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  1. Good morning, afternoon and evening. I would like to express my personal opinion on the current ship designs that include the engines, wings, and other necessary components provided to us in the game in order to be able to fly them. I have been a member since Alpha and due to the game being in Alpha left it soon thereafter. I am currently back for Beta and this time I am planning on staying. Unfortunately, I am having issues with the said above parts and the way they work with the ship and each other. One of the main concerns is the engine. A Basic Atmospheric Engine has 2,160,000 N of thrust, yet an average ship with some cargo requires a minimum of 8 to 10 of them. So since JC keeps talking about making the game somewhat realistic I decided to do some research. Currently one of the largest and heaviest cargo planes in the world is Antonov An-225 “Mriya”. The plane is powered by 6 Ivchenko Progress Lotarev D-18T engines which are made up of three shaft turbofan engines. Each engine can produce a maximum thrust of 229.5kN. That is 229,500 N x 6 which is equal to 1,377,000 N. The plane is capable of taking off with 640,000 kg which is 640 Tons. So far everything looks promising because we already know that our in-game engines are far better than the Ivchenko ones. If we do the same conversion but with the in-game engines we get: 2,160,000 x 6 = 12,960,000 N. Then divide the total by the total of the Ivchenko engines and we get 9.4. Multiply that by tons lifted by Antonov An-225 “Mriya” and we get 6,023.52 Tons or 6 kt that we should have as a max weight. My current in-game small core hauler with 2 Large containers can barely lift 256 kl of Hemitite. Please withhold your comments that the current planes do not fly in space because this is not what I am arguing here. Based on the information above the amount of wings, boosters, brakes, and adjusters you would need is ridiculous. That is all I am going to say. I am not sure what the solution to this would be but it needs to be discussed.
  2. If you haven't already seen the video you can do so here: https://youtu.be/CSku2X-NFeA We'd like to congratulate Flip360 on his winning build. Join Flip360 and I in this interview to learn more about what went into building the winning station and take a tour. Here you can discuss the winning build, or leave your congratulations below!
  3. So, I've been wondering what type of look or style do player organizations plan to use to represent their empires, or player groups. From ships, to stations, to buildings and structures. A unified look of a organization and/or Empire could be important to stand out in the crowd. I think it would be cool if player's established a unique design style for themselves, that becomes iconic in the game. for example, The Forerunners from Halo had a ethereal style with a juxtaposition of polygonal shapes and strange glowing features. The Empire from the original Starwars, had simple but pronounced geometric shapes like Triangles, Sphere's, and hexagons. With basic neutral colors like Black, White, and gray's. The Ancient Roman's structures where driven by Dome's, usually supported by Pillars, and Arch's, and incorporated many religious motif's. What kind of design style will you're empire, or player group be known for? How will you stand out in that regard? Or if you're a builder/designer, what type of designs do you plan to make?
  4. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/aegis-foundation#tab-members Come join the Aegis Foundation, were looking for all types of players
  5. The Foundations of civilization is citi building, we need to think on how to make a city with the political and social structure to work...a city state. Before building we need to make this happen. Maybe take the chat to a Slack to streamline it.....but either way...cities will be build...the first one is the Genesis.
  6. The Foundations of civilization is citi building, we need to think on how to make a city with the political and social structure to work...a city state. Before building we need to make this happen. Maybe take the chat to a Slack to streamline it.....but either way...cities will be build...the first one is the Genesis.
