopolies charging a small fortune for simple raw resources, so we make a point to treat everyone equally, and fairly no matter what. THE OFFICIAL CSYN MINING DIVISION As of 3/17/17 we have merged with The Cinderfall Syndicate as their official mining division. This is the place to go if you wish to become a miner/prospector for CSYN. We are responsible for keeping up with the ever-changing demands of CSYN 24/7, and in return CSYN sustains us financially. Because of this we follow all CSYN rules, with no exceptions. The head of the official mining division is KittyKhatt, the original creator of Khatt Mining Co. We have been allowed to portion our budget however it is needed, from the salary and pay of the members, to the transportation and mining OUR FOREIGN POLICY We may have merged with CSYN, but by no means are we tied down to them in mining contracts and trade. We not only allow the creation of mining contracts with other Organisations and companies, we encourage it. It is encouraged because now we have access to CSYN's financial resources and manpower, so we can work faster and get more ore in a shorter time period. We are required to focus resources into tending to CSYN's raw resource demands first and foremost, and because of this we may have to occasionally slow down, or temporarily pause completely, the trade and focus on other Orgs while we match CSYN's resource demands again. HIRING EMPLOYEES/MEMBERS Here at Khatt Mining Co. We are always hiring, the more the better. The more employees, the faster we mine, the more everyone is paid and the closer we get to our goal. (See above ; Khatt's Goal) As long as you meet the simple requirements stated below, send us an application, or message me. I am usually available in the Cinderfall Syndicate's discord channel. ( ) REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE - We are directly working with CSYN. You must comply with all CSYN rules and is expected to report to CSYN when needed, if needed. - You must not dehumanize or humiliate any other employee or CSYN member, no matter what happens. You will be terminated. - You must get used to treating everyone else equally and with respect, or you can expect to be treated poorly aswell, or terminated. - You must be prepared to work. If we find your work unsatisfactory we will warn you and swiftly terminate you if the problem is not fixed. (We understand if you have a busy or full schedule, just contact a manager, or Khatt and inform us. we can work around it.) REASONS FOR WORKING FOR KHATT MINING CO. Not sure if you want to work for us? Want to know what you get in return? Well i can calm your anxieties and answer your questions. This company believes in generous payment. Yes, we know your job is hard. mining is time consuming and outright difficult sometimes, and for working here we will try our damnedest to provide you with the best pay and benefits possible, no matter economical conditions. Also, because of our merge with CSYN, you gain all the perks and benefits of a CSYN member along with the company's. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS CAN BE ASKED VIA THE CINDERFALL SYNDICATE DISCORD, CONTACT KITTYKHATT FOR QUESTIONS. YOU CAN ALSO PM ME ON THE DUAL UNIVERSE SITE The CInderfall Syndicate Discord ; We hope you decide to choose to send us your application, and if you do we hope you enjoy your stay with Khatt Mining Co. and CSYN. - KITTYKHATT, DIRECTOR OF KHATT MINING CO.
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WELCOME !!! To our official opening ! LNX - Industries Funded by a veteran star ship engineer, has the objective of provide the best star ships for the most important company ever !!! YOURS ! Our differential is to provide versatile and ideal ships to suit any of our customers needs, join safety and functionality at side of great design and powerful systems. We will also have in the future an engineer academy to train and prepare great professionals to allocate as crew member multidisciplinary crews. Ah? what do i have behind the curtains ? Its just a surprise but i will let it for after our opening cocktail, speaking of that, drinks and foot as courtesy is already back table. ! See yah soon - Lynkx
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- Space Ship
- industry
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Intergalactic Union of Industries - IUI is an umbrella organization for industrial companies, industies and professionals through out the Dual Universe. The union provides advice, competence and knowledge to its members and acts as a platform for trade, exchanges, business agreements and collaborations as well as a base for recruitment of human resources. Join now! IUI helps you and your company to reach your goals and ambitions. We want you and your organization in! Best regards, /IUI
Phoenix Initiative was established with the intent of exploration. However, exploration by itself is not possible without supporting infrastructure. The Branches of Phoenix Initiative provide for the fulfillment of our exploration goals. Phoenix Initiative was founded by Allen Tainia after the historic landing of Novark on Alioth. His strong will and determination have brought us together to enable the human condition to learn about the universe. It is solely this desire that initiated the objective of exploration. Join us, satisfy your curiosity and fulfill your destiny. PI is split into branches, then departments, then, if need be, sections. Each branch will manage its own assets and can issue requests to other branches for its assets if it requires assistance. The directors all share the same duties as the highest ranking officials in each branch, however, they outrank them and act as the leader of each branch. For branches with two directors, the first position is called Alpha and outranks the second, Beta. Each member of the Core Assembly is one of these ten directors. The Core Assembly will make all decisions concerning large-scale PI operations with Allen