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Found 9 results

  1. Alioth has a diameter of about 252 km, if I recall correctly. For comparison, Earth has a diameter of 12,756 km. The "dwarf" planet Ceres has a diameter of 939 km. How would you feel if the planets were larger such that they were closer to the sizes of real life planets? I'm of the opinion that more real estate can't be bad, but I also understand why planets in DU should be smaller because of data storage issues or whatever.
  2. IDK if it's just me, but I find it quite unnerving that the player size is absurdly tall (exactly 2 meters). Especially for the sake of allowing smaller interiors to not feel so cramped, as well as making the player generally feel more like themselves (but in an alternate universe, AKA immersion), I think it makes more sense for the player to be 6.5-7 blocks tall. While a minor change, I think it would be a welcome addition. If the devs are willing to go further, I think that the players should be able to set their player height (within reason) when making their character (and/or when we edit our avatars as well). Would be a welcome addition on my part.
  3. Do we have a rough estimate for the size of each "block" like .5 ft squared?
  4. Frize

    Sized screen

    Hi NQ, I had an idea where you can choose the size of a screen to incorporate into the building like a screen voxel, etc.Not have must to say, tell me if i haven't been completly clear, I've a good day, Frize.
  5. Greetings and welcome to the "precursor debate" that is part of a long-term corporate study about organizations and player preferences. The goal? Find out about player preferences. What do you look for in an organization? Does it have to be small, large, cover certain themes, have certain infrastructure or ideology? What should it not have, what do you dislike? Feel free to debate, compare and argue. Chances are the debate or topic will be repeated over the years to get as much input and a level of comparability so expect duplicates over time. This time we refrain from using a poll (yet). 2017 Edit: Now adding: Creating your own organization (from scratch?) vs. joining an existing one - what do you prefer or dislike?
  6. So I was watching videos from the Dual Universe channel: Dual Universe - YouTube And I saw how big the cores for building were. After seeing the sizes of them, I wondered if they could ever be resized to smaller versions but with the same functionality, preferably for smaller ships, such as: pods. --------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My YouTube Channel: MaxedMASKED
  7. In the kickstart promotion video, at 0.50min, JC mentioning that "you can build anything you want, space ships, cities, orbital stations, there is no limit in size" Jc mentioning here the infinity big, from voxels of 25cm What about the infinity small? or at least smaller than 25cm? NQ is missing something in the building part, 25cm voxels will not allow to build a chair, a table, a lamp, a frame, or any decoration objects, to put in (and in fact the only things you can build) empty space ships, empty cities, and empty orbital stations Its like, think big, look at it from far, and forget about details The content of DU is pretty well thought in global, at the scale of civilisations organisations, but what about in details, at the scale of one player? What will one player see ingame? Very detailed textured mesh based elements stuck on very contrasting flat voxel builds? NQ shouldnt forget who will pay and play, who they are targeting when they talk to builders and coders, to lot of people who spend their days on 3d modeling softwares pushing the latest technologies, day by day, making scenes more and more realistic that you cant make anymore the difference. I m talking about gamers who are also architects, interior designers, industrial designers, graphic designers, CG artists, animators, developpers, coders etc... Is DU going to be the game for gamers who grew up with 1m3 blocks in minecraft, who got maturity now to play with 0.25m3 voxels? NO right?! DU isnt based on java and still have a bit more than 2 years of development And i think the community should keep in mind to push further and further the possibilties of the building tool of DU to make it the greatest sandbox of all times
  8. hello every one. the thing that is on my mind right now is how big is one cube. most games have a variable size to them and i was just wondering how big is one this is so i can start dreaming of ships. this also helps people find out how long to make there ships and the units used to give how much room and tolerances that we can have while designing a capital ship or supersized chassis for maintenance and genera ware and tare repairs of our ships. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_historical_ship_types
  9. 1. Will there be a limit to how big a station could be, or will there be repercussions for it that you have to take into account once it gets to big? 2. Will there be the ability to place plant life and water in your stations, or will those be a planet only thing?
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