  7. Welcome Prospective Players! Dual Universe provides players with a unique opportunity to create a universe completely made and designed by our own choices and decisions. Through such processes as territory control, a player-driven economy and editable surroundings, we can now interact with the world in an unprecedented way and we at Astralis Industries (ASI) intend to take full advantage of that! What Is Astralis Industries?Astralis Industries will represent an in-game company that will take full advantage of the player-driven economy and blueprint system. Working together with each and every member to create a unique environment where each members talent and ingenuity can add to the company's overall success. Focus: Astralis Industries will primarily focus on construct (ship, station, city, probes, drones....etc) construction and programming to design and showcase the most advanced constructs in the game. By creating unique ships that will be used by all types of organizations across the galaxy, we will be able to watch as the face of both Military and Civilian work changes based on the ships Astralis Industries releases to the market. This construction will require many different parts of our organization to work in concert with each other in order to make our designs a success! Mining: Ship construction, testing and eventual mass production will require large amounts of resources to perform. This means that our efforts in discovering and gathering precious minerals will be of top priority during all stages of the game. This will be the backbone of our company as we would like to maintain control of where we get our resources from to build all of our constructs. Trading: As we expand and begin to mass produce our ships in between release cycles, we will need talented individuals to take up the call to take sold ships to their respective buyers. Traders will also be the backbone of our resource transportation fleet, especially during testing and construction. Combat: According to the developer there will be 2 types of combat FPS and Ship-to-Ship, we will need to take advantage of the best of both to set ourselves above the rest and protect our assets. As we grow and expand, its going to be important to watch over individuals/groups as they go out and explore the planets we find ourselves on. We will need to not only protect our explorers but also defend our secrets and protect our assets as we develop into a more profitable company. Through this, combat will play an important role in all aspects and through all phases of the game as we begin to establish ourselves as one of the dominate organizations in the galaxy. Testing: These pilots would be the first to receive our top-of-the-line ships straight out of the drawing board and would ensure that what we produce is of the highest quality. Testing all systems aboard the ship from flight mechanics, to the custom scripts programmed onto them. GoalsAstralis Industries ultimate goal is to create an organization that has a large impact in the in-game economy and can provide for its members, the fees required to pay for the subscription. I know this is a far off goal, but I believe working together, with all the above in mind, we can achieve this and have an awesome time in-game. Prospective Applicants Here at Astralis Industries, we are always seeking amazingly talented people to add to our ranks, if you feel that your skills are unparalleled and that you would enjoy playing with the type of individuals that we represent, then feel free to drop us an application in the format presented below. To help the processing of applicants, we will provide a list of roles (that are subject to change based on game features) that will help both parties (Yourself & Astralis) figure out what play style you prefer. Which in turn will help us create and run events that cater to each of our members. ** None of these are final and don't represent you locking in a role, you can play however you want no matter what you choose, but will help us create fun events and projects around what people like to play ** Roles: Builder: As you can imagine this person would love to just be let loose on an area to build a base/city/spaceport. Ship Designer: This person loves the concept of designing ships that could potentially be used by all sorts of differing organizations. Miner: Resources are required for everything we do, and some people (Including myself) enjoy this type of game play. Search for and finding the rarest resources and having the satisfaction to look at a ship or building and know that "I'm the reason we were able to build this" . Combat (FPS): According to the developer there will be 2 types of combat and the first of which is FPS style. This person is going to focus on watching over individuals/groups as they go out and explore the planets we find ourselves on. They will be our champions and protectors as we journey out among the stars. Showing our strength when necessary and being the shield and that protects us. Combat (Ship): The second type of combat in DU is supposedly, EVE-esq ship-to-ship combat. These individuals will make up the backbone of our fleet. Commanding our ships and organizing large scale campaigns in times of crisis. Understanding that though we are a company at heart, we will not shy away from battle. Offshoot Roles: Programmer: One of the unique abilities offered by DU is the ability to program our ships and structures to be able to do custom actions that aren't native to the game. As a result, having individuals who would love to test out different defensive and offensive programs as well as potentially passive (mining drones, etc..) programs, will help Astralis Industries stand above the rest. Traders: I'm going to be honest, I love trading! However, i'm not entirely sure how it will work in DU and what infrastructure will be in place to support this