Tainia as the Chairman of the Core Assembly. The rank of Journeyman will apply to all brand new recruits across each branch. They should not take long to advance to their particular branch's lowest rank. Journeymen will be judged more quickly and probably more harshly due to their untrustworthiness (forgive the negative connotation here). More trusted members will be allowed more leniency, since they have proven themselves. *We are currently taking applications for all vacant Director and top-rank positions (Admiral, Master Coordinator, etc...). When Alpha arrives, I will approve the best applicants and make a formal announcement to that effect. Applications submitted sooner have higher priority, so don't hesitate to apply. This waiting period gives a fair chance to everyone who applies. Application is not necessary to join PI, but it is required for Director and top-rank positions. When the time comes, I will be announcing received applications/accepted positions on PI Discord. (see below for link) Don't forget to check out PI on the community site! Director/Top Rank Application Position: Age: Timezone: Estimate how much time you could allocate for us: Why should I pick you for this position?: To submit the application, PM me with a filled out application on the forums or on Discord. No application necessary to join PI, only for leader positions. Although there is a clear hierarchical order here, I intend for the gameplay rift between highest and lowest ranks to be minimal. All ranks ought to share somewhat the same style of gameplay. The only intentional difference is that the higher ranks get to call the shots. The agents of PI are expected to behave in accordance with a very simple code of conduct. PI is an organization based on exploration, science, invention, and diplomacy. We are not pirates and we are not griefers. We do not blatantly steal and destroy. Harassing other players in any way is unacceptable. Definition of harassment is entirely up to me and the judicial department. Violation of this code will result in punishment or possibly expulsion from PI. We will consider all actions and statements from you, even on "your" time. That includes in-game when you are not working on PI activities, or on the forums or other DU related community. Any character will be allowed to be members of other organizations only as long as there is no conflict: Not a pirate or other disreputable organization. We are not pirates and we do not associate with them.* You do not overextend yourself. Working two jobs takes a lot of effort. Will be allowed if you can handle yourself. No conflict with the other organization. If you're not sure, ask them. *Note that I said this was a character limitation. I am fine with you having another character which is a pirate. In fact, I may do that. This applies to characters only. I don't want people to get their hopes up for something that just isn't going to happen. A first day spawn just isn't going to become captain of a ship. Nor will a weekend-only player become a Director (a role which is supposed to be extremely active). I realize that sometimes things change or people encounter problems in their real lives, so those who lose time to play won't be punished or demoted as long as they tell the rest of us what's going on. This isn't meant to discriminate good or bad players, it is meant to manage expectations and avoid unpleasant surprises. There's nothing inherently wrong or bad with spending your time elsewhere. Regular playing and socializing lets me and other officers in PI examine your trustworthiness and willingness and ability to contribute, which allows us to place more trust in you. Very likely that only those who tend to play with us, get on VOIP with us, engage with us (and a lot of it) will get higher ranking positions or more benefits. This may seem to be unfair to those with extremely limited time and/or money, but that's the way it is. Trust is earned, not given. Everything above is subject to change, as more is learned about DU and as gameplay may necessitate change. Read the full story here. Although this is not an RP group, I don't discourage it. But because I also don't enforce RP, don't be surprised if no one plays along with you. RPing by yourself probably isn't fun at all, but hey, I warned you. (Catch me in the right mood though and I may play along, especially if it's about my character's backstory.) Ideally, all. But until a significant following is established, most likely that we will be in US timezones since I live in the US. I hope that I can get a group of nice individuals who would act as leaders in non US timezones. Discord Channel: Website TBD Would love help with a website, although, after using Discord for a while, we might just rely on that, the community page, and possibly the forums. I would also like to make a new phoenix graphic. It's so terrible. Please send help.
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We just got an official heads-up that built ships cannot be taken back apart, and that purchased ships cannot be modified (but can be repaired). Before people simply assume that the prospect of Salvaging ships is dead, lets consider for a moment the following proposed mechanic. Destroyed Constructs drop some of the materials and items used to build them, plus "scrap" which must be re-refined. For one, this gives players something to do with that cheap jump-ship they used to reach the next planet after it has become totally obsolete. You won't be able to pull apart the jump ship, and unless you built it, you won't be able to upgrade it. Being able to destroy it for some portion of what it took to build (maybe 1/4th of its materials? perhaps a skill could increase your efficiency here) would prevent players from abandoning old ships or cluttering the market with them. Pirates will love this, since killed players drop some of their items, why wouldn't a destroyed ship drop some of its cargo? Why wouldn't a destroyed ship be worth SOMETHING?