occupation. Regardless, in whatever facet trading will exist, we will support those who, like myself, love the idea of transporting goods to our partners. Being quick and flexible about delivery runs as well as maintaining diplomatic partnerships throughout all trade deals. Policy/Governance: To be honest, I was hesitant putting this one in. But the territory control and organization structure, offer a unique opportunity for players to dictate and enforce policies and govern controlled territories differently. Due to this mechanic, i'm going to classify this as one you can pair with your primary choice. I'm also opening it up to a broader meaning, in that it will stand for the player's desire to work towards a leadership position. Again, I want to make sure that anyone potentially looking to applying to Astralis Industries understands that these are not roles that you are locking in, but roles that will give us an idea of what the majority of players will want to play and allow us to create and run events that cater to these choices. For instance, if a large group of individuals chose ship building, then we can hold a ship construction competition and have the best ship chosen to be part of the next line of ships released by the company. These would be build and test, so you could potentially pull in a pilot to test it out and even a programmer to customize the capabilities of your entry. Application Format (Copy & Fill): ======================================================== In-Game Name*: Desired Role: What Excites You Most About DU?: Why Astralis Industries?: Primary Language: Voice Communication**: ======================================================== * - Your desired name when the game launches ** - Not required to play or join ======================================================== Current State of Astralis Industries: Currently, i'm working on a variety of different projects to get the back-end of our group up and running. This includes looking into having a logo made, building a website and i'm in the works of setting up a discord server that we can all potentially chat in as the group grows. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like this, so I really want to make sure it's all setup correctly and done with a touch of professionalism. I'll keep everyone updated through the posts in our organization as we get things up and running. If you have any suggestions or ideas for really anything, feel free to send me a private message and we can talk about it there
  8. ​Cops has been disbanded. Sorry for wasting your time. This was a lone decision by Kiklix and does not reflect the other legate lady astrum nor the members. ​The following are the answers to why COPS has been disbanded. Drama: Certain populous organizations and their legate have been concocting rumors about COPS. Legates from other some what populous organizations have made assumptions about COPS and presented these as facts. In every case these people are wrong and only serve to create drama. There is no reason for all the hate I have received and COPS has received. I am done 'playing' with a community full of children. ​EDIT: Removed this section due to clarification by Novaquark. ​ ​​I would like to thank everyone who made the decision to join cops. I am sorry it could not pan out. I wish you all well, I wish Novaquark the best. COPS - Coalition Of Pirates & Smugglers. The arkships landed. We woke anew, scared, unsure. Groups formed, factions aligned. Power corrupted. For all the efforts to save our species, the millennia we traveled, we reverted almost instantly back to that old human nature. Not even extinction could change our habits, our instinct. We have all been there. Watching and witnessing the mega-corporations metastasize and feed off the livelihood of the less fortunate. Class warfare, poverty, slavery...being forced to work by some clown sitting at the top of his ivory tower barking commands. I’ve had enough of it, most likely so have you. It’s time to break from those chains and live a free life. It ain’t easy, ain’t too much glory, but it’s honest (for the most part) and fair. We are a coalition, a collaboration, a consortium, a conspiracy, a communion, a clan, a crew, a club, a confederation, a confederacy collecting cohorts connected, conjoined, combining efforts to be a free people, free from tyranny, terror and totalitarianism. WHAT IT'S LIKE: Ever want to pilot the Millenium Falcon? Ever dream to have a crew who works together like Firefly? You want to be that solo guy who searches for bounties like Boba Fett and his Slave I? This is how we dream to play and we intend to play this way. However Dual may require efforts from a larger group. If this is true, we just want to have a system in place so that people can come together to fullfill their visions. We want solo play, but under the safety net of a larger organization. WHAT WE ARE NOT: ​We are NOT GRIFERS. COPS are pirates, smugglers, outcasts, ninjas, mercenaries in the ROLE play sense, NOT in the griefing sense. THE BREAKDOWN: • Enrollment: Some will get invited, some will inquire. If you want to be part of a free alliance just ask. • Primary language: English and gibberish. • Timezone: Only mega corps keep up with time. • Goal: Solo or co-op gameplay within a larger group. We all like to do our own thing, but somtimes you need to be part of something larger or you will get left behind. COPS is an organization created and designed to bring together like minded people who prefer to play solo without constraints of typical guild requirements (be here on X day, at Y time to raid Z...ya its tiresome). We realize people have limited time to play and that real life takes place first. That being said, Dual Universe looks like this might be a game where cooperation and collaberation are keys to success. If we find this to be true, there might be more expected