In the footage that has been released so far we have a pretty good picture of how mining will go on a small scale, however, we have yet to see what is in store for the large scale mining tools. There are several ways this could go, from drills ala Space engineers, to scaled up versions of whatever we have on our arms, to mining lasers that can harvest a roid from kilometers away. This also means that the method of harvesting will have a direct impact on how we design mining ships and also how we use them. Drills, for example, will limit the size of any practical mining vessel. Of course there will always be some mad genius building a huge and impressive, but heinously expensive rig that makes holes clean through the planet, but those will be rare. If we have a large version of whatever the thing on our arms is then we can expect larger vessels that have multiple mining stations, and are crewed by a group of players. I like this version the best, because I could see some truly astonishing mining barges being built for planetary mining. The other option, mining lasers, would be less effective because of the voxel system, but still a good option. They would probably end up being more like the weapons, that lock onto an asteroid and mine it away like that. They would also be a bit more cumbersome on planets and require less player involvement overall. I, for one, am casting my vote (do I get a vote?) for the nanoformer based mining rig that is a turret-like device that mounts on the ships hull and is controlled by a player to carve away layers of material. It would have to be piped up to a very large storage system. I don't think it should be a thing that can be coded to be run by a script. Of course there could be a fixed type that mounts on the front of a ship and just sucks in whatever is in front of it for your little mining drones, but the player controlled turret things should be more effective.
I hope large scale industry will be able to harm the ecosystem of a planet. This mechanic would be able to hold back players from building huge industrial complexes. But i know a lot of players completely ignores the look of the landscape so there should be negative effects on Industrial wastelands like toxic air, undrinkable water, no food source ect. This would lead to a Galactic Greenpeace faction on the other hand. What do you think about this topic?
This is kind of a big idea... but it's something I've wanted to see inside of a game for a long long time. Just this idea being implemented would bring me and many players like me to Dual Universe and keep me playing forever. It's important to note that when I say crafting system, I mean the system used to manufacture things such as armor, weapons, clothing, furniture, house decor, maybe even computers and technology. This would also include ship-based technologies such as engines, turrets, weapons, hallways, possibly even rockets and missiles and different types of ammo. Players love customization. Personally, I love to be able to create a completely unique look that is totally my own. The crafting system in other games is pretty boring. You level up your crafting skill until you get to a point where you can craft the next level of gear etc etc. All of the gear is pre-defined models that were loaded in to the game by the devs. It's completely repetitive and extremely boring. What I would like to see instead is this: 1) Do away with crafting levels. That shit sucks. Make it so that any player can create anything they want to at any time. 2) Do away with pre-defined models. I'm tired of seeing every single person using the exact same armor as every other person. That's not immersive. That's boring. Instead, implement modular models with several different options to create a unique look with a maximum level of customization. 3) Put the customization in the hands of the players. Make the models that players create into something that anyone can use. The Crafting Process Phase 1: The process would start with a blueprint. This is where the players design the object in question. It could be pulled up in a separate window with several options for the player to select whatever it is that they would like to create. Step 1: Select the category of item. Some items may have sub-categories. For example, weapons may have sub-categories of rifles, snipers, heavy weapons, or sidearms. Clothes might have sub categories of Shirt, Pants, Shoes, Jacket, Hat, underclothes, etc. A very basic model of the item would appear. With it would come sliders to adjust proportions, material types, colors, etc. A modular design would allow for added attachments. Step 2: Select and customize attachments On a weapon, this could include different barrels, various clip sizes, length of stock and grip, caliber, different action chambers to allow for semi-auto or automatic modes, etc. Each of these attachments could affect how the weapon performs. Armor attachments could create a specific unique look. Larger sets of armor could be designed with more protection in mind but detract from maneuverability. Smaller lighter armor sets would offer the opposite. The more attachments that are added, the heavier the armor may become. They could come with optics, helmets, various measures of technology, oxygen systems for non-atmospheric operations, magnetic boots for low gravity situations, pneumatic strength assistance, etc. Clothing attachments might include sleeves, buttons, zippers, designs (such as stripes, circles whatever), etc. Step 3: Publish Blueprint. A published blueprint will be ready to build. It will have a bill of materials required to build the object that the player has designed. Different attachments might add different materials required and bring up the cost of the item. A higher cost would effectively promote lower levels of sophistication in mass-production. Phase 2: Now that you have your published blueprint, you must take it to a manufacturing facility. Large organizations could use the blueprint, and install it into a factory to have the item mass-manufactured. They would gather the resources required to manufacture the item and then produce them. Individual players and independent designers could pay organizations which own factories to build their designs and blueprints. Alternatively, large organizations can pay designers to create a nice blueprint for them. Designers could become famous and well sought-after to design things for large companies. Phase 3: Sell your items on the market. Watch them spread into the world. Watch them be stolen or destroyed and end up in the hands of people they were never intended to reach. Watch your designs become the most desirable items in all corners of the galaxy. Watch as entire organizations commission designs for armor, weapons, uniforms, drills, engines, turrets, computers, furniture, and so much more so that their people could be well equipped and fashionable. This is the kind of game that I would play.