collaborative gamplay required. We don’t want to force anything on anyone, but just ask people to step up if it is required to do so. In the end it’s not about making a large guild rich, its about making sure your needs are met, our mutal needs are met. We endevor to create an enviroment where co-op game play is actually fun and rewarding. SO WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? • Security: Safety in numbers. • Community: A network of people to work together with if so desired. • Freedom: Free to play your way but with the undertanding that freedom requires effort and work. There will be times we need to work together, its the only way to keep an alliance strong. • A Trade network. Not sure how Dual is going to work with trade, but within a group there will be communication lines. We will be able to trade with each other and help keep our alliance strong. • Veteran ship builders: We have members who have crafted some of the finest voxel ships to ever exist. Our fleet will impress, this I can promise. • Veteran home builders: We have members who have crafted some of the finest voxel sci-fi mega structures to exist. Our home world wont look like a cut rate hostel. • PVP: Lets face it, even if you only care for PVE, PVP might and will happen at some point. If you intend to fly in a ship, once you are out of the ark safe zone, pvp will happen. We intend to create smart ship designs that will help to ensure pvp victories, but you will need to know how to fly it. • PVE: We know some people have no interest in PVP. Hopefully we can get a civilization started with trade, harvesters, crafters etc. It’s good to have folks who specialize in these categories. • Exploring: It’s at the heart of Dual Universe, of course we will explore! • If i can be done in Dual, we intend on experiencing that content in one way or another. GOVERNMENT: Don’t really intend on having some massive over inflated group of power hungry people running the show. I have no interest in that, however there does need to be a head or some form. Castles have kings, homes have breadwinners. Even a pack of wolves looks to their Alpha. I intend on holding the main key of power or have it distributed among a very close group of friends. Those who know me know I fight tooth and nail for the little guy, for honesty and integrity. I have no intent on telling you how to play or what to do...but internal conflicts will occur and those will need to be resolved. We want everyone to be happy and to play together...its the best recipe for success. If COPS sounds like a style of gamplay that you find appealing, speak to Kiklix or LadyAstrum.
  9. The Cinderfall Syndicate is calling on the community in search of master builders and architects interested in creating as well as managing the creation of some of the most important construction projects within its domain. Emberstone: A Planetary Capital City situated near the Novark, to be open to the public and to serve as a major hub for trade, travel, and gathering. The following is a list of the key features which are currently being discussed. The Grand Space Elevator - While at its core it is intended to function as a point of major travel throughout the galaxy. Its overall goal is to be a marvel of engineering, a symbolic gateway to new players as they take their first steps into the vast galaxy. Commercial District - (FlameFeather Mall) A series of stalls, buildings and or outlets situated near the space elevator which can be rented by organizations and individuals for either self promotion or retail use. Funds collected through this system go towards facility maintenance and funding newbie mission terminals on Alioth. The Battle Arena - A large arena to support both ground based combat training and competitive tournaments. Its relative scale and composition are currently only theoretical as they are dependent on currently unknown or unspecified gameplay features. We'll need designers willing to come up with area designs for combatant, possibly viewing stand. A large automated mass transit system - Given the large scale size of the project, a comprehensive transit system will need to be constructed to facilitate movement within Emberstone. Planned features include a large public docking network and internal transit vehicles as well as regular shuttles or transport buses to and from the Arkship, as well as around Emberstone. Town Hall - (Phoenix Hall) A grand central structure overlooking Emberstone to act as a “guild hall” for the Cinderfall Syndicate. It is to include various floors to be used for diplomatic purposes as well an area dedicated to housing memorials to famous and or illustrious individuals who have contributed to Cinderfall or the community. Syndicate Housing Area - A separate area which features player housing and storage for both member organizations within the Syndicate as well as distinguished groups and individuals who contribute constructively. Space Station: (Name to be decided later) An orbital body situated directly over the Grand Space Elevator that will eventually become an extension of Emberstone. Details on its construction and core features are still under debate and will be provided when it becomes available. The station, if possible will be linked via the space elevator, if not we will work on a public shuttle system from the ground to the station. We hope this may serve as one, of probably many, of the ports of entry to Alioth. We hope to provide, with these facilities, a way for newbies or veterans to find missions, content, and camaraderie. Proposed projects are under continuous development and subject to revision, alteration, and cancellation; any feedback is welcome. Any parties interested in being part in this historic endeavor please contact Astro, Neo, or Dark. (Astrophil, Neopolitan, DarkTemplar). Thank you.
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